This file contains additions/changes made to the Global Knowledge database for October 2011. The Global Knowledge Database is a complete replacement of your current copy. You will need to run the following jobs in order to replace your copy: GKB Updates are now available via Fix Central . In order to use Fix Central you have to have a valid IBM Userid and password. Complete the screen prompts: 1. Product Family - Select Tivoli 2. Product - Select IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS If not found, try scrolling down and look for "Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS". 3. Installed Version - Select 7.5.0 4. Platform - Select z/OS Select all fixes to display. The format of the fix is 7.5.0-Tiv-TADZ-zOS-LV111028. The last six digits signify the fix level and is in YYMMDD format. The name of the file that contains the updates is TADZ75KB.XMI. 1. From the FixCentral website,, download TADZ75KB.XMI as a binary file. 2. Upload TADZ75KB.XMI to the mainframe into a pre-allocated file with the attributes FB 80. 3. Receive the file by issuing TSO command RECEIVE INDATASET(TADZ75KB.XMI). 4. When prompted for additional information, enter DA (name of file). 5. After receiving the file, run the Knowledge Base load job HSISGKBL. Before submitting this job, update SET INDSN= with the name of the file you have received. Move 17 modules to GKB - 6/10/2011 5:56:22 PM INSERT : Pitney Bowes Inc.,DOC1,BASE,3.0.11, - Release 7.5 only Move 2277 modules to GKB - 11/10/2011 9:37:28 PM REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Adabas,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Datacom,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-DB2,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-IDMS,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-IMS DL/I,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Oracle,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-PC Files,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Sys 2000,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Teradata,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,AF,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ASSIST,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,BASE,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,CONNECT,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,ETS,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,FSP,9.1.3 (0606), REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,GEN,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,GIS,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,GRAPH,9.1.3 (0606), REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,HPF,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,IML,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,Integration Technologies,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,IntrNet,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,LAB,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,MDDB Server,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,OR,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,QC,9.1.3, INSERT UNKNOWN : SAS Institute,SAS,QLD,9.1.3, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,QLD,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,r3,9.1.3, REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,STAT,9.1.3 (0606), REPLACE : SAS Institute,SAS,TOOLKIT,9.1.3, Move 1 modules to GKB - 12/10/2011 4:45:57 PM INSERT : Xenos Group Inc.,d2e Platform,XES2PCL Transform,5.4.2, - Release 7.5 only Move 86 modules to GKB - 13/10/2011 7:50:13 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : World Programming,World Programming System,BASE,2.5.0, INSERT : World Programming,World Programming System,BASE,2.5.0, Move 6341 modules to GKB - 13/10/2011 7:51:37 AM INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/CICS,BASE,8.2.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/CICS,BASE,9.0.0, Move 16 modules to GKB - 17/10/2011 10:06:59 AM INSERT : HP,HP Exstream,BASE,7.6.06, INSERT : HP,HP Exstream,BASE,7.6.08, Move 3575 modules to GKB - 20/10/2011 7:50:43 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : CA Technologies,CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager,BASE,12.5, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager,BASE,12.5, Move 2391 modules to GKB - 21/10/2011 4:32:00 PM INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Alliance,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-AutoChange,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Bridge,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Encore,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Estimate,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-ESW,Common Modules,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Insight,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-PRO/JCL,BASE,3.0.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-Recap,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-SmartDoc,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-SmartEdit,BASE,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-SmartTest,CICS,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-SmartTest,TSO,7.6.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-TMON for TCP/IP,BASE,2.3, INSERT UNKNOWN : Anacomp,DXUTIL,BASE,8.0.3, INSERT : Anacomp,DXUTIL,BASE,8.0.3, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Endevor Software Change Manager,ACM (LOAD),r15, INSERT UNKNOWN : Cogito Ltd,EZ-DB2 for IBM DB2,BASE,9.1.0, INSERT : Cogito Ltd,EZ-DB2 for IBM DB2,BASE,9.1.0, INSERT : Cogito Ltd,EZ-XOP,BASE,9.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/DevEnterprise,BASE,5.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/DevEnterprise,BASE,5.2.0, INSERT : Data 21, Inc.,CICS Help,BASE,4.6, INSERT : Data 21, Inc.,CICS Help,BASE,5.7, INSERT : DocuCorp International Inc,DocuMerge,BASE,3.1.2, INSERT UNKNOWN : Edge Information Group, Inc,EDGE Portfolio Analyzer,EPA External Analyzers,Common, INSERT : Edge Information Group, Inc,EDGE Portfolio Analyzer,EPA External Analyzers,Common, INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICS Web Support,4.1.0 (1101),5655-S97 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYUAUTH),4.1.0,5655-S97 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYULINK),4.1.0,5655-S97 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYULOAD),4.1.0,5655-S97 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : Information Builders,FOCUS Database Interfaces,SQL,7.1.1, INSERT : Information Builders,FOCUS for IBM Mainframes,BASE,7.1.1, INSERT : Information Builders,FOCUS for IBM Mainframes,IMS,7.1.1, Move 428 modules to GKB - 24/10/2011 8:00:23 AM INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-ViewDirect,BASE,6.5, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ViewDirect,CICS,6.5, INSERT