============================================================================== ============================================================================== Licensed materials - Property of IBM 5724-D96 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2013 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== README for IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Business Integration for Financial Networks for Multiplatforms V3.1.1 Base PTF UK97565 for APAR PM93601 Driver level: 3420 Date 2013-11-01 ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Table of contents ----------------- A About this document B Summary of changes C Planning D Installation E APAR details F Other changes G Known issues A. About this document ---------------------- Only the online version of this readme document is current. Before you install the corresponding PTF, download the latest version from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/support Download the latest version of the WebSphere BI for FN product documentation from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/library The structure of WebSphere BI for FN readme documents is identical for all PTFs. Sections that are not applicable are left blank. If you install more than one PTF at a time, combine the readme documents by merging the contents of each section. During the installation phase of this PTF your system cannot process messages. This readme document uses the following variables: The installation directory of WebSphere BI for FN. The directory /opt/IBM is used in examples. The customization directory. The directory /var/dni_03_01/cus is used in examples. The deployment directory. The directory /var/dni_03_01/cus/depdata is used in examples. The name of the WebSphere BI for FN instance. The name INST1 is used in examples. The name of the organizational unit. Depending on the context, this might be SYSOU, DNFSYSOU, or the name of a business OU. The names of users, groups, files, and directories are the same as those used in WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms Planning, Installation, and Customization, SH12-6942. If you use different names, use those names instead of the names shown here. B. Summary of changes --------------------- APARs addressed by this PTF: PM93601 CIN UPDATE FOR MSIF APAR PM92781 PM87629 UNWANTED ERROR MESSAGE IN WAS/Z LOG DUE TO AO CHECK EXISTENCE OF THE ALIAS QUEUES PM94869 RMA: 'MARK AS READ' FUNCTION NO LONGER WORKING PM98812 MSIF DELAY IN PROCESSING MESSAGES PM95263 AO FACILITY: UNKNOWN ERROR FOR DNI_SYSOP Additional functional changes: - none Documentation updates: The following manuals have been changed: - Planning, Installation, and Customization - Concepts and Components - Messages and Codes - System Administration - Application Programming Note: Documentation will be published on IBM library site two weeks after PTF availability. In case you need a draft before contact IBM support. The following modules have been changed: /dniv311/admin/appsrv/res/dnp.ado.web.ear /dniv311/admin/appsrv/res/dnf.rma.web.ear /dniv311/admin/data/DNPAO.xml /dniv311/admin/data/DNFRMA.xml /dniv311/admin/data/DNICOMMON.xml /dniv311/admin/data/dniczcdd.xml /dniv311/admin/data/dnicdcig.ddl /dniv311/admin/toolkit/com.ibm.dni.api.jar /dniv311/run/bin/dnfczrmc /dniv311/run/bin/dnfczrmo /dniv311/run/classes/dniczbap.jar /dniv311/run/flows/DNF_RMA.bar /dniv311/run/flows/DNI_SYSOP.bar /dniv311/run/lil/dnicin.lil /dniv311/run/lil64/dnicin64.lil The following are new modules: /dniv311/admin/data/dnicdm7g.ddl C. Planning ----------- C1. Checks to be done >>BEFORE<< installing a new PTF ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Ensure that all previously prepared deployment instructions were carried out. 2. Ensure that all previous CDD changes were implemented using the CDP. To check this, log on to AIX on the customization system as a customizer (ucust1) and enter the following command on your customization system: /dniv311/admin/bin/dnicdpst -i -cdefs where The name of the WebSphere BI for FN instance The name of the customization definitions directory as specified in the CDP ini file, for example: /var/dni_03_01/cus/defs If the response to this command indicates that a customization operation is still pending and it was carried out in: - Customization mode (dnicdp), implement the pending operation before continuing. - Migration mode (dnicdpm): - Ensure that you have not yet shared the files contained in this or any other PTF as described in section D5 step 2. - Implement the pending operation before continuing. 3. Until the migration for this PTF has been completely finished, ensure that no changes are made to the currently implemented CDD. 4. Ensure that all configuration administration changes have been deployed. To check this, enter the following commands: dnicli -s DNI_SYSADM -ou SYSOU > list -ou % -qo amorz > list -cos % -qo amorz > list -ct % -qo amorz Each list command should result in 'No [OU/COS/CT] match search criteria'. 