IBM Stering Control Center iFix13 Please note the following Cognos Installation Changes in Control Center beginning in iFix12 ============================================================================================================================ 1) Cognos has been upgraded to 11.1.7 (from 11.0.13) and introduces a separately provided Cognos zip file required during installation. There is a new prompt during installation for the Cognos zip file. The file contains the contents that are installed into the Cognos directory: (i.e. /Cognos). Previously up through iFix11, this file was embedded in CCInstall64.exe|bin and was transparent to the user. Beginning with iFix12, this file has been removed from the installer and is now shipped as a standalone zip file. Going forward this file will have a naming convention of: SCC_Cognos_11.1.7_yymmddhhmm_[platform].zip An example of the console prompt on a Linux system is shown below: =============================================================================== Cognos zip file ( ---------------------------------------------------------- Cognos zip file will be installed into: /Cognos/ Specify the full path of including file name: (Default: none): /Cognos/ --------- Note: For Windows installations, there will be a similar looking prompt in the corresponding panel --------- ============================================================================================================================ 2) During installation, the Uninstall phase will take longer to complete due to the signficant increase in Cognos footprint. ============================================================================================================================ --- END ---