この README ファイルには、IBM® Tivoli® Asset Discovery for Distributed バージョン 7.5 の 7.5.0-TIV-TAD4D-IF0010 暫定修正に関する情報が記載されています。 ここに記載されているのは暫定修正に関する最新の情報であり、他の資料に優先します。暫定修正をインストールまたは使用する前に、この README ファイルをよくお読みください。
APAR | 要約 | 説明 | 該当コンポーネント | 使用可能になったタイミング |
IV42828 | LIMITED IMPORT TO LICENSE PART NUMBERS | During the import of part numbers only license part numbers are imported. However, it is possible to also import subscriptions and support. Documentation was updated to also provide information about the second option. | 資料 | Interim fix 10 |
IV42650 | BY TURNING USE ON THERE IS A POSSIBILITY TO OVERLOAD TEMPORARY TABLE SPACES AND CAUSE AGGREGATION TO FAIL | When the usage data is aggregated on the detailed level, memory and disk space consumption rises. It can cause overload of temporary table spaces, and as a consequence aggregation failure. | エージェント | Interim fix 10 |
IV42610 | INVALID MATCHING OF PROCESSORS SOCKETS RESULTS IN INCORRECT DATA BEING DISPLAYED | Processor sockets are incorrectly matched, and thus incorrect data is displayed on the Processors panel. | サーバー | Interim fix 10 |
IV39419 | ILMT EXPECTS IT CONTAINS ONLY LOWERCASE LETTERS A-F OR DIGITS. UPPERCASE CAUSES PROBLEMS | Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) must contain only lowercase letters [a - f] and digits to be accepted by IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed. However, some UUIDs that exist in the application are written in uppercase. | サーバー | Interim fix 10 |
IV37659 | POOR PERFORMANCE FOR ENVIRONMENTS WITH HUGE NUMBER OF USE SIGNATURES PER AGENT | Performance is poor for environments with a large number of signatures per agent. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 10 |
IV40234 | A VIEW HAS BEEN DROPPED AND RECREATED BY IF0008 WHICH RESULTS INLOOSING CUSTOMIZED DB2 GRANTS | After installing interim fix 8, the CUSTOM.AGENT_V view is dropped and re-created with a predefined content. All modifications or changes to the access control list are lost and a default file is created which inhibits carrying out administrative tasks. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV39751 | LMT 7.5 IF 8 FAILS WITH "REQUEST CREDENTIALS" FOR USER TLMSRV | You run the db2 -vf grant.sql -td% command from the DB2® administrator command prompt and sign in to the server with Administrator privileges. Then, you start a new command prompt as an Administrator. If you try to run the update.bat file from the interim fix 8 folder, the script fails with the request for credentials of the tlmsrv user. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV38595 | LACK OF INFORMATION ABOUT AGENT STATUS IS 'CUSTOM.AGENT_V' VIEW IN TLMA DATABASE OF TAD4D | The CUSTOM.AGENT_V view in the TLMA database represents the AGENT table. However, it does not contain information about the status of the agent. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV38580 | THE USER USED TO ISNTALL THE PRODUCT SHOULD BE PRESENT IN THE ENVIRONMENT TO INSTALL THE FP | If the user whose credentials were used to install Tivoli Asset
Discovery for Distributed is
not present in the environment during the installation of fix pack
1, an error is returned. By default, the user is tipadmin.
