JR50846 IBM Business Monitor interim fix dependency information and installation instructions: 1. Interim fix dependencies =========================== a. Prerequisites none b. Supersedes none 2. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR50846 3. Interim fix installation instructions ========================================== a. Download b. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. c. Point Installation Manager to using instructions at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 d. Select IFJR50846 which you downloaded and install. e. Complete Post Installation Manager Instructions (Step 4). f. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. 4. Post Installation Manager install instructions: ================================================== Copy the file proxy-config.xml from WAS_HOME\BusinessSpace\mm.runtime\config to the profile PROFILE_HOME\BusinessSpace\\\mm.runtime.prof\config or a similar path for clusters at \BusinessSpace\\mm.runtime.prof\config\proxy-config.xml Open a wsadmin session by running the following command from the profile_dir/bin directory: wsadmin -lang jython -conntype none For stand-alone servers, run the following command to upload the modified configuration to the server: AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-serverName -nodeName -propertyFileName "" -prefix "Mashups_"]') The following example shows this command: AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-serverName server1 -nodeName PCNode1 -propertyFileName "C:/IBM/WBM/profiles/WBM01/BusinessSpace/PCNode1/server1/mm.runtime.prof/config/proxy-config.xml" -prefix "Mashups_"]') For a clustered environment, run the following wsadmin command: AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-clusterName -propertyFileName "" -prefix "Mashups_"]') The CLUSTER_NAME must be the name of the cluster where Business Space is configured. The following example shows this command: AdminTask.updateBlobConfig('[-clusterName webCluster -propertyFileName "C:/IBM/WBM/profiles/Dmgr/BusinessSpace/webCluster/mm.runtime.prof/config/proxy-config.xml" -prefix "Mashups_" ]') For more information about the updateBlobConfig command see the Configuring the Business Space Ajax proxy topic in the product documentation. Save the configuration and exit the wsadmin session: AdminConfig.save() exit For a stand-alone server, restart the server. For a clustered environment, synchronize the configuration changes to your nodes and restart the cluster that you used for the command updateBlobConfig above. 7. Uninstall instructions ========================= a. Stop the entire environment, including cluster members, node agents, and the deployment manager for a network deployment environment. b. Uninstall the JR50846 interim fix using IBM Installation Manager. This will restore the proxy-config.xml at /BusinessSpace///mm.runtime.prof/config/proxy-config.xml c. Repeat the post installation steps described above in step 4.