This readme file contains information about the NetView Web application component of Tivoli(R) NetView for z/OS(R) Version 6 Release 2 Modification 1.
This file is divided into the following categories:
Installation Planning for NetView Web Application
The NetView Web application is available on the following platforms:
The NetView Web application consists of the following 4 components:
Before installing the NetView Web application, you must decide if you want to use the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 or the IBM WebSphere Application Server as your web server. The Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 image is installed as a 32-bit configuration. This embedded version of the WebSphere is integrated within the installation/package self-extracting image of NetView Web Application. The machine where the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 or IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed is referred to as the Web Application Server.
During the installation process, the InstallShield InstallAnywhere wizard will guide you through a series of short steps to determine your setup preferences. If you select "Yes, install embedded version of WebSphere", then all components (4) of the NetView Web app will be installed and configured. If you select "No, I already have WebSphere installed", then only 3 components will be be installed (installation and configuration of the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server will not take place).
The specific level of the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 component which is shipped as part of the install image is V8.0.0.10. Detailed version information is as follows:
Refer to the IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components manual for more information.
If you are using WebSphere as your web server, IBM WebSphere Application Server, v8 or higher level is required.
Also supported editions are WebSphere v8.5 and v8.5.5.
If you decided to use the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 (which is an installable component of NetView Web application) as your web server, then there is no need for another or separate WebSphere Application Server.
The NetView Web application Japanese version is only supported when connected to the NetView for z/OS Japanese version. The NetView Web application English version is only supported when connected to the NetView for z/OS English version.
The final install footprint is about 800 MB of fixed disk space for Windows and 950 MB for UNIX systems.
Important Note:
During installation and deployment of the NetView Web application, system temp (%TEMP%) space on
Windows and /tmp filesystem on UNIX will increase the total disk space requirements. Also, the target installation directory will
require more disk space during the deployment phase than what is noted for the final install footprint. Based on this, it is recommended that your system have
at least 1.5 GB for temp space and an additional 1.5 GB for the target installation directory.
It is recommended for your Windows or UNIX system to have at least 2 GB of memory. It is very important to have at least 2 GB of virtual memory available for the NetView Web application when installing on the platform Linux on System z.
The NetView Web application is supported on the following operating systems:
Operating System:
Operating System:
Note: For AIX 7.1, APAR IV09585 patch is needed to resolve JDK 1.6 error during WebSphere runtime.
for more details.
This error can also potentially occur when launching the znetview_webapp_aix.bin installer on AIX 7.1. The error would be indicated by the following message
on the terminal:
Error: Port Library failed to initialize: -125 Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
This error does not occur on AIX 6.1
Operating System:
For z/OS x390 64-bit platforms, this architecture requires the installation of compatibility libs for 32-bit apps to run in "compatibility mode" or "tolerance mode".
NetView Web application runs on the 64-bit Linux on System z distributions in compatibility mode does not contain any native 64-bit compiled code.
Operating System:
For additional hardware requirements for IBM Websphere Application Server v8, Advanced Edition, see the WebSphere documentation for the applicable platform.
The files to install are located in the Tivoli NetView for z/OS DVD distribution media under the directory "webapp".
The following files are distributed as part of the NetView Web application:
znetview_webapp_win.exe | InstallAnywhere image for Windows. |
znetview_webapp_aix.bin | InstallAnywhere image for AIX. |
znetview_webapp_zlinux.bin | InstallAnywhere image for Linux on System z. |
znetview_webapp_ia32linux.bin | InstallAnywhere image for Linux on x86-32/x86-64. |
znetview_webapp_readme_en.htm | English version of this README file. |
znetview_webapp_readme_ja.htm | Japanese version of this README file. |
znetview_webapp.gen | Maintenance file. |
znetview_webapp_silent_install.rsp | Silent or "unattended" install option template file. |
Installing/Uninstalling the NetView Web Application
./znetview_webapp_aix.bin -i console
(console mode invocation with "-i console" option can also be used with the uninstall launcher as well)
The default choice for the installation wizard is SECURE CONNECTION when running the NetView Web application with the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8.
Sample URL (notice the "s" with this protocol https !):
https://hostname:9943/netview/NetView4zosDomain/ (secure connection)
Sample URL (either one will provide access):
http://hostname:9980/netview/NetView4zosDomain/ (non-secure connection)
https://hostname:9943/netview/NetView4zosDomain/ (secure connection)
Note: If after installation of the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 component, you then decide that you want to change your CONNECTION from SECURE to NON-SECURE or NON-SECURE to SECURE, then use the "secure script" to make this change. See the section below labeled "Using the secure script:" under Configuring the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 for details.
It is possible that these files may need to be examined by the NetView service support team if any installation errors occur.
To install the NetView Web application on a supported Windows platform, follow these steps:
Installation Tips:
To install the NetView Web application from DVD:
---- or ----
To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download, follow these instructions:
Running the znetview_webapp_win.exe file will invoke the InstallShield InstallAnywhere setup wizard.
When you run znetview_webapp_win.exe for Windows, you get an initial InstallAnywhere panel
that prepares a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to be used for the installation.
Next you should see the display of a NetView for z/OS 6.2.1 "splash screen". The initial panel to start the InstallAnywhere Wizard should appear shortly thereafter.
It is recommended, but not necessary, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "c:\usr\lpp\netview\v6r2m1". It is important not to use special characters like &, *, or # as part of the target folder path name.
To uninstall the NetView Web application on a supported Windows platform, follow these steps:
DO NOT remove any installed files or folders (subdirectories) without first completing
the "Add or Remove Program" process described above in the first bullet.
Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.
To install the NetView Web application from DVD:
---- or ----
To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download, follow these instructions:
Running the znetview_webapp_aix.bin file will invoke the InstallShield InstallAnywhere setup wizard.
When you invoke znetview_webapp_aix.bin, AIX will display the following status messages:
Initializing InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Running InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
The InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the AIX installation are
similar to the other platform installation sequences.
It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1".
To uninstall the NetView Web application from AIX, follow these steps:
InstallAnywhere will run the uninstall program to uninstall all NetView Web application components.
DO NOT remove any installed files or subdirectories without first running the
InstallAnywhere's uninstaller file znetview_webapp_aix_uninstall.bin as described above in the first bullet.
Do not attempt to uninstall the NetView Web application product via "installp -u" or through the SMIT/SMITTY interface.
Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.
To install the NetView Web application on your Linux system follow these steps:
To install the NetView Web application from DVD:
---- or ----
To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download, follow these instructions:
Running the znetview_webapp_zlinux.bin file will invoke the InstallShield InstallAnywhere setup wizard.
When you invoke znetview_webapp_zlinux.bin, your Linux system will display the following status messages:
Initializing InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Running InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
The InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the Linux on System z installation are
similar to the other platform installation sequences.
It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1".
To uninstall the NetView Web application from Linux on System z, follow these steps:
InstallAnywhere will run the uninstall program which will remove all NetView Web application components.
DO NOT remove any installed files or subdirectories without first running the
InstallAnywhere's uninstaller file znetview_webapp_zlinux_uninstall.bin as described above in the first bullet.
Do not attempt to uninstall the NetView Web application product via "rpm -e".
Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.
To install the NetView Web application on your Linux system follow these steps:
To install the NetView Web application by HTTP download, follow these instructions:
Running the znetview_webapp_ia32linux.bin file will invoke the InstallShield InstallAnywhere setup wizard.
When you invoke znetview_webapp_ia32linux.bin, your Linux system will display the following status messages:
Initializing InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Running InstallAnywhere Wizard Installer...
The InstallAnywhere panels that follow with the Linux installation are
similar to the other platform installation sequences.
It is recommended, but not required, to use the default directory name of the target folder. The default path is "/usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1".
To uninstall the NetView Web application from Linux, follow these steps:
InstallAnywhere will run the uninstall program which will remove all NetView Web application components.
DO NOT remove any installed files or subdirectories without first running the
InstallAnywhere's uninstaller file znetview_webapp_ia32linux_uninstall.bin as described above in the first bullet.
Do not attempt to uninstall the NetView Web application product via "rpm -e".
Also, if you have made any important updates to the web.xml file, you might want to save this file before uninstalling the product.
Post-Installation Customizations
If you have installed the NetView Web application component "Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8", then you should skip to the section below called "Post-Installation Customizations for the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8" to complete necessary customization steps that still need to be taken.
If you have installed the zNetViewWebApp.ear file and only want to run the NetView Web application within the WebSphere Application Server, then you still need to complete the following section herein called "Post-Installation Customizations for WebSphere Application Server".
Installing the Enterprise Application (zNetViewWebApp.ear file) with the WebSphere Enterprise Application Wizard
Note: The following steps should be used as a guide only since the presentation of panel information is dependant upon your WebSphere
configuration. For example, if Global Security is not enabled, you may not see any of the "Security" related panels display during the enumerated steps below.
Also, if default binding are pre-configured, then binding information will be filled in automatically with defaults and the Bindings window panel
may not be displayed.
To install the Enterprise Application zNetViewWebApp.ear file:
To start the NetView Web Application
To uninstall the NetView Web application from a supported platform, follow these steps:
Note: You might want to first save any customizations made to the web.xml file before proceeding with the rest of these instructions.
Note: Uninstalling the zNetViewWebApp.ear file from WebSphere Application Server does not uninstall any of the NetView WebSphere application components previously installed. To uninstall the NetView WebSphere application, see the Installing/Uninstalling the NetView Web Application section for your platform.
Important information concerning Japanese environment:
For more information, refer to the IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components manual.
Important information concerning Japanese environment:
For more information, refer to the IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components manual.
Securing logon to the NetView for z/OS host
If a user cannot logon to the NetView host from the NetView Web application, it may be that their user ID has been locked out due to five consecutive unsuccessful logon attempts. This would be indicated by the user being redirected to the web site upon attempting to logon to the NetView host. If a user gets locked out, the administrator can locate the following directory:
and delete the file named userid_domain_settings.xml
Do not modify the userid_domain_settings.xml file manually as that can lead to unexpected results.
The browser instance, which was in use when the NetView user ID lock out occurred, must be closed and a new browser instance started.
Try the logon to the NetView host again with a new browser instance.
Securing connection between NetView host and Web application server
To enable secure connection between the Web application server (where the zNetViewWebApp.ear file has been installed and deployed) and z/OS NetView host, a configuration value in the workstation properties file is required to be updated., file is located here for installations of zNetViewWebApp.ear into base WebSphere Application Server:, file is located here for installations into the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 (path uses default installation location on Windows platform for the example):
Follow the instructions in the file. A value for SECURE_HOST_CONNECTION=TRUE will signal the Web application to enable secure connection to z/OS NetView host. Note: For the Web application to recognize the any change to this SECURE_HOST_CONNECTION setting, the WebSphere application server (where the zNetViewWebApp.ear EAR file has been installed and deployed) will have to be stopped (if running) and started. See section Starting/Stopping the NetView Web Application for details
Supported cryptographic protocols and underlying ciphers will be determined by the z/OS host TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms settings (under TTLSEnvironmentAction section) in the AT-TLS rules file. The workstation Web application component will support SSLv3, TLS v1.0, TLS v1.1, and TLS v1.2 protocols. These same protocols can be supported as well (disabled or enabled) via AT-TLS rules settings. The TLS v1.2 protocol is supported on z/OS 2.1. It is additionally supported on z/OS 1.13 with the following patches: CommServer toleration APAR PM62905 and System SSL APAR OA39422.
Note: NetView's rules file is based off of Communication Server's /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/pagent_TTLS.conf file and are located in z/OS USS (Unix System Services) area: /usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1/samples/at-tls. CNMSJTLS sample job will copy rules file from this location to /etc/netview/at-tls directory. Of course, your z/OS system may be already customized for the AT-TLS function with a different setup for the rules file and other configurations. This information is based upon the NetView samples that are supplied for an example.
To secure the data flow inbound and outbound to the host, the AT-TLS function must be enabled and the z/OS Communications Server Policy Agent (PAGENT) must be configured and active.
Before starting PAGENT (S PAGENT), you have to setup the TCPCONFIG statement with parm TTLS in order to indicate that the AT-TLS function is activated for the TCP/IP stack. This will enable secure data flow on z/OS according to your rules file. Example for this setup would be the invocation of a command as follows (command needs to be run first before attempting to start PAGENT):
you have your TCP/IP profile coded with TCPCONFIG TTLS included in your system startup procedures.
