You can use Installation Manager on your local system to update WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile Version 1.1.0 with the fix pack from the live web-based repository at the following location: You can also use Installation Manager on your local system to update WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile Version 1.1.0 with the fix pack from the the compressed file downloaded alongside this readme. For additional information, see the WebSphere Application Server V8.0 Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile infocenter link here: To install an fix pack from a service repository using the command line, perform the following actions: 1: Log on to your system. 2: z/OS Only: a: Mount the product file system, read and write, at the path at which it was originally mounted with Installation Manager. b: From the Installation Manager user ID, perform the following actions: 3: IBM i only a: Sign on to the IBM i system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities. b: On a CL command line, run the STRQSH command to start the Qshell command shell. c: Make sure that the umask is set to 022. To verify the umask setting, issue the following command: umask To set the umask setting to 022, issue the following command: umask 022 Change to the Installation_Manager_binaries/eclipse/tools directory, where Installation_Manager_binaries is the installation root directory for the Installation Manager. 4: Change to the Installation_Manager_binaries/eclipse/tools directory, where Installation_Manager_binaries is the installation root directory for the Installation Manager. 5: If you do not already have an Installation Manager credentials file containing your IBM software user ID and password, create one. To create a credentials file, use the imutilsc saveCredential command (use imutilsc.exe on windows): imutilsc saveCredential -keyring keyring_file_location -userName IBM_software_ID -userPassword IBM_software_password -url 6: If using live repository, issue the following command to nstall the fix pack: Note: use imcl.exe on Windows instead of ./imcl. ./imcl install -acceptLicense -installationDirectory product_installation_location -keyring keyring_file_location -repositories 7: If using compressed file download, issue the following command to install the fix pack: Note: Use imcl.exe on Windows instead of ./imcl. ./imcl install -acceptLicense -installationDirectory product_installation_location -keyring keyring_file_location -repositories compressed_file Tip: Installation Manager Version 1.4.4 and later provide an -installFixes option for the imcl install command that allows you to specify the installation of all fixes, all recommended fixes, or no fixes. For information on how to use this option, read the Installation Manager Information Center. Optional: List all installed packages to verify the installation: ./imcl listInstalledPackages -long 8: z/OS Only: Unmount the product file system and remount it, read only, at its production location. To install an fix pack from a service repository using the Installation Manager graphical user interface (GUI), perform the following actions: 1: Start Installation Manager. 2: If using live repository, add to the Installation Manager preferences. 3: If using downloaded compressed file, , add the location of the fix pack file you downloaded to the Installation Manager preferences. 4: Make sure that the Search service repositories during installation and updates option is selected on the Repositories panel in your Installation Manager preferences. 5: Click Update. 6: Select the package group to update with the fix pack, and click Next. 7: Select the fix pack version to install, and click Next. Any recommended fixes are selected by default. If there are recommended fixes, you can select the option to show only recommended fixes and hide non-recommended fixes. 8: Review the summary information, and click Update. 9: Click Finish. 9: Click File > Exit to close Installation Manager.