Power8 System Firmware

Applies to:   8247-21L; 8247-22L; 8247-42L; 8284-22A; 8286-41A; 8286-42A and 8408-44E.

This document provides information about the installation of Licensed Machine or Licensed Internal Code, which is sometimes referred to generically as microcode or firmware.



1.0 Systems Affected

This package provides firmware for Power System S812L (8247-21L), Power System S822L (8247-22L), Power System S824L (8247-42L), Power System S822 (8284-22A), Power System S814 (8286-41A), Power System S824 (8286-42A) and Power System E850C (8408-44E) servers only.

The firmware level in this package is:

1.1 Minimum HMC Code Level

This section is intended to describe the "Minimum HMC Code Level" required by the System Firmware to complete the firmware installation process. When installing the System Firmware, the HMC level must be equal to or higher than the "Minimum HMC Code Level" before starting the system firmware update.  If the HMC managing the server targeted for the System Firmware update is running a code level lower than the "Minimum HMC Code Level" the firmware update will not proceed.

The Minimum HMC Code level for this firmware is:  HMC V8 R8.6.0 (PTF MH01654) with Mandatory efix (PTF MH01655) or higher.

For information concerning HMC releases and the latest PTFs,  go to the following URL to access Fix Central:
For specific fix level information on key components of IBM Power Systems running the AIX, IBM i and Linux operating systems, we suggest using the Fix Level Recommendation Tool (FLRT):

                -You must be logged in as hscroot in order for the firmware installation to complete correctly.
                - Systems Director Management Console (SDMC) does not support this System Firmware level

1.2 AIX iFix Required

NOTE: Does not pertain to S812L(8247-21L), S822L (8247-22L), or S824L (8247-42L) models:

For IBM Power System servers with the PCIe 2-port Async EIA-232 Adapter installed on AIX partitions, an AIX fix resolving the async port interrupt handling (APAR IV77596) must be installed before updating to the SV840_056 (FW840.00) or later level of firmware.  The ports on the adapter (feature code EN27/EN28, CCIN 57D4) may become un-usable with the installation of that firmware level due to an issue with how interrupts are handled.  Many JAS_RTS error log entries are written to the error log due to this issue.

Prior to this APAR shipping in a future Service Pack, AIX intends to publish ifixes for the latest Service Packs on all active Technology Levels on our ftp server, in ftp://aix.software.ibm.com/aix/ifixes/iv77596/ on or before Oct 13, 2015.  If you need an ifix other than the ones on this server, contact IBM support to request one for your specific situation.

The procedure is intended to be performed by the customer.  In the event that the customer has questions or concerns with the procedure, you should contact IBM Support.  Please contact IBM Support: 
US Support: 1.800.IBM.SERV
WW Support (select your country):  http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/

1.3 IBM i Minimum Levels

For IBM i customers who have systems with machine type model 8286-41A or 8286-42A, firmware update has a prerequisite on partitions running IBM i operating system that own physical I/O.

For IBM i 7.1, the following minimum code levels are prerequisites:
IBM i 7.1 TR PTF Group SF99707 Level 9 + Cumulative PTF Package C4283710 + HIPER PTF Group

For IBM i 7.2, the following minimum code levels are prerequisites:
IBM i 7.2 TR PTF Group SF99717 Level 1 + Cumulative PTF Pacakge C4276720 + HIPER PTF Group

For IBM i 7.3,
- All IBM i 7.3 code levels are compatible with this firmware update.

Note 1: These code levels are not a requirement for IBM i partitions that are a client of VIOS. 
Note 2: These IBM i code levels are listed as prerequisites for the feature code EMX0 expansion drawer.  If this firmware release has already been applied, the above IBM i code level should be applied on IBM i partitions in order to maintain system stability.

2.0 Important Information

Downgrading firmware from any given release level to an earlier release level is not recommended.

If you feel that it is necessary to downgrade the firmware on your system to an earlier release level, please contact your next level of support.

2.1 IPv6 Support and Limitations

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is supported in the System Management Services (SMS) in this level of system firmware. There are several limitations that should be considered.

