This Readme document contains information about the installation of this package and about restrictions in support of IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.14 Interim Fix 3
Readme file for:
IBM Content Navigator.
Product or component release:
Update name:
Interim Fix 3
IBM Content Navigator build number:
IBM Content Navigator Fix ID:
Publication date:
November 30, 2023
Last modified date:
November 30, 2023
Additional documentation for IBM Content Navigator can be found at : IBM Content Navigator 3.0.14
Dojo Toolkit: 1.17.2
Snowbound RasterMaster: 20.12.0
Oracle Outside In Technology: 8.5.6 Bundle Patch 7 35807830
Log4j: 2.19
IBM Content Manager v8.7 Fix Pack 1 APIs
Apache Common-Compress jar upgraded to v1.24 from v1.21.
Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. Use the following link to query the product support knowledge base by searching for the product and version number: In addition, the interim fix includes the following known problems:
Some features of IBM Content Navigator use Java applets. If you access IBM Content Navigator from Google Chrome, Version 42 or later, Chrome displays a message that the plug-in is blocked if you use an applet-based feature
Starting with Google Chrome, Version 42, the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is disabled by default. Web applications that use Java applets do not function properly unless NPAPI is re-enabled. For more information on configuring NPAPI-based Java plug-ins under Google Chrome, Version 42, see:
You might see security warnings and update requests when using certain versions of Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For information about issues with Oracle JRE, see
If you use the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool in the following locales, you might see a mix of English and non-English strings:
The Preview action on PDF documents fails on AIX, if using the Snowbound engine. The workaround is to switch to using the OutsideIn engine using these steps:
Additional Known problems and restrictions are contained in the Release Notes
The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM Content Navigator are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator, Version
For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator see Software Product Compatibility Reports.
The following information and steps apply to IBM Content Navigator. To install the interim fix, perform the steps below using the interim fix executable. When you install an interim fix, you can run the installation wizard or run a silent installation. The interim fix can be installed as an update to IBM Content Navigator Version or later.
The interim fix installation program updates the files in the directory where IBM Content Navigator is installed. After the installation program completes successfully, restart the web application server and redeploy the IBM Content Navigator web application to apply the changes from the interim fix.
For more information about installing IBM Content Navigator Version, see
To install IBM Content Navigator, Version 3.0.14 Interim Fix 3:
Install the interim fix by running the installation wizard or by running a silent installation:
Important: Do not enter line breaks in the command that you enter to start the installation program.
At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:
At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:
Linux for System z
At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:
At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the interim fix and enter one of the following commands:
Open the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment tool, click File > Open Deployment Profile, select the target deployment profile and click Open.
If the External Share feature is needed, then perform the bulleted steps below and then continue to Step 7, else continue to Step 7
Run the "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" in the information center:
Run the "Build the Web Application" task. For more instructions, see the topic, Rebuilding the IBM Content Navigator web application in the information center:
Run the "Deploy the Web Application" task in the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool for the profile that you want to redeploy.
Stop the IBM Content Navigator web application server.
Clear the application server cache:
For IBM WebSphere Application Server: Delete the following folders:
Delete the navigator folder from the temp temporary directory.
For example, on Microsoft Windows, delete the navigator folder from the following directory: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\temp\ServerName Node01\server1.
Delete the subfolders in the wstemp directory. This folder is different from the temp folder. Do not delete the wstemp folder itself.
For example, on Windows, delete the subfolders in following directory: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp.
For Oracle WebLogic Server: Delete the navigator folder from the tmp temporary directory.
For example, on Windows, delete the navigator folder from the following directory: \Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user.
Start the IBM Content Navigator web application server.
Verify that the correct version of the software is deployed to the web application server. For more information, see the topic, "Verifying your deployment" in the information center:
If IBM Content Navigator is configured for a high availability environment, see to ensure the crypto keys are set up properly in all servers.
When you uninstall the interim fix, you also uninstall IBM Content Navigator.
