*************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-TOP} * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * Restricted Materials of IBM * IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager * 5724-O33, 5765-UAV, 5765-UA7, 44E7863 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with * IBM Corp. **************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-END} IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager 7.3, Fix Pack 4, 7.3.0-TIV-TUAM-FP0004 Please note: TUAM 7.3 Fix Pack 4 is a cumulative fix pack and contains all the changes made in TUAM 7.3 Fix Pack 1, 7.3 Fix Pack 2 and Fix Pack 3. This fix pack was created to solve the following Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs): Fix Pack 1: * APAR IZ99359: Duplicate Exception thrown for Detail Table if the same data is loaded for 2 different source systems. Fix Pack 2: * APAR IV09344 - TUAM CreateIdentifierFromTable hangs * APAR IV09339 - Multiple jobrunners via TIP log incorrectly * APAR IV08741 - TUAM 7.3 Load Tracking deleting wrong load * APAR IV08177 - Load Tracking filter by SourceFeed fails * APAR IV01407 - Customers can view other customers published reports by modifying their own URL string * APAR IV06820 - Prorate causing negative values Fix Pack 3: * APAR IV10129 - Security problems with TUAM to be addressed with this APAR. * APAR IV10016 - Blank NULL window when installing the WINPROCESS collector. Fix Pack 4: * APAR IV16118 - Duplicate Rate in the the RateToRateGroup table causes SQLCODE =-1477 SQLSTATE=55019 * APAR IV12704 - Integrator scan step in TUAM jobs are failing when the file names being consolidated contains the date with the year 2012. * APAR IV16099 - The Detail by Multiple Identifier report is not producing valid results when multiple rate tables exist. Additional changes included: Fix Pack 1: * Negative values are dropped from the Prorated CSR file if the key is not in the prorate table. * VMware Collector will not run on the command line. * Cannot enter a NULL value for Low identifier in Conversion mappings. * Deleting Proration results in Proration Targets of expired Proration being deleted. * Removed link saying "Download Report Viewer 2010' on WWR UI. * User always asked to save jobfile when moving between jobfiles on IE. * Various Cognos reporting issues. * String data right truncation error when running WWR reports with a userid > 8 characters. Fix Pack 2: * PMR 22776,122,000 - TUAM 7.3 Jobfile absolute path output information. * PMR 40805,124,848 - Export of CIMSUSERGROUPACCOUNTCODE table fails. Performance has been improved for Cognos® based Tivoli Common Reporting. Fix Pack 3: * PMR 41496,124,848 - Issue with initializing a TUAM database after Fixpack 2 installed. * PMR 92050,004,000 - Financial Modeller Browser Support (Microsoft® Internet Explorer 8). * Web Reporting 64 bit DB2® RTC compatibility issue has been resolved on Microsoft Windows 2008 64bit. * Calling stored procedures can now be configured to use their own database connections. Fix Pack 4: * CreateResourceFromConversion stage updated to allow Rounding functionality. * CreateIdentifierFromTable stage updated to work correctly when sort is set to true. * Start/Stop wrapper scripts added to TUAM_HOME/bin. * Support for TIP * Support for Firefox ESR 10.0.3. * Cognos reports from Report Pack 1 and Report Pack 2 included. * JavaScript in TCR Reports migrated to JavaScript libraries. * Apply and Undo fix pack scripts updated to validate TIP credentials. * Support for VCenter 5.0. * Addition of "Test" button to WebService Datasource panel for VMware. Please note: * If migrating from TUAM 7.1.3 to 7.3 on DB2 for z/OS®, we recommend that you install TUAM 7.3 Fix Pack 3 before performing the database upgrade. * If applying the Fix Pack to Web Reporting using a 32 bit database runtime client on a 64 bit Microsoft Windows system, you may need to change the value of the 'Enable 32-bit Applications' (Enable32BitAppOnWin64) property of the 'TUAM pool' Application Pool in IIS to True. * Some minor UI issues may be seen when using Firefox ESR 10.0.3. * When running the VMWare collector for VCenter 5.0, you need to set in your job file. Please refer to the sample job file "SampleVMWare25.xml". * In the WebService Datasource panel a new option called Web Service type has been added. The options are "Other" and "VMware". * The "Test" button will only be sensitised when "VMware" is selected. * To test a VMware data source, you need to specify a truststore file and a password. * If using TIP, the fix pack should be applied after the TIP version has been upgraded to If the fix pack is applied before your TIP version is at, then you will need to perform the following steps after upgrading to TIP to re-deploy the TUAM WAR file: For Windows: 1. Open a DOS command window and cd TUAM_HOME\setup\console 2. Type "deployTuam.bat replace username password", for example, "deployTuam.bat replace tipadmin tippass" For Linux, Unix: 1. Open a shell and cd TUAM_HOME/setup/console 2. Type "./deployTuam.sh replace username password", for example, "./deployTuam.sh replace tipadmin tippass" Configuring JavaScript for reports The Cognos reports in TUAM now use javascript libraries for some functionality and these files must be added to the TCR installation. If your TCR installation is on the same server as TUAM then you do not need to do this step as the files will be deployed automatically when you apply the fix pack. If, however, your TCR installation is on a different server to your TUAM installation, you need to copy the files manually by following the steps below: 1. On the File system, navigate to the following directory in your TUAM installation: \tuam\setup\console\reportscognos\jslib 2. Copy the tuam_prompts.js and tuam_expand.js files into the following directory in your TCR installation: \profiles\TIPProfile\installedApps\TIPCell\IBM Cognos 8.ear\p2pd.war\tivoli Performance improvements for Cognos based Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR) Please note that these performance improvements were delivered as part of the Fix Pack 2 