When configuring a network interface card (NIC) for remote IPL, only the most recently configured protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) is retained. For example, if the network interface card was previously configured with IPv4 information and is now being configured with IPv6 information, the IPv4 configuration information is discarded.

A single network interface card may only be chosen once for the boot device list. In other words, the interface cannot be configured for the IPv6 protocol and for the IPv4 protocol at the same time.

2.2 Concurrent Firmware Updates

Concurrent system firmware update is only supported on HMC Managed Systems only.

2.3 DPSS Updates

Power 8 servers use a programmable power controller called a DPSS (Digital Power Subsystem Sweep) which is located in each system node. The DPSS is used to control P8 fan speeds, check voltage levels of the power supplies for proper level, and operation in the system node.  The DPSS image is persistent and is only reloaded if there is a system firmware update that contains a DPSS change.  If there is a DPSS change and the system firmware update is concurrent, the DPSS update is delayed to the next IPL of the CEC which will cause an additional 18 to 20 minutes to be added on to the IPL.   If there is a change and the firmware update is disruptive, then DPSS update occurs when the service processor is resetting to service processor stand-by state, and will add 18 to 20 minutes to this transition.  During the DPSS update the HMC or op-panel, will display DPSS update progress codes which may be overwritten on the HMC, but will be displayed as C100C300 thru C100C3FF.   If there is a DPSS change in a system firmware service pack, the change will be designated as deferred in the service pack README.   DPSS changes will be described along with a reminder of the 18 to 20 minute additional time in the Firmware Information and Description section in the README.

The DPSS download progress codes are documented in the IBM Knowledge Center:

2.4 Memory Considerations for Firmware Upgrades

Firmware Release Level upgrades and Service Pack updates may consume additional system memory.
Server firmware requires memory to support the logical partitions on the server. The amount of memory required by the server firmware varies according to several factors.
Factors influencing server firmware memory requirements include the following:
Generally, you can estimate the amount of memory required by server firmware to be approximately 8% of the system installed memory. The actual amount required will generally be less than 8%. However, there are some server models that require an absolute minimum amount of memory for server firmware, regardless of the previously mentioned considerations.

Additional information can be found at:

3.0 Firmware Information

Use the following examples as a reference to determine whether your installation will be concurrent or disruptive.

For systems that are not managed by an HMC, the installation of system firmware is always disruptive.

Note: The concurrent levels of system firmware may, on occasion, contain fixes that are known as Deferred and/or Partition-Deferred. Deferred fixes can be installed concurrently, but will not be activated until the next IPL. Partition-Deferred fixes can be installed concurrently, but will not be activated until a partition reactivate is performed. Deferred and/or Partition-Deferred fixes, if any, will be identified in the "Firmware Update Descriptions" table of this document. For these types of fixes (Deferred and/or Partition-Deferred) within a service pack, only the fixes in the service pack which cannot be concurrently activated are deferred.

Note: The file names and service pack levels used in the following examples are for clarification only, and are not necessarily levels that have been, or will be released.

System firmware file naming convention:


NOTE: Values of service pack and last disruptive service pack level (yyy and zzz) are only unique within a release level (xxx). For example, 01SV830_040_040 and 01SV840_040_045 are different service packs.

An installation is disruptive if:

            Example: Currently installed release is 01SV840_040_040, new release is 01SV850_050_050.

            Example: SV830_040_040 is disruptive, no matter what level of SV830 is currently installed on the system.

            Example: Currently installed service pack is SV830_040_040 and new service pack is SV830_050_045.

An installation is concurrent if:

The release level (xxx) is the same, and
The service pack level (yyy) currently installed on the system is the same or higher than the last disruptive service pack level (zzz) of the service pack to be installed.

Example: Currently installed service pack is SV830_040_040, new service pack is SV830_071_040.