Note: Per z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, when a TCPCONFIG TTLS value is specified, the AT-TLS function uses AT-TLS policy information (configured using Policy Agent) to determine how application connections are processed. If the setting is modified using this VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command, only new connections are affected by the change.
Also note, if updates are made to the rules file, then you have to inform CommServer Policy Agent that a change was made. Use this command to do so:
Summary of situations where the Web application will not be able to sign onto the NetView host:
If the value for SECURE_HOST_CONNECTION=FALSE is specified in the file, then you must make sure that:
CommServer Policy Agent is active, but you are not using NetView's AT-TLS rules
file example that codes for Web application using port 8008 for a secure inbound connection.
If the value for SECURE_HOST_CONNECTION=TRUE is specified in the file, then you must make sure that:
Information concerning a possible System log message:
A message may be seen in the log after issuing the "S PAGENT" command as follows:
This message indicates that ICSF (z/OS Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility) have not been started. It is important to note that while the AT-TLS function provides invocation of System SSL in the TCP transport layer of the stack, System SSL software algorithms cannot provide the strongest cryptographic support compared to ICSF. For example, FIPS 140-2 mode and any use of elliptical curve ciphers require ICSF to be active when the AT-TLS group starts. One caveat (when defining AT-TLS policy for ICSF usage to further restrict secure data flow) is that stronger ciphers, larger key sizes, and special modes of operation (e.g. Suite B, FIPS 140-2), will normally result in a reduction in performance.
Certificate and Key Management for NetView host and Web application server
Important NetView Web application workstation files for consideration:
these files are located at in the same subdirectory as the file.
To create the public and private keys and certificate requests, you can use one of many key management utilities. One such tool, ikeyman, is available with java 1.7 which is included within the Web application install image (located in directory install_location\_jvm\jre\bin).
these files are located on z/OS USS at location /etc/netview/at-tls.
To create the public and private keys and certificates or import/export certificates, use the key management utility on z/OS called gskkyman. See the readme on USS host for instructions in using gskkyman utility or optionally the ikeyman utility for key management of these key ring files.
Starting/Stopping the NetView Web Application
To display help for this command, issue the nvsrvc command without any parameters.
You can set the CONNECTION type to SECURE or NON-SECURE when running the NetView Web application within the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 component at any time by using a tool in the "bin" subdirectory of the NetView Web application installed location. For Windows, the script tool is called "secure.bat". For UNIX it is "".
Only options for the secure script are "y" or "n". Running the script without any parameters will display the available options with a brief description.
For example, if you wanted to set the CONNECTION for the NetView Web application to NON-SECURE on AIX, then you would issue the following command from the ../bin subdirectory:
Refer to "Notes concerning SECURE and NON-SECURE selections for configuring your CONNECTION" in the section above under Install - Important Information concerning the details that will affect your URL access (http vs. https) and port number.
In this server.xml file, look for string invalidationTimeout. Default value is 30. Change this value, save the file and then stop/start the web server to enable the change to take place.
(It is recommended that you make a backup of this file before saving any changes)
Current values of ports values set during the installation can be queried by examining the portdef.props file in the installation_location\properties subdirectory.
Common port values to change are WC_defaulthost (default is 9980) and WC_defaulthost_secure (default is 9943).
You can modify these two values by editing the following three files, searching for their strings, saving your changes,
and then stop/start the web server to enable the changes to take place.
The three files are:
(It is recommended that you make backups of all three files before saving any changes)
Windows Environment - execute the following:
cd D:\usr\lpp\netview\v6r2m1\bin
nvsrvc start webserver (or just nvsrvc start)
UNIX Environment - execute the following:
cd /usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1/bin
./ start webserver (or just ./ start)
Use the following command to start the utility.
Note: D: drive is used as an example drive in the command below.
UNIX Environment - execute the following:
cd /usr/lpp/netview/v6r2m1/wxe/bin
To display the sign-on panel for the NetView Web application from your Internet Browser (Mozilla or Internet Explorer), task DSIWBTSK must be ACTIVE on the NetView for z/OS system.