5. Ensure that all security administration changes have been approved. To check this, enter the following commands for each OU: dnicli -s DNI_SECADM -ou > list -ro % -qo mor [only for SYSOU] > list -user % -qo mor Each list command should result in 'No roles found that match specified criteria'. C2. Prerequisite and supersede information ------------------------------------------ This PTF requires the following PTFs: - UK96829 for APAR PM91175 (Base, SWIFT SR2013: UPDATE PTF FOR WEBSPHERE BI FOR FN MESSAGE VALIDATION). This PTF should be installed together with: - UK97480 for APAR PM92781 (MSIF, PROCESSING OF BIG FILES IN MSIF LEADS TO TIMEOUTS FOR OTHER TRANSFERS) C3. Roles involved ------------------ The activities in this PTF involve the following roles: - Installer (root) - Customizer (ucust1) - DB2 administrator (udb2adm1) - WebSphere MB administrator (uwmba1) - WebSphere MB application developer (uwmbad1) - WebSphere Application Server operator (uwaso1) - WebSphere Application Server administrator (uwasa1) D. Installation --------------- D1. Stopping all sessions and services you use ---------------------------------------------- Stop all sessions and services, for example: - Stop all applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. - Log out SIPN FIN LTs. - Close MSIF SnF input and output channels. - Release SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Stop the MSIF Message Transfer service. - Stop the Enhanced InterAct service. - Close all dnicli sessions. For further information, see "Administering and operating components, sessions, and services" in "WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms: System Administration". D2. Stopping all application servers ------------------------------------ Stop all application servers. D3. Stopping all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers ---------------------------------------------------- Stop all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. D4. Backing up your system -------------------------- We recommend to backup your AIX LPAR so that in case of migration issues you can revert to your previous system setup and continue to process workload. D5. Installing PTF by InstallAnywhere ------------------------------------- 1. Install this PTF using IAW based on the chapter "Installing WebSphere BI for FN" in WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms Planning, Installation, and Customization, SH12-6942. Please be aware of the directory containing the installation data for this PTF has changed compared to the directory documented in this chapter, use the path Disk1/InstData/NoVM instead of Disk1/InstData/VM. 2. Ensure that the group ownership of the /dniv311/admin directory and all of its subdirectories and files, is set to group dniadmin. To do this, enter the following command in AIX: chgrp -R dniadmin /dniv311/admin 3. Set the group ownership of the runtime directories and its files to group dnilpp. To do this, enter the following command in AIX: chgrp -R dnilpp /dniv311/run D6. Steps on a customization system ----------------------------------- To update your current definition directory and the customized administrative scripts, and to create deployment instructions and vehicles: 1. Log on to AIX on the customization system as a customizer (ucust1). 2. Change to the customization directory: cd 3. Run your customization profile: . ./dnicus_ 4. Start the CDP in migration mode and use the following commands to migrate customization data: dnicdpm -i > export cdd/_UK97565.cdd > import cdd/_UK97565.cdd > prepare This step updates the customized administrative scripts in the directory '//admin' and generates deployment data for migration of the run-time system for the following resource classes: - DBGNT * grant select permission for DNI_CT_ATTR_VALUE to DNIvUGRP (GRANT SELECT ON DNIvSN.DNI_CT_ATTR_VALUE TO DNIvUGRP) - CFGPF (if SVB DNPAO or DNFRMA is assigned) * create instructions and files required to update the WebSphere BI for FN enterprise applications running in the application server Deployment instructions are generated in the file '///instructions.txt'. You will need this later in the 'E. Activating' section. 5. Implement the customization definition data and quit the CDP session: > implement When the message "DNIZ9013I: Current Definition file already exists." is displayed enter 'y' to continue. > quit D7. Following the deployment instructions created in step D6 ------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the deployment instructions that were created in step D6 with the following exceptions: - do not execute the instructions provided for resource class CFGPF now; you will use them in step D13.3. D8. Additional activities ------------------------- D8.1. DB2 related activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE D8.2. WebSphere MB related activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. D8.3. WebSphere MQ related activities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. D9. Restarting all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers ------------------------------------------------------ Restart all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. D10. Prepare BAR file deployment ------------------------------- D10.1. Backup the BTD repository - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. On the runtime system on which you use the BAP, log on to AIX as the WebSphere MB administrator (for example, uwmba1) and run the profile for your runtime environment by entering: . /var/dni_03_01/run/dniprofile 2. Create a backup of your BTD repository. The location of this directory depends on the version of WebSphere Message Broker you are using: - for version 6.1: $DNI_BAP_PATH/bap/$DNI_QMGR_CFG - for version 7: $DNI_BAP_PATH/bap/$DNI_I where the values of the environment variables DNI_BAP_PATH, DNI_QMGR_CFG and DNI_I correspond to the settings made in your dniprofile. For example, to create a backup of a