Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.6 release. Future 6.0.6 iFixes will include these fixes, as will the next release of the Rational solution for CLM. CONTENTS OF THE INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS section) 3. Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) patch file: rs.war (see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section) 4. Data Collection Component patch file: (see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section) 5. Lifecycle Query Engine patch file: lqe.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 6. Link Index Provider patch file: ldx.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 7. Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse update site: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS section) 8. Continuous Engineering Connector for IoT patch file: iotp.war (see the CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS section)14. APAR PI99682 fix: app_upgrade.bat and (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 9. APAR PI99682 fix: app_upgrade.bat and (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 10. WebSphere Application Server script file: (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS and JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS sections) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme file, the interim fix might also contain fixes for security issues. For details, see the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS 6. CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS 7. NEW APAR FIXES IN THIS IFIX 8. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS 9. CONSOLIDATED LIST OF APAR FIXES 10. CLIENT APAR FIXES 11. KNOWN ISSUES 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS Note: -The CLM server patch file,, might contain fixes for either a subset or all of these applications: Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Data Collection Component, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager, CLM Server Monitoring. For the list of APARs that were fixed, listed by application, see the APAR FIXES section. -Before you install the server patch file,, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. -For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and then remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean - repotools-am -clean g. To ensure that the Data Collection Component mapping files are correctly updated, please follow the instructions in the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section below h. Check the ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS section for additional steps that may be needed for a specific APAR Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server, including the DCC server, if the DCC component exists on a separate machine. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and then remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean - repotools-am -clean To clear the application and class cache on WebSphere Application Server: Remove the contents from these directories under the profile root(e.g. //profiles/), except for the noted help directory: temp, wstemp, workspace. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: temp/{jts_node}/{jts_server}/clmhelp_war. For UNIX platforms, run the following script: /bin/ For Windows platforms, run the following script: \bin\clearClassCache.bat To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server: We have not identified the need to clear any cache in WebSphere Liberty Server To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat: Remove the contents from these directories under the tomcat root, except for the noted help directory: temp, work. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp. To validate that the server patch was successfully installed or uninstalled: a. After the server starts, open a CLM application. b. Click Help > About the Server. c. In the Build Information section, review the interim fix information to confirm that it is either installed (listed) or uninstalled (not listed). 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. b. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. c. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new rs.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. e. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. f. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). b. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). c. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the rs.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new rs.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war e. Start the server. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs e. Place the new rs.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original rs.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Jazz Reporting Service home page. b. Click the question mark icon near the upper right. c. Select About Jazz Reporting Service. d. Check that the build ID in the dialog box is JRS_6.0.6-I20180816-2217 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS Note: The wrapping jar file last changed in iFix001. If you have already deployed this file as part of installing iFix001 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. Installing the wrapping jar file allows DCC ETL jobs to be scheduled from the Insight server. However, It should be noted that installing this on AIX is not supported because Insight does not support AIX. If Insight is not in use please disregard this step To install the wrapping jar patch with Data Collection Component: a. Open the \server\conf\dcc\ file. b. Locate the parameter, change its value to false, and save/close the file. For example: c. Back up*.jar inside \server\conf\dcc\wrapper\lib directory. d. Delete the existing*.jar file from this directory. e. Paste the new DCC wrapper jar into this directory. f. Restart the DCC server. 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS Note: The LQE and LDX files last changed in iFix001. If you have already deployed these file as part of installing iFix001 or later, you do not have to do these steps again. If this is a new installation, a backup is not needed. Otherwise, be sure you have a backup before you install this interim fix. There has been no change to LQE metadata or index structure since V6.0, so there is no need to migrate your data. For details, see "Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine": To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Extract the lqe.war or ldx.war file to your local computer or on the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider server. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). b. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). c. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new lqe.war or ldx.war file as or b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war f. Place the new or file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new or file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. b. Restore the original or file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war e. Start the server. To install the patch when the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider is deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\ldx e. Place the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory or the \server\tomcat\webapps directory, respectively. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on an Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Restore the original lqe.war or ldx.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ or \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ldx d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider home page. b. Verify that the build ID in the upper right matches LQE_6.0.6-I20180813-2152. After installing the patch: a. The Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider automatically detects whether it is necessary to migrate data from an existing instance. If data migration is necessary, a Start Migration button is displayed on the main Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider page: https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources or https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources. If the button is displayed, click Start Migration. b. Reindex the data sources as required. 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS To install the client update site: NOTE: When going through the installation steps, if no features are listed, uncheck the "Group items by category" check box. a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: -The update site does not work with Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 that was installed by using IBM Installation Manager. Alternatively, you can use the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 .zip installation, or you can use IBM Installation Manager to install the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 4.2. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch breaks the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step removes the patched plug-ins and replaces the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. 6. CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS Steps to install the Continuous Engineering Connector for IoT patch deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new iotp.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\iotp.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\iotp.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\iotp.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\iotp.war h. Start the server Steps to install the Continuous Engineering Connector for IoT patch deployed on WebSphere Application Server: a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the CE4IoTConnector Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the iotp_war check box, and click Stop. b. Uninstall the iotp_war file: Select the iotp_war check box and click Uninstall. c. Select New Application Click "New Enterprise Application"," browse to the iotp.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and Click check box "Allow EJB reference targets to resolve automatically" on Select installation options page. e. Follow default values and click Next, Next. f. Mention "/iotp" in Context Root on Map context roots for Web modules page and click Next. g. Click Finish on Summary Page and Installation process will start. h. Click Save i. On the Configuration page, Select WebSphere enterprise applications from Application Types in the Applications section. Then, click on iotp_war k. In the Web module properties section, click Session management. l. In the General Properties section, select the following options: a. Override session management b. Enable cookies m. Click the Enable cookies link, and then select the following options: a. Restrict cookies to HTTPS sessions b. Set session cookies to HTTP only to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks n. Click OK, and then click Apply. o. Save the changes to the master configuration. p. Restart the server 7. NEW APAR FIXES IN THIS IFIX +-- Lifecycle Query Engine None +-- Rational Team Concert Client [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Common [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Server [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] +-- Rational Team Concert Common [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Rational DOORS Next Generation [APAR PI99178] [Attributes missing from list after applying filter on Artifact Type 'is not any of'] [] [APAR PH00373] [Export OLE-Objects/Attached files is not REQIF-Compliant] [] [APAR PI99269] [Module scrolling issue when a PDF/doc is uploaded to an artifact] [] [APAR PI99556] [Module page retrieval SPARQL query is not optimal in the lock part] [] [APAR PI99223] [Reject view queries which return all artifacts in a project] [] [APAR PI97664] [CRRRW7294I message shown while saving view with suspicion profiles] [] +-- Data Collection Component None +-- Rational Team Concert Server [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Rational Quality Manager [APAR PI99245] [The "latest approval group" is not considering from "Required Approvals" Precondition] [] [APAR PI99570] [QM log full of "Unable to parse filter value to construct query parameters for attribute..." errors] [] [APAR PI99789] [Test Suite Execution Record gets canceled with error when run in parallel] [] [APAR PH00068] [Not able to run multiple TCERs at once when the 'Disallow Execution of Test Case Execution Record without Required Associations' precondition is enabled] [] [APAR PI99688] [Error when editing Test Execution Results created without Step results] [] [APAR PI98841] [java.lang.NullPointerException trying to link a Defect (RTC) to a Test Script after an upgrade] [] [APAR PI98564] [RQM was unable to complete the duplicate when attempting to duplicate a script with Test Data] [] [APAR PI97496] [Incorrect History Entries when modifying a Manual Test Script] [] +-- Link Index Provider None +-- Rhapsody Model Manager None +-- Continuous Engineering Connector for IoT [APAR PH00373] [URL validation required for IOTPClient class] [] +-- Jazz Reporting Service [APAR PI92126] [Drilldown on TCER current result verdict "no set value" segment shows all results] [] +-- Jazz Foundation Client [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] 8. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Performance improvements to TRS operations needing to update LQE metadata over JDBC] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI98858] [[LQE] Setup can not complete if the user principal does not have any userInfo value] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Link Index Provider Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI98858] [[LDX] Setup can not complete if the user principal does not have any userInfo value] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Continuous Engineering Connector for IoT Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [Unable to add associations or IoT resource Links into RM] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [Unable to create new device from CCM and RM] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [URL validation required for IOTPClient class] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the CONTINUOUS ENGINEERING CONNECTOR FOR IOT INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Rhapsody Model Manager Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PI99682] [Missing -migration_am_updateConfigurationFiles option in repotools-am script prevents upgrade to 6.0.6] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Replace app_upgrade.bat/ in /server/upgrade/am folder by versions provided with the iFix: a) replace app_upgrade.bat on Windows platform b) replace app_upgrade.bat on Linux platform ---- +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [Incorrect generated SPARQL for multiple traceability path with is not condition on custom enumeration attribute] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [LQE OOTB reports import error with Incomplete stories report] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PH00373] [Rebuild query and report definition lists on startup if necessary] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI91030] [Date filter does not show the initial start date and end date] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI92126] [Drilldown on TCER current result verdict "no set value" segment shows all results] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI98589] [Average Time in State Report hangs on Iteration filter] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- 9. CONSOLIDATED APAR LIST This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PH00373] [XSS attempt returns stack trace when creating a new Existing Enumeration.] [] Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [RELM Discards AEs when sub folder is moved to root] [] Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [XML External Entity Injection] [] [APAR PH00373] [XML parser fails to validate '/> in Connection's name.] [] +-- Product Data Collection Component Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PI98619] [DCC should never force FULL ETL on some of the RQM data] [] [APAR PI99706] [DCC-RM job fails on since XML parsing cannot be completed in time] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Server Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI98970] [Special types information is lost when converting to old EMF translator] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Performance improvements to TRS operations needing to update LQE metadata over JDBC] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] [APAR PI98858] [[LQE] Setup can not complete if the user principal does not have any userInfo value] [] +-- Product Link Index Provider Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LDX] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Download TRS does not have all the base pages.] [] [APAR PH00373] [[LQE] Set JDBC connection property sendStringParametersAsUnicode to false in for SQL Server] [] [APAR PI98858] [[LDX] Setup can not complete if the user principal does not have any userInfo value] [] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PH00068] [Not able to run multiple TCERs at once when the 'Disallow Execution of Test Case Execution Record without Required Associations' precondition is enabled] [] [APAR PH00373] [Change events appear in the 'Invalid Updates' tab of the QM data source in LQE.] [] [APAR PH00373] [Clicking on a bar chart in the "Execution Status by Owner using Weight (Live)" viewlet displays values for all bar charts.] [] [APAR PH00373] [Executions column label does not appear in the Test Suite section of a Test Plan] [] [APAR PH00373] [Missing prereq for TrsV2Service and TrsV1Service of IQualityManagerConfigurationExecutionService] [] [APAR PI97496] [Incorrect History Entries when modifying a Manual Test Script] [] [APAR PI98564] [RQM was unable to complete the duplicate when attempting to duplicate a script with Test Data] [] [APAR PI98841] [java.lang.NullPointerException trying to link a Defect (RTC) to a Test Script after an upgrade] [] [APAR PI99245] [The "latest approval group" is not considering from "Required Approvals" Precondition] [] [APAR PI99570] [QM log full of "Unable to parse filter value to construct query parameters for attribute..." errors] [] [APAR PI99688] [Error when editing Test Execution Results created without Step results] [] [APAR PI99789] [Test Suite Execution Record gets canceled with error when run in parallel] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Common Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PH00373] [Save button sometimes isn't enabled for Advanced Properties] [] Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [ConceptToConfigurationVersionCache has no "Time for computing values" data] [] [APAR PH00373] [Multiple GCM: Rhapsody & CCM GC picker doesn't list projects areas from external GCM servers (459527)] [] [APAR PH00373] [Triple Baselines handles returned from query] [] [APAR PI80881] [Report FACET license counters go in Negative value due to race condition and results in false decrements.] [] [APAR PI96002] [SCIM: mismatch in DNs cause Jazz Role Groups from not being read for some users] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Client Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI98970] [Special types information is lost when converting to old EMF translator] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Product Rhapsody Model Manager Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] ["Multiple Local Configurations" is shown when using MQTT] [] [APAR PH00373] [CCBB shows "Loading..." when the first one that enters to Design->Explorer is a non-admin user] [] [APAR PH00373] [Cannot change back Top node package to be non Top node] [] [APAR PH00373] [OSLC preview doesn't resolve links and doesn't have scroll bar] [] [APAR PH00373] [Polygon instead of rectangular selection should be used for "lines" in diagrams] [] [APAR PH00373] [Search component in the explorer not found more than 512 components] [] [APAR PH00373] [Unable to save the project area after setting default oslc context] [] [APAR PH00373] [Unable to switch to GC stream that has component baseline contribution] [] [APAR PI99375] [Unable to deliver IBM Rational Rhapsody model to Rhapsody Model Manager server.] [] [APAR PI99682] [Missing -migration_am_updateConfigurationFiles option in repotools-am script prevents upgrade to 6.0.6] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Server Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PH00373] [Save button sometimes isn't enabled for Advanced Properties] [] Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [ConceptToConfigurationVersionCache has no "Time for computing values" data] [] [APAR PH00373] [Multiple GCM: Rhapsody & CCM GC picker doesn't list projects areas from external GCM servers (459527)] [] [APAR PH00373] [Triple Baselines handles returned from query] [] [APAR PI80881] [Report FACET license counters go in Negative value due to race condition and results in false decrements.] [] [APAR PI96002] [SCIM: mismatch in DNs cause Jazz Role Groups from not being read for some users] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Common Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PI98412] [Scanner issue: Incorrect COPY dependency in Cobol source] [] [APAR PI98970] [Special types information is lost when converting to old EMF translator] [] [APAR PI96590] [System crashes with large number of history changes.] [] +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [Incorrect generated SPARQL for multiple traceability path with is not condition on custom enumeration attribute] [] [APAR PH00373] [LQE OOTB reports import error with Incomplete stories report] [] [APAR PH00373] [Rebuild query and report definition lists on startup if necessary] [] [APAR PI91030] [Date filter does not show the initial start date and end date] [] [APAR PI92126] [Drilldown on TCER current result verdict "no set value" segment shows all results] [] [APAR PI98589] [Average Time in State Report hangs on Iteration filter] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [ Comparison of String objects using == or != in] [] [APAR PH00373] [Export OLE-Objects/Attached files is not REQIF-Compliant] [] [APAR PH00373] [External URLs are missing from a report builder data warehouse report] [] [APAR PH00373] [JKE banking data not displaying - Update converter error message displayed in modules] [] [APAR PH00373] [ Comparison of String parameter using == or != in, String)] [] [APAR PH00373] [REQIF/Migration import - unbounded reals being imported with max/mins] [] [APAR PH00373] [The publish service might try to scope the request to a default configuration from an archived component] [] [APAR PH00373] [some reqif files cannot be imported into 2 parallel streams of the same component without error] [] [APAR PI87861, PI86747, PI97806] [CRRRW7346E error 403 when modifying a module artifact after setting permission at workflow state level] [] [APAR PI94284] [Pasting text from OneNote or Word pastes text and an image of the text (Chrome only)] [] [APAR PI97177] [Links inside embedded artifacts lose the configuration context, when the main artifact is in a review] [] [APAR PI97384] [Legacy changelog migration should filter out some of the neighbors that it migrates] [] [APAR PI97521] [ReqIF: Artifacts for DOORS OLE Objects are not imported to the correct asset folder on module update import] [] [APAR PI97664] [CRRRW7294I message shown while saving view with suspicion profiles] [] [APAR PI97755] [Making changes to Suspicion profiles selected in a view, does not allow the changes to be saved to view] [] [APAR PI97912] [The Artifact Attribute information does not load for Artifacts of Type Enumeration with Multiple values allowed option enabled] [] [APAR PI98286] [The Requirements View widget is not showing the correct amount of artifacts] [] [APAR PI98453] [View queries filtering on multiple Artifact Types and Attribute "exists" performs poorly] [] [APAR PI98593] [ReqIF Import performs very poorly in projects with a large number of unmapped ReqIF ID mappings] [] [APAR PI98605] [Type system validation at deliver should be downgraded to a warning and only look for problems the delivery will introduce] [] [APAR PI98664] [Custom attributes not being included in report generated in a GC] [] [APAR PI98706] [Artifact Name and artifact content are not updated correctly if the module is imported from reqIF] [] [APAR PI98822] [Link queries perform poorly in modules] [] [APAR PI98907] [Throttle GET queries] [] [APAR PI99178] [Attributes missing from list after applying filter on Artifact Type 'is not any of'] [] [APAR PI99223] [Reject view queries which return all artifacts in a project] [] [APAR PI99269] [Module scrolling issue when a PDF/doc is uploaded to an artifact] [] [APAR PI99413] [Exporting a view with 11k artifacts to XLSX results in 0kb Excel file] [] [APAR PI99556] [Module page retrieval SPARQL query is not optimal in the lock part] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Client Fixed in release 6.0.6: [APAR PH00373] [Save button sometimes isn't enabled for Advanced Properties] [] Fixes delivered to a future release stream: [APAR PH00373] [ConceptToConfigurationVersionCache has no "Time for computing values" data] [] [APAR PH00373] [Multiple GCM: Rhapsody & CCM GC picker doesn't list projects areas from external GCM servers (459527)] [] [APAR PH00373] [Triple Baselines handles returned from query] [] [APAR PI80881] [Report FACET license counters go in Negative value due to race condition and results in false decrements.] [] [APAR PI96002] [SCIM: mismatch in DNs cause Jazz Role Groups from not being read for some users] [] [APAR PI99792] [Slower scm commands performance since upgrade from v502 to v602] [] [APAR PI59079] [Changing order of iteration required "Modify project area properties" permission, when "Modify the iteration structure" should be enough] [] 10. CLIENT APAR FIXES This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes 11. KNOWN ISSUES None