
Qlogic 10 Gb Converged Network Adapter NIC Device Drivers for Windows 2008 - 64bit
NIC Device Driver Version  (for Windows 2008, 64 Bit ONLY)

NOTES:  Vendor-supplied readme files from Qlogic is attached to the end of
        this file.  It is a general release document included for informational 
        purposes only and may contain references to update procedures not 
	directly supported by this package.

	Installation scripts included with the updates may rely on environment 
	variables set only during the file extraction process.  The user is 
	cautioned to run the installation immediately after extracting the 
	package without rebooting.

        There are references of support for Windows 2003 and 32 bit, however, 
        ONLY Windows 2008 with 64 bit is supported in this package.

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2008. All 
rights reserved.  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication,
or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Before using this information and the product it supports, please read the 
general information in "Notices and Trademarks" in this document.


1.0  Overview
2.0  Installation and setup instructions
     2.1 Standalone usage instructions
     2.2 Troubleshooting tips
3.0  Configuration information 
4.0  Unattended mode
5.0  Web information and support phone Number
6.0  Notices and Trademarks
7.0  Disclaimer

1.0  Overview

  1.1    This update include Win 2008 drivers for Qlogic CNA NIC Device 
         Driver version for System x and Blades.

	The Converged Network Adapter FCoE driver package consists of two 
	drivers; The Network (NIC) driver and the Fibre Channel (STOR) driver. 
	The NIC driver is used for Network connectivity and the FC driver is 
	used for establishing storage drives with Fibre Channel connectivity.

 	This driver package contains the Network (NIC) driver.  If the STOR driver 
	is desired, you will have to obtain the Converged Network Adapter FCoE 
	package that contains the STOR driver.  Either or both drivers can be 
	used depending on desired connections.  

  1.2    Limitations
         - None

  1.3    Problems fixed:
         - See individual change history for more details.

  1.4    Level of Recommendations and Prerequisites for the update:
          - None

  1.5    Dependencies
          - None
  1.6    Update Contents
   		o  qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-
                   - Driver update package
		o  qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-
                   - XML file used with UpdateXpress or similar 
		   update utility.
   		o  qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-
                   - Change history
		o  qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-
                   - Readme file (this file)

2.0  Installation and setup instructions
  This package can be used with several of IBM's update management tools, 
  including IBM UpdateXpress Manager, IBM UpdateXpress System Packs, and 
  IBM Director.

  It can also be used as a standalone executable package.  

  To use the package with one of IBM's update management tools, follwing the 
  instructions that came with your specific management tool.

  2.1 Standalone usage instructions

  As a standalone package, this executible can be used in the following ways:
    - to update the Qlogic DD on the local system.
    - to copy all files necessary for the update to the local hard drive or 
      other media.

  Updating the local system:
    1) Run the executible by double clicking on the file icon, or by typing 
       'qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-' at a command prompt.
    2) Select "Perform Update" and then click "Next".
    3) Click "Update".
    3) To perform another function, click "Back", otherwise click "Exit" to 
       exit the utility.

  Extracting files
    1) Run the executible by double clicking on the file icon, or by typing 
       'qlgc_dd_nic_qlge-' at a command prompt.
    2) Select "Extract to Hard Drive" and then click "Next".
    3) Select the desired destination directory or media and then click "OK".
    4) To perform another function, click "Back", otherwise click "Exit" to 
       exit the utility.

  2.2 Troubleshooting tips
	- None

3.0  Configuration information

4.0  Unattended Mode

  To run this package in unattended mode, use the following command:
    qlgc_dd_nic_qlge- -s 

5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number

  o  You can download new and updated files for IBM products from the IBM 
     Support Web site:

  o  For the latest list of supported operating systems, see the IBM Server 
     Proven - BladeCenter Web site:

  o  With the original purchase of an IBM hardware product, you have access to 
     extensive support coverage.  During the IBM hardware product warranty 
     period, you may call the IBM HelpCenter (1-800-IBM-SERV in the U.S.) for 
     hardware product assistance covered under the terms of the IBM hardware 

6.0 Trademarks and Notices
  IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 
  in the United States and other countries.

  Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in 
  the United States and other countries.

  Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
  of others.

7.0 Disclaimer


  Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to
  restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject
  to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
  IBM Corporation.

(Qlogic NIC -supplied Readme begins here...)


