*************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-TOP} * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * Restricted Materials of IBM * IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager * 5724-O33, 5765-UAV, 5765-UA7, 44E7863 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011 All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with * IBM Corp. **************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-END} Fix Pack 1 for TUAM 7.3.0 Prerequisites You must be running TUAM Installation Instructions For Windows: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "applyFixpack.bat username password", for example, "applyFixpack.bat tipadmin tippass" For Linux, Unix: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "./applyFixpack.sh username password", for example, "./applyFixpack.sh tipadmin tippass". Note: This patch deploys an updated war file so it may take a few minutes to complete. How to install the Cognos package Prerequisites: It is advisable to backup the existing reports and package before importing the latest Cognos package. Details of how to create an export of the TUAM Cognos report package is found in the Exporting report packages section of the TUAM Information Center. Copy the report package file from: \setup\console\reportscognos\package\TUAM_Reports_7-3-0.zip to the deployment folder in Tivoli Common Reporting: \cognos\deployment. Note: If any changes have been made to the model and the changes have been published, then users may be affected during this installation process. Please ensure users have logged out of Tivoli Common Reporting before installing this fixpack. Procedure: 1. Log in to the Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager user interface, and go to Reporting > Common Reporting. 2. In the Work with reports window on the right, choose Administration from the Launch drop-down list. 3. Go to Configuration tab, and open the Content Administration section. 4. Create a new package import by clicking the New Import button. This opens a New Import wizard. 5. Follow the wizard to import the new TUAM_Reports_7-3-0.zip package. If custom changes have been made to the standard model and the changes have been published, then the custom version of the model must be merged back into the standard model. Use the following procedure to do this: Procedure: 1. Start Framework Manager and open the TUAM.cpf project file for the new version of the standard Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager model. This file is located in the directory: \setup\console\reportscognos\model 2. In Framework Manager, open the model and navigate to the Project menu and select Merge from... 3. Navigate to the directory of the custom model project that must be merged, and select the cpf file for the project and click open. Click Run. 4. Once the changes are applied, if no errors have been raised, click Accept. If an error has occurred, click Reject to undo the changes. 5. The custom objects are now visible in the model. If the changes are as expected then it is advisable to save this new version of the model to a new project folder. To publish the new model, the following steps must be completed: Procedure: 1. Once all changes have been made, navigate to the Package section, which is located at the end of the project viewer in Framework Manager. 2. Click the Click to Edit link in the definition property for the package or alternatively, right click the package name and select Edit. 3. Ensure that the relevant namespaces and query subjects have a green tick against them and click OK. 4. Right click the IBM® Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager package and select Publish Packages.... 5. Navigate through the menu options as required and publish the package. The latest version of the model with all custom objects is now visible to all users. How to uninstall the patch For Windows: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "undoFixpack.bat username password", for example, "undoFixpack.bat tipadmin tippass". For Linux, Unix: 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 3. Type "./undoFixpack.sh username password", for example, "./undoFixpack.sh tipadmin tippass". How to uninstall the Cognos package: To uninstall the TUAM Cognos Package, import the backup that was performed before the install. Details of how to import the TUAM Cognos report package are found in the Importing the TUAM Cognos package into Tivoli Common Reporting section of the TUAM Information Center. This fix pack was created to solve the following set of Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs): 1)APAR IZ99359: Duplicate Exception thrown for Detail Table if the same data is loaded for 2 different source systems. Additional Changes included: 1) Negative values are dropped from the Prorated CSR file if the key is not in the prorate table. 2) VMware Collector will not run on the command line. 3) Cannot enter a NULL value for Low identifier in Conversion mappings. 4) Deleting Proration results in Proration Targets of expired Proration being deleted. 5) Removed link saying "Download Report Viewer 2010' on WWR UI. 6) User always asked to save jobfile when moving between jobfiles on IE. 7) Various Cognos reporting issues. 8) String data right truncation error when running WWR reports with a userid > 8 characters.