To check the credentials of this user, open the master.tag file
and find the following information:
サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV38561 | REPORT IN RUNNING STATE FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME | Connection to the database is not closed and temporary tables are not deleted. Thus, the maximum number of temporary tables in DB2 is exceeded. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV38475 | ILMT 7.2.2/7.5 AGENT SELF-UPDATE ISSUES ON AIX WITH CUSTOM AGENT INSTALLATION | During the self-update of agents on AIX®, agent custom location is ignored, and the custom certificate and settings of the tlmagent.ini table are lost. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 9 |
IV38454 | AGENT MIGRATION LMT >TAD4D MISSING | The procedure for migrating License Metric Tool 7.5 agents to Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.5 agents is not clearly documented. | エージェントと資料 | Interim fix 9 |
IV38356 | STANDALONE SCANS GENERATES INVALID ZIP PACKAGE | After running stand-alone script on AIX, a corrupted output is generated. The plugin.properties file is missing from the compressed output and there are two files with software scan results, one of which is empty. | エージェント | Interim fix 9 |
IV38242 | CONCURRENT INSERT TO ADM.AGGR_PENDING IS CAUSING RECALCULATION PROBLEMS | If data is concurrently inserted to the adm.aggr_pending table, recalculation problems occur. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
IV37389 | PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR SITUATION WHEN SRCMSTR DAEMON IS NOT WORKING | If the System Resource Controller is not working, installation of an agent on AIX fails. | エージェント | Interim fix 9 |
IV36493 | DOCUMENT HAS TO BE UPDATED REGARDING VIRTUAL_COMP_TYPE | The VIRTUAL_COMP_TYPE column in the CUSTOM.HW_COMPUTER_V database view is incorrectly described. It is stated that the view shows the state of the agent while it indicates whether the system is virtual or physical one. | 資料 | Interim fix 8 |
IV36548 | DETAILS ON SUPPORTED WAS ND CONFIGURATION MISSING FROM LMT/TAD4D 7.5 DOCUMENTATION | Documentation does not list exact versions of WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment that are supported by Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed. | 資料 | Interim fix 8 |
IV37491 | EXCLUDE /QSYS.LIB/QRCL.LIB/ PATH FROM BEING SCANNED ON I5 | On i5, the /QSYS.LIB/QRCL.LIB/ directory is used to store invalid objects and data that was found by the RCLSTG tool. When the Common Inventory Technology scanner scans the directory, the scanner fails because of a failing lstat system call. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
IV37618 | SOFTWARE SCAN HISTORY REPORT UNNECESSARILY CONVERTED TO LOCAL TIMEZONE | The scheduled date of a software scan in the software scan history report does not match the scan date on the Agents panel. The date is improperly converted to the local zone when read from the database. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
IV37691 | ILMT RETURNS A HIGHER COUNT FOR THE LPAR CORES (VCPUS) THAN THE PHYSICAL/ SERVER CORE (PCPUS) | Because of invalid data that comes from the agents, Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed returns a higher count for the LPAR cores than for the physical cores. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
IV37952 | OLD AGENTS UPLOAD INCORRECT MEASURES TO ADM.MEASURE | Agents version lower than 7.2.2 upload incorrect measures to the ADM.MEASURE table. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
IV37969 | FUNCTIONALITY TO INSTALL A PRIVATE INSTANCE OF CIT NOT WORKING IN LMT/TAD4D VERSIONS LATER THAN 7.5 FP1 | Installation of a private instance of Common Inventory Technology scanner does not work on Linux and UNIX in case of Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed versions later than 7.5 fix pack 1. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
IV37007 | HW SCAN FAILS TO RETRIEVE INFORMATION ABOUT LDOMS | Hardware scans are not able to report information about LDOMs. It is caused by the fact that Solaris API reports an LDOM as present, while it is not. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
IV37286 | INCONSISTENT HW SERIAL ON SOLARIS LDOMS | The serial number that is returned by the ComponentID group on Solaris might be inconsistent across LDOMs. It is expected to be the same on all LDOMs, however, it might differ as sysinfo sometimes returns a different serial number. To make the serial number consistent on LDOMs, a value that is returned by the v12n_chassis_serialno parameter of libv12n.so should be used. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
IV33496 | IMPORT CATALOG FAILS WHEN USER DEFINES A CUSTOM RELATION BETWEENIBM PRODUCTS | When an additional relationship between two IBM products is defined in Software Knowledge Base Toolkit, the import of the software catalog fails because of an unpredictable number of operations that are performed by the TLMA database. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