The interim fix for IBM Content Navigator uninstallation program removes the program and all applied fixes. You cannot remove only the interim fix.
To update the Edit Service client, uninstall the old version and install the new version on both Windows and Mac OS.
The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.14 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.
IO27986 PDF document displays with blank pages in HTML Conversion viewer and in thumbnails.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Some PDF documents display with blank pages in HTML Conversion viewer and in thumbnails. With this fix, PDF documents display correctly.
IO29316 Folder browsing does not work after opening folder using folder link.
(IBM Content Navigator users) If the Home feature for a desktop is disabled, and a folder is opened using a folder link, then other folders in the Browse feature cannot be opened. With this fix, folder browsing works correctly.
IO29317 Office Online integration does not work with external URL.
(IBM Content Navigator administrators) IBM Content Navigator Office Online integration cannot be configured to use an external-https URL to the Office Online server. With this fix, the integration can be configured to use the external-https Office Online server URL. To do this, a custom setting will need to be added in the administration desktop. The name of the setting is 'appOfficeOnlineURLNetZone' and the value is the name of the URL zone, ex.: 'external-http'.
IO29334 Deploy fails on WebLogic with invalid signature file error.
(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator fails to deploy on Weblogic with a SecurityException, indicating 'Invalid signature file digest'. With this fix, IBM Content Navigator will deploy successfully on Weblogic.
IO29340 Large thumbnails are generated for large documents.
(IBM Content Navigator users) If an image document has large dimensions, its thumbnail can be displayed large in the Doc Info pane. With this fix, the thumbnail is displayed with correct size.
IO29341 Datacap Scan button is disabled after upgrade.
(IBM Datacap users) The Scan button in IBM Datacap is disabled after upgrading IBM Content Navigator version to 3.0.14 Interim Fix 2, 3.0.13 Interim Fix 5, or 3.0.11 Interim Fix 13. With this fix, the scan button is enabled.
IO29359 Merge and Split action fails if there is no annotation part.
(IBM Content Manager users) If an item type doesn't have annotation part, Merge and Split action on a document belonging to the item type fails. With this fix, Merge and Split action is successful even when there is no annotation part.
IO29362 Large file uploads can fail with out of memory errors.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager and IBM Content Manager users) Uploading large documents can fail with out of memory errors in some environments. With this fix, the large file upload is improved to reduce memory consumption and to reduce the occurrence of out of memory errors.
IO28462 Print function is not available on new document tab.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Print function is not available on a new document tab created using Merge & Split action. With this fix, the Print icon will be available on the new document tab.
IO29131 Unable to save security changes on CM8 teamspace templates.
(IBM Content Manager users) The action of updating security on a teamspace template fails with an error stating that the properties cannot be updated as the item is not checked out. With this fix, this symptom is resolved.
IO29222 Object store administrators cannot edit teamspaces.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Object store administrators cannot edit teamspaces. This can lead to the teamspace being locked out from modification if the teamspace owner ID is deactivated. With this fix, object store administrators can edit teamspaces.
IO29229 Content Manager users) User information is returned in response for requests related to entry templates and saved searches.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) User information is returned in response for requests related to entry templates and saved searches. With this fix, the user information is not included in the response.
IO29252 Calendar task fails to execute again, if the first instance fails.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When an instance of a calendar task fails, subsequent instances should still be executed. Intead, they fail. With this fix, the subsequent instances execute successfully.
IO29260 Attempt to fetch in-basket items using the English translation of an in-basket name fails.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Attempt to fetch in-basket items using the English translation of an in-basket name fails. With this fix, this symptom does not occur.
IO29262 Open in new window doesn't work if separate window is closed
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users may experience a situation when moving a document to a new window. If the user has multiple tabs open in a viewer window, and moves one of the documents to a new window, the document will display correctly. A user may then close the new window after viewing the document. However, because the window is closed, moving a document to a new window will fail. With this fix, the move to new window option will show any document in any window.
