Readme and Release notes for release IBM Spectrum Scale Spectrum_Scale_Standard- Readme
Readme file for:Spectrum Scale
Product/Component Release:
Update Name:Spectrum_Scale_Standard-
Fix ID:Spectrum_Scale_Standard-
Publication Date:17 May 2017
Last modified date:17 May 2017
Online version of the readme file:
Important: The most current version of the readme file can always be found online.
Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Known issues
Installation information
Additional information
Copyright and trademark information
Download location
Below is a list of components, platforms, and file names that apply to this Readme file.
Fix Download for AIX
Fix Download for AIX
Prerequisites and co-requisites
You must have a licensed version of IBM Spectrum Scale
Known issues
Problems discovered in IBM Spectrum Scale releases
Installation information
After you have downloaded IBM Spectrum Scale for AIX update package into any directory on your system, use the following section to install the fix package.
Installing IBM Spectrum Scale for AIX
- Choose the download option "Download using Download Director" to download the new Spectrum Scale package and place it in any location desired on the install node. Note, if you must (not recommended) use download option "Download using your browser (HTTPS)", instead of clicking on the down arrow to the left of the package name, you must right-click on the package name and select the Save Link As.. option. If you just click on the download arrow, the browser will likely hang.
- Follow the installation and migration instructions in your IBM Spectrum Scale Installing and upgrading.
Complete these steps to install the fix package:
- Unzip and extract the BFF image(s) from the file that was just downloaded:
< r/>
gzip -d -c < filename > | tar -xvf -
- Verify the update image(s) in the directory.
Normally, the images in the directory would be similar to the following:
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.base.bff
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.ext.bff
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.gskit.bff
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.msg.en_US.bff
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.adv.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition only)
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.crypto.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition only)
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.license.std.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Standard Edition)
- UXXXXXX.gpfs.license.adv.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition)
- (IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition)
where XXXXXX represents the six (6) digits of the PTF number for the BFF image.
For specific filenames, check "Package information" in this Readme for the IBM Spectrum Scale update.
- Follow the installation and migration instructions in your IBM Spectrum Scale Installing and upgrading.
Upgrading GPFS nodes
Upgrading GPFS may be accomplished by either upgrading one node in
the cluster at a time or by upgrading all nodes in the cluster at
once. When upgrading GPFS one node at a time, the below steps are
performed on each node in the cluster in a sequential manner. When
upgrading the entire cluster at once, GPFS must be shutdown on all
nodes in the cluster prior to upgrading.
When upgrading nodes one at a time, you may need to plan the order
of nodes to upgrade. Verify that stopping each particular machine
does not cause quorum to be lost or that an NSD server might be the
last server for some disks. Upgrade the quorum and manager nodes
first. When upgrading the quorum nodes, upgrade the cluster manager
last to avoid unnecessary cluster failover and election of new
cluster managers.
Prior to upgrading GPFS on a node, all applications that depend
on GPFS (e.g. DB2) must be stopped. Any GPFS file systems that
are NFS exported must be unexported prior to unmounting GPFS
file systems.
Stop GPFS on the node. Verify that the GPFS daemon has
terminated and that the kernel extensions have been unloaded
(mmfsenv -u). If the command mmfsenv -u reports that it cannot
unload the kernel extensions because they are "busy", then the
install can proceed, but the node must be rebooted after the
install. By "busy" this means that some process has a "current
directory" in some GPFS filesystem directory or has an open file
descriptor. The freeware program lsof can identify the process
and the process can then be killed. Retry mmfsenv -u and if that
succeeds then a reboot of the node can be avoided.
Use the 'inutoc .' command to create a .toc file which will be used by the installp command. The .toc file will be created in the current working directory.
Once the .toc file is created, Upgrade GPFS using the installp command or via SMIT on the
node. If you are in the same directory as the install packages and the .toc file,
an example command might be:
installp -agXYd . gpfs
Additional information
Package information
The update images listed below and contained in the tar image are maintenance packages for IBM Spectrum Scale. The update images can be directly applied to your system.
The update images require a prior level of IBM Spectrum Scale. Thus, the usefulness of this update is limited to installations that already have the IBM Spectrum Scale product. Contact your IBM representative if you desire to purchase a fully installable product that does not require a prior level of IBM Spectrum Scale.
After all BFFs are installed, you have successfully updated your IBM Spectrum Scale product.
- Follow the installation and migration instructions in your IBM Spectrum Scale Installing and upgrading.
