Interim fix This interim fix is only valid for the CLM release. After this interim fix, upgrade to CLM 6.0.1 or later. CONTENTS OF THE INTERIM FIX 1. Server patch file: 2. Rational Team Concert Eclipse client update site: 3. Rational Team Concert MSSCCI Provider Client readme file: readme-msscciclient.txt 4. Rational Team Concert MSSCCI Provider Client patch : (see the ADDITIONAL FIXES section) 5. Additional fixes (see below) 6. readme.txt (this file) In addition to the fixes listed in this readme, the iFix may also contain fixes for security issues. For more details, please refer to the IBM Product Security Incident Response Blog at: 1. SERVER PATCH Note: Before you install the server patch file CLM_server_patch_{version info here} .zip, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support. For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once. For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To install the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Verify whether the following directory exists: /server/patch. -If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents. -If the directory does not exist, create it. c. Copy the server patch file into the /server/patch directory. d. Clean the application server cache. Follow your application server's documentation on cache cleaning. Use "To clean the application cache in WebSphere" and "To clean the application cache in Tomcat" below as a reference. e. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. For instance: repotools-jts -clean repotools-ccm -clean repotools-qm -clean repotools-rm -clean Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To uninstall the server patch: a. Stop the CLM server. b. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: /server/patch c. Clean the application server cache. Follow your application server's documentation on cache cleaning. Use "To clean the application cache in WebSphere" and "To clean the application cache in Tomcat" below as a reference. d. Start the CLM server. f. Run repotools- -clean for each application that is installed. For instance: repotools-jts -clean repotools-ccm -clean repotools-qm -clean repotools-rm -clean Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server. To clean the application cache in WebSphere: Remove contents from these directories under the profile root: temp,tranlog,wstemp,workspace. For example, "rm -rf /{temp,tranlog,wstemp,workspace}/*" on linux. To clean the application cache in Tomcat: Remove contents from these directories under the tomcat root: temp,work. For example, "rm -rf /server/tomcat/{temp,work}/*" on linux. This server patch contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- Product RJF Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI25436] [Add back flag for HTTP support] [] [APAR PI25436] [Fix performance regression in report rendering] [] [APAR PI25436] [Fix regression in report performance] [] [APAR PI25462] [Fix report caching causing errors in the log] [] [APAR PI26888] [Deadlock issue in JNDI due to classloader problem (Fix in 5.0.1)] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI28526] [NPE in ManagedFloatingLicenseClient$LeaseCache.getCheckoutOperations] [] [APAR PI29290] [FeedViewlet does not support TLS 1.2] [] [APAR PI30360] [Adopt Add option to ignore item fetch errors during ETL (337420)] [] [APAR PI30488] [DelegatedAuthHandler and LoginPageStatusHandler ignores property] [] [APAR PI37026] [Online Migration can skip states in the event of a retry-able DB exception (fix in 5.0.1)] [] [APAR PI37053] [Creating iterations can break if translation is wrong (Fix in 5.0.1)] [] [APAR PI37378] [VVC cache storage to concept misses causes bad performance] [] [APAR PI37709] [Online migration can skip states on subsequent runs (fix in 5.0.1)] [] [APAR PI38871] [RM - DM Derives Link creation hangs on "Saving Link"] [] [APAR PI40126] [TeamAreaRole ETL flips two columns (354920)] [] [APAR PI41256] [RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment (fix in 5.0.1)] [] [APAR PI42477] [Text query service doesn't work after server rename] [] +-- Product RMS Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI16245] [Certain view queries with sophisticated link patterns / parameters poorly perform] [] [APAR PI18526] [BadRequestException on uploaded artifacts in folders with assigned Team Area] [] [APAR PI19401] [Unable to create custom links between two team areas] [] [APAR PI23814] [Page Cache is broken] [] [APAR PI25054] [Requirements Data Collection Job Hangs after Server Rename] [] [APAR PI25130] [ReqPro database (non-Word doc based) requirements are imported without CRLF/LF] [] [APAR PI25436] [Changing view settings should never mean I lose my place within a module] [] [APAR PI25436] [Don't return a meaningless Exception class name as an error message, if we also have a full Message_ID and message from the server] [] [APAR PI25436] [Various module usability improvements] [] [APAR PI25720] [Help Contents menu action uses incorrect, hard-coded url] [] [APAR PI26006] [Cleared view, Module should show all artifacts, only showing some. (Not sure how to reproduce, but have seen it a few times)] [] [APAR PI26591] [Collapse/expand in a module sometimes shows incorrect rows] [] [APAR PI26658] [Cannot access audit history for artifacts upgraded from 4.x to 5.x] [] [APAR PI39000] [Deleting Derives link is not working] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI04747] [Table in table truncated in export] [] [APAR PI07072] [Module report only displays the first paragraph of heading artifacts] [] [APAR PI28365] [CSV Export performs very poorly when the exported View definition contains Link terms] [] [APAR PI29190] [In non-English environments, the compare collections feature does not show changes to artifacts' primary text] [] [APAR PI29368] [Artifact URLs behave differently from different locations] [] [APAR PI38269] [Text imported from ReqPro baseline loses formatting] [] [APAR PI38396] [Update ReqPro migration to behave the same as the UI when requirement has no title] [] [APAR PI38550] [Audit History displays incomplete information when changelogs contain an unresolvable user URL] [] [APAR PI38594] [Project Templates cannot be displayed in project creation wizard if any template returns an error response] [] [APAR PI39749] [Data in the data warehouse should be updated after server rename] [] [APAR PI42162] [IE: TypeError occurs when browsing baselines] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI40115] [Attempting to save business process diagram results in "Saving...." that never completes] [] [APAR PI45386] [Tables are getting imported with varying number of columns per row & corrupt table errors on some of the resulting XHTML artifacts exported via RRDG (using public schema)] [] [APAR PI45650] [Links Explorer shows duplicate data when using Configure Link Display] [] [APAR PI46449] [Bad content inserted when pasting a numbered heading/list from MS Word in CKE using Chrome.] [] [APAR PI47026] [Columns don't align properly in imported tables when not all rows start at the same position] [] +-- Product RQM Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI22759] [Clicking on "Close and Show Result" button in suite execution console, remove pre existing custom attributes from test suite result.] [] [APAR PI23807] [duplicating a test script that uses a datapool variable that is linked to an archived test script step will fail] [] [APAR PI25609] [Fix on 119956 will not work as a third exception will be launched] [] [APAR PI25609] [Migration to new script type is broken when script history is truncated] [] [APAR PI25924] [Project feed does not support paging.] [] [APAR PI25936] [RQM should disallow deletion of approved artifacts] [] [APAR PI26255] [Duplicating test case with "Duplicate with copies" option creates orphaned keyword copies.] [] [APAR PI26940] [Can't Filter and/or Search (via Type Filter) for Test Case Results by Build in the Test Case Results table view] [] [APAR PI29961] [In the test case list view, the broken link icon is only shown when the focus is on it. It should be shown without needing user action.] [] [APAR PI32312] [Customized attributes for test case/test script/test suite/TCER/TSER can't be saved to exported process template.] [] [APAR PI36102] [javascript typos] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI25436] [After generating testcases from requirements using reconcile, some test cases' titles are shown as their respective URLs] [] [APAR PI25436] [ClassCastException when reconciling requirements.] [] [APAR PI25436] [Missing summary when reconciling requirement collections with new requirements.] [] [APAR PI28798] [Test Suite Log Put handler changes the execution request and task result of the test suite result] [] [APAR PI29782] [QM : Unable to save a test script that contains two steps with the same keyword] [] [APAR PI30267] [QM : Duplicating Test Scripts across project areas including Keywords] [] [APAR PI30849] [The "Wrap words to show all" cell text display option in the Requirement Links section is not sticky] [] [APAR PI33515] [QM: Test Suite Execution behavior difference between version 4x and 5x] [] [APAR PI36406] [QM Micro Execution Status by Owner user TCER Count writing errors in the log] [] [APAR PI37539] [Manual test script steps/results with rich text containing upper ASCII characters are corrupted on refresh when the server is renamed.] [] [APAR PI38112] [Need explicit purge support for ExecutionElement2 summary] [] [APAR PI39252] [QM: Duplicate display of DNG artifacts in coverage view] [] [APAR PI39316] [BIRT report "TSER Status using Test Case Count (Live)" shows duplicate results] [] [APAR PI39506] [Improve the performance of the QM - DNG Reconcile operation] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI43861] [RQM-Vietnamese font error in actual result when the server is renamed.] [] +-- Product RTC Fixed in release 5.0.1: [APAR PI28266] [Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Server)] [] Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI23359] [Appropriate Overlay images not visible based on the status of the item] [] [APAR PI24361] [After an RTC build, the cursor position in RTC editor is lost when changing the editor] [] [APAR PI24384] [Plan load takes a massive amount of time in getWorkItemAttributeValueSets] [] [APAR PI25436] [Fix regression in report performance] [] [APAR PI25436] [Improve performance of ILinkRestService] [] [APAR PI25462] [Release Burndown report can fetch a large number of rows] [] [APAR PI25686] [Allow to show only state groups in new Kanban and Taskboard] [] [APAR PI26295] [SCMHistoryMigrationHandler.fetchNextRootEras must not make assumptions about Oracle >= and Order-by clause when paging ItemIds] [] [APAR PI28159] [Initial baseline appears as incoming] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI25436] [Back-port defect 347359 to 5.0.1 iFix006 - AbstractScmTypeHandler should implement INewTypeHandler.onTransactionFailed] [] [APAR PI25436] [[Oracle] ROWNUM limit is applied before ORDER BY] [] [APAR PI25929] [RTC Planned-For drop down shows limited values] [] [APAR PI28775] [Adding literal to enumeration shows error] [] [APAR PI28849] [Removing the summary from the header section causes formatting problems] [] [APAR PI28965] [Kanban/Taskboard group by owner is slow with many users] [] [APAR PI29142] [Poor plan loading performance when there is a tree display with many layers] [] [APAR PI29832] [[5.0.1 iFix 005] Improve user experience when dealing with large (1000+ 2048+) numbers of components] [] [APAR PI30360] [Adopt Add option to ignore item fetch errors during ETL (337420)] [] [APAR PI30901] [Removed team member is still visible in the Work Breakdown view on WebUI] [] [APAR PI31814] [Clicking "Owned by" header in the plan view sorts the owners based on UUID, not the name] [] [APAR PI32552] [Browser gets locked up in taskboard plan view with many owners] [] [APAR PI33292] [Annotate should use a larger page size] [] [APAR PI33548] [Back-port defect 342675 to 5.0.1 iFix005 - Slow performance of the recent changesets affecting DB query] [] [APAR PI33717] [Plans with Circular Tracks References do Not Open] [] [APAR PI34523] [Backport defect 344131 to 5.0.1 iFix005 - Investigate using transactional caches during history for versionable] [] [APAR PI36051] [Exclude plan items related filter does not work in Taskboard view] [] [APAR PI36072] [Checkbox respond is slow when configuring Taskboard/Kanban States in Column Display tab] [] [APAR PI37243] [Back-port defect 346552 to 5.0.1 iFix006 - RecentChangeSetsAffectingIterator pulls too much from the inner nodes affecting iterator] [] Fixed in release 6.0.1: [APAR PI42494] [Select query from widget hangs on "Loading"] [] 2. RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT ECLIPSE CLIENT UPDATE SITE To install the client update site: a. Extract the update site file to the computer where the client is installed. b. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > Install New Software. c. In the Install window, click Add. d. In the Add Repository window, click Local and navigate to the extracted update site file. The update site root directory contains a site.xml file. e. Select the patches to install. f. If you agree to the terms, accept the license agreement and click Install. g. After the installation is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. To update the feature patch, you can install the new version directly over the old patch. You do not have to uninstall the old patch. To uninstall the client update site: a. In the Rational Team Concert client, click Help > About Rational Team Concert > Installation Details. b. Select the patches to uninstall and click Uninstall. c. After the uninstall process is complete, restart the Rational Team Concert client. WARNING: If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using a .zip file, the feature patch will be removed along with the original feature. Removing the patch will break the functionality of the affected feature. For a client that was installed by using a .zip file, reinstall the features by downloading the Rational Team Concert p2 repository from, and use the same installation steps with the following exception. For step d, click Archive and select the p2 repository .zip file and install the Rational Team Concert feature. This step will remove the patched plug-ins and replace the missing features with the original versions of the feature from the p2 repository. If you run the uninstall process on a Rational Team Concert client that was installed by using the p2 repository, to remove the patch, you must uninstall the entire Rational Team Concert p2 feature and then reinstall the entire Rational Team Concert feature through the p2 repository. This client update site contains fixes for the following defects: [APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL] +-- RTC Client Fixes Fixed in release 5.0.1: [APAR PI28266] [Missing color expressions in 5.0.1. and newer (Eclipse Client)] [] Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI24316] [Strange boolean attribute behaviour when moving a WI] [] [APAR PI24646] [Out-of-sync reload loads everything if the project's name is different from the name on disk] [] [APAR PI26251] [Moved Conflict cannot be opened in external compare tool] [] Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI25436] [Back-port defect 336181 to 5.0.1 iFix006 - An OutOfMemoryError can occur in RotatingDaemonTracer due to the eventQueue growing too large.] [] 3. ADDITIONAL FIXES: (if they exist) +-- Product RJF Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI41256] [RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment (fix in 5.0.1)] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: NOTE: You only need to do this once per iFix install. If you have done these steps as the result of another fix, you can skip them. Performing the steps multiple times will not cause problems. 1. Go to the /server directory. 2. Execute the following command: repotools-jts -clean ---- +-- Product RMS Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI25720] [Help Contents menu action uses incorrect, hard-coded url] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: 1. After you stop the RM server, open the services.xml file in a text editor. The services.xml file is located in the /server/conf/rm folder. 2. Locate this entry: . 3. Edit the resource attribute so that it uses %user-server-URL% instead of %server-URL%. The result should look like this: . ---- Fixed in release 6.0: [APAR PI04747] [Table in table truncated in export] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: After you stop the CLM server, delete the contents of the directory: -If you use an Apache Tomcat server, the directory is /server/tomcat/temp/rrc_reports/. -If you use WebSphere Application Server, the directory is /tmp/rrc_reports/. ---- +-- Product RTC Fixed in release 5.0.2: [APAR PI26295] [SCMHistoryMigrationHandler.fetchNextRootEras must not make assumptions about Oracle >= and Order-by clause when paging ItemIds] [] This defect requires additional steps to apply: This patch must be added to the 5.0.1 installation's patch directory after the 5.0.1 server is installed but BEFORE an attempt is made to migrate the 4.0.x data to 5.0.1. Since the fix is in the migration code itself, the issue can not be resolved if the 4.0.x has already been migrated to 5.0.1 ---- 4. KNOWN ISSUES No known issues with patch.