**************************************************************************************** IBM CICS Transaction Gateway for Multiplatforms Version README **************************************************************************************** APAR Fixed: PH58172 Jakarta EE support is provided for CICS TG 9.3 clients for development and deployment. 3 deliverables are provided with this fix based on the Jakarta EE specification. cicseci.jakarta.rar - Jakarta EE based ECI resource adapter. This resource adapter can be deployed Jakarta EE application servers to allow Jakarta EE enterprise applications to access CICS. cicsjee.jakarta.jar - cicsjee.jakarta.jar is used to develop Jakarta EE enterprise applications which can be deployed in Jakarta EE application servers. ibm-cicstg-jakarta-docs.tar.gz - API documentation for application development. ECIIVT.jakarta.ear - Jakarta EE based enterprise EJB application which is the CICS TG installation verification sample to be deployed on Jakarta EE application servers. Limitations: Jakarta EE based ECI resource adapter is not supported for nonmanaged environment. No support for WSIF dependencies. Details of Jakarta EE support for CICS TG is available at https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cics-tg-multi/9.3?topic=notes-whats-new VERIFYING THE INTERIM FIX(IFIX) ===================================== The Interim Fix(IFIX) files that are shipped are signed through the IBM CISO CodeSigning. You can verify using IBM CISO CodeSigning provided by the cosign. To verify the interim fix(IFIX) you can use the following command cosign verify-blob --cert --cert-chain --signature Updated Notices and Information ================================ https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6618699