================================================== IBM Tivoli Netcool/Webtop 2.1 RELEASE BUILD 2.1.104 ================================================== This release is available on the following operating systems: - Solaris 8, 9, 10 - AIX 5.2, 5.3 - HPUX 11, 11i - Linux AW/AS/ES 3.1 - Windows XP, 2000/2003 server This release is based on Netcool GUI Foundation (NGF) V1.1.414. This fix pack is a cumulative fix release and addresses some new APARs and internally found issues since the release of Netcool/Webtop 2.1.99 Fix Pack 10 Note: 1) The Netcool/Webtop installer is redesigned in 2.1.91 so that installation of the Fixpack does not override the customized configuration files. New files are kept in a default folder which is found in the respective location of the $NCHOME see details in IZ45134. 2) If the NGF server crashes when you navigate to the Webtop Charts page, check the NGF server logs. If the logs indicate an OutofMemory error condition, this means that the system default max thread is not set to a sufficiently high level in the kernel. To fix this, increase the kernel parameter for the maximum number of threads, or decrease the maximum thread limits set in $NCHOME/guifoundation/conf/server.xml as follows: Decrease the maxThreads attribute from 500 to 100 Decrease the minSpareThreads attribute from 50 to 25 Decrease the maxSpareThreads attribute from 100 to 75 3) The Netcool/Webtop installer is redesigned in 2.1.104. The installation of Netcool/Webtop 2.1.104 requires a previous Netcool/Webtop version in order to install successfully because it is an upgrade installer. You receive an error if you install this Fixpack without an previous Netcool/Webtop version being present on the system. ------------------------------ UNIX Installation Instructions ------------------------------ Make sure there is a previous version of Netcool/Webtop installed before proceeding with the installation. 1. Extract the .tar archive if necessary. Select the correct version for your platform. 2. Install Netcool/Webtop using the installation script INSTALL. 3. Follow the onscreen prompts. Note: Console mode is available by specifying the "-console" argument to the INSTALL script. --------------------------------- Windows Installation Instructions --------------------------------- Make sure there is a previous version of Netcool/Webtop installed before proceeding with the installation. 1. Extract the .zip archive if necessary. 2. Install Netcool/Webtop using the executable setup.exe. 3. Follow the onscreen prompts. Note: Command line mode is available by specifying the "-console" argument to setup.exe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch to Update Oracle-provided Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a patch to update current Oracle-provided Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that addresses a parseDouble security vulnerability security. For more information on downloading and installing the patch, go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/fpupdater-tool-readme-305936.html ----------------------------------------- Language Package Installation Instruction ----------------------------------------- 1. There is no additional work needed to install the language packages. Using the standard install procedure described in "UNIX Installation Instructions" or "Windows Installation Instructions" the process automatically installs the language packages. 2. The following 9 languages are included in this release de en es fr it ja ko pt zh/cn zh/tw ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.104 ---------------------------------------- alm00137811 / APAR IZ76403 ========================== Issue Description: Netcool/Webtop v21: server.init property made invalid with trailing spaces. Customer reported feature not working even though the property was set correctly in the server.init file. Upon further investigation it was found that a space character was causing the default property to be used. For example: aelview.queries.enabled:true The issue is fixed by removing all white space from the property settings before being read by the server. alm00140029 / APAR IZ78035 ========================== Issue Description: Netcool/Webtop v2.1 FP9: ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml: Multiple datasources do not behave as expected after system failure. If there is a complete system outage, the ObjectServer does not become available until all defined servers are runnig again. The ObjectServer should become available when at least one Read and one Write Server are available. The issue is fixed by updating NCWMSDataSource.java to build a hash of datasources and reference each one to check if it is available rather than just addressing a list. alm00140355 / APAR IZ78169 ========================== Issue Description: Monitor boxes do not open an AEL properly with Italian language. When the browser is set for the Italian language and we open an AEL from monitor box. the AEL does not load properlyand produces errors. It works correctly with other languages. The issue is fixed by relocating the SmartPage tag to the first line within the template. alm00199627 / APAR IZ82286 ========================== Issue Description: Error attempting to set the data source name: no entity called SLAStatus. When selecting a service from the TBSM Service Administration Page, an error is displayed. For example: Thu May 13 08:56:32 CEST 2010: Error attempting to set the datasource name:No entity called SLAStatus_102 Thu May 13 08:56:32 CEST 2010: Error attempting to set the datasource name:No entity called RawEvents_102 There is no known functional impact associated with the error. The issue is fixed by updating Table View to get the entity according to the session. alm00202754 / APAR IZ84131 ========================== Issue Description: When a Webtop tool includes @OwnerUID as its parameter, the tool fails to execute. Executing a stored procedure in Webtop does not work when @OwnerUID is present as one of the parameters because @OwnerUID returns the user name and not the "internal" integer id. @OwnerUID -> Nobody: Wrong @OwnerUID -> 65534: Correct The issue is fixed. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.99 ---------------------------------------- alm00140038 / APAR IZ77980 ========================== Issue Description: AEL constantly refreshes when there are zero events for a given filter. The cause is that whenever the AEL has no events in the list, it immediately invokes the resync process to synchronize with the server. This causes an infinite loop of synchronizing the events. alm00115989 / APAR IZ55626 ========================== Issue Description: Password fails to expire after the configured number of days. The issue is fixed by changing the code to check the isPasswordActive attribute of the user from security manager. alm00118288 / APAR IY99944 ========================== Issue Description: ADMINCONSOLE might allow cross-site scripting in Webtop 2.1(NGF). The issue is fixed by changing the code to convert the characters "<" and ">" to < and >. alm00120043 / APAR IZ60331 ========================== Issue Description: HTTP STATUS 404 - Servlet inserter is not available. The issue is fixed by changing the code to allow the Netcool/Webtop server to start correctly when NCHOME\etc\webtop\configstore\ncwUserPreferences directory contains corrupted nova files. alm00120141 / APAR IZ60384 ========================== Issue Description: "f entity has space(ENTITY=" ") concern map showing grey behaviour on Webtop 2.1.82 FP0007 after fixes. The issue is fixed by changing the code to trim the leading and trailing space in the entity name when reading the map files. alm00120334 / APAR IZ60551 ========================== Issue Description: A CGI tool in an AEL cannot be executed if OWNERUID is used and displayed as a column. the issue is fixed by changing the code to handle SortConversionObject class properly when converting the field to String. alm00120553 / APAR IY99947 ========================== Issue Description: Users with spaces in the name cannot authenticate against LDAP. The issue is fixed by changing the code to create a JavaScript function that decodes the string encoded by the URLEncoder.encode() method. alm00122247 / APAR IZ62585 ========================== Issue Description: Map pages randomly turn white. The issue is fixed by changing the code to release the locking on the Entity in the try-catch-finally block. alm00123020 / APAR IZ63378 ========================== Issue Description: AEL does not refresh when click on other severity to display events associated to that severity after delete. The issue is fixed by changing the code to change the application to refresh the data. alm00123822 / APAR IZ64116 ========================== Issue Description: Strange shortcut characters in the alerts menu. the issue is fixed by changing the code to disable the menu item when it is not visible and vice versa. alm00124171 / APAR IZ64689 ========================== Issue Description: Only one journal entry when a tool runs against multiple events. The issue is fixed by changing the Webtop configuration file. alm00124493 / APAR IZ64853 ========================== Issue Description: Webtop/Tools shortcut does not work with class access restriction. The issue is fixed by changing the code to disable the menu item when it is not visible and vice versa. alm00124547 / APAR IZ65200 ========================== Issue Description: Unable to launch an AEL when accessing through CITRIX. The issue is fixed by changing the code to allow the AEL to continue the loading process using the default locale, whenever there is no language specified from the client browser. alm00124861 / APAR IZ65583 ========================== Issue Description: The AEL became unresponsive when loading the menu. The issue is fixed by changing the code to put the setAccelerator method in a try-catch block. alm00124977 / APAR IY99955 ========================== Issue Description: A 'SERVER IS DOWN' message occurs randomly when attempting to display an AEL or map. The issue is fixed by having a map to keep track all the web log-in users based on the session ID. alm00125852 / APAR IZ66684 ========================== Issue Description: Webtop does not support entity names that include a space even when the illegal char is removed from illegalChar.prop. The issue is fixed by allowing the users to define whether the space character is supported in Webtop through the property in the illegalChar.prop. alm00128242 / APAR IY99964 ========================== Issue Description: NGF performance is slow after login. The issue is fixed by avoiding the unnecessary repeated loading of profile portlets, which was associated with much of the slowdown. alm00124361 / APAR IZ64933 ========================== Issue Description: Event list shows empty when called with an entitiy by means of a menu link or by clicking on a monitor box in Webtop 2.1. The issue is fixed. alm00126530 / APAR IY99961 ========================== Issue Description: Upgrade Tomcat to fix CVE-2008-5515, CVE-2009-0033, CVE-2009-058 and CVE-2009-0783. This issue is fixed by upgrading Tomcat. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.92 ---------------------------------------- alm00111863 / APAR IZ51766 ========================== Issue Description : tomcat.log error occurs during a cache purge operation. The issue is fixed. alm00113877 / APAR IZ53666 ========================== Issue Description: Map colors are not saved in a language-independent way. The issue is fixed. alm00113896 / APAR IZ53716 ========================== Issue Description: All generated JavaScript code requires explicit contenttype setting to 'text/javascript'. The issue is fixed by modifying the jsp file that contains pure JavaScript with the content type as text/javacsript. alm00114122 / APAR IZ53801 ========================== Issue Description: Webtop 2.1: Memory leak causes Webtop to crash and exit on AIX (Java core). The issue is fixed by setting HEADLESS_OPTS='-java.awt.headless=true in the installation script. alm00114241 / APAR IZ54008 ========================== Issue Description: NGF is not able to authenticate users from Security Manager due to extensive use of WAAPI. The issue is fixed by introducing a cache and a timeout value. WAAPI calls from the same user that are received within the timeout period are authenticated and authorised against Security Manager only once,thereby preventing the thread build-up. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.91 ---------------------------------------- ALM 00109138 / APAR IZ49758 =========================== Issue Description: Creating entities periodically make a call to a class called entityobject.save() and deleteonexit() that results in core dump. The issue is fixed by calling file.delete() after the entityobject.save() finshes. ALM 00108564 / APAR IZ48712 =========================== Issue Description: URL link map objects do not function unless associated with an entity. The issue is fixed. ALM 00108240 / APAR IZ48371 =========================== Issue Description: After upgrade to Webtop 2.1.82 build, view.xml is not loaded. The issue is fixed by enabling the registration of the entity, which enables the modified columns of the Default view to be displayed. ALM 00107541 / APAR IZ47090 =========================== Issue Description: In Netcool/Webtop V2.1 a small line displays in maps at the top of frame. The issue is fixed by adjusting the coordinates of the texture image to avoid the small line display. ALM 00109236 / APAR IZ49878 =========================== Issue Description: The tool list is not displayed occasionally in the Firefox browser. The issue is fixed. NBS 059468 / APAR IZ29764 =========================== Issue Description: Webtop on failover sometimes takes all connections to an netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer. The issue is fixed by controlling the number of connections to the ObjectServer during failover. This allows clients connect to the ObjectServer. ALM 00109016 / APAR IZ49699 =========================== Issue Description: A user is not logged out from Security Manager when running WAAPI. The issue is fixed. ALM 00107364 / APAR IZ46921 =========================== Issue Description: A syntax error occurs when editing pages in Webtop 2.1. The issue is fixed. ALM 00107732 / APAR IZ47465 =========================== Issue Description: Webtop fix pack 7 causes event detail windows not to capture the resize setting for future use. The issue is fixed by setting the preferred size prior to packing the frame. ALM 00106241 / APAR IZ45134 =========================== Issue Description: Files in etc/webtop, except etc/webtop/default, are overwritten. Modified the Netcool/Webtop installer, not to override configuration files in the existing setup. The new files are kept in a default folder, and are subsequently found in the respective location of the $NCHOME detailed below: Files under $NCHOME/etc/guifoundation/antonce: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after appling a fix pack. Expected behaviour: The default file, 00_smprovision_init.xml, is kept under $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/desktop/xml/ and is modified as necessary by fix packs. The default machant_webtop XML files are kept under $NCHOME/etc/webtop/installer/ and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under etc/guifoundation/antonce are provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in etc/guifoundation/antonce/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. The Netcool GUI Foundation (NGF) Configuration panel is disabled during fix pack installation so that the user cannot change the NGF HTTP Server port, NGF Server Control Port, and NGF Database Port when applying a fixpack. If the fix pack introuduces changes to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/desktop/xml/ customers must manually apply the changes from $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/desktop/xml/thefile to etc/guifoundation/antonce/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server does not reload the files under etc/guifoundation/antonce after they are processed. As a result, the psml files under $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/desktop/WEB-INF/psml/role/admin/media-type/html/page/ - which are referenced in etc/guifoundation/antonce - do not need to be changed. Files under $NCHOME/etc/sm: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after applng a fix pack. Expected behaviour: The default files are kept under $NCHOME/guifoundation/conf/ and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under etc/sm are provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in etc/sm/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. The Netcool Security Manager (SM) Configuration panel is disabled during fix pack installation so that the user cannot change SM Host, Port and Administrator user name and password when applying the fixpack. If the fix pack introduces changes to files in $NCHOME/guifoundation/conf/ customers must manually apply the changes from $NCHOME/guifoundation/conf/thefile to etc/sm/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in etc/sm. Files under $NCHOME/etc/webtop: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after applying a fix pack. Expected behaviour: There is a default directory under etc/webtop. Files under etc/webtop/default/ are provided during a fresh installation, and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under etc/webtop/ are also provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in etc/webtop/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. The ObjectServer Configuration panel is disabled during fix pack installation so that user cannot change host name and port for ObjectServer when apply fix pack. If the fix pack introduces new properties in files under etc/webtop customers are expected to manually apply the new properties from etc/webtop/default/thefile to etc/webtop/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in etc/webtop/. Files under $NCHOME/bin: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after applying a fix pack. Expected behaviour: There is a default directory in bin/. Files under bin/default/ are provided during a fresh installation, and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under bin/ are also provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in bin/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. The Netcool GUI Foundation(NGF) Configuration panel is disabled during fix pack installation so that the user cannot change NGF HTTP Server port, NGF Server Control Port and NGF Database Port when applying the fix pack. If the fix pack introduces changes in files in bin/ customers must manually apply the new properties from bin/default/thefile to bin/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in bin/. Files under $NCHOME/webtop/bin: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after applying a fix pack. Expected behaviour: There is a default directory in webtop/bin/. Files under webtop/bin/default/ are provided during a fresh installation, and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under webtop/bin/ are also provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in webtop/bin/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. If the fix pack introduces changes to webtop/bin/ customers must manually apply the new properties from webtop/bin/default/thefile to webtop/bin/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in webtop/bin/. Files under $NCHOME/webtop/waapi/bin: Current behaviour: Files are overwritten after applying a fix pack. Expected behaviour: There is a default directory in webtop/waapi/bin/. Files under webtop/waapi/bin/default/ are provided during a fresh installation, and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under webtop/waapi/bin/ are also provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore, any user modifications to files in webtop/waapi/bin/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. If the fix pack introduces changes to files in webtop/waapi/bin/ customers must manually apply the new properties from webtop/waapi/bin/default/thefile to webtop/waapi/bin/thefile. This is documented in the readme file. If the customer does not apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in webtop/waapi/bin/. Files under $NCHOME/webtop/waapi/etc: Current behaviour: files are overwritten after applying a fix pack. Expected behaviour: There is a default directory in webtop/waapi/etc/. Files under webtop/waapi/etc/default/ are provided during a fresh installation, and are modified as necessary by fix packs. Files under webtop/waapi/etc/ are also provided during a fresh installation, but are not modified by fix packs. Therefore any user modifications to files in webtop/waapi/etc/ are untouched after installing a fix pack. If the fix pack introduces changes to files in webtop/waapi/bin/ customers must manually apply the new properties from webtop/waapi/etc/default/thefile to webtop/waapi/etc/thefile. This is documented in the readme. file. If the customer does apply the changes, the Netcool/Webtop server uses the values in webtop/waapi/etc/. NBS 055314 / APAR IZ14369 =========================== Issue Description: Webtop fails to reconnect to ObjectServer after several ObjectServer restarts. (this fix is merged from 2.0 to 2.1). The issue is fixed by ensuring that Netcool/Webtop reconnects to primary or secondary ObjectServer depending on availability. ALM 00105063 / APAR IZ43785 =========================== Issue Description: Netcool GUI Foundation (NGF) - admin.psml contains incorrect entry. The issue is fixed by allowing correct navigation to NGF pages for changed Web context root. ALM 00104062 / APAR IZ42758 =========================== Issue Description: Field node alias is cut at last sign in AEL with german language. Modified the IF construct code since the value returned from the ObjectServer installed on IPv6 machine does not contain a null character for a varchar field and therefore truncates the last character from the value. ALM 00100957 / APAR IZ36136 =========================== Issue Description: Webtop does not respect user timeout setting in web.xml. Made relevant change to the NGF codebase to support for session tracking in other deployed web applications in compliance with Tomcat 5.5.26. ALM 00100954 / APAR IZ38671 =========================== Issue Description: NGF authenticates twice and users are locked out. The issue is fixed. ALM 00100951 / APAR IZ36188 =========================== Issue Description: Users and their attributes are lost after migrating from Netcool/Webtop 1.3 to 2.1. The issue is fixed by removing the check of the "passwd" attribute in passwds file required for security issues. ALM 00100466 / APAR IZ40008 =========================== Issue Description: Shortcuts are working when they should be disabled. The issue is fixed by setting the KeyStroke value of the shortcut key, that is the accelerator key, to the default values to nullify their effect. ALM 00100237 / APAR IZ38768 =========================== Issue Description: Webtop journals not consistently updating the ObjectServer, if focus is removed in the AEL after running a tool that adds a journal. The issue is fixed by enabling consistent update of Netcool/Webtop journals to the ObjectServer. ALM 00107571 / APAR IZ47225 =========================== Issue Description: The timeout value is not configurable to control when map icons turn gray. The issue is fixed by configuring the timeout value in the server.init file to control when the map icons turn gray. APAR IZ17109 ============ Issue Description: Unable to display the AEL list from Topoviz. The issue is fixed. APAR IZ07779 ============ Issue Description: Menu change causes prompt tools in the AEL to not load. The issue is fixed by allowing prompt tools to load the expected entries when user modifes any menu. ALM00113903 / NBS054835 ======================= Issue Description: Unable to run NGF server for Webtop 2.1 on AIX 6.1. This issue has been fixed. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.82 ---------------------------------------- NBS 58975 / APAR IZ27824 ======================== Issue Description: Sometimes the browser freezes when applying a custom filter. This issue was caused by a thread deadlock in the AEL. The issue is fixed through changes to the synchronization of threads. NBS 58975 / APAR IZ27824 ======================== Issue Description: AELs that remain connected to a functional ObjectServer remain responsive despite clicking an AEL connected to a failing ObjectServer (131). AELs connected to a suspended ObjectServer caused all AELs to become unresponsive. The solution to the issue is to ring fence AEL synchronization requests to the server fr each data source. Therefore, the failure of a single data source within a multiple data source Tivoli Netcool/Webtop system affects only the clients that require services from it. NBS 60131 / APAR IZ32620 ======================== Issue Description: Would like view builder changes to truly be dynamic (131). This issue occurred because the synchronization of data on the client and server was failing and hence the corresponding change was not reflected on a view in the AEL. The update mechanism on the AEL is modified to reflect changes on a selected view in the AEL immediately. NBS 60570 / APAR IZ34234 ======================== Issue Description: Right-clicking the column header row (i.e. Severity, ownerid...) provides event options menu; it should not do this. This issue has been resolved by code modification so that Information, Journal