IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host, Version 1.2.0 This readme document provides information on installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host, Version 1.2.0 BEFORE YOU BEGIN This package can be used for update/recovery of the existing management image The RHEL 7.1 OS which is used to drive the PPIM Bare Metal Install needs to have ~25G of free space in the partition used to store the images and run the install (ISO's are expanded and repackaged). The ASU Utility needs to be installed on the RHEL 7.1 OS which is being used to drive the PPIM Bare Metal Install. Download v9.63 (as of Apr 2015) INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The tasks for installing the IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host are summarized here. 1. Download the install packages from Fix-Central to a RHEL 7.1 Linux workstation. Location of each package on Fix-Central is: - The 'IBM PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host 1.2.0' package includes a) IBM PurePower Integrated Manager RHEL KVM OS ISO image (RHEL71.tar.gz) 2. Copy the required files to the RHEL 7.1 OS which has direct connection to the PurePower Rack (IBM RackSwitch G8052 - Switch 1 - Port 48) You will need to # ip addr add dev eth0 to the RHEL 7.1 OS which is direct connected via eth0 directly to the switch port 48. The is used to assure uniqueness of the IP on the Rack. mkdir -p /purekvminstall/images Copy the 5 total images to the /purekvminstall directory structure on the RHEL 7.1 OS being used to drive the install: /purekvminstall/purekvm.tgz /purekvminstall/RHEL71.tar.gz /purekvmistall/images/puremgrvm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/powervcvm.tgz /purekvmistall/images/servicevm.tgz 3. Install the PurePower Integrated Manager KVM Host operating system cd /purekvminstall tar -xvf purekvm.tgz /purekvminstall/ | tee mypurekvm.log