*************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-TOP} * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * Restricted Materials of IBM * IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager * 5724-O33, 5765-UAV, 5765-UA7, 44E7863 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with * IBM Corp. **************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-END} Interim Fix 6 for TUAM 7.1.1 This interim fix was created to solve the following set of Authorised Program Analysis Reports (APARs): * APAR - IZ32914: Importing thousands of Rates into the Rate table and then attempting to edit those Rates via the Rate form in ISC will cause Out of Memory Errors. For Windows Prerequisites You must be running TUAM 7.1.1. Installation Instructions How to install the patch 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. For Windows 3. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 4. Type applyFix.bat 5. For Linux, Unix 6. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 7. Change the rights to applyFix.sh by typing chmod u+x applyFix.sh 8. Type ./applyFix.sh How to uninstall the patch 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. For Windows 3. Open a DOS command window and cd to the temporary directory. 4. Type undoFix.bat 5. For Linux, Unix 6. Open a shell and cd to the temporary directory. 7. Change the rights to applyFix.sh by typing chmod u+x undoFix.sh 8. Type ./undoFix.sh NOTE: The fix will stop the eWAS web server, copy the updated program files, and then restart the web server. If security is turned on for the web server, you will be prompted for a user name and password when the update attempts to stop the web server. Problems (APARS) fixed IZ32914