and Quick Filter options are now grayed out if no event is selected. NBS 61390 / APAR IZ38276 ======================== Issue Description: The Tivoli Netcool/Webtop admin filter and the filtered entity allow apostrophes and should not. This issue occurred because there is no code maintained for validating the entity name against apostrophes. Validation for apostrophes has been added to solve that issue. NBS 61421 / APAR IZ38566 ======================== Issue Description: Apostrophe unable to be automatically escaped when a chart is generated. This issue occurred because there is no code maintained for escaping the apostrophes (') so that the chart generation can take place as expected. The issue has been solved by code changes to escape apostrophes. NBS 61539 / APAR IZ39380 ======================== Issue Description: Deleted events stay in the AEL and when users try to delete them again, they get the generic "4 possible reasons" popup. The issue is caused by the different caching mechanisms used in JRE 1.6 and 1.5. This issue has been solved by disabling caching on URL connections. NBS 61536 / APAR IZ39362 ======================== Issue Description: A Tivoli Netcool/Webtop filter does not appear in drop-down list after adding. The issue has been fixed by the fix for NBS 61539. NBS 61627 / APAR IZ40330 ======================== Issue Description: Browser becomes unresponsive when applying a custom filter. This issue has been fixed by the fix for NBS 58975 / APAR IZ27824. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.68 ---------------------------------------- NBS 61358 / APAR IZ37772 ======================== Issue Description: Firefox crashes on Solaris 10 when AEL is refreshed or when user navigates away from AEL. AEL and Maplet classes contained explicit calls to System.gc(). This caused the Firefox browser to crash on Solaris operating systems when refreshing the page containing the maplet. This issue has been fixed. NBS 59379 / APAR IZ29555 ======================== Issue Description: The LEL does not fit the browser window and the browser scrollbar appears when the LEL has a large number of events. Changes have been made such that the LEL scrollbar is activated when the LEL contains a large number of events instead of showing the browser scrollbar. NBS 60915 / APAR IZ35443 ======================== Issue Description: Image files with file names containing uppercase characters in file extensions look corrupted in File Manager. This issue is fixed and the file names containing file extensions with uppercase characters are not corrupted. NBS 57102 / APAR IZ22105 ======================== Issue Description: Checking or clearing the Show Highest Color/Show Lowest Color check boxes and clicking Apply->Save in the AEL Preference panel results in a NullPointerException in the Java console, and the changes are not applied to the Monitor boxes. This problem is fixed and the changes are correctly applied to the Monitor Boxes on modifying the preferences in the AEL Preferences panel. NBS 61102 / APAR IZ36319 ======================== Issue Description : NGF navigation and loading of pages is very slow with a large number of users configured in security manager. Designed a user cache to hold all the users from Security Manager to enable quick browsing across pages in NGF and Tivoli Netcool/Webtop. In order to enable caching, add the following property to the $NCHOME/etc/sm/server.props file: sm.cache.refresh=SECONDS Replace SECONDS with the number of seconds value after which the cache is resynchronized with Security Manager. For example: sm.cache.refresh=1200 This setting means the cache is refreshed every 20 minutes. When this property is set to 0 or does not exist, the cache is disabled. Set the cache value to several minutes since population of the cache might take tens of seconds, depending on hardware and network performance. Cache refresh happens in the background and does not affect users currently logged in. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.67 ---------------------------------------- NBS 60105 / APAR IZ32480 ======================== Issue Description: Webtop server fails to start when the User Preferences .nova file is corrupted. Changes have been made to check if the .nova file is corrupted. Default user preferences are used if the file is found to be corrupted. NBS 59313 / APAR IZ29188 ======================== Issue Description: Free form text entry dialog is required when the user manually deletes an event. The text entry dialog can be used to add additional comments to the journal. It is now be possible to configure a tool which displays a dialog box on execution, providing the option for the user to enter free text which can be posted to the journal. NBS 60625 / APAR IZ34531 ======================== Issue Description: WAAPI command to modify user preferences attribute of Allow Filter View Access used to fail on execution. The issue was found to be with the WAAPI DTA which had an incorrect name of the attribute used to set this user preference. Modifications have been made to the WAAPI DTA to resolve this issue. NBS 56880 / APAR IZ21323 ======================== Issue Description: Some of the AEL features including the execution of tools were not available when running a WAAPI script. This issue is fixed and it is now possible to use AEL features and run the WAAPI script simultaneously. NBS 59343 / APAR IZ29041 ======================== Issue Description: It should be made possible to select multiple events in Webtop AEL using the CTRL key. This issue is fixed and below is the summary of how it is now possible to select multiple events in the AEL: - CTRL key - Used for selecting of individual rows - CTRL + ALT + Right mouse click - smart matching - SHIFT key - Group select of rows between first and last row in AEL. NBS 57102 / APAR IZ22105 ======================== Issue Description: Selecting Show Highest Color/Show Lowest Color check boxes and applying the AEL Preference does not work as expected. The issue is fixed and selecting/deselecting the Show Highest Color/Show Lowest Color check boxes and saving the preferences in the AEL immediately apply the changes to the monitor boxes. NBS 58558 / APAR IZ26402 ======================== Issue Description: CGI script does not display any output if the length of the output is more then or equal to 2048 bytes. This issue is fixed and the CGI script can display output containing