Readme documentation for IBM® Tivoli® Key Lifecycle Manager for Distributed Platforms, Version 2.0.1 Fix Pack 7 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and corequisites, and a list of fixes. All IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager for Distributed Platforms fix packs are cumulative. This fix pack contains the content of all prior fix packs published to date.
Fix Pack Publication date: 26 April 2015
Last modified date: 26 April 2015
Download locations
Tivoli Integrated Portal Fix Pack
and corequisites
Known issues
Updates to CLI
Installation information:
the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager fix pack
to fix pack installation
Performing the
necessary tasks after fix pack installation
pack installation error conditions
List of
Fixes and Features
Copyright and trademark
Document change history
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 platforms supported |
AIX Version 5.3 64-bit |
AIX Version 6.1 64-bit |
AIX Version 7.1 64-bit |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS Version 4 32-bit on x86 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 update 2 32-bit on x86 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 update 2 64-bit on x86 (32-bit mode application) |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 on System z |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 9 32-bit on x86 |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 10 32-bit Service Pack 2 on x86 |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 10 64-bit Service Pack 2 on x86 (32-bit mode application) |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 11 32-bit on x86 |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 11 64-bit on x86 (32-bit mode application) |
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 11 on System z |
Solaris 9 SPARC 64-bit |
Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit |
Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit |
Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit (32-bit mode application) |
Windows Server 2008 32-bit |
Windows Server 2008 64-bit (32-bit mode application) |
Windows Server 2008 R2 32-bit |
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit (32-bit mode application) |
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 has been certified to run on the following virtual environments. The platform running within the virtual machine must be supported by the virtual platform server and Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 (see "platforms supported" table).
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 virtual platforms supported |
VMWare ESX/ESXi Server Versions 4.0,5.0,5.1 and 5.5 |
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization/Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (RHEV/KVM) Version 5.4 |
Download IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 Fix Pack from IBM Fix Central:
Go to IBM Fix Central Home Page, http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/ .
For the Product Group, select "Security Systems".
For the Product, select "IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager".
For Installed Version, select your system's appropriate version level, ie.
For Platform, select the appropriate platform. Choose "Continue".
At the Identify Fixes page, select the "Browse for Fixes" radio button (default) and choose "Continue".
At the Select Fixes page, choose "Fix Pack 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0007". Choose "Continue".
You may be prompted to "Sign In". If you do not have an ID, click on the "register now" link and follow the register steps as appropriate.
At the Download Options page, choose a download method (default is "Download using Download Director").
Select the associated files and README for Fix Pack 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0007 and select "Download now".
Platforms updated by this fix pack
For current version 2.0.1 installations: This fix pack can be installed on systems with Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 GA or higher, including upgrade from the 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0000 Feature Pack upgrade.
This fix pack can be installed on systems installed with Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2 fix pack 4 or higher.
Tivoli Integrated Portal Fix Pack
Prerequisites and corequisites
Tivoli Integrated Portal Version must be installed prior to installation of this fix pack. Tivoli Integrated Portal Version is installed automatically with the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 GA installation. For Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0 installations, Version 2 fix pack 4 ,5 and 6 will install Tivoli Integrated Portal,Version 2 Interim Fix 7 or higher will install Tivoli Integrated Portal
When overriding the Tivoli Integrated Portal default installation location during fix pack installation, the specified directory path defined by the TIP_HOME variable must be typed exactly as specified by Tivoli Integrated Portal.
When installing this Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager fix pack on Windows, the location of Tivoli Integrated Portal should be checked. If Tivoli Integrated Portal was installed in the default location (C:\ibm\tivoli\tiptklmV2), it is not required to set the TIP_HOME variable. If the location of Tivoli Integrated Portal is not the default, the directory path must be typed exactly as defined by Tivoli Integrated Portal.
To check the installation location of Tivoli Integrated Portal:
Open a Windows command prompt
Change directory: cd "c:\Program
or "C:\Program Files
Run the de_lsrootiu.cmd command.
Search the output of the de_lsrootiu.cmd command for <discriminant>directory</discriminant>. The TIP_HOME variable should be set as the directory encapsulated by the <discriminant> tags.