            QLogic 10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver for Windows

                         QLogic Corporation
                         All rights reserved 

Table of Contents
1. Package Contents
2. OS Support
3. Supported Features
4. Using the Driver
   4.1 Creating the Driver Disk 
   4.2 Installing the Driver
   4.3 Removing the Driver
5. Limitations
6. Additional Notes
7. Contacting Support

1. Package Contents

The QLogic 10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver for Windows package contains 
the following files:

 * qlge.inf     - Driver installation file
 * qlge.sys     - QLogic 10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver
 *     - Catalog file
 * qlnic.exe    - QLogic NIC utility
 * Release.txt  - Release notes
 * ReadMe.txt   - Installation instructions and other useful
                  information (this file)

2. OS Support

This release of the QLogic 10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver works with the 
following versions of Windows:

 * The 32-bit NDIS5 Miniport Driver version works with Windows Server
   2003 (x86) version.

 * The 64-bit NDIS5 Miniport Driver version works with Windows Server
   2003 (x64) version.

 * The 32-bit NDIS6 Miniport Driver version works with Windows Server
   2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (x86) versions.

 * The 64-bit NDIS6 Miniport Driver version works with Windows Server
   2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) versions.

3. Supported Features

This driver supports all NDIS 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1 features.

4. Using the Driver

This section provides the following procedures for using the QLogic 
10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver:

 * 4.1 Creating the Driver Disk 
 * 4.2 Installing the Driver
 * 4.3 Removing the Driver

4.1 Creating the Driver Disk

To create a driver disk:

 1. Insert a blank diskette in the floppy disk drive, or use another 
    drive type available to you.

 2. Select the appropriate driver directory on the QLogic CD-ROM (CD)
    (or the CD you burned from the .iso image downloaded from

 3. Click, and then drag the contents of the driver directory from the
    CD to the blank diskette or other drive type.

The diskette or drive should have the following file structure:

 * qlge.inf     - Driver installation file
 * qlge.sys     - QLogic 10GbE NDIS Miniport Driver
 *     - Catalog file
 * qlnic.exe    - QLogic NIC utility
 * Release.txt  - Release notes
 * ReadMe.txt   - Installation instructions and other useful
                  information (this file)
4.2. Installing the Driver

The operating system manages and controls the driver installation
process; the driver follows the process dictated by the operating
system. The driver installation cannot deviate from this process.

This section provides the most common ways of installing and upgrading
the driver, as documented for each operating system. Please consult
the operating system manuals for other installation procedures.

This section is divided as follows:

 * 4.2.1 Initial Installation of the Driver
 * 4.2.2 Updating the Existing NDIS Miniport Driver

NOTE: The QLogic Converged Network Adapter is a multi-function device.
When installed in a Plug and Play system, the OS detects two functions 
for each adapter: Ethernet Controller and Fibre Channel Controller. 
The Ethernet Controller refers to the Ethernet (NDIS) function.

4.2.1  Initial Installation of the Driver

Windows 2003

 1. Power down the system.

 2. Insert the card into an appropriate PCI slot.

 3. Power on the system.

 4. When the system boots up, the Plug and Play subsystem opens a 
    message box informing you that new hardware ("Ethernet 
    Controller") has been found and prompts you to install the driver.

 5. Insert the floppy diskette or other drive, or specify the location
    of the downloaded files. (See section 4.1.)

 6. If the Hardware Update Wizard displays a prompt giving the option
    to connect to Windows Update to search for software, click "No",
    and then click "Next".

 7. If installing from removable media, click "Install the software
    automatically (recommended)", and then click "Next". 

    The Update Wizard locates the driver and automatically completes
    the installation.

 8. Otherwise, if not installing from removable media, click "Install
    from a list or specific location (Advanced"), and then click 

 9. Click "Search for the best driver in these locations".

10. Click "Include this location in the search", browse to the
    location of the driver, and then click "Next".

    A warning message may appear regarding the Digital Signature for
    Windows Logo certification.

11. To continue the driver installation, click "Yes".

12. To complete the installation, click "Finish".

NOTE: A system reboot is not required after installing the driver.

Windows 2008

 1. Power down the system.

 2. Insert the card into a proper PCI slot.

 3. Power on the system.

 4. When the system boots up, the PNP subsystem displays a message 
    box informing you that new hardware ("Ethernet Controller") has 
    been found and prompts you to install the driver.

 5. If the driver is in a removable media, insert it.

 6. Click "Locate and install driver software (recommended)".

 7. If the Hardware Update Wizard displays a prompt giving the option
    to search online, select "Don't search online".

 8. If installing from removable media, click "Next".

    The Update Wizard locates the driver and automatically completes
    the installation.

 9. Otherwise, if not installing from removable media, click "I
    don't have the disc. Show me other options". 

10. Click "Browse my computer for driver software (advanced)", browse
    to the location of the driver, and then click "Next".

    A warning message may appear regarding the Digital Signature for
    Windows Logo certification.

11. To continue the driver installation, click "Yes".

NOTE: A system reboot is not required after installing the driver.

4.2.2 Updating the Existing NDIS Miniport Driver

Windows 2003

 1. Launch the Device Manager as follows:
    a. Right-click My Computer, and then click "Manage."
    b. In the Computer Management dialog box under "System Tools" in 
       the left pane, click "Device Manager".

 2. In the right pane, double-click "Network adapters".

 3. Right-click the QLogic 10GbE PCI Ethernet Adapter, and then click
    "Update Driver".

 4. If the Hardware Update Wizard displays a prompt giving the option
    to connect to Windows Update to search for software, click "No", 
    and then click "Next".

 5. If installing from removable media, select "Install the software
    automatically (recommended)", and then click "Next". 

    The Update Wizard locates the driver and automatically completes
    the installation.

 6. Otherwise, if not installing from removable media, click "Install
    from a list or specific location (Advanced"), and then click 

 7. Click "Search for the best driver in these locations".

 8. Click "Include this location in the search", browse to the
    location of the driver, and then click "Next".

    A warning message may appear regarding the Digital Signature for
    Windows Logo certification.

 9. To continue the driver installation, click "Yes".
NOTE: A system reboot is not required after installing the driver.

Windows 2008

 1. Launch the Device Manager (right-click My Computer, and then 
    click "Device Manager".

 2. Double-click "Network Adapters".

 3. Right-click the QLogic 10GbE Ethernet Adapter, and then click
    "Update Driver".

 4. If installing from removable media, select "Search automatically
    for updated driver software".
 5. If the Hardware Update Wizard displays a prompt giving the option
    to search online, select "Don't search online".

    The Update Wizard locates the driver and automatically completes
    the installation.

 6. Otherwise, if not installing from removable media, click "Browse
    my computer driver software". 

 7. Otherwise, if not installing from removable media, click "I don't 
    have the disc. Show me other options". 

 8. Click "Browse my computer for driver software (advanced)", browse
    to the location of the driver, and then click "Next".

    A warning message may appear regarding the Digital Signature for
    Windows Logo certification.

 9. To continue driver installation, click "Yes".

NOTE: A system reboot is not required after installing the driver.

Windows 2008 SP2

 1. Launch the Device Manager (right-click My Computer, and then 
    click "Device Manager".

 2. Expand the "Network Adapters" list by double-clicking (if not 
    expanded already).

 3. Right-click the QLogic 10Gb PCI Ethernet Adapter, and then click
    "Update Driver Software".

 4. Click "Browse my computer for driver software," which allows you 
    to install the driver from a specific location.

 5. Click "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer".

 6. On the Update Driver Software – QLogic 10Gb PCI Ethernet Adapter
    dialog box, click the "Network Adapter" appropriate for the 
    device, and then click "Next".

 7. After Windows successfully installs the QLogic 10Gb NDIS driver, 
    click "Close".

4.3. Removing the Driver

To remove the driver in a Windows environment, uninstall it as a Plug
and Play device:

 1. Turn off your computer. 

 2. Remove the device from your computer according to the
    manufacturer's instructions. 

NOTE: You do not generally have to use the Device Manager or the
Hardware wizard to uninstall a Plug and Play device. After you remove
the device from your computer and restart your computer, Windows
recognizes that it has been removed.

5. Limitations

No known limitations.

6. Additional Notes

No additional notes.

7. Contacting Support

Please feel free to contact your QLogic approved reseller or QLogic 
Technical Support at any phase of integration for assistance. QLogic
Technical Support can be reached by the following methods: 


(c) Copyright 2010. All rights reserved worldwide. QLogic, the QLogic 
logo, and the Powered by QLogic logo are registered trademarks of
QLogic Corporation. All other brand and product names are trademarks 
or registered trademarks of their respective owners.