more than 2048 bytes of data. NBS056053 / APARIZ18157 ======================= Issue Description: NGF crashes after 13 consecutive edits of iframes. NGF/Webtop has been updated to run against the latest version of the ASA database to get the fixes for several database issues which were found in previous releases of ASA. NBS059471 / APARIZ29786 ======================= Issue Description: Webtop v2.1 AIX - 00_smprovision_init.xml becomes corrupted when a Webtop fix pack is installed before NGF is ever started. Made relevant changes to the post-installation script file to fix the issue. NBS059838 / APARIZ31072 ======================= Issue Description: NGF default page shown after user enters wrong password and then a correct password. Modified the relevant files to redirect the requested user page correctly after log-in failure. NBS057545 / APARIZ23233 ======================= Issue Description: Error messages in the velocity log can not be suppressed. Made the changes in the relevant class file to prevent this message from being logged in velocity.log NBS058198 / APARIZ25059 ======================= Issue Description: Unable to authenticate with NGF when password contains quotation mark. Made changes to relevant files to accept quotation marks as a character in login parameters. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.66 ---------------------------------------- NBS 55435 / APAR IZ15159 ======================== Issue Description: CGI Scripts cannot be registered after upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1. The content of $NCHOME/etc/webtop/default/system/scripts/ was not copied into $NCHOME/etc/webtop/system/scripts/ automatically. This is fixed in the script which performs additional post installation tasks. NBS 54575 / APAR IZ08701 ======================== Issue Description: URL http://server:port/webtop was not accessible . This caused several issues. For example, configuration of the home page for an individual user did not work. The cause of the issue was a missing configured default directory index URL for web applications. This is now fixed. NBS 54469 / APAR IZ07975 ======================== Issue Description: View jumps to the first in AEL view list combo box when tool opens multiple new windows. If a tool executed over multiple events was opening new AELs in new windows, the view in the original AEL was reset to the first available view. This was caused by inappropriate synchronization of views definitions between the old AEL, new AELs and the Netcool/Webtop server. The issue is fixed by improving code responsible for synchronization of views with Tivoli Netcool/Webtop server. The same issue was observed for filters and is also addressed in this fix. NBS 55391 / APAR IZ14796 ======================= Issue Description: Entity status requests by means of status servlet only ever returned from default data source. This caused issues with multidomain ITNM configuration where there is no central ObjectServer but each domain has a separate ObjectServer and Tivoli Netcool/Webtop connects to each of them. The status in Topoviz maps was displayed from the default data source regardless of domain selected. The issue is fixed in Netcool/Webtop by enhancing entity registration handling process triggered by Topoviz. NBS 54412 / APAR IZ07779 ======================== Issue Description: Menu change causes prompt tools in AEL to not load. The issue is fixed. Now, the content is updated immediately after editing the prompt tools menu and switching back to Active Event List menu. NBS 57893 / APAR IZ24023 ======================== Issue description: Background map color does not change under Java 1.6 installed in a browser. This issue occurred because currently there is no check for the condition when the user creates a map using no background image and some specified background color. By implementing this check, the issue is avoided when a map created in HTML editor shows the background color correctly when opened with JDK 1.6. NBS 57483 / APAR IZ23055 ======================== Issue description: Running WAAPI method cgi.registercgi against a previously registered CGI causes the java.lang.NullPointerException exception. This issue occurred because one of objects of CGI manager Tivoli Netcool/Webtop component was not properly initialized when registering CGI tools. The issue is fixed by proper initialization of CGI subsystem. NBS 56962/APAR IZ21542 ====================== Issue Description: Filter and View not refreshed when browsing between monitor boxes. This issue occurred because of the inconsistent way of embedding applets in HTML pages which caused problems in Java to JavaScript communication on a page with the Filter Builder and the View Builder. The issue is fixed by correcting way that applets are embedded in HTML. NBS 57101 / APAR IZ22106 ======================== Issue Description: Show lowest severity color check box is grayed out but checked when the 'Show lowest severity' parameter is disabled (it should be grayed out and cleared). The Show Lowest Color check box has been amended and is unchecked when unchecking Show Lowest Severity check box. NBS 57000 / APAR IZ21888 ======================== Issue Description: User permissions are cached after a user logs out. The issue is fixed by obtaining the user permission from the session and setting it correctly. NBS 056776 / APAR IZ20991 ========================= Issue Description: Tomcat vulnerability CVE-2007-5333 in Webtop 2.x. NGF has been updated to run on Tomcat Version 5.5.26 to get the fixes for several security vulnerabilities found in previous releases of Tomcat 5.5. NBS 057563 / APAR IZ23250 ========================= Issue Description: Buttons do not display when adding first page to Layout tab. The issue is fixed by changing the vm file so that the page is navigated to the appropriate one after adding a page through the Layout Tab. NBS 057680 / APAR IZ23448 ========================= Issue Description: Webtop does not start when the http connector is set to port 80. Modified the relevant class file to retrieve the server port without getting StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while inputting any server port value with less than 4 digits. NBS 058039 / APAR IZ24401 ========================= Issue Description: A java.lang.nullpointer exception found in the ngf.log. Changed the relevant class file to prevent this message from being logged in ngf.log. NBS 057547 / APAR IZ23214 ========================= Issue Description : ngf_server stop issues a kill command. Changed the ngf_server script to remove the kill -9 command introduced before issuing the shutdown command when running the "ngf_server stop" that might cause corruption of the ASA database. NBS 056449 / APAR IZ19833 ========================= Issue Description: Need the TBSM logon screen to be able to accept more than 16 characters. The issue is fixed and the login screen can now accept a password of any length. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.63 ---------------------------------------- NBS057074/APARIZ22028 ===================== Issue Description: Class list box in tool editor does not display more than 28 characters. The issue is fixed by adding horizontal and vertical scroll bars in available class list box and selected class list box. Due to HTML limitations, even if items in the list are shorter than list itself, horizontal scrollbar is always displayed. NBS056752/APARIZ20892 ===================== Issue Description: Available entity list box in Entity editor does not resize for long names. The issue is fixed by adding horizontal and vertical scroll bars in available entity list box and current dependencies list box. Due to HTML limitations, even if items in the list are shorter than list itself, horizontal scrollbar is always displayed. NBS55652/APARIZ16348 ==================== Issue Description: Switching between Webtop filters in AEL takes long time when a filter has many events. The issue is fixed by changing the way Netcool/Webtop reads and writes data. NBS55392/APARIZ14830 ==================== Issue Description: Smart Matching is not working as specified in the Admininstration Guide. The issue is fixed and key strokes are working as specified in the Administration Guide. NBS56083/APARIZ18472 ==================== Issue Description: Column width of 'Current Items' and 'Add Items' in Menus Editor cannot adjust according to tool's name. The issue is fixed by adding horizontal and vertical scroll bars to the Current Items column and the Add Items column. NBS56838/APARIZ20932 ==================== Issue Description: Webtop tools no longer work after one tool opens new windows with new AEL and closes it. The issue is fixed by changing how the Tool Manager component code is accessed. NBS56639/APARIZ20492 ==================== Issue Description: Multiple monitor boxes inserted in a web page using the insert:AEL SmartPage command fail to load. The issue is fixed and monitor boxes can be loaded. NBS55102/APARIZ12265 ==================== Issue Description: Changes to text font and text size of inactive buttons in the Map Editor have no effect. The issue is fixed and changes to text font and size take effect. NBS055368/APARIZ14764 ===================== Issue Description: SmartPage command insert:MAPLET with soundurl plays sound for the first highest severity alarm only. The issue is fixed and sound is played as long as a critical event exists in the MAPLET. NBS55473/APARIZ14892 ==================== Issue Description: Events selected by one user in AEL change after refresh if another user deletes one or more events above the event selected by the first user. The issue is fixed and selected events stay the same after a refresh. NBS54071/APARIZ06466 ==================== Issue Description: Events selected in AEL change after a refresh if one of the selected events is deleted from Omnibus desktop. The issue is fixed and undeleted selected events are displayed correctly. NBS55838/APARIZ16971 ==================== Issue Description: Browser becomes unresponsive if an AEL or Map is displayed for an indeterminate time. The issue is fixed. NBS054591/APARIZ08738 ===================== Issue Description: AEL freeze hotkey does not work. The issue is fixed and the hotkey freezes the event list. NBS055264/APARIZ13962 ===================== Issue Description: Changes to the font and font size using the AEL Edit Preferences are lost after browsing to a different page. The issue is fixed and the font and font size are changed. NBS054468/APARIZ08045 ===================== Issue Description: Map browser list does not automatically refresh after a map is created. The issue is fixed and a new map is added to the list automatically. NBS52430/APARIZ01128 ==================== Issue Description: User can view directories and files outside Netcool/Webtop root directories using a request interceptor. The issue is fixed. NBS53131/APARIZ02729 ==================== Issue Description: Using shortcut key SHIFT+I in AEL opens 2 information windows. The issue is fixed and SHIFT+I opens one information window. NBS52319/APARIZ01002 ==================== Issue Description: Changes made to monitor boxes on the Webtop Desktop Samples page using the AEL Edit Preferences do not take effect. The issue is fixed and monitor boxes are updated to reflect the changes made to their preferences. NBS52091/APARIZ00316 ==================== Issue Description: Webtop alert window loses 'Details' and 'Journal' view when a new field is added to alert.status table in ObjectServer. The issue is fixed. NBS53610/APARIZ04792 ==================== Issue Description: Creating Entity groups using the Entity Generator does not check for valid names. The issue is fixed and Entity group names are checked before being created in the Entity Generator. NBS054334/APARIZ07520 ===================== Issue Description: The 'AEL.paint():started' message appears in the Java Console every time there is interaction with the AEL and the message cannot be removed. The issue is fixed and the message is not shown in Java Console. NBS054335/APARIZ07521 ===================== Issue Description: The 'E0052: EventPanel.updateView() unable to find view for entity' message appears in the Java Console when selecting filters and views in the AEL and the message cannot be removed. The issue is fixed and the message is not shown in Java Console. NBS054332/APARIZ07522 ===================== Issue Description: The 'I0024: EntityManager.resync() No registered entities' message appears in the Java Console after saving a filter in the Netcool/Webtop Administration page Filter Builder and the message cannot be removed. The issue is fixed and the message is not shown in Java Console. NBS050780/APARIY97849 ===================== Issue Description: Flashing AEL alerts stop flashing occasionally. The issue is fixed. ================================================= IBM