Example de_lsrootiu.cmd output:
<iuInstance undoable="false" softwareLifeCycleStatus="Usable">
The installed Tivoli Integrated Portal path is:
C:\IBM\tiptklmV2. Note that TIP_HOME must be typed in the same
capitalization as the output given in the previous step.
example C:\> set TIP_HOME=C:\IBM\tiptklmV2
When installing this Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager fix pack on UNIX or Linux platforms, the location of Tivoli Integrated Portal should be checked. If Tivoli Integrated Portal was installed in the default location (/opt/IBM/tivoli/tiptklmV2), it is not required to set the TIP_HOME variable. If the location of Tivoli Integrated Portal is not the default, the directory path must be typed exactly as defined by Tivoli Integrated Portal.
To check the installation location of Tivoli Integrated Portal:
Open a shell (in this case, ksh)
Change directory: cd /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin
Run the ./de_lsrootiu.sh command.
Search the output of the de_lsrootiu.sh command for <discriminant>directory</discriminant>. The TIP_HOME variable should be set as the directory encapsulated by the <discriminant> tags.
Example de_lsrootiu.sh output:
<iuInstance undoable="false" softwareLifeCycleStatus="Usable">
The installed Tivoli Integrated Portal path is:
/dmount/IBM/tivoli/tiptklmV2. Note that TIP_HOME must be typed
exactly as the output given in the previous step.
for example:
export TIP_HOME=/dmount/IBM/tivoli/tiptklmV2
The TKLM.ear (com.ibm.tklm.ear) file fails to deploy when running the UNIX updateTKLM.sh or Windows updateTKLM.bat commands.
The following error message is displayed:
KMSDebug.init, noop, already inited (inited=true, logger=com.ibm.ws.logging.WsLogger@19521952) WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminApp update tklm_kms app {-operation update -contents installableApps/com.ibm.tklm.ear -usedefaultbindings }"; exception information: com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7115E: Cannot read input file "C:\windows64\tklminstall_windowsfp\TKLM\META-INF\installableApps\com.ibm.tklm.ear"
ERROR: Failed to deploy TKLM.ear Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Install Exit Code = 9, Problem deploying TKLM.ear.
On Windows platforms, the contents of the fix pack's zip file must be extracted and installed on the same drive as the installation of Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0.1.
If %TIP_HOME% is not set by the user, Tivoli Integrated Portal is located by default on the drive defined by the %SystemDrive% environment variable. The zip file must be extracted in a directory on the same drive.
On the Windows 2008 platform, the location of the Tivoli Integrated Portal installation log has changed. The installation log, IA-TipInstall-00.log, is written in the directory defined by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
On Windows platforms, Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager installation appears to succeed, however, a user cannot login as the tklmadmin user. Link to article about this Tivoli Integrated Portal installation issue.
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Reference Guide does not specify that Tivoli Integrated Portal must be restarted after the tklmKeyStoreUpdate() command is run. Link to article about this documentation issue.
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0, with fix pack 2 or higher installed implements a Shadow Keystore to address a performance issue when storing large quantities of key material in a JCEKS keystore. More information about the Shadow Keystore.
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0, with fix pack 2 or higher installed allows configuration of the KMIP SSL Timeout. More information about the KMIP SSL Timeout.
On the Windows platform, if the Websphere Update Installer that is packaged with the TKLM version 2 installer fails to install, then the TKLM installer does not catch the error. The result leads to further installation problems, such as the eWAS fixpack 29 does not install, which causes after the install completes users cannot login and use the GUI. TKLM packages WebSphere Update Installer version, which erroneously returns a "success" code upon installation failure. WebSphere Update Installer version appears to have corrected this problem. More details about this issue are in APAR IZ95307.
On the Solaris platform, the updateTKLM.sh fix pack installation script should be started from a Korn (ksh) or Bash shell.
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0.1 Scenarios Guide example specifies incorrect configuration options. Link to article about these options.
Due to modifications that Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager makes to the Tivoli Integrated Portal and possible uninstall issues with multiple products that use the same Tivoli Integrated Portal:
Do not install Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager in another product's instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Do not install another product in the instance of Tivoli Integrated Portal that Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager provides.
Problems can occur if you migrate keys that are members of multiple key groups in Encryption Key Manager to Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager. The key is successfully migrated and made a member of the first key group. However, for subsequent key memberships, the migration code will log an error indicating the key and key group were not able to be migrated. You can use the migrated keys to read data, but cannot use the migrated keys to write from any group other than the first group membership that was successfully migrated. The error message is similar to this example:
com.ibm.tklm.common.exception.KLMException: CTGKM0851E The group cannot be created because an entity (key) cannot be in multiple key groups.
Contact support in order to complete migration. Do not install the fix pack until the migration is successful.
Installation may fail on a system with hostname containing special characters. Link to article about hostname special character restriction.
The Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager GUI Welcome Page displays only the IPv4 address when the operating system is configured in IPv4/IPv6 mixed mode. The GUI is not accessible by browser on the Windows Server 2003 platform configured in IPv6 addressing mode. Link to article about IPv6 addressing support.
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 fix packs cannot be installed on Windows in a Cygwin bash shell. Tivoli Integrated Portal detects an incorrect windows version and aborts installation. TKLM v2 fix pack 5 must be started from the Windows environment.
On the Windows platform during installation, there is an option to select the drive where the TKLM DB2 instance will be created (default is C:). If you select another drive, install completes successfully but the instance is created on the C: drive. More details about this issue are described in APAR IV11931. A workaround for moving the DB2 instance is described at this link.
The installation may hang if the installer is not able to get the localhost information of the server. More details about this problem are described in APAR IV13758 and in technote # 1578829 at this link.
The directory path defined by replication.auditLogName option in the <TKLM_HOME>/config/ReplicationTKLMgrConfig.properties file will place replication audit logs in a directory relative to <TKLM_HOME>.Link to article about the replication.auditLogName.
tklmServedDataList: APAR IV16269 added a new option in
tklmServedDataList command to specify the number of entries that
will be displayed. This new option is outputCount.
If outputCount
is 0 (zero), TKLM will display all the entries. If outputCount is
not specified, TKLM will display 2000 entries. For example: print
AdminTask.tklmServedDataList ('[-outputCount 3000]') will display
3000 audit entries.
Note:When setting a large outputCount
value or zero, and you have a large number of audit entries, the
wsadmin process may timeout.
Installing the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Fix Pack.
Prior to fix pack installation
Ensure that Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager is not being utilized before installing the fix pack. If your facility has a "service maintenance outage" process, consider installing this fix pack during an arranged service outage.
A backup of your Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager server should be performed prior to installing this fix pack. Follow the steps Backing up critical files in the Administering section of the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Product Manuals.
Backup Tivoli Integrated Portal files on Windows platforms
Instruction |
Command |
Open a command prompt. |
Click the Start button, Click Run, type cmd and Click the OK button. |
Stop the Tivoli Integrated Portal server |
%TIP_HOME%\bin\stopServer.bat server1 -username [TIP_ADMIN] -password [TIP_PASSWORD] |
Make a temporary directory |
Change to the temporary directory |
cd c:\tipbackup |
Copy the files from the directory where Tivoli Integrated Portal is installed |
xcopy /y /e /d %TIP_HOME% c:\tipbackup |
Start the Tivoli Integrated Portal server |
%TIP_HOME%\bin\startServer.bat server1 -username [TIP_ADMIN]
-password [TIP_PASSWORD] |
Backup Tivoli Integrated Portal files on AIX, Solaris, and Linux platforms
Instruction |
Command |
Open a ksh or bash shell. |
if your default shell is not ksh or bash, run "exec ksh" or "exec bash". |
Stop the Tivoli Integrated Console server |
$TIP_HOME/bin/stopServer.sh server1 -username [TIP_ADMIN] -password [TIP_PASSWORD] |
Make a temporary directory |
Change to the temporary directory |
cd /tmp/tipbackup |
Archive the files from the directory where Tivoli Integrated Portal is installed |
tar -cvf tipbackup.tar $TIP_HOME/* |
Start the Tivoli Integrated Portal server |
$TIP_HOME/bin/startServer.sh server1 -username [TIP_ADMIN]
-password [TIP_PASSWORD] |
Steps for installing a fix pack on Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0.1 on Windows platforms.