IV33537 | SYSTEMS WITHOUT AGENTS LIST INCORRECT | Agents are installed on devices that have NIC cards with at least two IP addresses. Some of the agents first list an address that is not the IP address that is listed in the Systems without Agents table. Such agents are not removed from the list of systems without agents. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
IV33734 | POOR PERFORMANCE OF 'VIEW REPORTS' PANEL WHEN THE NUMBER OF REPORTS IN 'ADM.IBM_REPORT' TABLE IS LARGE | When the number of reports in the adm.ibm_report table in the TLMA database is large, accessing the View Reports panel in Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed takes a lot of time. In some cases, a blank page is displayed. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
IV33963 | WIN 2000 SUPPORT MISMATCH BETWEEN ENG AND JAP INFOCENTER | The Japanese version of the Information Center incorrectly lists Windows 2000 as an operating system that is supported by Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agents. | 資料 | Interim fix 7 |
IV34672 | ILMT-TAD4D AGENTS PRIOR TO 7.2.2 VERSION NOT ABLE TO DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS FROM (7.5 FP1) SERVER | Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agents version lower than 7.2.2 are not able to download configuration parameters from the Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed server. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 7 |
IV35764 | ILMT-TAD4D AGENT INSTALLER USES 'UNAME -W' ON AIX 5.3 | Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent installer returns the following error: uname: illegal option -- W on AIX 5.3. However, installation completes successfully. | エージェント | Interim fix 7 |
IV35878 | WRONG DESCRIPTION FOR LAYER_V DATABASE VIEW | The Information Center incorrectly describes the LAYER_V database view. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
IV35895 | INPROPER HANDLING OF INACTIVE LDOMS DURING HW SCAN UPLOADS | Inactive LDOMs are handled incorrectly because the same information is expected from them as is expected from active LDOMs. | エージェント | Interim fix 7 |
IV36123 | INCORRECT ORDER OF STARTING AGENT THREADS-SIGNAL HANDLING ISSUES | If agent threads are started in a wrong order, agents are not able to properly handle the SIGPIPE signal. It causes that the process ends abnormally. | エージェント | Interim fix 7 |
IV36130 | EXCEPTION CNS.AUGHT WHEN CONFIGURING THE SMTP SERVER FOR NOTIFICATIONS | During the configuration of the SMTP server for notifications, the following error is returned: Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Not a valid char constructor. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
IV36365 | SCHEDULED FULL HARDWARE SCAN NOT WORKING FOR VIRTUAL MACHINES INTAD4D (INTERIM FIX 8) | In Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed version 7.2.2 interim fix 8, full hardware scans are not working on virtual machines even if scheduled. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 7 |
IV29153 | AFTER IMPORTING CATALOG FIX, DUPLICATED ENTIRES APPEAR ON THE UI | After importing a catalog fix that changes the relationship between a component and a product form free to charged, duplicated entries for the particular component appear in the adm.prod_inv table. The entries have TYPE=10 (not charged) which causes that PVU is incorrectly calculated. | サーバー | Interim fix 6 |
IV30815 | MEMORY-RELATED ERRORS DUE TO INVALID STRUCTURE OF NLS MESSAGES IN ILMT-TAD4D 7.5 AGENT FOR OS400/i5 | Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent that is installed on OS400/i5 computer with non-English language settings fails to start and memory-related errors can be found in the logs. | エージェント | Interim fix 6 |
IV31464 | THE CATALOG SCHEDULER DOES NOT GENERATE REPORTS AS EXPECTED | After setting up the start date and frequency of a scheduled report, the scheduler ignores the start date and applies only the frequency settings to the new reports. | サーバー | Interim fix 6 |
IV31999 | AUDIT REPORT GENERATION ISSUE | If a month that has 31 days follows a month that has 30 days problems with generation of reports occur. | サーバー | Interim fix 6 |
IV33397 | THE SPECIFICATION OF THE DOMAIN FOR THE USER NAME FOR VM MANAGERS IS INCONSISTENT. | Different definitions of users are used for Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware:
サーバー | Interim fix 6 |
IV33106 | STATUS OPTION FOR TLM SCRIPT (/ETC/INIT.D/TLM) NOT IMPLEMENTED | The agent init script does not support the status option as required by the Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1. Additionally, the implementation of the stop option that should depend on PID files(/var/run/) is not valid. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV33106. | エージェント | Interim fix 5 |
