IBM® Rational® Programming Patterns V9.0.1 – Release Notes


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IBM Rational Programming Patterns V9.0.1 is a modification release to Rational Programming Patterns V9.0

It contains new features and defects corrections.


Information and References

For information about documentation and support resources, software and hardware requirements, and installation or upgrade steps, see the Rational Programming Patterns page.

Additional information can be found on IBM Publication Center.

You may find also a “What’s new in this Release” chapter in the Installation Guide as well as in the IBM Product Information Centers.



Fixes included in this release

APAR number


Internal Id


Operator Move not generated when parameter is between double-quotes



Deletion of link between text and another entity is impossible



Code instead of label displayed in meta entity description



You may refer to IBM Support Portal for more information on available Downloads and Fixes.

Known problems and workarounds

Generation differences

Some differences between a same program generated from Pacbase and RPP 9.0.1 stay unresolved. In spite of the fact that those differences are compensated by the pattern recognition technology, the consequences are:

- A number of lines of specific code in RPP 9.0.1 greater than in Pacbase

- A new program created and generated in RPP could be slightly different than in Pacbase


RPP replaces the line in difference with the line coming from Pacbase and shows the line as it is generated locally in a tooltip text. Thus:

- The source code of the program is the same between RPP & Pacbase

- The compilation of those programs gives the same executable as in Pacbase

Some differences are solved in RPP 9.0.1, while some others will be solved in upcoming fix packs or releases.

Other limits or known problems under investigation

Internal ID



MIAM - When variant is obsolete but inherited from Dialog, screens are not extracted


Impossible to generate a program when external name contains '-'


PDP editor very long to open on big files (> 50.000 lines)


Code derivation - Batch program: generation failed in some cases


Pactables extract procedures have no equivalent in RPP


Copybook generation: "Alias" are not managed


Integration of non COBOL generated files under RTC: error Labels files are not managed


Screen and client entities: Give the ability to put a specific destination folder for the map

Associated level of Pacbase

It is highly recommended to use this release with the corresponding level of Pacbase when working on the migration process from Pacbase to RPP:

Pacbase 3.5 Y09B


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