IBM Rational Tau and DOORS Analyst version 4.3 if1 readme

IBM Corporation
October 1, 2009



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to IBM Rational Tau 4.3 if1

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on IBM Rational Tau, visit the website at

System requirements

To run IBM Rational Tau 4.3 if1 you need to have one of the following operating systems installed on your computer:

  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Business/Enterprise SP1 (32/64 bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Standard
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise (32/64 bit)
  • Sun SPARC running Solaris 10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 (AS 4.0, ES 4.0, WS 4.0)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 (AS 5.0, ES 5.0, WS 5.0) (32/64 bit)


  • Citrix Server Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Standard
  • Citrix Server Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise (32/64 bit)
  • Server: Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server 4.0

Microsoft Windows system requirements





Pentium 500 MHz

Pentium 2 GHz1 / 3 GHz2


256 MB

1024 MB1 / 2048 MB2

Virtual Memory

512 MB


Disk Space (Installation)

450 MB (approximately)


1 – General modeling

2 – Large models or code generation

Linux system requirements





Pentium 500 MHz

Pentium 2 GHz1 / 3 GHz2


256 MB

1024 MB1 / 2048 MB2

Virtual Memory

512 MB


Disk Space (Installation)

550 MB (approximately)


Solaris system requirements





Solaris 10, ULTRASPARC 10 CPU 1x450MHz

Solaris 10, SPARC 280r CPU 2x900MHz

Virtual Memory

512 MB

1024 MB

Disk Space (Installation)

600 MB (approximately)


X server (UNIX clients only)

IBM Rational Tau is a Windows application that is ported to UNIX platforms using third-party software, MainWin, which is implemented using the X11 library. IBM Rational Tau 4.3 if1 has been ported using MainWin version 5.2.

Native displays

MainWin supports ‘native’ displays, provided the appropriate X server and graphics card patches are applied.

X servers on Windows

To display IBM Rational Tau clients running on UNIX from a PC running Windows, Hummingbird Exceed version 8 or 9 is required.

Display settings

The following display settings are recommended:

  • 16 bit color depth or better
  • Resolution (screen area) 1024 by 768 pixels, or higher

Other system requirements

For additional information on system requirements, including recommended configurations, visit the IBM Rational Software Support site.

Operating system locales supported by IBM Rational Tau 4.3 if1

The internationalization support in IBM Rational Tau is available on Windows only. It is assumed that you use a local version of Windows and also set the locale to use your language. For more information about topics in this area, please refer to the chapter “Internationalization Support” available in the IBM Rational Tau user documentation.

Compatible products

Configuration management

IBM Rational Tau supports integrations with the following versions of Synergy:

  • IBM Rational Synergy 7.1

Via SCCI 1.1 the following configuration management tools are supported:

  • Windows
    • IBM ClearCase 5.0
    • IBM ClearCase 6.0
    • Microsoft SourceSafe 6.
  • Linux
    • IBM ClearCase 5.00 with patch clearcase_p2002.05.00-41
    • IBM ClearCase 6.00 with patch clearcase_p2003.06.00-10
  • Solaris
    • IBM ClearCase 5.0
    • IBM ClearCase 6.0

Requirement management

Windows & Citrix only

IBM Rational Tau supports integrations with the following versions of IBM Rational DOORS on Windows platforms only:

  • IBM Rational DOORS 8.2
  • IBM Rational DOORS 8.3
  • IBM Rational DOORS 9.0
  • IBM Rational DOORS 9.1
  • IBM Rational DOORS 9.2


Macrovision FLEXnet 11.5.

Viewing help

To be able to read online documentation in PDF format you need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

IDE Integrations

C++ and C# Generated Code

The Tau Visual Studio Integration provides an integration to the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE. The integration is supported on Microsoft Windows operating systems only.

Java Generated Code

The Eclipse integration is supported on all platforms. For the Eclipse integration to function properly, the appropriate versions and platform variants of the following software must be installed.

  • Eclipse version 3.3 (Eclipse Europa release)

The software can be downloaded from

Visual Studio 2008

Please note that it is only Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition that is supported. This is commonly referred to in this file and in other documentation as Visual Studio.

C/C++ Importer

The following preprocessors (C/C++ language dialects) are supported when importing C/C++ header files:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio version 6 referred to as Visual C++
  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 7.0 and 7.1 referred to as Visual Studio .NET 2003
  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.0 SP1 referred to as Visual Studio 2005 or just Visual Studio
  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 9.0 referred to as Visual Studio 2008 or just Visual Studio
  • Borland
  • GNU

C Code Generation Support

Please note: The generated code must be compiled in 32-bit mode. 64-bit compiled code is not supported.

Target Integrations

Code can be generated for bare and or threaded applications, refer to the C Code Generator and AgileC Code Generator reference manuals for more information.

Supported integrations:

  • Win32 (all Windows platforms)
  • Solaris POSIX
  • Linux POSIX
  • VxWorks 6.0       

Supported compilers on Windows:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 9.0 referred to as Visual Studio 2008 or just Visual Studio
  • gcc 3.4 for building Model Verifier applications using Cygwin.
    Note: Cygwin make version 3.81 and later does not support Windows drive letters (e.g. C:) in paths. As a workaround set the environment variable CYGDRIVE_PREFIX=/cygdrive/ and IBM Rational Tau will translate the Windows drive letters.
  • VxWorks 6.0 target simulation using the GNU tool chain

Supported compilers on Solaris:

  • Sun Studio 10 C/C++ ELF 32 or ELF 64
  • VxWorks 6.0 target simulation using the GNU tool chain

Supported compilers on Linux:

  • gcc 3.4 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4)
  • gcc 4.1 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5)

POSIX support threaded integrations

The generic POSIX integration is developed on Solaris and uses the following basic POSIX primitives:

  • pthreads (pthread_t, pthread_mutex_t and pthread_cond_t)
  • semaphores (sem_t)

The generic POSIX integration has been tested on the following target platforms:

  • Solaris
  • Linux: only default signaling model

The same source files are generated regardless of target system, while the make files must be adopted to host/target combinations.


  • All Windows and Linux architectures are IA32 compatible.
  • All Solaris architectures are ULTRASPARC-II.
  • Using gcc/g++ 3.4 under Cygwin is intended for Model Verifier executables only.

C++ Code Generation Support

Please note: The generated code must be compiled in 32-bit mode. 64-bit compiled code is not supported.

Target Integrations

  • Win32 (all Windows platforms)
  • Solaris POSIX
  • Linux POSIX

Supported compilers on Windows

  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 9.0 referred to as Visual Studio 2008 or just Visual Studio

Supported compilers on Solaris

  • Sun Studio 10 C++ ELF 32 and ELF 64

Supported compilers on Linux

  • gcc 3.4 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4)
  • gcc 4.1 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5)

Java Code Generation Support

The following Java versions are supported

  • Java 1.3
  • Java 1.4
  • Java 5
  • Java 6

Please note that the Java compiler “javac”, must be present in the system path for the Java support to function properly.


The following compilers are supported when using the C++ API:


  • Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.0 SP1 referred to as Visual Studio 2005


  • gcc 3.4 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4)
  • gcc 4.1 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5) 32-bit compilation only.


  • Sun Studio 10 C/C++ ELF 32

XMI Export

The XMI exporter supports the following:

  • XMI 1.1

The XMI exporter is tested for the following target tool environment:

  • Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 2003
  • Rose XML Tools (UniSys XML plug-in) 1.3.6 for Rational Rose

For the latest information about third party products that are supported with IBM Rational Tau, visit the IBM Rational Software Support site.

Installing IBM Rational Tau 4.3 if1

An Installation Guide for IBM Rational Tau is available in the user documentation.

The following integrations exist and can be downloaded from the IBM Rational Software Support site:

  • XMI UML 2.2 Importer/Exporter
  • IBM Rational Tau – Synergy Integration (Solaris and Linux)

Beside these integrations, there are additional add-ins available for the Tau product, also available on the IBM Rational Software Support site.

Obtaining a license for IBM Rational Tau

To obtain a license for IBM Rational Tau you need to provide Customer Support with the hostname and hostid of the computer on which the license server is to be run. How to proceed is described in detail in the Installation Guide.


Known problems

For details of known problems in IBM Rational Tau 4.3, and how to resolve them, visit the IBM Rational Software Support site.

Contact Support

For further assistance please contact our support team. Contact details may be found at the IBM Rational Software Support site.


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