Unless specifically noted otherwise, this history of problems fixed for IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.x applies for all supported platforms.
Changes to the IBM Spectrum Scale include the following:
- Added DMPs for TIP events
A topic is added listing the directed maintenance procedures for TIP events. The DMPs help users resolve issues caused due to TIP events.
- AFM and AFM DR
- Compression and snapshot ILM policy supported. - A general recommendation added for the Gateway node. - Configuration parameters added - afmMaxParallelRecoveries, afmAsyncOpWaitTimeout, afmSyncOpWaitTimeout, and afmRevalOpWaitTimeout. - Configuration parameters modified - afmRPO and afmHashVersion.
- Authentication: Authentication packages
Updated the authentication page to include packages specific to Ubuntu.
- Authentication: AD-based authentication
New information is added on NFS with server-side group lookup and Active Directory authentication.
- Authentication: Primary group selection configurable for AD + RFC2307 based authentication
Ability to choose primary group as set in "UNIX attributes" of a user on Active Directory introduced with AD + RFC2307 based authentication scheme. Earlier, Windows primary group was by default selected as the primary group.
- Big data and analytics
- The GPFS Ambari integration package is now called the IBM Spectrum Scale Ambari management pack (in short, management pack or MPack). - IBM Spectrum Scale Ambari management pack version with HDFS Transparency version supports BI 4.2/BI 4.2.5 IOP migration to HDP 2.6.2. - Supports the remote mount configuration in Ambari. - Supports the multiple file systems configuration. In management pack version, the current limit is two file systems. - The Short circuit write is supported for better performance. - In HDFS Transparency, the Ranger performance is enhanced.
- Changes to IBM Spectrum Scale management API
Added the following new commands: GET /perfmon/data GET /filesystems/{filesystemName}/afm/state DELETE /nodes/{name} POST /nodes GET /nodeclasses POST /nodeclasses DELETE /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} GET /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} PUT /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} DELETE /jobs/jobId POST /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/psnaps DELETE /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/psnaps/{snapshotName} GET /thresholds GET /thresholds/{name} POST /thresholds DELETE /thresholds/{name}
- IBM Spectrum Scale GUI changes
- Added new Networks page to monitor the performance, configuration, and adapters of network configurations in the cluster. You can monitor the network performance with respect to the IP and RDMA interfaces used in the configuration. - Added new Monitoring > Thresholds page to create and monitor the threshold rules that are defined in the system. - Added Access > Remote Connections page to enable the GUI node of the local cluster to monitor the remote cluster by establishing a connection with the GUI node of the remote cluster. - Added Settings > Call Home page to configure call home. Configuring the call home feature helps the IBM® Support to monitor the system. Configuring call home also helps to reduce the response time of the IBM Support to resolve any issues. The diagnostic data that is downloaded through the Settings > Diagnostic Data can be uploaded to a problem management record (PMR) by using the call home feature in the backend. To upload the diagnostic data, right-click the relevant data set from the Previously Collected Diagnostic Data, and select Upload to PMR. - Added file system creation capabilities in GUI. Use the Files > File Systems > Create File System option to launch the Create File System wizard. In the Create File System wizard, you can specify the following details of the file system: - File system name - Storage pools - NSDs for the file systems - Failure groups - NSD order for data writes - Maximum number of Spectrum Scale clients - Maximum number of inodes of the root fileset - Whether to enable quota and scope for the quota definition - Whether to enable DMAPI - Mount point and automatic mount mode - Added the aggregation levels Access Point and Filesets and removed Account for the resource type Transparent Cloud Tiering in the Monitoring > Statisitics page. - The Files > Transparent Cloud Tiering page now displays the file systems and filesets that are mapped with the cloud service. It also shows the connection of such a container pair configuration to a cloud account and the corresponding CSAP that is configured for the cloud account. - Changes to capacity monitoring in the GUI - Moved the Capacity page from Monitoring to Files menu in the navigation and renamed the GUI page to User Capacity. - Only the file data user capacity can be viewed from the Files > User Capacity page. Removed the pools, filesets, file system capacity monitoring options from the Files > User Capacity page. You can monitor the capacity of these components from the respective GUI pages. - Replaced the GPFSPoolCap sensor with the GPFSPool sensor and separate data and metadata level capacity monitoring are introduced in the performance charts available in the Files > File Systems and Storage > Pools pages. - New GPFSPool-based data and metadata performance monitoring metrics are available for selection in the Files > Statistics > Edit > Capacity section. You need to select the aggregation level as Pool to view these metrics. - AFM monitoring changes in the GUI - Provides the number of AFM filesets and the corresponding export server maps. Each export map establishes a mapping between the gateway node and the NFS host name to allow parallel data transfers from cache to home. - By using the Request Access option available in the Files > Active File Management or Access > Remote Connection page in the GUI, you can now establish connection with remote clusters. After establishing the connection, you can monitor the following AFM and AFM DR configuration details across clusters: * On home and secondary, you can see the AFM relationships configuration, health status, and performance values of the Cache and Disaster Recovery grids. * On the Overview tab of the detailed view, the available home and secondary inodes are available. * On the Overview tab of the detailed view, the details such as NFS throughput, IOPs, and latency details are available, if the protocol is NFS. - New option to create AFM peer snapshots through GUI. Use the Create Peer Snapshot option in the Files > Snapshots page to create peer snapshots. You can view and delete these peer snapshots from the Snapshots page and also from the detailed view of the Files > Active File Management page.
