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This edition applies to IBM® Rational® Development and Test Environment for System z Version (program number 5724-T07) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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The IBM System z Personal Development Tool (zPDT) provides System z functionality, with selected emulated I/O devices. As the name implies, a zPDT is intended for development and similar purposes such as education and demonstrations. It lacks the Reliability and Service (RAS) and flexibility of a “real” System z machine and is not suitable for production use. For more information, see the System z® Personal Development Tool Redbooks.
The service level Rational Development and Test Environment for System z v9.0.0.1 includes the following:
The following documents are references for the offering:
The supported levels of Linux must be at least the 64-bit version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0 or greater, the 64-bit version of openSUSE 11.0 or greater or the 64-bit version of SLES 11 SP1 or greater. Earlier versions of RHEL or openSUSE are not supported.
This update can only be installed on a system where Rational Development and Test Environment for System z Version 9.0 is currently installed. Follow the steps below to install the update. This update needs to be installed using root privileges.
You can install product updates, such as interim fixes and Fix Packs, in console mode or from the command line. Additionally, you can install product updates in silent mode, so that you do not have to monitor or input information during the installation. For more information about installing product updates, see Working from the command line, Working in console mode, and Working in silent mode in the IBM Installation Manager help. In all of these modes, the same basic steps must be performed as in a workstation installation; add the repository with the update and perform the update itself.
You can verify that the update is installed by going to the File->View Installed Packages menu item in Installation Manager. You should see Rational Development and Test Environment for System z_9.0.0.1 listed. Also, run the command z1090instcheck to check if conditions of your system are favorable for Rational Development and Test Environment for System z. You should run this command from the userid configured to run the Rational Development and Test Environment for System z application. The location of the program is: /usr/z1090/bin/z1090instcheck.
If you are installing IBM Rational Developer for System z on a system that will not use a license server or you are setting up a license server, be sure to plug the USB hardware key into an available USB 2.0 slot. If you are planning to install the USB hardware key in a USB hub make sure that the hub is externally powered, otherwise, you could damage the USB hardware key. Ensure that the system clock is correct before plugging in the USB hardware key. If this is a brand new USB hardware key that has not been activated yet, you will need to install a license update file to be able to activate the USB hardware key. If you need to install a license update file for the USB hardware key, the utility SecureUpdateUtility must be run as root from the /usr/z1090/bin directory.
Rational Development and Test Environment for System z Version should not need to be rolled back. In the event it must be, do not use the Rollback option of Installation Manager. Instead, use the Installation Manager uninstall option to uninstall Rational Development and Test Environment for System z Version, and then use Installation Manager to install the original Rational Development and Test Environment for System z Version 9.0.
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010, 2013. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Programming interfaces: Intended programming interfaces allow the customer to write programs to obtain the services of Rational Developer for System z.
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