3.1 Firmware Information and Description

Filename Size Checksum

Note: The Checksum can be found by running the AIX sum command against the rpm file (only the first 5 digits are listed).
ie: sum 01SV860_056_056.rpm

For Impact, Severity and other Firmware definitions, Please refer to the below 'Glossary of firmware terms' url:

The complete Firmware Fix History for this Release Level can be reviewed at the following url:
SV860_056_056 / FW860.10

Impact:  New      Severity:  New

The following pertains to Power System S812L (8247-21L), Power System S822L (8247-22L), Power System S824L (8247-42L), Power System S822 (8284-22A), Power System S814 (8286-41A), Power System S824 (8286-42A) and Power System E850C (8408-44E) servers only.

New features and functions

  • Support enabled for Live Partition Mobility (LPM) operations.
  • Support enabled for partition Suspend and Resume from the HMC.
  • Support enabled for partition Remote Restart.
  • Support enabled for PowerVM vNIC. PowerVM vNIC combined many of the best features of SR-IOV and PowerVM SEA to provide a network solution with options for advanced functions such as Live Partition Mobility along with better performance and I/O efficiency when compared to PowerVM SEA.  In addition PowerVM vNIC provided users with bandwidth control (QoS) capability by leveraging SR-IOV logical ports as the physical interface to the network.
  • Support for dynamic setting of the Simplified Remote Restart VM property, which enables this property to be turned on or off dynamically with the partition running.
  • Support for PowerVM and HMC  to get and set the boot list of a partition.
  • Support for PowerVM partition restart in a Disaster Recovery (DR) environment.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware, support for PCIe3 3D graphics (F/C #EC51) adapter for Linux boot.  Supported Linux OS distributions are Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 and SLES 12 SP2.  This feature only applies to S822 (8284-22A), S812L (8247-21L), and S822L (8247-22L) systems.
  • Support for concurrent add of a PCIe3 Optical cable card (#EJ08 and CCIN 2CE2) used to attach the PCIe expansion drawer.  This feature pertains to E850(8408-E8E) and E850 (8408-44E) systems only.
  • Support for concurrent add of a PCIe expansion drawer (#EMX0) to an existing cable card.  This feature pertains to E850(8408-E8E) and E850 (8408-44E) systems only.
  • Support on PowerVM for a partition with 32 TB memory.  AIX, IBM i and Linux are supported but IBM i must be IBM i 7.3. TR1  IBM i 7.2 has a limit of 16 TB per partition and IBM i 7.1 has a limit of 8 TB per partition.  AIX level must be 7.1S or later.  Linux distributions supported are RHEL 7.2 P8,  SLES 12 SP1,  Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, RHEL 7.3 P8,  SLES 12 SP2, Ubuntu 16.04.1,  and SLES 11 SP4 for SAP HANA.
  • Support for four processors for each IBM i partition with VIOS (up from limit of two processors) on the IBM Power System S822 (8284-22A).
  • Support for PowerVM and PowerNV (non-virtualized or OPAL bare-metal) booting from a PCIe Non-Volatile Memory express (NVMe) flash adapter.  The adapters include feature codes #EC54 and #EC55 - 1.6 TB,  and #EC56 and #EC57 - 3.2 TB  NVMe flash adapters with CCIN 58CB and 58CC respectively.
  • Support for PowerVM NovaLink V1.0.0.4 which includes the following features:
    - IBM i network boot
    - Live Partition Mobility (LPM) support for inactive source VIOS
    - Support for SR-IOV configurations, vNIC, and vNIC failover
    - Partition support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Support for a decrease in the amount of PowerVM memory needed to support Huge Dynamic DMA Window (HDDW) for a PCI slot by using 64K pages instead of 4K pages.  The hypervisor only allocates enough storage for the Enlarged IO Capacity (Huge Dynamic DMA Window) capable slots to map every page in main storage with 64K pages rather than 4K pages as was done previously.  This affects only the Linux OS as AIX and IBM i do not use HDDW.
