NetView® MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent

This readme file contains information about the IBM® Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS® MultiSystem Manager IBM Tivoli Network Manager Agent component of IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Version 6 Release 2.

This file has the following information:

Installation Planning

MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agents are available on the following platforms:


Software Requirements

Note: x86-64 (also noted as x64) term refers to AMD64/EM64T (AMD64 Opteron or Intel EM64T Xeon). x86-64 support statements for these chipsets do not include IA64 architecture (Itanium or Itanium-2).

Platform details for MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent support:

  • IBM Tivoli Network Manager

  • IBM Tivoli OMNIbus and Network Manager 8.3.0 must be installed and configured on the local workstation before the installation of the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent.

  • SNMP Writer Gateway

  • The SNMP Writer Gateway for OMNIbus is used to convert Omnibus Events into SNMP traps and forward those traps to NetView for z/OS for processing. The MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent creates a configuration file for use with the SNMP Writer Gateway.

  • Language Support

  • English and Japanese (locale UTF-8).

  • The final install footprint for Windows and UNIX systems is about 150 MB of hard disk space

  • Selecting the Correct files

    The files to launch the installation process are located on the Tivoli NetView for z/OS distribution media under the "msm_nm_ip" directory.

    setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_windows.exe Install image for supported Windows operating systems.
    setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_aix_ppc.bin Install image for AIX systems.
    setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_x86.bin Install image for x86 Linux systems.
    setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_s390x_64.bin Install image for Linux on System z systems.
    msm_nm_ip_readme_en.html English version of this readme file.
    msm_nm_ip_readme_ja.html Japanese version of this readme file.
    msm_nm_ip.gen Maintenance file to query build level, patch level, and maintenance level
    msm_nm_ip_silent_install.rsp Multi-platform response file for "silent install" on windows and UNIX platforms.

    Installing and Uninstalling the Agent

    General information concerning Installing and Uninstalling Agents

    Install - Important Information: Uninstall - Important Information:

  • The wizard for the uninstall process will guide you through the uninstall by prompting you to provide information in each wizard panel.
  • Available uninstall options:
  • Installing and Uninstalling the Agent on Windows Systems

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Install - Important Information"

    Installation Tips:

    To install the "MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from DVD:

                   ---- or ----

    To install the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent by HTTP download, follow these instructions:

    Running the setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_windows.exe file starts the InstallAnywhere setup wizard.

    Depending on the speed and memory of your system and other processes currently running and competing for system resources, this preparation could take 30 - 40 seconds. First, you will see an initial "InstallAnywhere is preparing to install" status bar, then a "splash" panel, and within a few moments a "Introduction panel" will be displayed. At this point, the InstallAnywhere wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation steps.

    For installation path specifications, it is important not to use special characters like &, *, or # as part of the target path name.

    Uninstalling the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from Windows Systems

    Note: Before you begin, first read the section "Uninstall - Important Information"

    To uninstall the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent on a supported Windows platform, follow these steps:

    Installing the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent on AIX

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Install - Important Information"

    Installation Tips:

    To install the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from DVD:

                   ---- or ----

    To install the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent by HTTP download, follow these instructions:

    Running the setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_aix_ppc.bin file starts the InstallAnywhere setup wizard.

    When you run setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_aix_ppc.bin, the following status messages are displayed on AIX systems:

       Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
       Unpacking the JRE...
       Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
       Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
       Launching installer...

    The sequence of InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the AIX installation are similar to the other platform installation sequences.

    Using the default directory name of the target folder is recommended but not required. The default path is "/opt/IBM/msm_nm_ip".

    Uninstalling the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from AIX

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Uninstall - Important Information"

    To uninstall the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from AIX, follow these steps:

    Installing the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent on Linux

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Install - Important Information"

    Installation Tips:

    To install the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent by HTTP download, follow these instructions:

    The setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_x86.bin file runs the InstallAnywhere setup wizard.

    When you invoke setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_x86.bin, following status messages are displayed:

             Initializing InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
             Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...

             Running InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...

    The InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the Linux installation are similar to the other platform installation sequences.

    It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/opt/IBM/msm_nm_ip".

    Uninstalling the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from Linux

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Uninstall - Important Information"

    To uninstall the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from Linux, follow these steps:

    Installing the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent on Linux on System z

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Install - Important Information"

    Installation Tips:

    To install the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent by HTTP download, follow these instructions:

    The setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_s390x_64.bin file runs the InstallAnywhere setup wizard.

    When you invoke setup_msm_itnm_ip_agent_linux_s390x_64.bin, following status messages are displayed:

             Initializing InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
             Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...