Instruction |
Command |
Open a command prompt. |
Click the Start button, Click Run, type cmd and Click the OK button. |
Make a temporary directory. For this example, the directory is called "c:\tklmv2fp". |
md c:\tklmv2fp |
Change directory to the temporary directory. |
cd c:\tklmv2fp |
Download the Windows fix pack into the temporary directory. |
Extract the downloaded file. |
Extract downloaded file 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0007-WINDOWS.zip |
Install the fix pack. |
Enter the command: LOG_FILE is a text log file used for collecting installation information. Defaults:
Note: See Known Issues for instructions about
verifying the Tivoli Integrated Portal default location and
defining the TIP_HOME variable using a case-sensitive directory
path. Note: The directory c:\IBM\tivoli\tiptklmV2 in the example above can be changed to any valid directory. The directory MUST exist prior to running the updateTKLM.bat command. |
Check error codes for fix pack installation success |
View the log file output produced by the updateTKLM.bat script. Check the error conditions produced by the fix pack installer. An error code of "0" is a success. |
Steps for installing a fix
pack on existing Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager version 2.0.1 AIX,
Solaris and Linux platforms.
Instruction |
Command |
Open a ksh or bash shell. |
if your default shell is not ksh or bash, run "exec ksh" or "exec bash". |
Make a temporary directory. For this example, the directory is called "/tmp/tklmv2fp". |
mkdir /tmp/tklmv2fp |
Change directory to the temporary directory. |
cd /tmp/tklmv2fp |
Download the AIX, Solaris and Linux fix pack into the temporary directory. |
Untar and gunzip the downloaded file. |
gunzip 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0007-<platform>.tar.gz where <platform> is: AIX, Linux-s390, Linux-x86 or Solaris |
Install the fix pack. |
Interactive mode command: or Batch mode command: ./updateTKLM.sh [TIP_USERNAME TIP_PASSWORD TKLM_USERNAME TKLM_PASSWORD] | tee -a [ LOG_FILE] 2>&1 where: TKLM_USERNAME defines the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager user
name defined during installation (default:
Defaults: |
the necessary tasks after fix pack installation.
Verify Installation - Run the wsadmin AdminTask.tklmVersionInfo() command
Open a shell (ksh or bash)
Type: cd $TIP_HOME/bin/
Type: ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username <tklmadminUserID> -password <tklmadminPassword>
example: ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username tklmadmin -password tklmpassword
At the wsadmin> prompt type: print AdminTask.tklmVersionInfo()
Windows users:
Open a command prompt.
type cd %TIP_HOME%\bin
type: wsadmin -lang jython -username <tklmadminUserID>-password <tklmadminPassword>
example: wsadmin.bat -lang jython -username tklmadmin -password tklmpassword
At the wsadmin> prompt type: print AdminTask.tklmVersionInfo()
Check the output of the tklmVersionInfo command:
TKLM Version =
TKLM Build Level = 201504241108
A backup of your Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager server should be performed after installing this fix pack. Follow the steps Backing up critical files in the Administering section of the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Product Manuals.
Fix pack installation error conditions
Exit Code |
Description |
Possible Causes, Recovery Actions and Log Locations |
-1 |
User is not "root" user |
AIX, Solaris and Linux: execute the fix pack installer as the "root" user. |
-2 |
/tmp directory does not exist |
Problem creating temporary files because the expected temporary directory does not exist. Create the /tmp directory |
3 |
TIP_HOME environment variable not found or contents of TIP_HOME environment variable incorrect |
AIX, Solaris and Linux: Check if the $TIP_HOME environment variable is valid. Ensure that the $TIP_HOME variable points to the directory where Tivoli Integrated Portal is installed when Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager is deployed. Windows: Check if the %TIP_HOME% environment variable is valid. Ensure that the %TIP_HOME% variable points to the directory where Tivoli Integrated Portal is installed when Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager is deployed. |
7 |
Failure to install Tivoli Integrated Portal fixes. |
Check for generated error messages and error messages in the following log files: AIX, Solaris and Linux: /usr/ibm/common/acsi/logs and $TIP_HOME/logs Windows: %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\logs and %TIP_HOME%\logs If the error message is "Exception: Could not locate the specific root instance", verify the values of the TIP components by running the command: AIX, Solaris and Linux: run the /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/de_lsrootiu.sh command and set $TIP_HOME exactly as the directory path is displayed on the discriminant field, as output from the de_lsrootiu.sh command. Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\de_lsrootiu.cmd or C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\de_lsrootiu.cmd If the value of the de_lsrootiu command is C:\IBM\tivoli\tip with using exact case, you must set the environment variable, %TIP_HOME% with the correct directory name and in the exact case. For example: if %TIP_HOME% is set to C:\IBM\tivoli\tip, then you must set %TIP_HOME% to C:\IBM\tivoli\tip (not C:\ibm\tivoli\tip). Note: See Known Issues for instructions about verifying the Tivoli Integrated Portal default location and defining the TIP_HOME variable using a case-sensitive directory path.