IV32827 | DUPLICATE ROWS IN ADM.LINK MAY BLOCK PERIODIC CALCULATIONS | Duplicate rows in the ADM.LINK table might block essential periodic calculations. Duplicate rows in the ADM.LINK table might cause problems with autobundling that might lead to problems with confirming certain product instances. A general error message CODBL0004W is displayed when the problem occurs. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV32827. | サーバー | Interim fix 5 |
IV32585 | THE DOC PROVIDED A LINK TO DOWNLOAD FITSUIT BUT IT DIRECTED TO VERSION | A link for downloading FITSuit that is provided in documentation directs to version instead of the required version For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV32585. | 資料 | Interim fix 5 |
IV32579 | MISSING INFORMATION ABOUT THE IMPACT OF CPU_THRESHOLD ON SCANS DURATION | Documentation does not clearly state that setting the cpu_threshold parameter causes that the execution of a scan on the agent side takes more time. | 資料 | Interim fix 5 |
IV30913 | HYPER-V WITH MANY OBJECTS PROCESSED INCORRECTLY | A VM manager that accesses Hyper-V host server is in Pending status despite having successful results of the test connection. | サーバー | Interim fix 5 |
IV09747 | LASTMODIFICATION DATE USED BY CATALOG IMPORT | Catalog version synchronization between Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed and Software Knowledge Base Toolkit uses wrong catalog attribute which might result in blocking catalog import in specific cases. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV09747. | サーバー | Interim fix 5 |
IV03617 | STANDALONE SCRIPTS IN COME WITH CIT | The stand-alone scripts that are generated by Tivoli Asset
Discovery for Distributed
server still come with the old Common Inventory Technology:
It is because Common Inventory Technology
version in the stdas_scanner.zip file was not
updated. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV03617. |
サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 5 |
IV27943 | AGENT INSTALLER FOR INTERIM FIX OFFERS LANGUAGE SELECTION | Interim fix can be only installed in English. Language selection is not supported in the wizard. | エージェント | Interim fix 4 |
IV28037 | DESCRIPTION FIELD IS SKIPPED DURING IMPORT | The view custom.signature_v has a field that is called Description. For every row in the table, the field is empty although it should not be. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV28037. | サーバー | Interim fix 4 |
IV29120 | INCORRECT TRANSLATION ON VMMANAGERS PANEL | A label on the VM managers panel is incorrectly translated to French. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV29120. | サーバー | Interim fix 4 |
IV29627 | ILMT 7.5 INSTALLS /ETC/IBM/TIVOLI/COMMON/CFG/LOG.PROPERTIES WITH PERMISSIN 700 (ON SOLARIS 10) | After installing Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.5 on clean Solaris 10, the file /etc/ibm/tivoli/common/cfg/log.properties is installed with right permission 644. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV29627. | エージェント | Interim fix 4 |
IV29921 | ILMT AGENT CANNOT BE INSTALLED ON HP-UX 11I V3 DUE TO 'HPVM-GUEST' CHANGE TO 'VIRTUALBASE' | Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agent cannot be installed on HP-UX 11i v3 (September 2012). | エージェント | Interim fix 4 |
IV29984 | REVOKE PUBLIC GRANTS | One of steps during the installation of the interim fix grants public access to two tables that should not be granted this type of access. For more details, go to: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1IV29984. | サーバー | Interim fix 4 |
IV30409 | VMWARE AGENTS IN PENDING STATUS | If an invalid URL is defined or the VMware machine is incorrectly configured, the Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed server hangs when it attempts to connect to the machine, even though the timeout period was correctly configured. Such attempts of connection block the timer on which the VMware Connection task is running (Timer3). If the connection takes twice the amount of time that was defined as the timeout period, the connection thread is broken and the status of the VM manager is changed to Hard timeout - suspended. This status indicates that no further attempts of connection to the particular VM manager are made until its status is manually changed to Pending. | サーバー | Interim fix 4 |
IV31063 | INSTALLING TAD4D AGENTS VIA TCM WILL LEAVE 'YES' PROCESS COMMAND RUNNING EVEN AFTER THE AGENT IS INSTALLED SUCCESSFULLY | Installation of Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed agents by using Tivoli Configuration Manager leaves the yes process command running even after the agent is successfully installed and the process is manually ended after the installation. | エージェント | Interim fix 4 |
The following table lists internal defects that are fixed in the interim fix.
障害番号 | 要約 | 説明 | 該当コンポーネント | 使用可能になったタイミング |
20452 | ACFS fails for multiple SQL scripts with identical names | ACFS fails when multiple SQL scripts with the same name are applied or to be applied. For example, if there is a system that is migrated from version 7.2.2 where interim fix 9 is already installed (IF9.sql), the script for Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.5 interim fix 9 (also IF9.sql) is also considered already installed. | サーバー | Interim fix 10 |
20447 | Agent self-update encounters problems on Solaris 10 x86 64-bit | When the server is trying to perform agent self-upgrade
on Solaris 10 x86 64-bit, problems with creating a temporary directory
occur. The following message is displayed:
サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 10 |
20463 | Null subcapacity on Solaris systems | Subcapacity always equals 0 on Solaris systems. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20364 | Wrong syntax of an SQL command | The readme.txt file contains an incorrect syntax of the following command db2 -vf grant.sql - td%. The correct syntax is db2 -vtd% -f grant.sql. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20333 | Problems with grants in ACFS | When the server update is run with db2inst1 as DB2_USER,
it fails on step IF6.sql and a message that the user has an insufficient
grant is displayed. When grant.sql is ran and TLMSRV is
provided as DB2_USER, IF6.sql passes. However, the
update fails on step IF9_IV38595.sql and the following message is
サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20199 | The readme file is not available in the self-update package | The readme file should be added to the 7.5.0-TIV-ILMT-TAD4D-IF000X-self_update-multi.zip package. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20132 | Updates to Hyper-V configuration documentation | Documentation does not clearly state that the WinRM configuration procedure must be repeated on all hosts in a cluster. | 資料 | Interim fix 9 |
20079 | After the installation of an interim fix, logs are not copied to the Tivoli common directory | After the installation of an interim fix, logs are not copied to the Tivoli common directory. The logs should be copied to this directory regardless of whether the installation completed successfully or failed. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20061 | Problems with displaying agent unistaller version on Polish Windows | An incorrect version of agent is displayed on the wizard on the Polish version of Windows. | エージェント | Interim fix 9 |
20050 | An exception is produced in the logs during generation of reports | An exception is produced in the logs because Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed is not able to automatically create a report in the future. The exception is a way to break the loop of generating reports. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
20047 | Self update fails on HP Itanium | Periodic self-update from Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed version fails on HP Itanium. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 9 |
20018 | Agent self-update problems occur on AIX if the agent is installed in custom directory | If an agent is installed in a custom directory on AIX, the self-update does not work correctly. After scheduling self-update, the agent is not updated, and its files are missing from the following directories: /opt/myagent/var, and /opt/myagent/opt. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 9 |
19827 | An error message should point to database version difference not connection problem | A generic message that suggests database connection problem is displayed although the problem is caused by a mismatch between the versions of the database and server. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
19697 | Stand-alone scanner and interim fix version mismatch | The version of the stand-alone scanner is different from the version of interim fix. Versions of the scanner and agent should match. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
19313 | Wrong agent ID is logged in the message handler log | An agent ID that was once logged is repeated for the consecutive log entries. For example, if you stop an agent with ID 1, and then plug in and agent with ID 2, first the agent with ID 1 is logged (incorrect), and then the agent with ID 2 is logged (correct). | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
19235 | Counter-intuitive and improperly documented operation of agtremap command | The procedure of reassigning agents from one scan group to another by using the agtremap command is not properly documented. Documentation does not describe how to create and name DTD documents, nor where to find information about scan group IDs. | Server and documentation | Interim fix 9 |
20007 | Only UTF-8 encoding is supported for the console output | On Linux, UTF-8 encoding is not used by default, and thus Polish characters are not displayed. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
20005 | Problems with displaying the agent installer version on Chinese Windows | An incorrect version of the agent installer is displayed on the Chinese version of Windows. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
20004 | Some messages in ACFS are not globalized | All ACFS output messages should be displayed in national languages, but some of them are not globalized. | サーバー | Interim fix 9 |