  • Support was enhanced for the Power Linux models to increase the default number of slots for I/O Adapter Enlarged Capacity PCI slots from 4 to 13.  In 860.10, the new default of 13 Enlarged I/O slots will use approximately 1.5 GB of storage (which is a factor of 10 less than what would have been previously required for this many slots, benefiting by the PowerVM change to 64K pages from 4K pages for HDDW). Huge DMA is a PCIe slot capability on IBM Power Systems servers that enables a DMA window to be wider, possibly allowing all the partition memory to be mapped for DMA. This feature avoids increased system usage when DMA mappings are requested by the adapter driver, because all the system memory assigned to the partition is already mapped. Consequently, this feature enables the data transfer between the I/O card that is placed in this slot and the system memory to be more efficient and with lower latency. The performance benefit will vary based on the operating system and adapter being used. Linux performance information can be found in the 64-bit DMA performance benefit topic in the performance section of the IBM Knowledge Center:http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/linuxonibm/liabm/liabmconcepts.htm.  This feature enhancement only pertains to the IBM Power System S812L (8247-21L), S822L (8247-22L) and S824L (8247-42L) models.
  • Support added to reduce the number of  error logs and call homes for the non-critical FRUs for the power and thermal faults of the system.
  • Support for redundancy in the the transfer of partition state for Live Partition Mobility (LPM) migration operations.  Redundant VIOS Mover Service Partitons (MSPs) can be defined along with redundant network paths at the VIOS/MSP level.  When redundant MSP pairs are used, the migrating memory pages of the logical partition are transferred from the source system to the target system by using two MSP pairs simultaneously. If one of the MSP pair fails, the migration operation continues by using the other MSP pair. In some scenarios, where a common shared Ethernet adapter is not used, use redundant MSP pairs to improve performance and reliability.
    Note:  For a LPM migration for a partition using Advanced Memory Sharing (AMS) in a dual (redundant) MSP configuration the LPM operation may hang if the MSP connection fails during the LPM migration. To avoid this issue that applies only to AMS partitions,  the AMS migrations should only be done from the HMC command line using the migrlpar command and specifying --redundentmsp 0 to disable the redundant MSPs.
    Note: To use redundant MSP pairs, all VIOS MSPs must be at version or later, the HMC at version 8.6.0 or later, and the firmware level FW860 or later.
    For more information on LPM and VIOS supported levels and restrictions, refer to the following links on the IBM Knowledge Center:
  • Support for failover capability for vNIC client adapters in the PowerVM hypervisor, rather than requiring the failover configuration to be done in the client OS.  To create a redundant connection, the HMC adds another vNIC server with the same remote lpar ID and remote DRC as the first, giving each server its own priority.
  • Support for SAP HANA with Solution edition with feature code #EPVR on 3.65 GHZ processors and 12-core activations and 512 GB memory activations on SUSE Linux..  SAP HANA is an in-memory platform for processing high volumes of data in real-time. HANA allows data analysts to query large volumes of data in real-time. HANA's in-memory database infrastructure frees analysts from having to load or write-back data.
  • Support for the Hardware Management Console (HMC)  to access the service processor IPMI credentials and to retrieve Performance and Capacity Monitor (PCM) data for viewing in a tabular format or for exporting as CSV values. The enhanced HMC interface can now start and stop VIOS Shared Storage Pool (SSP) monitoring from the HMC and start and stop SSP historical data aggregation.
  • Support for the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) was changed to not create VPD deconfiguration records and call home alerts for hardware FRUs that have one VPD chip of a redundant pair broken or inaccessible.  The backup VPD chip for the FRU allows continued use of the hardware resource.  The notification of the need for service for the FRU VPD is not provided until both of the redundant VPD chips have failed for a FRU.

