Steps for installing Before you install IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric iFix for APAR JR36467, note the following: The basic pre-requisite to installing this iFix is that your current Fabric installation should be at version In a standalone environment, you must stop the server to install WebSphere Business Services Fabric iFix for APAR JR36467. Use this link for instructions: In a network deployment environment, you must also stop the cell in this sequence (use the following links for instructions): Servers Clusters Node agents From the administrative console: From a command line: Deployment manager To install the iFix from a local repository: 1. Download the file. 2. Extract the downloaded ZIP file into a temporary directory. 3. Go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager. IBM Installation Manager opens. 4. On the menu bar, go to File > Preferences. 5. In the navigation pane, click Repositories. 6. In the Repositories pane, click Add Repository. 7. Click the Browse button and navigate to the directory where you have downloaded and extracted the iFix files. 8. Select repository.config. 9. Click Open. 10. In the Add Repository dialog box, click OK. The Add Repository dialog box closes. 11. In the Preferences window, click OK. 12. Follow the instructions below to apply the iFix to your IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric package. To complete the installation of the iFix : 1. Go to Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager. IBM Installation Manager opens. 2. Click Update. The Update Packages wizard starts. 3. Select the IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric package to be updated. Remember you could be updating a standalone Fabric installation or a Fabric test environment configured within WID. 4. Click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories. 5. In the Updates window, select the iFix. 6. Click Next. The License window opens, displaying the list of licenses for the updates you selected. 7. Click each item to review the license agreement text. 8. If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, select the I accept the terms of the license agreements radio button. 9. Click Next. The Update Packages window opens. 10. Select the Fabric profiles that you want to have the iFix applied. 11. Click Next. The summary window opens. 12. Click Update. Installation Manager installs the iFix. After the installation finishes, the Update Packages window refreshes, displaying the list of installed packages and the following message: “Success! The packages were updated.” 13. Click Finish. The Update Packages wizard closes. You have successfully installed the iFix. 14. Close IBM Installation Manager. Updating the Fabric Enterprise Archive(EAR) for Business Space. 1. After the installation is completed, there is a ZIP file, ie dumped in the location INSTALL_PATH\BusinessSpace\Widgets\WBSF. 2. Extract the contents of this ZIP file in a location. 3. You must update the following WebSphere Business Service application in your clusters or servers after applying the iFix. widgets_fabric.ear (located in EXTRACT_LOC\Widgets_Fabric\ear) 4. Details on the procedure to update WebSphere Business Service application are documented at the following location: Note: As per the instructions in the update application link , make sure to take a backup of the application EAR, before updating. 5. Start your servers/cluster members.