================================================================================ ================================================================================ Licensed materials - Property of IBM 5724-D96 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2009 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ README for IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Business Integration for Financial Networks for Multiplatforms V3.1.0 SUPPORT FOR SWIFTNET FIN, SUPPORT FOR SWIFTNET INTERACT, FINANCIAL MESSAGE TRANSFER PTF UK51823 for APAR PK97167 = Date 2009-12-21 = ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Table of contents ----------------- A About this document B Summary of changes C Planning D Preparation E Activating F Cleaning up G Falling back to the previous PTF level H Re-migrating after a previous fallback I APAR details J Other changes A. About this document ---------------------- Only the online version of this readme document is current. Before you install the corresponding PTF, download the latest version from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/support Download the latest version of the WebSphere BI for FN product documentation from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/library The structure of WebSphere BI for FN readme documents is identical for all PTFs. Sections that are not applicable are left blank. If you install more than one PTF at a time, combine the readme documents by merging the contents of each section. The installation of this PTF is done in two phases: 1. Preparation - During this phase your system can continue to process messages as usual. 2. Activation - During this phase your system cannot process messages. This readme document uses the following variables: The installation directory of WebSphere BI for FN. The directory /opt/IBM is used in examples. The names of users, groups, files, and directories are the same as those used in "Planning, Installation, and Customization". If you use different names, use those names instead of the names shown here. B. Summary of changes --------------------- APARs addressed by this PTF: PK97167 FIN UPDATE FOR WEBSPHERE BI FOR FN SUPPORT FOR SWIFTNET FIN, SWIFTNET INTERACT, AND FMT PM01869 EIAS WHEN A SAG STATUS MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN INTERACT SESSION OPERATION, ERROR EVENT DNFJ3017I/DNFJ3018I ARE ISSUED APARs of WebSphere BI for FN V2.2: PK92407 EIA QUERY COMMAND IN SERVICE DNF_EI_CMD DOES NOT DISPLAY ALL DEFINED MESSAGE PARTNERS PK92408 EIA EIAS ISSUES SOME EVENTS WITH SERVICE DNF_ILC_FIN, IF MESSAGE WAREHOUSE IS SWITCHED ON PK94949 FIN SWIFT SIGNATURE ERRORS LEAD TO PROBLEMS IN WBI-FN FIN FSM PK95808 DIAS DIAS: DNFN2602E AFTER RESTART THE SAG 6.3 PK95713 FIN DNFF4432E EVENT WAS NOT SAVED IN CORRECT VALUE FOR LIST COMMAND PK97458 FIN HANDLING OF EVENT DNFH3967E AND MAPPING WITH DNFH3860E PK97254 EIAS EIAS OUTPUT MSG SHOULD BE PROPER TO THE REAL STATUS PM01601 FIN DNF_ILC_FIN MAY PASS 2 RESPONSES IN CASE MWH IS ENABLED PK98152 FIN RECOVER COMMAND IS CONTENDING WITH THE CURRENTLY IN-PROCESS INCOMING MESSAGES Functional changes: NOT APPLICABLE. Documentation updates: The following manuals have been changed: - Planning, Installation, and Customization, - Messages and Codes - System Administration The following modules have been changed: /dnf_03_01/admin/data/dnfczfcy.cli /dnf_03_01/admin/data/dnfczfch.lst /dnf_03_01/run/classes/dnfceias.jar /dnf_03_01/run/data/dnfczfcy.cli /dnf_03_01/run/data/dnfcwdbs.bnd /dnf_03_01/run/data/dnfczfch.lst /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_DIAS_C.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_DIAS_S.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_ILC_FIN.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_ILS_FIN.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_ILS_ACK.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_ILC_CMD.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_PF_IS.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_PF_IR.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_PF_CMD.bar /dnf_03_01/run/flows/DNF_SNF_CMD.bar /dnf_03_01/run/lib/libdnfcwdbs.a /dnf_03_01/run/lib/libdnfcwetc.a /dnf_03_01/run/lib/libdnfcwqio.a /dnf_03_01/run/lil/dnfdgst.lil /dnf_03_01/run/msg/dnfcfmsg.cat /dnf_03_01/run/res/dnfcprsp.xml /dnf_03_01/run/res/dnfcpevt.xml /dnf_03_01/run/res/dnfcfevt.xml /dnf_03_01/run/res/dnfcersp.xml /dnf_03_01/admin/data/DNFFIN.xml C. Planning ----------- Install this PTF together with the product code of WebSphere BI for FN V3.1 Base, PTF UK49806, and PTF UK51812 and the product code of WebSphere BI for FN V3.1 CSN and PTF UK49802 and either follow the instructions in "WebSphere BI for FN: Planning, Installation, and Customization" to do a new customization of your WBI-FN V3.1 environment or follow the instructions in "WebSphere Business Integration for Financial Networks for Multiplatforms: Migrating an instance within its current environment" to migrate your existing WebSphere BI for FN V2.2 Instance to Version 3.1. Depending on which product services you use, you should install this PTF together with the product code of WebSphere BI for FN V3.1 MESSAGING SERVICES FOR SWIFTNET INTERACT AND FILEACT. Please check the Readme's for UK51523 for more detailed information. Prerequisite and supersede information: This PTF requires the following PTFs: - UK49802 for APAR PK91866 (WEBSPHERE BI FOR FN SUPPORT FOR SWIFTNET FIN, SWIFTNET INTERACT, AND FMT UPDATE). - UK51812 for APAR PK97165 (WEBSPHERE BI FOR FN BASE UPDATES). This PTF supersedes the following PTFs: - APAR PK97257 (ENCOUNTER DNIY3305E ERROR WHILE DID NOT SET UP MQFMT_STRING IN RFH2). - APAR PM02014 (RECOVER COMMAND IS CONTENDING WITH THE CURRENTLY IN-PROCESS INCOMING MESSAGES). Roles involved: The activities in this PTF involve the following roles: - Installer (root) D. Preparation -------------- D1. Installation ---------------- 1. Install this PTF using as described in the "Installing WebSphere BI for FN" section of "Planning, Installation, and Customization". D2. Steps on a customization system ------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. D3. Generating configuration data migration scripts ----------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. D4. Customize updated BAR files when not using the BAP (dniczbap) to deploy them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Preparation * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* E. Activating ------------- NOT APPLICABLE. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Activating * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* F. Cleaning up -------------- NOT APPLICABLE. G. Falling back to the previous PTF level ----------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Fallback * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* H. Re-migrating after a previous fallback ----------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Re-migration * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* I. APAR details --------------- Fixes for the following APARs are contained in this PTF: PK97167 FIN UPDATE FOR WEBSPHERE BI FOR FN SUPPORT FOR SWIFTNET FIN, SWIFTNET INTERACT, AND FMT The following WebSphere BI for FN V2.2 APARs were not contained in WebSphere BI for FN V3.1 and are now fixed: PK92407, PK92408, PK94949, PK95808, PK95713, PK97458, PK98152, PK97254, PM01601 PM01869 EIAS WHEN A SAG STATUS MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN INTERACT SESSION OPERATION, ERROR EVENT DNFJ3017I/DNFJ3018I ARE ISSUED Formerly, when a SAG status message was received in InterAct session operation, error events DNFJ3017I or DNFJ3018I were issued. Now, both events are issued as DNFJ3017E or DNFJ3018E, as already documented in Messages and Codes (MC) manual. Additionally, the event DNFJ3016W is changed to DNFJ3016E, according to the MC manual. Fixes for the following WebSphere BI for FN V2.2 APARs are now added to this PTF: PK92407 EIAS QUERY COMMAND IN SERVICE DNF_EI_CMD DOES NOT DISPLAY ALL DEFINED MESSAGE PARTNERS Formerly, the query command does not display all defined message partners. Now, the query command displays all defined message partners. PK92408 EIAS EIAS ISSUES SOME EVENTS WITH SERVICE DNF_ILC_FIN, IF MESSAGE WAREHOUSE IS SWITCHED ON Formerly, when message warehouse was enabled for EIAS, it might happen, that DNF_ILC_FIN was used as service name in events from the DNF_EI_CS service. Now, the correct service name is used in events from the DNF_EI_CS service. PK94949 FIN SWIFT SIGNATURE ERRORS LEAD TO PROBLEMS IN WBI-FN FIN FSM Formerly, when a signature error occurs on the SAG (e.g. due to network communication problems), all subsequent messages received during the same LT session are also flagged with signature verification errors. Without PTF UK48817 applied, these messages got stuck in DNF_IAMS and cannot be processed. With PTF UK48817 applied, these messages are passed to the application with error indication DNFH3862E, and event DNFH3974E is issued. Now, when a signature error occurs on the SAG, only the corresponding message is flagged with signature verification error. Subsequent messages received during the same LT session are not flagged with signature verification error. Regardless of whether PTF UK48817 is applied or not, these messages are passed to the application without error indication DNFH3862E, and event DNFH3974E is no longer issued. PK95808 DIAS DIAS: DNFN2602E AFTER RESTART THE SAG 6.3 Formerly, if SAG 6.3 is used and the SAG was restarted, the event DNFN2602E was issued and a message was put to backout queue DNF_ERROR_UNKNOWN. Now, if SAG 6.3 is used and the SAG is restarted, DIAS does neither issue event DNFN2602E nor put a message to backout queue DNF_ERROR_UNKNOWN. PK95713 FIN DNFF4432E EVENT WAS NOT SAVED IN CORRECT VALUE