System firmware changes that affect all systems

  • A problem was fixed for a failed IPL with SRC UE BC8A090F that does not have a hardware callout or a guard of the failing hardware.  The system may be recovered by guarding out the processor associated with the error and re-IPLing the system.  With the fix, the bad processor core is guarded and the system is able to IPL.
  • A problem was fixed for an Operations Panel Function 04 (Lamp test) during an IPL causing the IPL to fail.  With the fix, the lamp test request is rejected during the IPL until the hypervisor is available.  The lamp test can be requested without problems anytime after the system is powered on to hypervisor ready or an OS is running in a partition.
  • A problem was fixed for On-Chip Controller (OCC) errors that had excessive callouts for processor FRUs.  Many of the OCC errors are recoverable and do not required that the processor be called out and guarded.  With the fix, the processors will only be called out for OCC errors if there are three or more OCC failures during a time period of a week.
  • A problem was fixed for the On-Chip Controller (OCC) incorrectly calling out processors with SRC B1112A16 for L4 Cache DIMM failures with SRC B124E504.  This false error logging can occur if the DIMM slot that is failing is adjacent to two unoccupied DIMM slots.
  • A problem was fixed for device time outs during a IPL logged with a SRC B18138B4.  This error is intermittent and no action is needed for the error log.  The service processor hardware server has allotted more time of the device transactions to allow the transactions to complete without a time-out error.
  • Support for 6 core processor with FC #8A2225 and CCIN 54E1  extended for use in the Power System S822L (8247-22L).  Support was already in place for this processor since FW810.20 for the S822 (8284-22A).
  • For the IBM Power System E850 (8408-44E) system, a problem was fixed for the incorrect values for the Idle Power Saver (IPS) mode call home data.  The call home "max" is reported much lower numbers than what the On-chip Controllers (OCC) read for the IPS.  This problem only affects 4-socket systems as it is caused by an integer overflow of the summation of the IPS value from all OCCs in the system.

System firmware changes that affect certain systems

  • DISRUPTIVE:  On systems using the PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for an "Incomplete" state caused by initiating a resource dump with selector macros from NovaLink (vio -dump -lp 1 -fr).   The failure causes a communication process stack frame, HVHMCCMDRTRTASK, size to be exceeded with a hypervisor page fault that disrupts the NovalLink and/or HMC communications. The recovery action is to re-IPL the CEC but that will need to be done without the assistance of the management console.  For each partition that has a OS running on the system, shut down each partition from the OS.  Then from the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI),  power off the managed system.  Alternatively, the system power button may also be used to do the power off.  If the management console Incomplete state persists after the power off, the managed system should be rebuilt from the management console.  For more information on management console recovery steps, refer to this IBM Knowledge Center link: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/POWER7/p7eav/aremanagedsystemstate_incomplete.htm.  The fix is disruptive because the size of the PowerVM hypervisor must be increased to accommodate the over-sized stack frame of the failing task.
  • DEFERRED:  On systems using the PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for a CAPI function unavailable condition on a system with the maximum number of CAPI adapters and partitions.  Not enough bytes were allocated for CAPI for the maximum configuration case.  The problem may be circumvented by reducing the number of active partitions or CAPI adapters.   The fix is deferred because the size of the hypervisor must be increased to provide the additional CAPI space.
  • DEFERRED:   On systems using PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for cable card capable PCI slots that fail during the IPL.  Hypervisor I/O Bus Interface UE B7006A84 is reported for each cable card capable PCI  slot that doesn't contain a PCIe3 Optical Cable Adapter for the PCIe Expansion Drawer (feature code #EJ05).  PCI slots containing a cable card will not report an error but will not be functional.  The problem can be resolved by performing an AC cycle of the system.  The trigger for the failure is the I2C devices used to detect the cable cards are not coming out of the power on reset process in the correct state due to a race condition.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for network issues, causing critical situations for customers, when an SR-IOV logical port or vNIC is configured with a non-zero Port VLAN ID (PVID).  This fix updates adapter firmware to, for the following Feature Codes: EN15, EN16, EN17, EN18, EN0H, EN0J, EL38, EN0M, EN0N, EN0K, EN0L, and EL3C.
    The SR-IOV adapter firmware level update for the shared-mode adapters happens under user control to prevent unexpected temporary outages on the adapters.  A system reboot will update all SR-IOV shared-mode adapters with the new firmware level.  In addition, when an adapter is first set to SR-IOV shared mode, the adapter firmware is updated to the latest level available with the system firmware (and it is also updated automatically during maintenance operations, such as when the adapter is stopped or replaced).  And lastly, selective manual updates of the SR-IOV adapters can be performed using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).  To selectively update the adapter firmware, follow the steps given at the IBM Knowledge Center for using HMC to make the updates:   https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/HW4M4/p8efd/p8efd_updating_sriov_firmware.htm.
    Note: Adapters that are capable of running in SR-IOV mode, but are currently running in dedicated mode and assigned to a partition, can be updated concurrently either by the OS that owns the adapter or the managing HMC (if OS is AIX or VIOS and RMC is running).
  • On systems using the PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for a Live Partition Mobility migration that resulted in the source managed system going to the management console Incomplete state after the migration to the target system was completed.  This problem is very rare and has only been detected once.. The problem trigger is that the source partition does not halt execution after the migration to the target system.   The management console went to the Incomplete state for the source managed system when it failed to delete the source partition because the partition would not stop running.  When this problem occurred, the customer network was running very slowly and this may have contributed to the failure.  The recovery action is to re-IPL the source system but that will need to be done without the assistance of the management console.  For each partition that has a OS running on the source system, shut down each partition from the OS.  Then from the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI),  power off the managed system.  Alternatively, the system power button may also be used to do the power off.  If the management console Incomplete state persists after the power off, the managed system should be rebuilt from the management console.  For more information on management console recovery steps, refer to this IBM Knowledge Center link: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/POWER7/p7eav/aremanagedsystemstate_incomplete.htm
  • On systems using the PowerVM firmware, a fix was made to provide an option to change the ordering of PCIe Host Bridge (PHB) devices on Power 8 systems to match the discovery order on Power 7 systems.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware,  a problem was fixed for a shared processor pool partition showing an incorrect zero "Available Pool Processor" (APP) value after a concurrent firmware update.  The zero APP value means that no idle cycles are present in the shared processor pool but in this case it stays zero even when idle cycles are available.  This value can be displayed using the AIX "lparstat" command.  If this problem is encountered, the partitions in the affected shared processor pool can be dynamically moved to a different shared processor pool.  Before the dynamic move, the  "uncapped" partitions should be changed to "capped" to avoid a system hang. The old affected pool would continue to have the APP error until the system is re-IPLed.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for a latency time of about 2 seconds being added to a target Live Partition Mobility (LPM) migration system when there is a latency time check failure.  With the fix, in the case of a latency time check failure, a much smaller default latency is used instead of two seconds.  This error would not be noticed if the customer system is using a NTP time server to maintain the time.
