WebSphere Sensor Events 7.0 | Software Interim Fix | APAR IC72075
About this readme file
This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix.
This fix can be installed on WebSphere Sensor Events 7.0.
Included in this interim fix
The following reported program defects are fixed in this update:
- IC72075: Multiple fixes to the real-time location services (RTLS) adapter framework to enable the support of device-based locations.
Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows® operating systems
- You must have Administrator access to update the WebSphere Sensor Events server.
- It is assumed that the WebSphere Sensor Events server is already installed.
Prerequisites for Linux® and AIX® operating systems
- You must have root access to update the WebSphere Sensor Events server.
- It is assumed that the WebSphere Sensor Events server is already installed.
Installation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC72075.zip, to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC72075\bundles\com.ibm.rfid.core_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\bundles\com.ibm.rfid.rtls.adapterframework_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\bundles\com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.simulator_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\bundles\com.ibm.rfid.rtls.socket.adapter_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\config\rtls_on_remotedc_controller.xml
- IC72075\config\rtls_on_wse_controller.xml
- IC72075\config\sonitor_on_wse_controller.xml
- IC72075\db\addSystemProperty_db2.sql
- IC72075\db\addSystemProperty_oracle.sql
- IC72075\sonitor_update\features\com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.sonitor.feature_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\sonitor_update\plugins\com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.sonitor_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075\sonitor_update\site.xml
- IC72075\IC72075-readme.html
- IC72075\WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\maintenance\IC72075 directory:
- Backup the current system configuration using the Export tool.
- Backup the C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\update_sites\sonitor_update\ directory
- Backup the bundle lists in C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\bundlelists\
- Delete previous RTLS Configurations:
- In the Devices page of the WSE Administrative Console, delete Devices R5, R6, and any other devices in the RTLS category. Then delete the RTLS Simulated Reader configuration group.
- In the Locations page, delete Locations P5 (under Location STORE), P6 (under Location WAREHOUSE), and any other locations of type Active Tag Location. Then delete the Active Tag Location configuration group.
- In the Controllers page, delete Controllers E5, E6, and any other controllers that use the RTLS configuration group. Then delete the 'RTLS on WSE' and 'RTLS on DC' configuration groups.
- In the Agent Configuration page, delete the RTLSSimulatorReaderAgent and the SonitorRTLSReaderAgent if it has been installed.
- Run DB script:
- Stop WAS.
- On a DB2 machine, log in as the database administrator, connect to the IBMSE database in a DB2 command shell, and run the IC72075\db\addSystemProperty_db2.sql script (i.e. 'db2 -tvf addSystemProperty_db2.sql').
- On an Oracle machine, log into SQLPLUS, connect to the IBMSE database, and run the IC72075\db\addSystemProperty_oracle.sql script.
- Import the new RTLS configuration:
- Start WAS.
- In the Import Configurations page of the WSE Administrative Console, import the 3 config files from IC72075\config\ in the following order:
- First import the rtls_on_wse_controller.xml configuration.
- Then import rtls_on_remotedc_controller.xml.
- Finally, import sonitor_on_wse_controller.xml.
- Install Sonitor Agent:
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\update_sites\ directory and replace the sonitor_update\ directory with the new version IC72075\sonitor_update\.
- Install the Sonitor agent located in the update site into the WSE Administrative Console as described in the Information Center. When installing the Sonitor agent, be sure to install it as a ControllerAgent.
- After installing the Sonitor agent, navigate to the Controllers page, click on the 'Sonitor on WSE' configuration page and add the Sonitor agent to the configuration group. Then save the configuration group by clicking 'Update'.
- Update Data Capture bundles:
- Copy the new bundles from IC72075\bundles\ to C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\.
- Update all bundle lists in C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\bundlelists\ that use these bundles with the new timestamps of the bundles. This includes rtlsDTS.txt, rtlsRemoteDC.txt, rtls-sim.txt, and rtls-sonitor.txt.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\maintenance\IC72075 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\properties\version directory.
Installation procedure for Linux and AIX operating systems
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server /opt/IBM/WSE directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC72075.zip, to the /opt/IBM/WSE/maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC72075/bundles/com.ibm.rfid.core_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/bundles/com.ibm.rfid.rtls.adapterframework_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/bundles/com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.simulator_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/bundles/com.ibm.rfid.rtls.socket.adapter_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/config/rtls_on_remotedc_controller.xml
- IC72075/config/rtls_on_wse_controller.xml
- IC72075/config/sonitor_on_wse_controller.xml
- IC72075/db/addSystemProperty_db2.sql
- IC72075/db/addSystemProperty_oracle.sql
- IC72075/sonitor_update/features/com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.sonitor.feature_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/sonitor_update/plugins/com.ibm.rfid.rtls.eventconverter.sonitor_7.0.0.0-v201010251156.jar
- IC72075/sonitor_update/site.xml
- IC72075/IC72075-readme.html
- IC72075/WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the /opt/IBM/WSE/maintenance/IC72075 directory:
- Backup the current system configuration using the Export tool.
- Backup the /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/update_sites/sonitor_update/ directory
- Backup the bundle lists in /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/bundlelists/
- Delete previous RTLS Configurations:
- In the Devices page of the WSE Administrative Console, delete Devices R5, R6, and any other devices in the RTLS category. Then delete the RTLS Simulated Reader configuration group.
- In the Locations page, delete Locations P5 (under Location STORE), P6 (under Location WAREHOUSE), and any other locations of type Active Tag Location. Then delete the Active Tag Location configuration group.
- In the Controllers page, delete Controllers E5, E6, and any other controllers that use the RTLS configuration group. Then delete the 'RTLS on WSE' and 'RTLS on DC' configuration groups.
- In the Agent Configuration page, delete the RTLSSimulatorReaderAgent and the SonitorRTLSReaderAgent if it has been installed.
- Run DB script:
- Stop WAS.
- On a DB2 machine, log in as the database administrator, connect to the IBMSE database in a DB2 command shell, and run the IC72075/db/addSystemProperty_db2.sql script (i.e. 'db2 -tvf addSystemProperty_db2.sql').
- On an Oracle machine, log into SQLPLUS, connect to the IBMSE database, and run the IC72075/db/addSystemProperty_oracle.sql script.
- Import the new RTLS configuration:
- Start WAS.
- In the Import Configurations page of the WSE Administrative Console, import the 3 config files from IC72075/config/ in the following order:
- First import the rtls_on_wse_controller.xml configuration.
- Then import rtls_on_remotedc_controller.xml.
- Finally, import sonitor_on_wse_controller.xml.
- Install Sonitor Agent:
- Navigate to the /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/update_sites/ directory and replace the sonitor_update/ directory with the new version IC72075/sonitor_update/.
- Install the Sonitor agent located in the update site into the WSE Administrative Console as described in the Information Center. When installing the Sonitor agent, be sure to install it as a ControllerAgent.
- After installing the Sonitor agent, navigate to the Controllers page, click on the 'Sonitor on WSE' configuration page and add the Sonitor agent to the configuration group. Then save the configuration group by clicking 'Update'.
- Update Data Capture bundles:
- Copy the new bundles from IC72075/bundles/ to /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/.
- Update all bundle lists in /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/bundlelists/ that use these bundles with the new timestamps of the bundles. This includes rtlsDTS.txt, rtlsRemoteDC.txt, rtls-sim.txt, and rtls-sonitor.txt.
- Navigate to the /opt/IBM/WSE/maintenance/IC72075 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag file to the /opt/IBM/WSE/properties/version directory.
Installation procedure for WebSphere Sensor Events Toolkit
- Follow the Windows install instructions above.
Uninstallation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Import the backup system configuration file from C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\maintenance\IC72075 using the Import tool.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\bundlelists directory and restore backups for all modified bundle lists.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\htdocs\IBM\WSE\bundles\update_sites\sonitor_update\ directory and restore the backup sonitor_update\ directory.
- In the Agent Configuration page, delete the RTLSSimulatorReaderAgent and the SonitorRTLSReaderAgent if it has been installed.
- Re-create the Sonitor agent with the origional sonitor_update using the same method as install step 7.
- Delete the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag file from the C:\Program Files\IBM\WSE\properties\version directory.
- Restart WebSphere Application Server.
Uninstallation procedure for Linux and AIX operating systems
- Import the backup system configuration file from /opt/IBM/WSE/maintenance/IC72075 using the Import tool.
- Navigate to the /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/bundlelists directory and restore backups for all modified bundle lists.
- Navigate to the /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/IBM/WSE/bundles/update_sites/sonitor_update/ directory and restore the backup sonitor_update/ directory.
- In the Agent Configuration page, delete the RTLSSimulatorReaderAgent and the SonitorRTLSReaderAgent if it has been installed.
- Re-create the Sonitor agent with the origional sonitor_update using the same method as install step 7.
- Delete the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC72075.fxtag file from the /opt/IBM/WSE/properties/version directory.
- Restart WebSphere Application Server.
Uninstallation procedure for WebSphere Sensor Event Toolkit
- Follow the Windows uninstall instructions above.
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