*************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-TOP} * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * Restricted Materials of IBM * IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager * 5724-O33, 5765-UAV, 5765-UA7, 44E7863 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2007 All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with * IBM Corp. **************************************************************** {COPYRIGHT-END} Fixed APARs : IZ0971 How to install the patch 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. cd to the temporary directory. For Windows 3. Open a dos command 4. Type applyFix.bat For Linux, Unix 3. Open a shell command 4. Type applyFix.sh How to uninstall the patch 1. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory. 2. cd to the temporary directory. For Windows 3. Open a dos command 4. Type undoFix.bat For Linux, Unix 3. Open a shell command 4. Type undoFix.sh