Updating the Rational DOORS Next Generation Browser Add-on for 5.0.2 iFix005 or later This fix provides new .cab and .xpi files compatible with the 5.0.2 iFix005 (or later) release. It also includes a new rm.war file which replaces the RM WAR file included in the iFix. For users of the RDNG browser add-on, the rm.war file must be properly matched with the browser plugin files. This actually only applies during installation of the plugin on Firefox, so for those users that have already installed the plugin, or don't use Firefox, no action is required. NOTE: iFix005 (or later) must be applied first. The updated WAR files provided with the iFix should be deployed first and then the RM WAR file should be replaced with the version provided with this patch. Do not replace the WAR file provided by this fix with the one included in iFix005. NOTE: Although this fix is for use with RDNG 5.0.2 iFix005, note that the actual add-on files are labeled This is correct and due to the fact that the actual add-on implementation has not changed since the RDNG 5.0.1 release. NOTE: If the context root used by the RM application is not 'rm', for example if you originally installed and migrated from a 2.x release where the context root was 'rdm' or if you specifically selected a custom context root at the time of installation, it will be necessary to rename the WAR file (and adjust some of the directory paths referenced below) based on the context root currently in use. For example, if your current context root is 'rdm', you must rename the rm.war file to rdm.war. ------------------ Upgrading the RM WAR file in WebSphere Application Server: 1. Stop WAS. 2. Use the information in the following IBM Knowledge Center link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_5.0.0/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_deploy_was.html and complete the following steps: a. Un-deploy the current rm.war file b. Move the current rm.war file from /server/webapps out to a temp directory c. Copy the new WAR file provided to the /server/webapps directory d. Deploy the new rm.war file 3. Delete these directories, replace the profile name and node name to match your deployment: /WebSphere/AppServer/profiles//temp//server1/rm_war directory /WebSphere/AppServer/profiles//temp/wscache/rm_war directory /WebSphere/AppServer/profiles//rrcweb/cache directory 4. Start WAS, the RM app will be redeployed, now using the new WAR file. ------------------ Upgrading the RM WAR file in Tomcat server: 1. Stop Tomcat. 2. Delete the contents of the /server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/rm directory. 3. Move the current rm.war file from /server/tomcat/webapps out to a temp directory. 4. Delete the /server/tomcat/webapps/rm directory. 5. Copy the new WAR file provided to the /server/tomcat webapps directory. 6. Start Tomcat, the RM app will be redeployed, now using the new WAR file. ------------------ Upgrading the RM browser add-on 1. On the server locate the two files rmBrowserAddOn-{version}.cab and rmBrowserAddOn-{version}.xpi These will be located at: {InstallDir}\server\conf\rm\resources\addons 2. Replace these files with the new ones provided by IBM Support. 3. All clients with the browser add-on previously installed will need to perform the following: Uninstall the current browser add-on from all browsers. For Mozilla Firefox, details can be found here: https://jazz.net/library/article/1088/#Firefox_Uninstall For Microsoft Internet Explorer, details can be found here: https://jazz.net/library/article/1088/#Internet_Explorer_89_Uninstall Once complete, the next attempt to edit a graphical artifact will result in a new download and install of the add-on from the server that was updated in the prior steps above.