Information about the specific failure is contained in the IA-TIPInstallFP19-00.log, which is located in the following directories:
8 |
TIPadmin or TIPPassword incorrect. |
An incorrect username or password was entered for TIPadmin or TIPPassword. |
9 |
Failed to deploy the TKLM.ear file. |
Check for error messages in the following log files: AIX, Solaris, Linux: Refer to the $TIP_HOME/logs/updateTKLMEar.log and the $TIP_HOME/logs/TKLMInstall_2.0.1.6.log files. Windows: Refer to the %TIP_HOME%\logs\update\TKLMEar.log and the %TIP_HOME%\logs\TKLMInstall_2.0.1.6.log files |
10 |
Failed to install Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager fixes. |
Check for error messages in the following log files: AIX, Solaris and Linux: /usr/ibm/common/acsi/logs, $TIP_HOME/logs and the $TIP_HOME/logs/TKLMInstall_2.0.1.6.log file. Windows: %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\logs,%TIP_HOME%\logs and the %TIP_HOME%\logs\TKLMInstall_2.0.1.6.log file |
12 |
Fix pack already installed |
The TKLM fix pack trying to be installed, is equal to or lower
than the TKLM fix pack already on the system. |
13 |
Failed to stop WAS server1. |
-Verify Tivoli Integrated Portal user ID and password specified
are valid. |
14 |
Failed to start WAS server1 |
The error code from startServer is <code from
startServer>. |
15 |
Passwords do not match |
When prompted to reenter the password for verification, a different password was entered. Please try again. |
16 |
Password cannot be empty |
Please correct the password and try again. |
17 |
Password contained a space. |
Password contained a space. Please correct the password and try again. |
23 |
Failed to backup the registry file |
Failed to backup the registry file: <registryfile> to <registryBackup> Please fix this problem and run this tool again. AIX, Solaris and Linux : registry file: $TIP_HOME/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/fileRegistry.xml. Backup file: $TIP_HOME/temp/fileRegistry.xml. Windows : registry file: %TIP_HOME%\profiles\TIPProfile\config\cells\TIPCell\fileRegistry.xml. Backup file: %TIP_HOME%\temp\fileRegistry.xml. |
24 |
TKLM version 2.0.l must be installed |
TKLM version 2.0.1 must be installed to apply this fixpack. |
25 |
Failed to create device group |
Review the $TIP_HOME/logs/TKLMInstall_<version>.log file. Ensure that your tklmadmin and tklmpassword are correct. |
30 |
Vendor check does not match. |
Vendor check does not match. The fix pack you attempted to install was provided by a different vendor than the currently installed fix pack version. Contact the vendor that supplied your copy of Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager. The vendor will provide you with the correct fix pack for your Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager installation. |
Implementation of these features are published in the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager Version 2.0.1 documentation.
New Features Provided by Version 2.0.1
Hardware security module support for master keys |
Bulk replication for up to 5 clones |
KMIP 1.1 Support |
APAR fixes included in Fix Pack 7
APAR No. |
Sev. |
Abstract |
3 |
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager v2.0.1 Fixpack 7, with RC4 BAR MITZVAH vulnerability fix. |
APAR fixes included in Fix Pack 6
APAR No. |
Sev. |
Abstract |
3 |
Fix for CLI tklmVersionInfo was throwing an error. |
3 |
Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager v2.0.1 Fixpack 6, with POODLE vulnerability fix. |
APAR fixes included in Fix Pack 5
APAR No. |
Sev. |
Abstract |
3 |
3 |
2 |
APAR fixes included in Interim Fix 4
APAR No. |
Sev. |
Abstract |
3 |
APAR fixes included in Fix Pack 3
APAR No. |
Sev. |
Abstract |
3 |
Third-Party Certificate OU and ON Fields are swapped after creation |
2 |
3 |
TKLM v2.0.1 replication.auditlogname cannot be set in replication config |
3 |
TKLM V2.0.1 Scenario Guide Replication Master Configuration File Sample Incorrect |
3 |
3 |
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Change Date |
Reason |
Modified by |
26 April 2015 |
Publishing of 2.0.1-ISS-TKLM-FP0007 |
RB |