FOR LIST COMMAND Formerly, when DNFF4432E errors (caused by SAG Status messages on the null response queue) were written to the event log and a list command was issued message DNIK2528E appeared. As a result the actual errors could not be listed. In some cases the DNFF4432E message could have contained malformed parameters. Now, this fix prevents this behavior and the message can be displayed correctly. PK97254 EIAS EIAS OUTPUT MSG SHOULD BE PROPER TO THE REAL STATUS Formerly, after the start command for EIAS had been issued the message appeared: DNFE3278I Start command completed successfully. But a subsequent query showed, that the service was in status stopped. Now, the output message of start command handles the status correctly. PK97458 FIN HANDLING OF EVENT DNFH3967E AND MAPPING WITH DNFH3860E Formerly, when a digest verification error occured while receiving a SWIFTNet FIN message, the Completion folder in MQRFH2 did not only contain the expected MPU DNFH3860E. In addition, it contained an undescribed MPU DNFH3967E, DNFH3968E or DNFH3969E depending on the kind of digest error. These are internal message codes, which are not meant for the public API, but are mapped to MPU DNFH3860E. Now, the additional internal MPUs are not present in the Completion folder, only the mapped MPU DNFH3860E is. PK98152 FIN RECOVER COMMAND IS CONTENDING WITH THE CURRENTLY IN-PROCESS INCOMING MESSAGES Formerly, when a FIN LT was running and receiving messages and a RECOVER command was issued, it could appear that the RECOVER command trigger refering to an already processed message led to errors (BPXM023I, DNFR7499E, DNFH3891E). Now, the duplicate trigger is ignored and an according event DNFH3890I is written to the event log. PM01601 FIN DNF_ILC_FIN MAY PASS 2 RESPONSES IN CASE MWH IS ENABLED Formerly, when a processing error occured in DNF_ILC_FIN and message warehouse was enabled, two different responses were generated and were passed back to the application and/or the exception queue. Now, this behavior is corrected. Fixes for the following APARs from superseded PTFs are also contained in this PTF: PK97257 FIN ENCOUNTER DNIY3305E ERROR WHILE DID NOT SET UP MQFMT_STRING IN RFH2 Formerly, when the payload format of the FIN messages was sent without MQFMT_STRING, the message validation failed with DNIY3305E. Now, this behavior is corrected. PM02014 FIN RECOVER COMMAND IS CONTENDING WITH THE CURRENTLY IN-PROCESS INCOMING MESSAGES Formerly, when a FIN LT was running and receiving messages and a RECOVER command was issued, it could appear that the RECOVER command trigger refering to an already processed message led to errors (BPXM023I, DNFR7499E, DNFH3891E). Now, the duplicate trigger is ignored and an according event DNFH3890I is written to the event log. This APAR was sysrouted from WebSphere BI for FN V2R2 APAR PK97485. J. Other changes ---------------- - Formerly, when receiving OSN messages for FINCopy services acting in BYPASS mode could not be received successful by WebSphere BI for FN. Such a message does not contain a FINCopy2 digest, but an empty PAC trailer to indicate the BYPASS situation. This results in error handling in DNF_ILS_FIN, whereby the FINCopy service configuration was evaluated and a FINCopy2 digest was considered to be mandatory for services with double authentication. Consequently such a message was delivered with an authentication error for FINCopy2 to the business application. Now, the DNF_ILS_FIN logic is changed to consider a FINCopy2 digest as mandatory only, if NO empty PAC is found in the OSN message. In this situation only the FINCopy2 authentication is omitted, the message authentication (M-Digest) and RM authorisation is performed independant of the FINCopy bypass situation. - The changes regarding the length restrictions of the SWIFT Standard Release 2009 (SR2009) are adapted to the file dnfczfcy.cli. SR2009 live date is 21 November 2009. With this PTF for PK97162 installed, new installations of WebSphere BI for FN V3.1 will have the SR2009 values set, and the installation of PTF UK49384 for APAR PK90192 (dnfczc09.cli) to adapt the SR2009 length restrictions changes is not required. - In area of Private Financial Message Transfer following problems found during internal tests were corrected: + MT011 messages may not be formatted correctly. Based on the MUR length of field 108 in block 3, the field 107 has different content. Only if field 108 has 6 characters, the field 107 of MT011 will be correct. + The value of parameter 'OU' of DNFP9823E was missing. + Error DNFR7499E occured when messages were sent and no record was found for LT in LTSS table. + The wrong service for FMT accouting DnfFmtil was used. FMT writes out accounting records for service DnfFmtf and DnfFmtil, but only DnfFmtf was described. Records for DnfFmtil should be issued for DnfFmtf, not DnfFmtil. ++++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End ++++