Tivoli Netcool/Webtop 2.1 RELEASE BUILD 2.1.59 ================================================= This release is available on the following operating systems - Solaris 8,9,10 - AIX 5.2, 5.3 - HPUX 11, 11i - Linux AW/AS/ES 3.1 - Windows XP, 2000/2003 server This release is based on NGF 1.1.394. ---------------------------------------- Bugs/Enhancements addressed in 2.1.59 ---------------------------------------- NBS 049057 / APAR IY94025 ========================= Issue Description: $NCHOME/bin/ngf_server stop command does not work properly if server has not finished starting. Changes have been made to the ngf_server script to detect such situations and implement the proper behavior. NBS 054501 / APAR IZ08358 ========================= Issue Description: Unable to delete user via $NCHOME/bin/ngf_api script. Changes have been made to the default 00_smprovision_init.xml file by adding a global property for server name (localhost by default). NBS 053553 / APAR IZ04555 ========================= Issue Description: The user is not informed that cookies are disabled. Changes have been made to the HTML code to check if a cookie exists. If the cookie does not exist, an error message is displayed to inform the user. NBS 055024 / APAR IZ10931 ========================= Issue Description: Unable to change the NGF security id description on 1.1.387. The security-form.vm file has been modified to have a description field instead of a title to avoid the overriding of the value. NBS 054262 / APAR IZ06688 ========================= Issue Description: Running provisioning script in secure mode (HTTPS) does not work. This was caused by the HTTP client code not handling HTTPS mode properly. The workaround is to perform the following settings when running ngf_api in secure mode. To run the script in secure mode, add some lines to the $NCHOME/bin/ngf_api script and add the following parameters to the JAVA_OPTS variable: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore="" -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword="" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore= "" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword="" Set the server value and the https port in the provisioning script: to NBS54391 (APAR IZ07695) ======================= Issue description: Several Webtop instances run in a load-balanced environment. Changes to maps, entities, tools, etc via WAAPI and ncw_export can be distributed through the use of a "staging server". This allows changes across the entire load-balanced Netcool/Webtop pool either immediately or on operator shift change. However, WAAPI currently does not support filter and view updating. Therefore, changes to filters and views across this pool of Netcool/Webtop servers cannot be distributed without restarting them constantly. Solution: The fix is to provide a timer-based mechanism to reload filters and views. It also adds a reusable API that can be used to manage all sorts of timer-controlled tasks (requires implementation when needed). Furthermore, it introduces a new WAAPI command to force an immediate reload of filters and views. The reload affects only filters and views that are currently active. "Active" refers to filters and views that were requested and have been loaded already. For example, filters and views of the currently logged in user(s) and global ones. A new section has been added to configure the timer tasks for reloading filters and views. Timer tasks are initialized on demand when a filter or view is loaded the first time. This means that only active filters and views are registered for update. All other filters and views that are not used by Tivoli Netcool/Webtop are not included in the update loop. ############################################################ # # Configuration for timed task # # timedtasks.enabled - indicates if timed tasks are # enabled or disabled, possible values are true or false, # default is false # # runalways - indicates if a reload should always be performed # regardless if the data to be updated has changed or not, # possible values are true or false, default is false # # values for periods and delays are to be defined in seconds # # runperiod - time between task executions, default is 300 # # startdelay - time before a task is executed the first time, # default is 120 # # testTimestamp - indicates to test if the last modified date # of a file has changed, possible values are true or false, # default is true # # testFileSize - indicates to test if the file size of a file # has been changed, possible values are true or false, default # is true ############################################################ timedtasks.enabled:false timedtasks.filterviews.runalways: false timedtasks.filterviews.startdelay: 120 timedtasks.filterviews.runperiod: 300 timedtasks.filterviews.testTimestamp: true timedtasks.filterviews.testFileSize: true NBS55223 (APAR IZ13658) ======================= Issue description: Unexpected behavior on the first user login after Webtop is started. Users cannot see their filter boxes in their customized pages until the Filter Builder has been accessed at least once. This happens only if global filters are used. Solution: The implementation has been modified to add a check for global filters to load them if they have not been loaded before. NBS54427 (APAR IZ07460) ======================= Issue description: Webtop non-administrative users can delete global filters and views. Solution: There are two additional variables in the server.init file which allows the administrator to configure whether non-admin user can modify global filters. ############################################################ # # Setting for non-administrative users' right to modify Global Filters # or Global Views # # 0: Non-administrative users CANNOT add, modify, or delete Global Filters # or Global Views. # # 1: Non-administrative users can add and modify Global Filters, but cannot # delete Global Filters or Global Views. # # Default value:1 ############################################################ users.global.filter.mode:1 users.global.view.mode:1 NBS29954 (APAR IY88375) ======================= Issue description: Customers want to load PDF files using a CGI script. The CGIServlet does not process binary files properly. Solution: The CGIServlet class has been amended to handle HTTP header from the input stream in order to process such requests properly.