Steps for IFIX installation. To apply IFIX on CICS TG on plnx follow these steps: * Stop CICS Transaction Gateway and client daemon. * Backup the following files and note the permissions of the files: /deployable/cicseci.rar /deployable/cicsepi.rar /classes/ctgclient.jar /classes/jettison-1.5.1.jar /classes/jackson-databind-2.14.1.jar /classes/ctgdaemon.jar /classes/jackson-core-2.14.1.jar /classes/jackson-annotations-2.14.1.jar /classes/cicsjee.jar /bin/cclclnt /lib/ /bin/cicsftrc /wlp * REMOVE the above files and directories * Go to the * Copy the file PH51694.CTG.plnx.IF004.tar.gz to the * Untar the PH51694.CTG.plnx.IF004.tar.gz in * After untar, verify permissions of the files * Start the CICS Transaction Gateway. check cicscli.log to see if IF004 is installed correctly. cicscli.log CCL:CCL8751T IF004 VERIFYING THE INTERIM FIX(IFIX) ===================================== The Interim Fix(IFIX) files that are shipped with zip files are signed through the IBM CISO CodeSigning. You can verify the using the IBM CISO CodeSigning provided by the openssl.To verify the interim fix(IFIX) you can use the following command openssl dgst -sha256 -verify publickey.pem -signature NOTE ===================================== Java 8 or higher JVM runtime environment is required for this APAR. Updated Notices and Information ===============================