19997 | Imprecise documentation about AutoFS | Documentation that describes how do disable automounting of unmounted AutoFS shares is imprecise. | 資料 | Interim fix 8 |
19967 | Chinese characters are displayed on the home panel | Chinese characters are displayed on the home panel although the web browser locale is not set to Chinese. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
19966 | ACFS output is not globalized | ACFS output messages should be displayed in Chinese but are displayed in English instead. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
19956 | Unnecessary messages are displayed in the stdout | The following unnecessary debugging message
is displayed in the stdout in the com.ibm.license.mgmt.vmmanager.hyperv.net.HttpConnector class:
サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
19932 | Processor is not found in the PVU table for some computers | During simultaneous processing of hardware scan data from multiple agents the correct processor is not found in the PVU table for some computers. It causes that correct PVU value is displayed in the report but not on the Processors panel. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
19646 | Hard timeout - suspended status is not documented | The status of the VM manager Hard timeout - suspended is not documented. | 資料 | Interim fix 8 |
19432 | Setup tries to create a user tlmsrv while it should not. | On computers that are using LDAP authentication, the setup tries to create the tlmsrv user, although such a user exists. | サーバー | Interim fix 8 |
19651 | Generating results of the stand-alone scan ends with an error | An internal error is displayed on the user interface during the generation of the stand-alone scan results. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
19429 | Information about signatures is not updated in the CUSTOM.INSTALLED_OFFERING view | If during a software scan, software instances with null scope (empty installation paths) are found, information about those signatures is not updated in the CUSTOM.INSTALLED_OFFERING_SIGNATURE_DETAILS_V view. | サーバー | Interim fix 7 |
19390 | Initial scan configuration files are missing on an i5/OS agent | Initial scan configuration files are missing after an agent is deployed on i5/OS. The /QIBM/ProdData/QITLM/data/scanner_default catalog is empty. | エージェント | Interim fix 6 |
19344 | Hyper-V over https fails | If the VM manager of a Hyper-V is added over https, and the Hyper-V host to which you are connecting does not use basic authorization, the connection fails. | サーバー | Interim fix 6 |
19185 | Support for additional NTLMv2 security features | Support for the following NTLMv2 security features is added: extended sessions security, signing, key exchange, 56 and 128-bit encryption. | サーバー | Interim fix 5 |
ID | 要約 | 説明 | 該当コンポーネント | 使用可能になったタイミング |
14165 | Install a private instance of Common Inventory Technology | A private instance of Common Inventory Technology scanner that is not shared with other software can be installed on Windows. For more details, go to: http://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21605765. | エージェント | Interim fix 8 |
18493 | AIX agent installer improvement | To fulfil compatibility requirements and AIX guidelines for software installation,
changes were made to AIX agent
native installer that significantly changed the way that the agent
is installed.
エージェント | Interim fix 6 |
11810 | Provide information about SAN adapters | Full hardware scan gathers information about SAN adapters that are installed in the system. The information includes the name, description, vendor, model, serial number, device state, WWNN, and WWPN of the adapter. The gathered data is sent to the server and stored in the TLMHW.SAN_ADAPTER table. Currently, gathering information about SAN adapters is supported on Linux, Solaris, and AIX. It is only partially supported on Windows where Fibre Channel is not supported. The feature is supported only for a subset of SAN adapters that are available on the market. | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 6 |
17909 | CPU limiter support for use scan and hardware scan | Starting from IF0004, CPU limiter support is now extended over use and hardware scans, in addition to the currently implemented support for software scan (provided in IF0001). | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 4 |
サポートされるオペレーティング・システムとハイパーバイザー | 該当コンポーネント | 使用可能になったタイミング |
IBM zEnterprise zEC12 | サーバー | Interim fix 10 |
RHEV-M (Red Hat Linux Virtualization Manager) 3.1 | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 10 |
Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 | サーバーおよびエージェント | Interim fix 8 |
Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed エージェントには Common Inventory Technology バージョン が含まれています。Common Inventory Technology スキャナーの現在の変更ログについて詳しくは、https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg21612705 にアクセスしてください。
暫定修正をインストールする前に、Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed に対してフィックスパック 7.5-TIV-TAD4D-FP0001 がインストールされていることを確認してください。フィックスパックのインストール手順については、製品の資料を参照してください。
フィックスをインストールするには、Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed がインストールされているコンピューターに、Administrator (Windows の場合) または root (UNIX の場合) としてログインする必要があります。
エージェントを特定の暫定修正で更新する場合は、Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed サーバーも同じバージョンの暫定修正で更新されていることを確認してください。エージェントをサーバーに接続する場合、エージェントのバージョンは、そのサーバーのバージョンと同じかそれより下である必要があります。エージェントのバージョンは、サーバーのバージョンより上であってはなりません。