If you are using the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8, point your web browser to:
If you are using WebSphere, point your web browser to http://hostname:portnumber/netview/NetView4zosDomain/
If you configure your HTTP web server and WebSphere Application Server to use a port other than the
default of 80, then you will need to specify that port in the URL after the hostname. Note that hostname and
port must be separated by a colon.
portnumber is the port number for the application server's internal HTTP or HTTPS transport connection.
NetView4zosDomain is the name that you specified in the servlet-mapping definition in the web.xml file (if you are using the Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8) or the value that you supplied when performing the pre-installation steps for WebSphere. If you have followed the customization steps above, this will be the NetView for z/OS domain name.
Sign on to NetView using a valid user name (NetView operator ID) and password.
Special Considerations for DBCS Japanese environment
The following items describe some situations that need to be considered when operating NetView Web application in a supported Japanese environment:
Do not use wordpad since some Japanese characters will be incorrectly converted from UTF-8 format when saving the file. It is recommended to use another editor that can handle UTF-8 locale.
This section describes the information necessary for installing and starting NetView Web application webserver (WebSphere app server, server1) as a Windows service for the installed component "Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v8".
Initial assumptions for the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
Installing the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
After running the batch file, you should see a final displayed message:
"IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 - NetViewWebApp service successfully added."
Our webserver is now a windows service called "NetViewWebApp". The name to
look for in the windows "Services" panel is the full title:
"IBM WebSphere Application Server v8 - NetViewWebApp".
Starting the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
Now you can start/stop/disable this "NetViewWebApp" service from the Services panel or change directory into C:\usr\lpp\netview\v6r2m1\ewas\bin and run "WASService.exe" and it'll display other options that can be run from the command prompt (like those in the Service panel).
Using the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
Problem Determination for the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
Removing the NetViewWebApp Windows service:
When using the "Save as" feature with the utility, there are some problems related to the Java runtime. You can only "save as" to the current directory as shown in the open file window or to a file that already exists.
The resulting data is corrupt when using "Search" against a command in the field "Enter a command or message" in the secondary web browser panel. This panel displays when, from a Japanese web browser, the "NetView Help" option (under the "NetView Support" heading) is selected on the main Tivoli NetView Welcome panel.An alternative work-around is to issue this same command (as displayed from the "NetView Help" panel) from NCCF or NetView command line.
When using the Japanese web browser, and your credentials are removed (for example, you click on the Sign Off hot link) or expired, and you attempt to display another NetView web page, the error message "CNM1210E No credentials exists to access NetView for z/OS CNM01." will be displayed in English in the browser.
We are ready to help you with your NetView Web application questions. You can contact us through standard problem reporting procedures.
For support for this or any Tivoli product, you can contact Tivoli Customer Support in the following way:
Customers in the United States can also call 1-800-IBM-Serv, #2.
International customers should consult the Customer Support Handbook, which
is available on our Web site:
When you contact Tivoli Customer Support, be prepared to provide identification information for your company so that support personnel can assist you more readily. Company identification information may also be needed to access various online services available on the Web site.
The Customer Support Web site offers extensive information, including a guide to support services (the Customer Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and documentation for all Tivoli products, including Release Notes, Redbooks, and Whitepapers. The documentation sets for some product releases are available in both PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some product releases.
Additional support is also available on the NetView group on Yahoo!. These forums are monitored by NetView developers who answer questions and provide guidance. When it appears that a problem with the code is found, you will be asked to open a PMR to get resolution. For information about registration and access to the NetView group on Yahoo!, look on Web page:
To find documentation online, point your web browser at the following site and select "Product Documenation and Manuals" in the Learn section:
We are very interested in hearing about your experience with Tivoli products and documentation. We also welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, please contact us in one of the following ways:
When reporting defects it will be necessary to provide Tivoli with your service level. You will receive instructions on how to do this when you contact Tivoli. You can view the file named znetview_webapp.gen under the doc subdirectory of the installation location. This file lists the level of maintenance of the NetView Web application.
Also once you are signed onto the NetView Web application, the service level of your application will appear on the About view.
The following terms are trademarks of the respective companies in the United States or other countries or both:
The license agreement for this product refers you to this file, or to a file referenced by this file, for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided in the "LICENSE.TXT" and "NOTICES.TXT" files on the \license directory of the DVD for this product. These files are also installed into the doc product installation directory as part of the installation process. Please note that any non-English version of the information in this file is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the file is the official version.
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