- Encryption: GSKit V8 improves cryptographic performance on IBM POWER8
The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) Version 8 and later improves cryptographic performance on IBM POWER8 hardware. The version of GSKit that is shipped with IBM Spectrum Scale v5.0.0 offers better performance on POWER8, compared with the versions shipped with earlier releases.
- File compression: The lz4 library provides fast access to compressed data
File compression supports the lz4 compression library. Lz4 is intended primarily for active data and favors read-access speed over maximized space saving.
- File data: Block and subblock sizes improve I/O performance and reduce fragmentation
The default block size is larger, 4 MiB instead of 256 KiB, and the sizes of subblocks relative to blocks s are smaller, for example, 8 KiB subblocks in a 4 MiB block. A larger block size improves the file system performance and a smaller subblock size reduces the amount of unused space. For many business applications, the default value of 4 MiB provides the best balance of improved performance and reduced fragmentation.
- File encryption: AES-XTS encryption is faster on x86 in non-FIPS mode
On x86 architecture in non-FIPS mode, file encryption with the AES algorithm in XTS mode is faster than it was.
- File systems: File system rebalancing is faster
Rebalancing is implemented by a lenient round-robin method that typically runs faster than the previously used method of strict round robin. The strict round robin method is available as an option.
- installation toolkit changes
- The installation toolkit has added support for the installation and the deployment of IBM Spectrum Scale in a cluster containing Elastic Storage Server (ESS). - The installation toolkit has added support for enabling and configuring call home. - The installation toolkit has added support for enabling and configuring file audit logging. - The installation toolkit has added support for the installation and the deployment of IBM Spectrum Scale on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS nodes. - The installation toolkit has added verification of passwordless SSH during prechecks before installation, deployment, or upgrade. - The installation toolkit has added support for cumulative object upgrade.
- mmafmctl command
The --outband parameter is deprecated.
- mmcallhome command: Enhancements
- Addition of -Y option * The -Y displays the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. - Addition of --pmr option * The --pmr option allows you to upload data to existing PMRs using the mmcallhome run SendFile command.
- mmchconfig command: Enhancements
- Encrypted files can be copied into an LROC device * With the lrocEnableStoringClearText attribute, you can control whether file data from encrypted files, which is held in memory as cleartext, is copied into a local read-only cache (LROC) device. - InfiniBand addresses can be specified for RDMA transfers * In the verbsPorts attribute, you can specify InfiniBand addresses for RDMA transfers between an NSD client and server.
- mmchnsd command: Change NSDs without unmounting the file system
When you add or remove NSDs or do other operations with mmchnsd, you do not need to unmount the file system.
- mmcrfs command: Enhancements
- The default data block size is 4 MiB with an 8 KiB subblock size * If no block size is specified, a file system is created with a 4 MiB block size and an 8 KiB subblock size. The minimum release level (minReleaseLevel) of the cluster must be 5.0.0 or greater when the file system is created. - The default log file size depends on block size and metadata size * If the block size is 512 KiB or larger and the metadata block size 256 KiB or larger, then the default log file size is 32 MiB. Otherwise, the default log file size is 4 MiB or the metadata block size, whichever is larger. - The default method for updating atime is relatime * If the minimum release level (minReleaseLevel) of the cluster is 5.0.0 or greater when the file system is created, the default method for updating atime is relatime.
- mmdsh command: Several options are no longer supported
The --ignoreSignal, -I, and -d options are no longer supported. Do not use these options unless instructed to by IBM support personnel.
- mmfsck command: Display an interim status report at any time
While a long-running instance of mmfsck is in progress, you can start another instance of mmfsck with the --status-report parameter to display current status information from all the nodes that are participating in the mmfsck run.
- mmgetstate command: Display the unresponsive state
The command returns the unresponsive state when the GPFS daemon is running but is not responding.
- mmhealth command: Addition to measurement options
Measurement options for filesystem, SMB node, and NFS node has been added to the mmhealth command.
- mmkeyserv command: The simplified method supports certificate chains from a certificate authority.
In the simplified method, with the --kmip-cert parameter, you can set up encryption with IBM® Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) as the key management server and with a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA) on the KMIP port of the SKLM server.
- mmnetverify command: Enhancements
- Verify the network operation of nodes in a subnet * With the --subnets parameters, you can specify the subnet addresses of the nodes that you want to verify. - Verify that nodes can handle a new MTU size * With the ping-packet-size parameter, you can specify the size of the ICMP echo request packets that are sent between local node and the target node during the ping test.
- mmtracectl command: Display the tracing status
The --status parameter displays the tracing status of the specified nodes.
- New feature for threshold monitoring
Starting from IBM Spectrum Scale version 5.0.0, if multiple thresholds rules have overlapping entities for the same metrics, only one of the concurrent rules is made actively eligible.
- NFS: Dynamic export changes
You can dynamically change the export configuration without restarting the NFS service.
- Object
- Support for Ubuntu - Support for sudo wrapper for Object on Ubuntu - Support for cumulative upgrades from older versions - Object snap enhancement to contain keystore logs
- Protocol support: Enhanced
Protocol support is extended to Ubuntu 10.04
- Setting up a system for storing crash files for Ubuntu
A topic is added to describe how to set up a system for storing crash files for Ubuntu.
- SMB: DFS redirects for SMB shares
New option to configure DFS redirects for SMB shares.
- SMB: SMB server upgrade changes
Two events on CTDB version match/mismatch are added to the RAS events.
- Sudo wrappers: Root-level processes can call administration commands directly
Root-level background processes, such as cron and callback programs, can successfully call administration commands directly rather than through sudo when sudo wrappers are enabled.
- Supported clients for NFS
A topic is added listing the clients that are supported by NFS protocol.
- Transparent cloud tiering
- Support for multiple cloud storage accounts - Support for multiple file systems or filesets per node group - Enhanced support for large file systems provided by container spillover - Support for associating file sets with containers for enhanced granularity - Multiple URL and region support at the node level - Support for creating a cloud service separately for tiering and sharing operations. - Unique encryption key per cloud container - Support for remotely mounted clients. - Support for Amazon S3 regions requiring Sigv4 security support, including the US government cloud region. - Ability to enable or disable transparent recall for files for a given file system instantly, without having to rewrite a policy. - Support for backing up and restoring the Cloud services configuration in case of any disaster. - Support for backing up the Cloud services database to the cloud. - Support for restoring Transparent cloud tiering service on an identical backup cluster. - Support for checking the integrity of the Cloud services database after any system crash or outage. - Support for auditing events relating to each operation performed in Cloud services.
- New commands
mmaudit mmmsgqueue
- Changed commands
mmafmctl mmadddisk mmcallhome mmchattr mmchcluster mmchconfig mmchfs mmchnsd mmcloudgateway mmcrcluster mmcrfs mmdeldisk mmdsh mmfsck mmgetstate mmkeyserv mmnetverify mmnfs mmrestripefile mmrestripefs mmsmb mmtracectl mmuserauth
- Deleted commands
- New messages
6027-1264, 6027-1757, 6027-2394, 6027-2395, 6027-2396, 6027-2397 6027-2398, 6027-2399, 6027-2400, 6027-2401, 6027-3259, 6027-3408 6027-3597, 6027-3598, 6027-3599, 6027-3600, 6027-3601, 6027-3602 6027-3603, 6027-3604, 6027-3730, 6027-3921, 6027-3922, 6027-3923 6027-3924, 6027-3925, 6027-3926, 6027-3927, 6027-3928 6027-3929, 6027-3930, 6027-3931, 6027-4019
- Changed messages