IO29267 Values of hidden property are not populated from second page.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) After running a search, if the Results Display is modified to include a hidden property and the search is re-run, then only the first page of results displays the values of the hidden property. Subsequent pages do not display any values. With this fix, this symptom does not occur.
IO29268 onEditorInput event is triggered incorrectly
(IBM Content Navigator users) The onEditorInput event is triggered incorrectly when user updates value of a property. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
IO29270 Copying overwrites original desktop feature configuration.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When copying an existing desktop, the feature configuration of the original desktop gets overwritten. With this fix, this problem does not occur.
IO29271 IBM Content Navigator Edit Service client installer download link is broken.
(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator Edit Service client installer download link is broken on the pop-up error window. With this fix, the link works and users can download and install this client.
IO29276 Configmgr command line cannot create a profile with no repository and Task Manager selections.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Configmgr command line cannot create a profile with no repository and Task Manager selections. With this fix, a profile can be created with these selections.
IO29280 Default style theme buttons always display in blue even when another color is specified.
(IBM Content Navigator Users) A theme configured with the Default theme style will display buttons in blue even though another color has been specified for the button color. With this fix, the button color will display in the color specified in the theme.
IO29283 Theme using Classic style with white banner background causes Help icon to be cut off at bottom.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When configuring Content navigator Default theme with Classic style and white background, the help icon in upper right corner is not displayed correctly. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
IO29284 Cannot login to the object store when the letter case of the repository server URL path to the object store, is different.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When logging in to a FileNet Content Manager repository (object store), an error occurs when the letter case of the repository server URL path is different than the expected letter case of the path, e.g., '/FileNet/Engine' as documented. With this fix, Content Navigator will no longer enforce the letter case to match, but an error may still occur in environments where the path is case-sensitive.
IO29292 Unable to open MP3 file in external share desktop.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening MP3 file in external Share desktop, the error 'You cannot view the document because the file format is not currently supported.' is issued. With this fix, this error does not occur.
IO29293 Duplicate static role ACLs are seen for sub-folders when applying static roles to parent folder.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Duplicate static role ACLs are seen for sub-folders when applying static roles to parent folder. One that is directly assigned to the sub-folder and another that is inherited from the parent. The direct ACL should not be present. With this fix, this symptom does not occur.
IO29296 Typo in the Dutch translation of the error message issued on failure to create a teamspace.
(IBM Content Navigator users) There is a typo in the Dutch translation of the error message issued on failure to create a teamspace. With this fix, the typo is resolved.
IO29297 A Date-only property may be show a value 'Error' instead of the date value.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A Date-only property may be show a value 'Error' instead of the date value. With this fix, the date value is displayed correctly.
IO29250 All fields of entry template may not appear when adding a document.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document using an entry template, not all the fields appear the first time in a new browser session. With this fix, this symptom is resolved.
IO29251 Simple Search filter does not display correctly when desktop theme is set to 'Classic'.
Simple Search filter does not display correctly when desktop theme is set to 'Classic'. With this fix, the filter displays correctly in 'Classic' theme.
IO29254 Notelogs containing emojis fail to be displayed.
(IBM Content Manager users) Notelogs containing four-byte emojis fail to be displayed. With this fix, all emojis are displayed.
IO29259 Desktop is refreshed when email action with 'Send as link' option is done.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When using Business Automation Navigator, if email action with 'Send as link' option is executed, the entire desktop is automatically refreshed. With this fix, this symptom does not occur.
IO29264 The padding option cannot be saved on Titled Layout.
(IBM Content Navigator users) After changing the padding option on a Titled Layout in an entry template, the change is not saved after close the entry template. With this fix, this problem is resolved.
IO29268 onEditorInput event is triggered incorrectly
(IBM Content Navigator users) The onEditorInput event is triggered incorrectly when user updates value of a property. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version.
Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions: