Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.4 release. The Rational solution for CLM 6.0.5 is the next release that will include all these fixes. If you plan to upgrade, upgrade to version 6.0.5 or later. CONTENTS OF THIS INTERIM FIX 1. This readme file: readme.txt 2. Server patch file: (see the SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS section) 3. Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) patch file: rs.war (see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS section) 4. Data Collection Component patch file: (see the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section) 5. Lifecycle Query Engine patch file: lqe.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 6. Link Index Provider patch file: ldx.war (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section) 7. Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse update site: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS section) 8. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Windows Shell readme file: readme_winshellclient.txt 9. Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Windows Shell patch file: (see the RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR WINDOWS SHELL INSTRUCTIONS section) 10. WebSphere Application Server script file: (see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS and JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS sections) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme file, the interim fix might also contain fixes for security issues. For details, see the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog: CONTENTS OF THIS FILE 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR WINDOWS SHELL INSTRUCTIONS 7. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS 8. APAR FIXES 9. CLIENT APAR FIXES 10. KNOWN ISSUES 1. SERVER PATCH INSTRUCTIONS Note: -The CLM server patch file,, might contain fixes for either a subset or all of these applications: Jazz Team Server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Data Collection Component, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager, CLM Server Monitoring. For the list of APARs that were fixed, listed by application, see the APAR FIXES section. -Before you install the server patch file,, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. -For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and then remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file,, into the /server/patch directory. d. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean g. To ensure that the Data Collection Component mapping files are correctly updated, please follow the instructions in the DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS section below h. Check the ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS section for additional steps that may be needed for a specific APAR Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server, including the DCC server, if the DCC component exists on a separate machine. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and then remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clear the application server cache. For instructions on clearing the cache, consult the application server's detailed documentation. For instructions on what to remove, see the "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Application Server", "To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server" and "To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat" sections in this file. d. Start the CLM server. e. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. Note: This will also display the help output. For instance: - repotools-ccm -clean - repotools-dcc -clean - repotools-gc -clean - repotools-jts -clean - repotools-qm -clean - repotools-relm -clean - repotools-rm -clean To clear the application and class cache on WebSphere Application Server: Remove the contents from these directories under the profile root(e.g. //profiles/), except for the noted help directory: temp, wstemp, workspace. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: temp/{jts_node}/{jts_server}/clmhelp_war. For UNIX platforms, run the following script: /bin/ For Windows platforms, run the following script: \bin\clearClassCache.bat To clear the application cache on WebSphere Liberty Server: We have not identified the need to clear any cache in WebSphere Liberty Server To clear the application cache on Apache Tomcat: Remove the contents from these directories under the tomcat root, except for the noted help directory: temp, work. Note: Do not remove this directory, which is required for the CLM local help: /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/clmhelp. To validate that the server patch was successfully installed or uninstalled: a. After the server starts, open a CLM application. b. Click Help > About the Server. c. In the Build Information section, review the interim fix information to confirm that it is either installed (listed) or uninstalled (not listed). 2. JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. b. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. c. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new rs.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. d. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. e. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. f. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Jazz Reporting Service: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the rs_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the rs_war file: Select the rs_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the rs.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Jazz Reporting Service: Select the rs_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new rs.war file as b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war f. Place the new file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\rs.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\rs.war e. Start the server. To install the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs e. Place the new rs.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Jazz Reporting Service. b. Restore the original rs.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\rs \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Jazz Reporting Service home page. b. Click the question mark icon near the upper right. c. Select About Jazz Reporting Service. d. Check that the build ID in the dialog box is JRS_6.0.4-I20170626-2306 3. DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT INSTRUCTIONS Note: Installing the wrapping jar file allows DCC ETL jobs to be scheduled from the Insight server. However, It should be noted that installing this on AIX is not supported because Insight does not support AIX. To install the wrapping jar patch with Data Collection Component: a. Open the \server\conf\dcc\ file. b. Locate the parameter, change its value to false, and save/close the file. For example: c. Back up*.jar inside \server\conf\dcc\wrapper\lib directory. d. Delete the existing*.jar file from this directory. e. Paste the new DCC wrapper jar into this directory. f. Restart the DCC server. 4. LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS If this is a new installation, a backup is not needed. Otherwise, be sure you have a backup before you install this interim fix. There has been no change to LQE metadata or index structure since V6.0, so there is no need to migrate your data. For details, see "Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine": To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> NOTE: This will update all applications with war files from the iFixPatch directory specified Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Extract the lqe.war or ldx.war file to your local computer or on the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider server. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the location that you extracted it to, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on a WebSphere Application Server: Option 1: Using the WebSphere Application Server scripting tool (wsadmin) a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder (the script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified). a. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory (e.g. //profiles//bin). b. Execute the following command, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running: Windows: wsadmin -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Linux: ./ -language jython -user -password -f /server/was/> /server/webapps> Option 2: Using the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console a. Locate the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider installation. b. In the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console, stop the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box, and click Stop. c. Update the lqe_war or ldx_war file: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Update. d. Select "Replace the entire application," browse to the lqe.war or ldx.war file in the original installation location, and click Next. e. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the default values. f. After the update is complete, save the configuration changes when you are prompted to. g. Start the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application: Select the lqe_war or ldx_war check box and click Start. To install the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Rename the new lqe.war or ldx.war file as or b. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. c. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ d. Delete the following files: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ e. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war f. Place the new or file in the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps g. Unzip the new or file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war h. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on WebSphere Liberty Server: a. Stop the WebSphere Liberty Server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider. b. Restore the original or file that was backed up during the installation to the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps c. Delete the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war d. Unzip the original file into the following directories: \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\lqe.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\lqe.war or \server\liberty\servers\clm\apps\ldx.war \server\liberty\clmServerTemplate\apps\ldx.war e. Start the server. To install the patch when the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider is deployed on Apache Tomcat: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Back up the following file in case you need to revert the patch: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war c. Delete the following file: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe.war or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx.war d. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\\ldx e. Place the new lqe.war or ldx.war file in the \server\tomcat\webapps directory or the \server\tomcat\webapps directory, respectively. f. Start the server. To uninstall the patch with Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider deployed on an Apache Tomcat server: a. Stop the Apache Tomcat server for the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider application. b. Restore the original lqe.war or ldx.war file that was backed up during the installation to the following directory: \server\tomcat\webapps\ or \server\tomcat\webapps\ c. Delete the following directories: \server\tomcat\webapps\lqe or \server\tomcat\webapps\ldx \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\lqe or \server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ldx d. Start the server. To verify that the patch was successfully installed: a. After the server starts, open the Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider home page. b. Verify that the build ID in the upper right matches LQE_6.0.4-I20170623-1439. After installing the patch: a. The Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider automatically detects whether it is necessary to migrate data from an existing instance. If data migration is necessary, a Start Migration button is displayed on the main Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider page: https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources or https:///lqe/web/admin/data-sources. If the button is displayed, click Start Migration. b. Reindex the data sources as required. 5. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS To install the client update site: a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: -The update site does not work with Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 that was installed by using IBM Installation Manager. Alternatively, you can use the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 3.6 .zip installation, or you can use IBM Installation Manager to install the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse 4.2. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch breaks the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step removes the patched plug-ins and replaces the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. -If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. 6. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO INSTRUCTIONS For details of the fixes included in this iFix refer to the bundled readme file readme-vsclient.txt. To install the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio update: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. Extract the patch .zip file to the computer where the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio client is installed. c. In IBM Installation Manger, click File > Preferences > Repositories > Add Repository and provide the path to the extracted folder from step b. d. To close the Preferences window, click OK. e. Click File > Preferences > Files for Rollback and ensure that the "Save files for rollback" check box is selected. f. In IBM Installation Manager, click Update. g. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. h. Select the Rational Team Concert version to update and click Next. i. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. j. Select the versions of Microsoft Visual Studio to support and click Next. k. Click Update. l. To complete the update, click Finish. m. After the installation is complete, start the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over an old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To roll back to the previous client version: a. Close all running instances of Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio. b. In IBM Installation Manager, click Roll Back. c. Select the IBM Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE package group and click Next. d. Select the patch to roll back to. e. Click Roll Back. f. Click Finish. WARNING: -The 6.0.3 patch can only be installed on top of the official 6.0.3 release. -To remove a patch, only use the Roll Back feature in IBM Installation Manager. -Uninstalling the patch completely removes the entire release, as well as any patches that are installed on top of it. 7. ADDITIONAL FIXES INSTRUCTIONS +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82190] [LQE sometimes does not run date jobs until the next server restart] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82209] [Backups and compactions can run simultaneously if delayed by indexing] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82211] [Backup hangs in incomplete state if indexer is in illegal state when backup is done] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82815] [Two users same Email should be added to same user group] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the LIFECYCLE QUERY ENGINE AND LINK INDEX PROVIDER INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81120] [When export Chart into PNG format, the quality is very poor] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82710] [Duplicate Optional statements generated in SPARQL queries] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82710] [Links broken in Exported Reports in PDF, HTML or Word Format.] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82710] [Report Builder UI: "6.0.3" instances need to be reworked; incorrect URL to article] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82710] [Report Builder's Jena TDB should use transactions] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- [APAR PI82710] [Widget Catalog does not show private-published reports for owner on different JTS] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: see the JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE (REPORT BUILDER) INSTRUCTIONS section ---- +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI78364] [Project creation fails from /rm/admin -> Create Project Area] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: Creating DNG projects via the Admin page may result in a race condition causing the project initialization process to fail. Attempting to access such a project will result in the web UI displaying "Loading Artifacts..." indefinitely. If projects need to be created in this manner, the ProjectCreationDelay advanced property should be used. The value is specified in milliseconds and a value of 10000 (10 seconds) is recommended. However this value may need to be adjusted based on the particular environment. ---- [APAR PI82710] [Address several issues to be able to repair TRS data in a single project/component/configuration] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: The RM advanced property "GETs delete TRS 2.0 resources from archived components" is new and true. Its value causes the versioned resources from archived components to be automatically retrieved from the TRS feed if accessed. In order to disable this behavior (which will result in the versioned resources from archived components being skipped by the TRS consumers like LQE), set "GETs delete TRS 2.0 resources from archived components" to false (no restart required). ---- 8. APAR FIXES This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82710] [Action is not working for CAE if parameter is used] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS in Add/Edit Parameter dialog.] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS in Added Artifacts panel when creating an Impact Analysis Diagram] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS in Choose Focus Artifact dialog.] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS in Global Configuration Picker.] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS in “Simple ISO-26262 Sample” package.] [] [APAR PI82710] [XSS payload in View name gets executed in Recent Views History] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Server Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81238] [Up and Down Arrow not working] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildAgentRequestService does not check for valid property names before they are sent to bfagent] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildPropertyDialog does not check for whitespace in property name] [] [APAR PI82710] [Double email notifications from "Requirements Management" project area on jazz03] [] [APAR PI82710] [Enable Quick Planner Next server property is visible on the Admin UI page] [] [APAR PI82710] [IBuildExtensionsTypeItem name for langDefRule is incorrect] [] [APAR PI82710] [Inconsistent property changes on ibmi language definition] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE error occurred while processing a POST request for SystemDefinitionService in n-1 client context] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE when running createProductDriver task] [] [APAR PI82710] [zVMImport does not accept the doFormats attribute] [] [APAR PI82710] [Change Summary View can't get a context from a HistoryReferenceId] [] [APAR PI82710] [LQE Reindexing clustered jazzdev04 causing errors in jts04: The serialized object failed to be deserialized.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Multiselected close change set operation only opens one changeset in change summary] [] [APAR PI82710] [[6.0.4] Operation History view columns resize issue] [] +-- Product Lifecycle Query Engine Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82190] [LQE sometimes does not run date jobs until the next server restart] [] [APAR PI82209] [Backups and compactions can run simultaneously if delayed by indexing] [] [APAR PI82211] [Backup hangs in incomplete state if indexer is in illegal state when backup is done] [] [APAR PI82815] [Two users same Email should be added to same user group] [] [APAR PI82710] [RestoreTask restores metadata twice and may fail if using a backup from 6.0] [] +-- Product Rational Quality Manager Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82710] [After baselining if we delete the requirement links(to DOORS in this case) in current version then the link is disappearing in Baseline version. This was working in Snapshot] [] [APAR PI82710] [Bulk Editing Custom Attribute Removes Values of All Other Custom Attributes] [] [APAR PI82710] [Custom attribute values are not reported in Report Builder.] [] [APAR PI82710] [step count results are not counted when results created via external API] [] [APAR PI82710] [Creating components: successful but with an error when permission to create stream is revoked.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Error saving test cases after removing development items - back links cannot be deleted due to either 409 or 412 error] [] [APAR PI82710] [Preconditions are not done up to the saving state] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Client Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81238] [Up and Down Arrow not working] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildAgentRequestService does not check for valid property names before they are sent to bfagent] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildPropertyDialog does not check for whitespace in property name] [] [APAR PI82710] [Double email notifications from "Requirements Management" project area on jazz03] [] [APAR PI82710] [Enable Quick Planner Next server property is visible on the Admin UI page] [] [APAR PI82710] [IBuildExtensionsTypeItem name for langDefRule is incorrect] [] [APAR PI82710] [Inconsistent property changes on ibmi language definition] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE error occurred while processing a POST request for SystemDefinitionService in n-1 client context] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE when running createProductDriver task] [] [APAR PI82710] [zVMImport does not accept the doFormats attribute] [] [APAR PI82710] [Change Summary View can't get a context from a HistoryReferenceId] [] [APAR PI82710] [LQE Reindexing clustered jazzdev04 causing errors in jts04: The serialized object failed to be deserialized.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Multiselected close change set operation only opens one changeset in change summary] [] [APAR PI82710] [[6.0.4] Operation History view columns resize issue] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Server Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82710] [Cannot "Enable only baselines" without an activation key.] [] +-- Product Rational Team Concert Common Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81238] [Up and Down Arrow not working] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildAgentRequestService does not check for valid property names before they are sent to bfagent] [] [APAR PI82710] [BuildPropertyDialog does not check for whitespace in property name] [] [APAR PI82710] [Double email notifications from "Requirements Management" project area on jazz03] [] [APAR PI82710] [Enable Quick Planner Next server property is visible on the Admin UI page] [] [APAR PI82710] [IBuildExtensionsTypeItem name for langDefRule is incorrect] [] [APAR PI82710] [Inconsistent property changes on ibmi language definition] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE error occurred while processing a POST request for SystemDefinitionService in n-1 client context] [] [APAR PI82710] [NPE when running createProductDriver task] [] [APAR PI82710] [zVMImport does not accept the doFormats attribute] [] [APAR PI82710] [Change Summary View can't get a context from a HistoryReferenceId] [] [APAR PI82710] [LQE Reindexing clustered jazzdev04 causing errors in jts04: The serialized object failed to be deserialized.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Multiselected close change set operation only opens one changeset in change summary] [] [APAR PI82710] [[6.0.4] Operation History view columns resize issue] [] +-- Product Jazz Reporting Service Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI81120] [When export Chart into PNG format, the quality is very poor] [] [APAR PI82710] [Duplicate Optional statements generated in SPARQL queries] [] [APAR PI82710] [Links broken in Exported Reports in PDF, HTML or Word Format.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Report Builder UI: "6.0.3" instances need to be reworked; incorrect URL to article] [] [APAR PI82710] [Report Builder's Jena TDB should use transactions] [] [APAR PI82710] [Widget Catalog does not show private-published reports for owner on different JTS] [] +-- Product Rational DOORS Next Generation Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI78364] [Project creation fails from /rm/admin -> Create Project Area] [] [APAR PI80146, PI82415] [A warning message is not always presented to the user indicating that children of a module artifact are being deleted] [] [APAR PI80290] [View filter query for Link Type "exist" & Artifact Type "is any of" either never ends or returns incorrect information] [] [APAR PI80674] [Artifact in module automatically enters in edit mode, after collapsing/expanding its parent heading or after refreshing the module] [] [APAR PI81447] [There is no other way to fix VDI010s without a costly TRS rebase + LQE reindex] [] [APAR PI81646] [DownStreamAuthDeniedException when requesting service provider to DOORS 9] [] [APAR PI82120] [Multiple Threads hung in stack pointing to] [] [APAR PI82710] [Address several issues to be able to repair TRS data in a single project/component/configuration] [] [APAR PI82710] [Changing dropdown to/from Stream/Baseline doesn't always work properly when switching contexts] [] [APAR PI82710] [DNG oslc query incompatible with Lyo] [] [APAR PI82710] [Enumerated data values with html characters (e.g., &, <, >) are not displaying when editing the value in the grid] [] [APAR PI82710] [Module scroll position jumps unexpectedly when dragging the scrollbar thumb] [] [APAR PI82710] [Open link in new tab for Participant's Review no longer opens artifact in review context] [] [APAR PI82710] [Opt-in projects data can be loaded by the ETL through the deleted links page data] [] [APAR PI82710] [Primary text not editable in module] [] [APAR PI82710] [RM.Data.Module.createArtifact only creates Text format artifacts] [] [APAR PI82710] [ReqIF - embedded hyperlinks (without traceability link) are broken on round-trip] [] [APAR PI82710] [ReqIF attribute definition reuse doesn't occur over successive imports] [] [APAR PI82710] [ReqIF operation semaphores should be capable of being released, independently of ReqIF import or export.] [] [APAR PI82710] [Requirement Collection uses Requirement relationship not reportable in latest build, using LQE with JRS] [] [APAR PI82710] [Revert workaround for Timeout errors when trying to load a large module"] [] [APAR PI82710] [Save Selection As New Artifact and Insert/Link no longer working] [] [APAR PI82710] [Saving a view is clearing the filtered matches] [] [APAR PI82710] [Views: The Modified By condition is broken when in a saved view] [] [APAR PI82710] [When entering a new enumerated data type value, enter key is not saving the value] [] [APAR PI82710] [delivery - toggling the checkboxes on artifact conflicts can cause 410 errors] [] [APAR PI82710] [rm/web is extremely slow in loading project areas at which time user sees only a blank page or with " loading " status] [] [APAR PI82710] [rm_scrollMod_ScrollDown_TARGET1_testCaseExecutionScripts has regressed by 83% in DNG 6.0.4 compared to 6.0.3GA] [] [APAR PI82855] [Migration of tables from DOORS to DNG causes types to un-deleteable] [] +-- Product Jazz Foundation Client Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI82710] [Cannot "Enable only baselines" without an activation key.] [] 9. CLIENT APAR FIXES This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 6.0.5: [APAR PI79310] [[6.0.4] NPE when content deleted before a reload] [] [APAR PI81021] [Removing a folder from an ignored directory won't remove the folder for 6.0.2] [] [APAR PI82710] [An internal error occurred during: "Refreshing Ignore Changes".] [] [APAR PI82710] [Error when trying to create font in a non-UI thread] [] 10. KNOWN ISSUES None