UNKNOWN : HORIZONT GmbH,XINFO,BASE,3.4.0, INSERT : HORIZONT GmbH,XINFO,BASE,3.4.0, Move 389 modules to GKB - 24/10/2011 8:09:29 AM INSERT : CA Technologies,CA 11 Workload Automation Restart and Tracking,BASE,r11, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA GTS,BASE,r11, Move 269 modules to GKB - 25/10/2011 8:33:45 AM INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SFOILOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 INSERT : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SFOILOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SGLXLOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 INSERT : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SGLXLOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SHKTLOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 INSERT : IBM,IMS Tools Base for z/OS,BASE (SHKTLOAD),1.1.0,5655-V93 Move 217 modules to GKB - 26/10/2011 5:01:06 PM INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,Math,Common,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,Math,Common,5694-A01 Move 376 modules to GKB - 27/10/2011 12:18:13 PM INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDILMD1),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDILMD1),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDILMD2),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDILMD2),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDISTUB),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDISTUB),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDIV3R1),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDIV3R1),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDIV3R2),3.3.0,5655-I40 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere DataInterchange for z/OS,BASE (SEDIV3R2),3.3.0,5655-I40 Move 2170 modules to GKB - 27/10/2011 12:22:33 PM INSERT : CA Technologies,CA ESP Workload Automation,BASE,5.4.0, INSERT : Data 21, Inc.,ZIP/390,BASE,6.0, INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYUAUTH),2.3,5697-E93 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYUAUTH),3.2.0,5655-M15 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYULINK),3.2.0,5655-M15 - Release 7.5 only REPLACE : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYULOAD),2.3,5697-E93 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS,CICSPLEX SM (SEYULOAD),3.2.0,5655-M15 - Release 7.5 only INSERT : Syncsort Incorporated,SyncSort for z/OS,BASE,1.4.0, USS GKB Updates Move 1888 modules to USSGKB - 10/10/2011 10:50:40 AM INSERT : IBM,Capacity Provision,BASE (BIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,Capacity Provision,BASE (IBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (BIN),6.0.0,5655-M69 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (BIN),6.1.0,5655-M69 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (BIN),8.0.0,5655-W10 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (BIN),8.1.0,5655-W10 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (IBM),6.0.0,5655-M69 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (IBM),6.1.0,5655-M69 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (IBM),8.0.0,5655-W10 INSERT : IBM,CICS Transaction Gateway,BASE (IBM),8.1.0,5655-W10 INSERT : IBM,DB2,JDBC/SQLJ (BIN),9.1.0,5635-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,JDBC/SQLJ (IBM),9.1.0,5635-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DCE Base Services,BASE (BINIBM),2.9.0 (0910),5647-A01 INSERT : IBM,DCE Base Services,BASE (DCEBIN),2.9.0 (0910),5647-A01 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,OpenSSH (BIN),1.1.4,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,OpenSSH (IBM),1.1.4,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,OpenSSH (SSH),1.1.4,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,OpenSSH (SSHIBM),1.1.4,5655-M23 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,PERL for z/OS (BIN),5.8.7,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,PERL for z/OS (BIN),5.8.7,5655-M23 INSERT UNKNOWN : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,PERL for z/OS (IBM),5.8.7,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Ported Tools for z/OS,PERL for z/OS (IBM),5.8.7,5655-M23 INSERT : IBM,IBM Tivoli Directory Server,BASE (BIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,IBM Tivoli Directory Server,BASE (IBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker,BASE (IBM),5.0.1,5655-K60 INSERT : IBM,WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker,BASE (LIB),5.0.1,5655-K60 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Distributed File System,BASE (BIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Distributed File System,BASE (BIN),1.12.0,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Distributed File System,BASE (IBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Distributed File System,BASE (IBM),1.12.0,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,BASE (LIB),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,BASE (LIBIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,BASE (LOCIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Language Environment,BASE (SBIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Library Server,BASE (CGIBIM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Library Server,BASE (CGIBINIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: NFS Server,BASE (IBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: NFS Server,BASE (NFS),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (11R66),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (BINIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (SBINIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (TCPIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (TCPLIB),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,BASE (X11),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,HFS (BINIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: Secureway Communications Server,HFS (TCPIPBIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX Integrated CLI,BASE (IBM),1.6.0 (1009),5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX Integrated CLI,BASE (SBIN),1.6.0 (1009),5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (BIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (IBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (LIB),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (LIBIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (SBINIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (USRSBIN),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (UUCP),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: UNIX System Services,BASE (UUCPIBM),1.12,5694-A01 INSERT : IBM,z/OS: ZFS,BASE (IBM),1.11,5694-A01