             Running InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...

    The InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the Linux on System z installation are similar to the other platform installation sequences.

    It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/opt/IBM/msm_nm_ip".

    Uninstalling the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from Linux on System z

    Note: Before you begin, read the section "Uninstall - Important Information"

    To uninstall the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent from Linux on System z, follow these steps:

    Starting and Stopping the Agent

    On all platforms, the agent can be started and stopped from the command line. Although the install directory could have been customized during installation, the default for Windows systems is "C:\Program Files\IBM\msm_nm_ip" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\msm_nm_ip\bin" depending on if your system is 32 bit or 64 bit, and on UNIX platforms, it is "/opt/IBM/msm_nm_ip"

    To start the agent perform the following steps in a command window:

    1. Configure the environment for IBM Tivoli Network Manager.
    2. Change the directory to the "bin" directory MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent installation location.
    3. Invoke the start or stop script as appropriate

    Post-Installation Customizations

    Initial Configuration
    The first time the Agent is started, it configures the system for use as appropriate. During this configuration, the following panel is displayed so that you can configure such things as User IDs and passwords for communication with the Omnibus and IBM Tivoli Network Manager databases.

    Configuration Panel

    See Starting and Stopping the Agent for the steps required to start the Agent.

    The Agent can be forced into configuration mode by starting it with a -Configure option.

    FLCP_StartAgent.bat -Configure

    The configuration panel has the following fields:

    Command Support
    The Agent can be configured to allow commands to be issued to the operating system and restrict where commands can be received from. After the initial configuration, a command control file will be created in the "msm_nm_ip/bin" directory called "command.xml". See the header information inside this file for details of the file format.

    SNMP Gateway Configuration
    During the initial Agent configuration, configuration files will be created for use by the SNMP Gateway. The SNMP Gateway must use these new configuration files in order for traps to be received and processed at NetView. The SNMP Gateway configuration file is called "MSM_snmp.conf" and will be copied into the appropriate directory on the system. The SNMP Gateway must be started specifying the MSM_snmp.conf file as the configuration file. For example on Windows:

    nco_g_snmp -propsfile %OMNIHOME%\etc\MSM_snmp.conf
    or on UNIX
    nco_g_snmp -propsfile $OMNIHOME/etc/MSM_snmp.conf Note: If you are not using the default OMNIbus gateway name, you must update the created MSM_snmp.conf file to include the name of the Object Server from where the gateway reads alerts.
    Gate.Reader.Server: 'OMNIBUS'

    See the publication Installation: Configuring Graphical Components for details on how to configure NetView for z/OS to receive snmp traps.

    User Views
    The agent will retrieve data from the topology database based on views configured for a specific user. The user can be specified on the GETTOPO command. If the user is not specified on the GETTOPO, the agent will use the user id specified in the file in the field GETTOPO_USER.

    Configuring the agent as a service on Windows
    The agent can be configured to run as a service on Windows using the flcpmain command. This will allow the agent to start and stop with the operating system. To install the agent as a service, the agent must first be run from the command line in configuration mode. After the initial configuration, the agent can be installed as a service using the following command:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\msm_nm_ip\bin\flcpmain -install NCOObjectServer

    Note:This will configure the agent to be dependant on the NCOObjectServer service, but only if that service is installed on the local machine.

    The agent can be removed as a service using the following command:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\msm_nm_ip\bin\flcpmain -remove
    Autostarting the agent on a UNIX system.
    The MultiSystem Manager Agent for IBM Tivoli Network Manager can be configured to autostart with the operating system by modifiying the inittab file in the /etc directory. See the documentation that came with your operating system on how to modify the inittab file.
    For example, on AIX, the following line can be added to the inittab to autostart the agent on system startup: flcp:2345:once:/opt/IBM/msm_nm_ip/bin/ > /dev/null

    Viewing information about the agent
    The FLCP_Level command is provided to display basic information about the agent such as build levels and Java levels.

    To issue the command:

    1. Change the directory to the "bin" directory MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent installation location.
    2. Invoke the FLCP_Level script as appropriate

    Configuration Physical Views

    For every z/OS system created in RODM the agent will create a Configuration/Physical view. These can be displayed in NMC by selecting the z/OS Aggregate object and displaying the command pop-up using the right mouse button. On the pop-up window, select Configuration Views and the Physical View. This view will show all the layer 2 and/or the layer 3 network connections regardless of view definitions in IBM Tivoli Network Manager. This view can be configured to only show layer 2 connections, layer 3 connections or both, and it can be configured not to show z/OS to z/OS connections. This configuration is done by modifying the OneHop_IncludeZOS and OneHop_Layers parameters of the file. See the comments in the file for details on these parameters. This view is limited to only show the Layer 2 connections between z/OS systems and to those systems directly connected to a z/OS system.

