This file contains additions/changes made to the Global Knowledge database for February 2011. The Global Knowledge Database is a complete replacement of your current copy. You will need to run the following jobs in order to replace your copy: GKB Updates are now available via Fix Central . In order to use Fix Central you have to have a valid IBM Userid and password. Complete the screen prompts: 1. Product Family - Select Tivoli 2. Product - Select IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS If not found, try scrolling down and look for "Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS". 3. Installed Version - Select 7.2.0 4. Platform - Select z/OS Select all fixes to display. The format of the fix is 7.2.0-Tiv-TADZ-zOS-LV110301. The last six digits signify the fix level and is in YYMMDD format. The name of the file that contains the updates is TADZKB.XMI. Download this file as binary. You then need to upload this file to the mainframe to a pre-allocated file with the attributes FB 80. Once uploaded, you need to receive the file, RECEIVE INDATASET(tadzkb.xmi). When prompted for additional information enter, DA(name of file) The name of the file is important as it is used as input to the KB load jobs. This restores the KB file, making it ready to be used to update the Knowledge bases. Once you have restored the KB, you need to run the KB load jobs. 1. Before you submit any job, ensure that the input file is changed to the name of the file you have received it from. 2. For HSISDB03 in the JCLLIB: Uncomment STEP3. This step drops the Global Knowledge Base tables. Submit HSISDB03. 3. For HSISDB05 in the JCLLIB: Uncomment STEP3. This step drops the Global Knowledge Base for z/OS UNIX tables. Submit HSISDB05. 4. For HSISDB11 in the JCLLIB (optional): Comment STEP1. This prevents creation of table space Uncomment STEP3. This drops the IQ Filter tables. Submit HSISDB11 5. Re-run the Grant job HSISGRNT to restore the DB2 authorities. HSISGRNT restores the DB2 authorities which are lost when the tables are dropped in HSISDB03, HSISDB05, HSISDB11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move 616 modules to GKB - 17/02/2011 1:56:21 PM INSERT : IBM,Check Processing Control System,BASE,1.13,5734-F11 INSERT : IONA Technologies,Orbix Mainframe,Admin,6.2, INSERT : IONA Technologies,Orbix Mainframe,BASE,6.2, INSERT UNKNOWN : SQData Corporation,SQData for z/OS,BASE,1.3, INSERT : SQData Corporation,SQData for z/OS,BASE,1.3, Move 177 modules to GKB - 17/02/2011 2:01:45 PM INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,ADABAS/NATURAL Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,Advanced Session Management Fe,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,BASE,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,C Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,CA-IDMS Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,CA-Optimizer Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,CICS Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,COBOL Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,COOl:GEN Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,CSP Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,DB2 Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,FORTRAN Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,IMS Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,MQSeries Feature,4.1.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,Strobe MVS for Sysplex,PL/1 Feature,4.1.0, Move 12 modules to GKB - 21/02/2011 9:18:33 AM INSERT : IBM,DB2,IRLM,2.3.0,5605-DB2 Move 821 modules to GKB - 21/02/2011 11:30:35 AM INSERT : IBM,DB2,BASE,10.1,5605-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,IMS Attach,10.1,5605-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,JDBC/SQLJ,10.1,5605-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,ODBC,10.1,5605-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2,Subsystem Initialization,10.1,5605-DB2 INSERT : IBM,DB2 Utilities Suite,BASE,10.1,5655-V41 Move 1952 modules to GKB - 21/02/2011 11:57:29 AM INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-TMON for MQSeries,BASE,2.3.0, INSERT : Allen Systems Group,ASG-TMON for z/OS,BASE,4.3.0, INSERT : Chicago-Soft, Ltd,MVS/Quick-Ref,BASE,7.3, INSERT : OpenTech Systems, Inc.,Tape/Copy,BASE,2.7.3, Move 3153 modules to GKB - 25/02/2011 8:21:37 AM INSERT : 21st Century Software, Inc,DR/VFI for Mainframe,BASE,4.2, INSERT : Ab Initio,Co>Operating system,BASE,2.12.1, INSERT : ASPG Inc,MegaCryption,BASE,5.3.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Auditor for z/OS,BASE,r12.1, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,File-AID/Data Solutions,BASE,4.3.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,QAHiperstation,BASE,7.8.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,QAHiperstation,File Manager for CICS,7.8.0, INSERT : Compuware Corporation,XPEDITER/Xchange,BASE,4.0.0, REPLACE : E-Net Corporation,RRDF,BASE,3.1.0, REPLACE : IBM,Tivoli NetView Performance Monitor for OS/390,BASE,2.7.0,5655-043 INSERT : Infogix, Inc.,ACR/PLUS,BASE,4.1.0, INSERT : Infogix, Inc.,ACR/PLUS,BASE,4.2.0, REPLACE : MVS Solutions, Inc.,ThruPut Manager,BASE,6.2.0, INSERT : Pitney Bowes Inc.,MailStream Plus,BASE,7.9.4, INSERT : Pitney Bowes Inc.,MailStream Plus,BASE,7.9.5, INSERT : Prince Software Inc,MHtran-2,BASE,4.4.5, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-DB2,9.2.0, INSERT : SAS Institute,SAS,ACCESS-Teradata,9.2.0, Move 5366 modules to GKB - 2/03/2011 8:05:55 AM INSERT : CA Technologies,Analyzer Common Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Batch Processor,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Bind Analyzer for DB2 UDB for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAICCI,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAIENF,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAIENF/USS,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAIENF-CICS,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAIENF-DB2,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/CAIRIM,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/EARL,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/PIGware,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/SRAM,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA/VIEWPOINT,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-C/Runtime,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-C/Runtime CICS,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-GREXX,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-GSS,12.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-Health-Check,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,CA-Health-Check,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Common Services for z/OS,EXAMINE,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Compile/PRF,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Data Compressor for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Detector for DB2 UDB for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Fast Check for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Fast Index for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Fast Load for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Fast Recover for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Index Expert for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA InfoRefiner,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA InfoTransport,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Insight Data Performance for DB2,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Log Compress for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Merge/Modify for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Partition Expert for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Plan Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Quick Copy for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA RC/Extract for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA RC/Secure for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA RC/Update for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Recovery Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Report Facility,BASE,r12.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : CA Technologies,CA Report Facility,CICS,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Report Facility,CICS,r12.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : CA Technologies,CA Report Facility,IMS,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Report Facility,IMS,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA SQL-Ease for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Subsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA-LSERV,BASE,12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Catalog Facility Common,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Common Insight Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Common Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Database Analyzer Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,DBM Install,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Execution Manager,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,General Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Interactive SQL,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Log Reader,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Plan Analyzer Common,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Rapid Input/Output,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter Dataset Facility,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter Online Reorg,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter RI Manager,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter Snapshot General Services,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter Statistics Manager,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Unicenter Thread Terminator,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Utilities Common,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Utilities Online,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Utility General Recovery,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,Workstation Common,BASE,r12.0, INSERT UNKNOWN : CA Technologies,XNET,BASE,r12.0, INSERT : CA Technologies,XNET,BASE,r12.0, Move 790 modules to GKB - 2/03/2011 8:15:25 AM INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Datacom,Server,r11, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Datacom Data Dictionary/DB,BASE,r12, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Datacom SQL,BASE,r12, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Datacom/DB,BASE,r12, INSERT : CA Technologies,CA Dataquery for CA Datacom,BASE,r12, Move 72 modules to GKB - 2/03/2011 8:19:01 AM INSERT : Sword Apak,CICS Address Manager,BASE,6.0, INSERT : Sword Apak,IMS Address Manager,BASE,6.0, INSERT : Sword Apak,PS40 Online Postcoding,BASE,6.0,