release and no action is required if you have already installed Fix Pack 2. A new set of database tables have been added to store a copy of the reference data which will improve access to the data for the reports. The new database tables are: CIMSDIMRATE CIMSDIMRATESHIFT CIMSDIMCLIENT CIMSDIMCLIENTCONTACT CIMSDIMCLIENTCONTACTNUMBER CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT The above tables are populated by the following stored procedures and are used for improving the performance of TCR/Cognos reporting: INS_CIMSDIMRATE INS_CIMSDIMRATESHIFT INS_CIMSDIMUSERRESTRICT INS_CIMSDIMCLIENT INS_CIMSDIMCLIENTCONTACT INS_CIMSDIMCLIENTCONTACTNUMBER If updates are made to the reference tables listed below which circumvents the automatic running of the stored procedures, then the stored procedures must be manually called. Failure to do so will mean that the changes will not be reflected in the reports until the stored procedures have been run. Changes through the UI or through the REST APIs will automatically run the appropriate stored procedures. CIMSCLIENT CIMSCLIENTCONTACT CIMSCLIENTCONTACTNUMBER CIMSCONFIG CIMSRATE CIMSRATETORATEGROUP CIMSRATEGROUP CIMSRATESHIFT CIMSUSER CIMSUSERGROUP CIMSUSERGROUPACCOUNTCODE CIMSUSERTOUSERGROUP A sample jobfile is provided to run the stored procedures if required. After installing the fix pack, this jobfile is found in the following directory: /setup/jobs/UpdateReportingTables.xml The new reporting tables should be considered in any statistics gathering process in the database. It is advisable to gather statistics on these tables after an upgrade. PrerequisitesYou must be running Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager Version or or or It is also recommended that a database backup is performed before installing this fix pack. Installation InstructionsHow to install the patch For Windows: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "applyFixpack.bat username password", for example, "applyFixpack.bat tipadmin tippass" For Linux, Unix: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 3.Type "./applyFixpack.sh username password", for example, "./applyFixpack.sh tipadmin tippass". Note: This patch deploys an updated war file so it may take a few minutes to complete. Installing the Cognos Package: It is advisable to backup the existing reports and package prior to importing the latest Cognos Package. Details of how to create and export of the TUAM report package can be found in the Exporting Cognos report packages section of the TUAM documentation. Copy the report package file from \setup\console\reportscognos\package\TUAM_Reports_7-3-0.zip to the deployment folder in Tivoli Common Reporting: \cognos\deployment Note: If any changes have been made to the model and published then users may be affected during this installation process. Please ensure users have logged out of Tivoli Common Reporting prior to installing this fixpack. Procedure 1. Log in to the Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager interface, and go to Reporting > Common Reporting. 2. In the Work with reports window on the right, choose Administration from the Launch drop-down list. 3. Go to Configuration tab, and open the Content Administration section. 4. Create new package import by clicking New Import button. This opens a New Import wizard. 5. Follow the wizard to import the new TUAM_Reports_7-3-0.zip package. If custom changes have been made to the standard model and published, then the custom version of the model will need to be merged back into the standard model. Procedure 1. To merge the custom changes into the standard model, the following steps should be completed: 2. Start Framework manager and open the TUAM.cpf project file for the new version of the standard TUAM Model located in the directory: \setup\console\reportscognos\model 3. In Framework Manager open the model and navigate to the Project menu and select Merge from... 4. Navigate to the directory of the custom model project which is is to be merged, and select the cpf file for the project and click open. 5. Click Run. 6. Once the changes have been applied, if no errors have been raised then click Accept. If an error has occurred click reject to revert back the changes. 6. The custom objects should now be visible in the Model. If the changes are as expected then it is advisable to save this new version of the model at this point to a new project folder. To publish the new model, the following steps should be completed: 1. Once all changes have been made, navigate to the Package section, located at the end of the project viewer in Framework Manager. 2. Click the Click to Edit link in the definition property for the package or alternatively, right click on the package name and select Edit. 3. Ensure that the relevant namespaces and query subjects have a green tick against them and click OK. 4. Right click on the IBM® Tivoli® Usage and Accounting Manager package and select Publish Packages... and a menu is displayed. 5. Navigate through the menu options as required and publish the package. How to uninstall the patch For Windows: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "undoFixpack.bat username password", for example, "undoFixpack.bat tipadmin tippass". For Linux, Unix: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "./undoFixpack.sh username password", for example, "./undoFixpack.sh tipadmin tippass". Uninstalling the Cognos Package: To uninstall the Cognos Package, import the backup taken prior to the install. Details of how to create and import a TUAM report package can be found in the Importing the TUAM Cognos package into Tivoli Common Reporting section of the TUAM Information Center.Download package How critical is this fix? Not critical Problems solvedIV09344; IV09339; IV08741; IV08177; IV01407; IV06820; IV10129; IV10016; IZ99359; IV16118; IV12704; IV16009 Known side effects None Problems (APARS) fixed Problems (APARS) fixed IV09344, IV09339, IV08741, IV08177, IV01407, IV06820, IV10129, IV10016, IZ99359, IV16118, IV12704, IV16009 *****************************************************************