IBM WebSphere IP Multimedia Connector Component, Version iFix 1Readme
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2006, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted
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with IBM Corp.
About this iFix
This iFix addresses issues that have been discovered in the IMS Connector
Version 6.2. It includes a fix to the OSGi bundle to allow it to find javax.ejb classes in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0.
It includes a fix to the Diameter Sh and Ro Web Services to allow for the successful lookup of Entity Beans in WAS 7.0. It includes a fix to the
IMS Security TAI (Trust Association Interceptor) to allow for a Superadmin principal.
It includes a fix to IMS Security TAI where unauthenticated users where
not being handled correctly by TAI HTTP interceptor. It resolves a problem where in issuing
notifications to Diameter events, an exception could cause some of those
notifications to be lost. Finally, it
adds performance enhancements to the Ro and Sh Notification Web Services by
updating the methods to be asynchronous requests.
Fix and update history
iFix includes APAR LI73946.
APAR LI73946 includes the following fixes:
- As of WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0, the contents of j2ee.jar have been moved to a set of bundles in the WAS_HOME/plugins/ directory. OSGi bundles are expected to explicitly import all non "java" packages, which includes javax.ejb. To avoid ClassNotFoundExceptions on WAS7.0, "Require-Bundle:javax.j2ee.compatibility" was added into the Diameter OSGi manifest file.
- Removed static blocks from Sh and Ro Session Beans to avoid NullPointerExceptions during the lookup of Entity Beans.
- TAI Enhancement for handling Local Container error messages as Unauthenticated.
Software compatibility
- Operating Systems
- Red Hat Enterprise
Linux® AS 5.0 Update 2
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP 2
- Application Server
- WebSphere® Application
Server Network Deployment, Version
- WebSphere® Application
Server Network Deployment, Version
- Java ™
- JDK ™, Version 1.5
(included with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version
- JDK ™, Version 1.6
(included with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version
- Databases
- IBM DB2 Universal
Database™ Version 9.5 FixPak 1
- Oracle Database
Version or 11
Installation requirements
Hardware requirements
Hardware requirements for the IMS Connector are included in the information
center, and they have not changed since version 6.2.0.
Software requirements
Software requirements for IMS Connector are included in the information
center, and they have not changed since version 6.2.0.
Installation instructions for an existing IMS Connector customer installation on WebSphere Application Server version 6.1
Before you begin, ensure that:
- IMS Connector (fix pack 1 for version 6.2) has
been installed.
- You are logged in to the
operating system as the actual root user in a UNIX® environment.
- You log in with the same
root user authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack, or refresh pack.
To apply the iFix, complete the following steps:
- If you are updating a cluster, you
must perform this step on every node within the cluster. Download the IMS Connector update
installer package 6.2.0-WS-WAS-IMS-Connector-IF000002.pak into the was_root/updateInstaller/maintenance
- Start the update installer
as described by WebSphere and select the IMS Connector iFix to be
installed. The update installer will update the was_root/lib/ext
directory with the DHAIMSConnectorTAI.jar. It
will also update the was_root/installableApps
directory with the DHADiameterShWebServiceEAR.ear
and DHADiameterRoWebServiceEAR.ear files.
- Update the
Sh Web Service implementation:
- Start WebSphere
Application Server 6.1 where the IMS Connector is installed.
- Open the Integrated
Solutions Console and log in.
- Click Applications->Enterprise Applications.
- Select the checkbox
for the DHADiameterShWebServiceEAR application
and click Update.
- Click Browse to find
the EAR on the local file system.
- Select the file was_root/installableApps/DHADiameterShWebServiceEAR.ear.
- Click Next on the
following screens, and click Finish in the summary screen.
- Save the changes.
- Update the
Ro Web Service implementation:
- Start WebSphere
Application Server 6.1 where the IMS Connector is installed.
- Open the Integrated
Solutions Console and log in.
- Click Applications->Enterprise Applications.
- Select the checkbox
for the DHADiameterRoWebServiceEAR application
and click Update.
- Click Browse to find
the EAR on the local file system.
- Select the file was_root/installableApps/DHADiameterRoWebServiceEAR.ear.
- Click Next on the
following screens, and click Finish in the summary screen.
- Save the changes.
- Update the Sh and Ro
Notification Web Service implementations:
- Use the wsdl2java
program to generate the new Web Service skeletons and java proxies from
the DiameterRoNotifiyService.wsdl and DiameterShNotifyService.wsdl.
- To update the TAI, you must
shut down and restart the deployment manager and all nodes in the
cluster. The TAI has already been
placed in the proper directory by the Update Installer, and the updates
will be picked on server restart.
Installation instructions for a new IMS Connector customer installation on WebSphere Application Server version 6.1
Before you begin, ensure that:
- Fix Pack 21 for WebSphere
Application Server (WAS) 6.1 has been applied to the server where the IP
Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Connector has been installed.
- IMS Connector (fix pack 1 for version 6.2) has
been installed.
- The IMS Update Installer Plugin is already installed on the WAS Update
Installer (Note: After applying the IMS Update Installer Plugin, if you have upgraded or installed a new version
of the WAS Update Installer (UPDI) itself, then you won’t be able to apply
this iFix. You need to download and run a reset script available on the
support download site which will then allow installation of this iFix (IP Multimedia Connector Component, Version iFix 1). For details see the Update Installer installation page for
IBM WebSphere products for Telecom:
- You are logged in to the
operating system as the actual root user in a UNIX environment.
- You log in with the same
root user authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack, or refresh pack.
To apply the iFix, complete the following steps:
- If you are updating a cluster, you
must perform this step on every node within the cluster. Download the IMS Connector update
installer package 6.2.0-WS-WAS-IMS-Connector-IF000002.pak into the was_root/updateInstaller/maintenance
- Start the update installer
as described by WebSphere and select the IMS Connector iFix to be
installed. The update installer will update the was_root/lib/ext
directory with the DHAIMSConnectorTAI.jar. It
will also update the was_root/installableApps
directory with the DHADiameterShWebServiceEAR.ear
and DHADiameterRoWebServiceEAR.ear files.
- To update the TAI, you must
shut down and restart the deployment manager and all nodes in the
cluster. The TAI has already been
placed in the proper directory by the Update Installer, and the updates
will be picked on server restart.
Installation instructions for a new IMS Connector customer installation on WebSphere Application Server version 7.0
Before you begin, ensure that:
- Fix Pack 01 for WebSphere
Application Server (WAS) 7.0 has been applied to the server.
- The IMS Connector 6.2 product has
been installed.
- The IMS Update Installer Plugin is installed on the WAS Update
Installer. You need to download and install Update Installer Plugin iFix (
iFix 1). For details see the Update Installer installation page for
IBM WebSphere products for Telecom:
- You are logged in to the
operating system as the actual root user in a UNIX environment.
- You log in with the same
root user authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack, or refresh pack.
To apply the iFix, complete the following steps:
- If you are updating a cluster, you
must perform this step on every node within the cluster. Download the IMS Connector update
installer package 6.2.0-WS-WAS-IMS-Connector-IF000002.pak into the was_root/updateInstaller/maintenance
- Start the update installer
as described by WebSphere and select the IMS Connector iFix to be
installed. The update installer will update the was_root/lib/ext
directory with the DHAIMSConnectorTAI.jar. It
will also update the was_root/installableApps
directory with the DHADiameterShWebServiceEAR.ear
and DHADiameterRoWebServiceEAR.ear files.
- To update the TAI, you must
shut down and restart the deployment manager and all nodes in the
cluster. The TAI has already been
placed in the proper directory by the Update Installer, and the updates
will be picked on server restart.
Updates, limitations, and known
Updates, limitations, and known problems about IMS Connector V6.2 are
documented in technotes on the IBM Software Support
Web site:
As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Software
Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you
can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience. Each
of the following links launches a customized query of the live Support
knowledge base. To create your own query, go to the Advanced search page.
All technotes for IMS Connector Version
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