1. Interim fix dependencies =========================== - Prerequisites: None - Supersedes: JR40254 JR41488 JR40184 JR43069 2. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR45303 3. Interim Fix Installation Manager install instructions ======================================================== Follow the steps documented in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656. 4. Post Installation Manager install instructions ================================================= 4.1. Updating the WebSphere Business Monitor widgets ---------------------------------------------------- a. For your profile, open a command window. b. For a clustered environment, go to the /bin directory. For a stand-alone server environment, go to the /bin directory. c. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment. d. Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command: For a stand-alone environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-serverName -nodeName -widgets /BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM} For a network deployment environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName -widgets /BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM} where is the name of the cluster where Business Space is deployed. e. After the widgets are updated, Business Space users should clear their browser cache before logging back in to Business Space. 5. Uninstall Instructions ========================= a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Uninstall the JR45303 interim fix using IBM Installation Manager. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. d. Update the WebSphere Business Monitor widgets using the steps in section 4.1.