Broker 7 BTD repository by copying the directory, enter the following commands: mkdir -p $DNI_BAP_PATH/bap/UK97565/$DNI_I cp -R $DNI_BAP_PATH/bap/$DNI_I/ $DNI_BAP_PATH/bap/UK97565/$DNI_I D10.2. Customize BAR files when using mqsideploy or the Toolkit to deploy them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Perform this step only if you use mqsideploy or the Toolkit to deploy broker archive (BAR) files manually. If you use the BAP (dniczbap) to automatically deploy the BAR files, skip this step and later deploy the BAR files directly as described in step D11.2.2. If you are unsure which method to use, use the same method that you used when you initially created your instance as described in "Planning, Installation, and Customization". To customize the BAR files for manual deployment: 1. On the runtime system on which you use the BAP, log on to AIX as the WebSphere MB administrator (for example, uwmba1) and run the profile for your runtime environment by entering: . /var/dni_03_01/run/dniprofile 2. Create a temporary directory to which you have read and write access and that has at least 35MB of free space. This is the directory in which dniczbap will store the customized BAR files. 3. The component to which the BAP deploys message flows depends on which version of WebSphere Message Broker is used: - For V6.1, the BAP deploys message flows to the configuration manager. - For V7, the BAP deploys message flows to the broker. Sometimes, the BAP cannot connect directly to this component, for example, when you use Broker V6.1 and the configuration manager is located on Windows. How you customize the BAR files depends on whether the BAP can connect to this component: a. If a connection is not possible, issue the following command to customize all BAR files: dniczbap -cmd prepare -all -dir where represents the output directory created in step 2. b. If a connection is possible, ensure that the configuration manager (if using Broker V6) and the brokers are running, and that no flows or execution groups are stopped. Issue the following command to cause the BAP to identify the BAR files that are to be updated: dniczbap -cmd prepare -update new -dir where represents the output directory created in step 2. Regardless of which method (a or b) you use, each of the customized BAR files in the output directory has a name of the form: ....bar where The name of your instance. The name of the broker to which the BAR file is to be deployed. The name of the execution group to which the BAR file is to be deployed. The name of the BAR file as provided by WebSphere BI for FN. 4. If you performed step 3.a, identify the BAR files that are listed in section "B. Summary of changes" and delete all other BAR files from the output directory. 5. Transfer, in binary mode, the customized BAR files in the output directory to the Toolkit or to the system on which you will later issue the mqsideploy command. 6. If you will use the Toolkit to deploy the message flows, import the customized BAR files. D11. Redeploy updated BAR files ------------------------------- Deploying the WebSphere BI for FN BAR files that are delivered in this PTF updates the message flows that run in the broker. For a list of flows contained in each BAR file, refer to "Planning execution groups" section of "Planning, Installation, and Customization". Each WebSphere BI for FN message flow has a suffix that represents its version. For example, the flow DNI_SYSADM_1141 has the version 1141. The version of a flow corresponds to the number of the PTF that most recently updated it. Refer to the header of this readme to determine the PTF number of this PTF. To deploy BAR files, you must have the access rights of the WebSphere MB administrator (UWMBA1). D11.1. Deploy new message flows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE D11.2. Update existing message flows - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you already prepared the customized BAR files as described in step D10, proceed with step D11.2.1; otherwise, proceed with step D11.2.2 D11.2.1 Deploying the BAR files customized in step D10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Use the Toolkit or the mqsideploy command to manually deploy the BAR files. Remove the old versions of the message flows that have been updated by the BAR files you deployed. If you neglect to do this, two different versions of the flows will run simultaneously with unpredictable results. D11.2.2 Deploying BAR files when step D10 was not performed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Use the BAP (dniczbap) to customize and automatically deploy the BAR files: 1. Ensure that: - The configuration manager is running (applies only for Broker V6.1) - The brokers are running - No flows or execution groups are stopped. Otherwise, old flow levels might not be deleted during the BAP update operation. 2. On the runtime system where you use the BAP, log on to AIX as the WebSphere MB administrator (for example, uwmba1) and run the profile for your runtime environment by entering: . /var/dni_03_01/run/dniprofile 3. Ensure that you have at least 35 MB of free space in the current directory. 