  • On systems with OPAL firmware, a problem was fixed for misaligned mapped interrupts to virtual PCI devices that could cause a PB_CENT_CRESP_ADDR_ERROR checkstop.
  • On systems with OPAL firmware, a problem was fixed for a PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) boot (also known as network boot) hang that occurred when a network server was down.  With the fix, the boot is able to recover so that alternative methods of booting can be selected using petitboot menu items.
  • A problem was fixed for PCI Host Bridge (PHB)  "link down"  Endpoint Recoverable errors that became fatal exceptions when not handled by the CAPI adapters.  With the fix, the recoverable errors are now detected by the CAPI adapters to allow for run-time link recovery.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware,  a rare problem was fixed for a system hang that can occur  when dynamically moving "uncapped" partitions to a different shared processor pool.  To prevent a system hang, the "uncapped" partitions should be changed to "capped" before doing the move.
  • On systems using the PowerVM firmware, support was added fora new utility option for the System Management Services (SMS) menus.  This is the SMS SAS I/O Information Utility.  It has been introduced to allow an user to get additional information about the attached SAS devices.  The utility is accessed by selecting option 3 (I/O Device Information) from the main SMS menu, and then selecting the option for "SAS Device Information".
  • On systems using the PowerVM hypervisor firmware and Novalink, a problem was fixed for a NovaLink installation error where the hypervisor was unable to get the maximum logical memory buffer (LMB) size from the service processor.  The maximum supported LMB size should be 0xFFFFFFFF but in some cases it was initialized to a value that was less than the amount of configured memory, causing the service processor read failure with error code 0X00000134.
  • On systems using the PowerVM hypervisor firmware and CAPI adapters, a problem was fixed for CAPI adapter error recovery.  When the CAPI adapter goes into the error recovery state, the Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) traffic to the adapter from the OS continues, disrupting the recovery.  With the fix, the MMIO and DMA traffic to the adapter are now frozen until the CAPI adapter is fully recovered.   If the adapter becomes unusable because of this error, it can be recovered using concurrent maintenance steps from the HMC, keeping the adapter in place during the repair.  The error has a low frequency since it only occurs when the adapter has failed for another reason and needs recovery.
  • On systems using the PowerVM hypervisor firmware, when using affinity groups, if the group includes a VIOS, ensure the group is placed in the same drawer where the VIOS physical I/O is located.  Prior to this change,  if the VIOS was in an affinity group with other partitions, the partitions placement could over-ride the VIOS adapter placement rules and the VIOS could end up in a different drawer from the IO adapters.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware,  a problem was fixed to improve error recovery when attempting to boot an iSCSI target backed by a drive formatted with a block size other than 512 bytes.  Instead of stopping on this error, the boot attempt fails and then continues with the next potential boot device.  Information regarding the reason for the boot failure is available in an error log entry.  The 512 byte block size for backing devices for iSCSI targets is a partition firmware requirement.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware, a problem was fixed for a false thermal alarm in the active optical cables (AOC) for the PCIe3 expansion drawer with SRCs B7006AA6 and B7006AA7 being logged every 24 hours.  The AOC cables have feature codes of #ECC6 through #ECC9, depending on the length of the cable.  The SRCs should be ignored as they call for the replacement of the cable, cable card, or the expansion drawer module.  With the fix, the false AOC thermal alarms are no longer reported.
  • On systems using PowerVM firmware that have an attached HMC,  a problem was fixed for a Live Partition Mobility migration that resulted in a system hang when an EEH error occurred simultaneously with a request for a page migration operation.  On the HMC, it shows an incomplete state for the managed system with reference code A181D000.  The recovery action is to re-IPL the source system but that will need to be done without the assistance of the HMC.  From the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI),  power off the managed system.  Alternatively, the system power button may also be used to do the power off.  If the HMC Incomplete state persists after the power off, the managed system should be rebuilt from the HMC.  For more information on HMC recovery steps, refer to this IBM Knowledge Center link: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/POWER7/p7eav/aremanagedsystemstate_incomplete.htm
  • On systems using the OPAL firmware, a problem was fixed for fundamental PCI resets at boot time causing the PCI adapters to not be usable in the Linux OS.  No errors occur in the skiboot but the adapters are not configurable once the OS is reached.
  • On systems using the OPAL firmware, a problem was fixed for time-out errors during the power off of PCI slots with  " Timeout powering off slot ... FIRENZE-PCI: Wrong state 00000000 on slot" error message during a power off of the system.
SV860_039_039 / FW860.00

Impact:  New      Severity:  New                                                                   The following pertains to Power System E850C (8408-44E) servers only.

New Features and Functions

  • GA Level
    Four FW840 features that have been disabled for the 860.00 GA are listed below.  These will be re-enabled for the 860.10 service pack:
    1. Support disabled for Live Partition Mobility (LPM) operations.
    2. Support disabled for partition Suspend and Resume from the HMC.
    3. Support disabled for partition Remote Restart.
    4. Support disabled for PowerVM vNIC. PowerVM vNIC combined many of the best features of SR-IOV and PowerVM SEA to provide a network solution with options for advanced functions such as Live Partition Mobility along with better performance and I/O efficiency when compared to PowerVM SEA.  In addition PowerVM vNIC provided users with bandwidth control (QoS) capability by leveraging SR-IOV logical ports as the physical interface to the network.
  • New features that have been disabled: vNIC failover; new redundant path LPM  function;  and  PCIe cable recovery on a link to the PCIe3 expansion drawer.
  • Do not use the following functions.  They are not disabled but should not be used as the implementations and testing has not been completed for 860.00: 
    1. SMS SAS I/O Information utility.  If a non-SCDD (Self Configuring Device Data) drive is attached to a controller and the utility is used to look at devices attached to the controller, a Default Catch condition will occur due to a partition firmware data stack underflow.  This utility is accessed by selecting option 3 (I/O Device Information) from the main SMS menu, and then selecting option 2 (SAS Device Information).
    2. 32TB Max Memory Enablement for partitions. 
    3. PowerVM NovaLink enhancements.  For more information, refer to IBM Knowledge Center:  http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/POWER8/p8eig/p8eig_kickoff.htm
    4. PowerVM  change to support HDDW using 64K pages
    5. IBM Power System E850(8408-44E) concurrent add of the PCIe expansion drawer (#EMX0). 
    6. IBM Power System E850(8408-84E) concurrent add of PCIe3 Optical Cable Adapter for PCIe3 Expansion Drawer (F/C  #EJ08)
    7. Enforcement of limits to IBM i support on IBM Power System S822 (8284-22A)
    8. Dynamic TCE memory allocation for SR-IOV adapters
    9. Dynamic Toggle of SRR
    10. Power Boot List Management Platform Support
    11. SAP HANA (#EPVR) enhancements - Solution edition for SAP HANA 3.65 GHz + 12 Activations
    12. HMC new gui enhancements
    13. LPAR DR Restart
    14. HMC override for Port vs LUN level validation
    15. SNMP traps for system state
    16. HMC Option to boot without IPv6 Support
    17. PCIe3 3D Graphics Adapter x16 (#EC51) boot support (for Linux only)
    18. Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe) boot
    19. Service processor security updates
    20. vHMC support for DHCP server configuration
  • Support for the IBM Power System E850 (8408-44E).  Similar in many respects to the 8408-E8E but upgraded with faster processors (4.223GHz, 10C 3.957GHz, 12C 3.658GHz ) with a maximum of 48 cores and an upgrade in memory to DDR4 with expanded capacity to 4 TB with 128 GB Dimms available.  As with 8408-E8E, there is no IBM i  or OPAL support.  Operating System offerings for PowerVM partitions are AIX and Linux (RHEL, SLES, and Ubuntu).

4.0 How to Determine The Currently Installed Firmware Level

You can view the server's current firmware level on the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) Welcome pane. It appears in the top right corner. Example: SV830_123.

5.0 Downloading the Firmware Package

Follow the instructions on Fix Central. You must read and agree to the license agreement to obtain the firmware packages.

Note: If your HMC is not internet-connected you will need to download the new firmware level to a USB flash memory device or ftp server.

6.0 Installing the Firmware

The method used to install new firmware will depend on the release level of firmware which is currently installed on your server. The release level can be determined by the prefix of the new firmware's filename.

Example: SVxxx_yyy_zzz

Where xxx = release level

Instructions for installing firmware updates and upgrades can be found at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/9119-MHE/p8ha1/updupdates.htm

IBM i Systems:

For information concerning IBM i Systems, go to the following URL to access Fix Central: 

Choose "Select product", under Product Group specify "System i", under Product specify "IBM i", then Continue and specify the desired firmware PTF accordingly.

7.0 Firmware History

The complete Firmware Fix History for this Release Level can be reviewed at the following url:

8.0 Change History

March 29, 2017 - Added the IPV4 address issue to the READ ME FIRST section.
February 21, 2017 - Improved the description and information provided in section '2.3 DPSS Updates'.
January 13, 2017
- Added LPM statement to the 'READ ME FIRST' section.
- Updated the FCO statement in the 'READ ME FIRST' section with the Service pack name where the issue was fixed.
December 01, 2016
- Added 'READ ME FIRST' notice.
November 21, 2016 - Fix Description update for SV860_056 / FW860.10.