Update to Version:
Update from Version:
Update (tar file) contents:
- U876875.gpfs.ext.bff
- U876876.gpfs.base.bff
- U876877.gpfs.msg.en_US.bff
- U876879.gpfs.crypto.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition only)
- U876878.gpfs.adv.bff (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition only)
Summary of changes for IBM Spectrum Scale
Unless specifically noted otherwise, this history of problems fixed for IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2.x applies
for all supported platforms.
Problems fixed in GPFS [May 16, 2017]
- Fix a Ganesha crash caused by an applyUpdate.
- Fix a ccrio initialization failure (err 811) when changing the
- Fix a rare segmentation fault in the mmgetstatus command.
- Fix a SIGBUS error that can occur during a mmap read on a snapshot file.
- Fix a problem in which we see a flood of "failed to scrub vdisk" log message
when GNR node experiences quorum loss. This is for ESS/GSS.
- Fix a rare race between unlink, lookup and token revoke which causes kernel
crash in d_revalidate.
- This fix will make sure Ganesha request reference a valid GPFS filesystem.
- Fix a system hang that can occur when a file system is suspended while doing a
- This fix rejects unreasonable large requests to preallocate inodes immediately
with ENOSPC.
- Fix a directory rename issue with IW filesets that can occur if the rename
target is an existing directory.
- Fix a fault that can occur when restripe runs while the SG is not mounted on
all NSD nodes.
- This fix restricts the afmMaxParallelRecoveries config value from 0 to 128.
- This fix removes the unnecessary error message "cannot open /proc/net/tcp6"
when shutting down GPFS.
- Fix a problem with not properly handling quotas in an AFM environment. This
can occur when you have very large hard and soft limit values.
- Fix a "exp(!sgP->isSGMgr())" assert that can occur when you delete a file
system and then create a new file system with the same name at the same time.
- Fix an err 112 that can show up in the mmfs logs when mmchnode --gateway is
- Fix a kernel crash that can occur while attempting to mount a loop device to a
correspond file in a GPFS file system or while using a GPFS file system file
as a LIO backend.
- Address a problem where applyUpdates continues to run even if the fileset at
the old primary is unlinked or the mmfs daemon has been shutdown.
- Fix an outband resync failure that can occur if a recovery is triggered by
deleting some files in a directory and the directory itself. This is an AFM/DR
- Fix rename conflicts that can occur in SW/DR filesets.
- Update log code to prevent log recovery error when log file became
illReplicated. This could happen on file system with -K set to NO and there is
not enough disk space for full replication.
- This fix will use new interface that will reduce multiple retries every time a
lock is freed and there are multiple waiters for the lock.
- Fix an assert that can occur with a DR fileset and the file system is
- Fix bug that requires a large free space in /var/mmfs to run change commands.
- Fix recovery failure err 17 when psnap0 deletion fails.
- Fix a daemon assert that can occur in an AFM environment where the mmfsd
daemon fails to start repeatedly with a DMAPI enabled filesystem at a gateway
- Address a problem where trying to queue a writeSplit message to the helper
gateway's queue can fail with an error 28 (E_NOSPAC).
- Fix an issue which returns EACCESS(errno = 13) while running mmapplypolicy
when there is a mounted NFS file system which has the same name with a GPFS
file system.
- A fastpath optimization defect can result in an internal error to be returned
to the user when it is safe to continue without entering the fast path.
- Install if you suffer from mmapplypolicy/tspolicy hanging after otherwise
finishing all work.
- cNFS: fix a problem with /usr/sbin/rpcinfo not found in SLES12 or later.
- Fix a failure in Object Authentication configuration with Active Directory or
LDAP. This fix is only required if Object is being configured with Active
Directory or LDAP and DN of Swift service user(specified in --ks-swift-user)
is more than 79 characters.
- Fix a problem with ESS disk replacement in which the mmchcarrier command may
wipe out the pdisk location code. The problem will prevent the subsequent
mmchcarrier command to proceed without a valid location code.
- Fix a problem in which a GPFS command may wrongly terminate another process.
- Fix a rare deadlock problem caused by stream write(enableRepWriteStream=yes).
- Update log recovery code to avoid GPFS daemon assert after detecting invalid
directory block during log recovery. Code has been changed to log a FSSTRUCT
error and fail the log recovery so offline mmfsck can be run on the file
- Fix a mmfsd crashes (incompleteOk assertion), when the number of files in the
committed directory doesn't match the number of files in CCR's file list in
case of a new CCR file update request.
- This update addresses the following APARs: IV94991 IV94992 IV94994 IV94995
IV94996 IV94997 IV94998 IV95015 IV95021 IV95230 IV95557 IV95643 IV95925
IV96037 IV96163.
Copyright and trademark information
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typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
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changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.
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- the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
- IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims
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- IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
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