4. Issue the following command: dniczbap -cmd prepare -update new -deploy 5. Issue the following command to verify that all previous versions of the updated message flows were removed successfully: dniczbap -cmd check The result should be: DNIZ1314I: No problems detected. If you receive the message DNIZ1313E follow the instructions provided in the user response to correct the problem. D11.3. Activating WebSphere BI for FN accounting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. D12. Migrating configuration data --------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. D12.1 Generating configuration data migration scripts --------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE D13. Updating the WebSphere BI for FN enterprise application ------------------------------------------------------------ D13.1. Backing up the WebSphere Application Server configuration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Which resources you need to back up depends on whether you use a clustered application server environment or a single server: - If you have a clustered application server environment, back up your deployment manager profile and all other profiles on all nodes that belong to the cluster. - If you have a single application server environment, back up the application server profile. As the WebSphere Application Server operator (uwaso1), issue the following command for each profile that is to be backed up: On Windows: \bin\manageprofiles.bat -backupProfile -profileName -backupFile On other platforms: /bin/manageprofiles.sh -backupProfile -profileName -backupFile where represents the installation directory of the application server and represents the file name under which the backup should be stored. D13.2. Update the WebSphere Application Server environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE D13.3. Migrating the enterprise application - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If the instructions created in step D6 contain the resource class CFGPF, follow this section now to update the enterprise applications. Before starting to update the enterprise applications, start the application server on which the enterprise application runs. If you use a clustered application server environment, start the deployment manager, node agent, and all members of the application server cluster. D14. Restarting all sessions and services ----------------------------------------- Restart all of the sessions and services that you use. How to do this depends on which WebSphere BI for FN features you use. For example: - Log in SIPN FIN LTs. - Subscribe MSIF to SAGs to enable file transfer and session monitoring. - Start the MSIF Message Transfer service. - Start the Enhanced InterAct service. - Acquire SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Open MSIF SnF input and output channels. - Start the applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. For further information, see "Administering and operating components, sessions, and services" in "WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms: System Administration". D15. Updating the Toolkit development environment ------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE D16. Verifying your Installation -------------------------------- This PTF contains updated versions of the RMA or AO Facility enterprise applications. To verify that an enterprise application is the most current version: 1. Log-on to the enterprise application. 2. Click the 'About' link in the upper right corner. A dialog box opens. 3. In the dialog box, locate the build number. Compare it to the driver level specified in the header of this readme file. Both numbers should be identical. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Installation * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* E. APAR details --------------- Fixes for the following APARs are contained in this PTF: PM93601 CIN UPDATE FOR MSIF APAR PM92781 Formerly, a message flow using a controlled input node (CIN) can process messages from up to 4 MQ queues. Now, a message flow using a CIN can process messages from up to 5 MQ queues. PM87629 UNWANTED ERROR MESSAGE IN WAS/Z LOG DUE TO AO CHECK EXISTENCE OF THE ALIAS QUEUES Formerly, when using AO, MQ errors showed up in the WAS FFDC log, indicating that certain MQ queues cannot be found. Now, this has been fixed. When AO is used, MQ errors will no longer recorded in the WAS FFDC log. PM94869 RMA: 'MARK AS READ' FUNCTION NO LONGER WORKING Formerly, although the Mark as Read action was used to indicate that an RMA was read, the answer was still marked as being unread. Now, this has been corrected. PM98812 MSIF DELAY IN PROCESSING MESSAGES Formerly, when a message flow with a controlled input node (CIN) was idle, in certain situations, it took up to 5 seconds until the message flow started to process a new message. Now, when a message flow with a CIN is idle, it takes no more than 1 second until the message flow starts to process a new message. PM95263 Base AO FACILITY: UNKNOWN ERROR FOR DNI_SYSOP Formerly, when a command with syntax error was issued to service DNI_SYSOP the error response was also reflected in SYSLOG as WMB exception. Now, the service does only sent responses for syntax check failures and does not throw an exception visible in SYSLOG. F. Other changes ---------------- - Avoid unwanted "File not found" exceptions in WAS log Formerly, when using the AO facility or when using RMA, FileNotFound exceptions showed up in the WAS FFDC log, indicating that certain resources are not available. Now, this has been fixed. When the AO facility or RMA is used, FileNotFound exceptions will no longer recorded in the WAS FFDC log. G. Known issues --------------- NOT APPLICABLE ++++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End ++++