    Restrictions of the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent

    View Types

    The agent is designed to retrieve topology data from the IBM Tivoli Network Manager database and store it in the Resource Object Data Manager for NetView. However, the agent is only able to retrieve a subset of the data obtained by the IBM Tivoli Network Manager. The agent is limited to the following view types:

    Dynamic Views

    The IBM Tivoli Network Manager product has the ability to change views dynamically based on filter criteria. These criteria can include resources with outstanding alerts or resources that have had ping failures outstanding over an hour for example. The agent builds all views from a snapshot of the database at the time the GETTOPO is issued, therefore these dynamic view may not be up to date. The RODM Collection Manager function of the NMC Console can be used to create dynamic views similar to those created by IBM Tivoli Network Manager.

    View differences

    The agent will gather data for display in the NMC Console based on the views defined in IBM Tivoli Network Manager, however the views displayed in the NMC Console may not match the layout and in some cases the content of the views displayed in IBM Tivoli Network Manager product. Specifically subnets are laid out in a parent/child relationship where subnet views will contain hosts as opposed to the IBM Tivoli Network Manager views that may contain the subnet and the host in a single view. In addition, view objects may be drawn in a grid or a single line in the IBM Tivoli Network Manager product, but be drawn in a circle on the NMC Console.

    Topology links

    Regardless of the view type, the agent will only display layer 2 links when they directly connect to a z/OS resource. All other resource can display layer 3 or subnet connections depending on the specifications in the IBM Tivoli Network Manager view creation panel. Although IBM Tivoli Network Manager may collect other types of topology links, such as PIM and IPM Route, the agent will not include these connections in the data sent to the NetView for z/OS product.

    Event Types

    The MultiSystem Manager will only accept and react to events sent from IBM Tivoli Network Manager and the IBM Tivoli Network Manager probes.

    Multi-Domain Support

    The MultiSystem Manager agent does not support multi-domain environments. This includes a single Network Manager installation with multiple domains feeding a single database, or multiple Network Manager instances feeding a single database.

    Japanese Language

    The MultiSystem Manager agent does not support the use of Japanese character sets in data transferred from the IBM Tivoli Network Manager product. View names and other resources that use Japanese characters in IBM Tivoli Network Manager may not display properly when viewed from the NetView management console.

    Late-Breaking News

    New Enhancements

    Hints and Tips

    Known Defects

    Service History

    Further information regarding the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent build level is contained in the file msm_nm_ip.gen under the doc subdirectory of the installation location.

  • 6.1 release fixpack updates ( now contained in this 6.2 release:
  • New updates for 6.2

  • Documentation Changes

    Getting Help

    For Technical Information

    We are ready to help you with your MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent questions. You can contact us through standard problem reporting procedures.

    Defect Reporting

    For support with this or any Tivoli product, you can contact Tivoli Customer Support in the following way:

    Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-IBM-Serv, #2. International customers should consult the Customer Support Handbook, which is available on our Web site at

    When you contact Tivoli Customer Support, be prepared to provide identification information for your company so that support personnel can assist you more readily. Company identification information may also be needed to access various online services available on the Web site.

    The Customer Support Web site offers extensive information, including a guide to support services (the Customer Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and documentation for all Tivoli products, including Release Notes, Redbooks, and Whitepapers. The documentation sets for some product releases are available in both PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some product releases.

    Additional support is also available on the NetView group on Yahoo!. These forums are monitored by NetView developers who answer questions and provide guidance. When it appears that a problem with the code is found, you will be asked to open a PMR to get resolution. For information about NetView group on Yahoo! registration and access, look on the Web page:

    To find documentation online, point your web browser at the following site and select "Product Documenation and Manuals" in the Learn section:

    We are very interested in hearing about your experience with Tivoli products and documentation. We also welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, please contact us in one of the following ways:

    Determining Your Service Level

    When reporting defects it will be necessary to provide Tivoli with your service level. You will receive instructions on how to do this when you contact Tivoli. You can examine the file named msm_nm_ip.gen under the doc subdirectory of the installation location. This file lists the level of maintenance of the MultiSystem Manager Network Manager Agent.

    Trademarks and Copyrights

    The following terms are trademarks of the respective companies in the United States or other countries or both:

    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    Product Number 5697-NV6
    © Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2013. All rights reserved.

    US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
    disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.


    Last Updated: