Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony RFE 144468

Readme file for: IBM Spectrum Symphony and IBM Spectrum Conductor

Product release: 7.3.0 and 2.4.1

Fix ID: sym-7.3-build600157-jpmc

Publication date: February 9, 2021

Enhancement to provide a new EGO REST API to create users.

1.    Scope

Before you install this enhancement to your cluster, note the following requirements:

Operating system

Management hosts: RHEL 6.7 or higher 64-bit

Product version

IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.0

IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.4.1

2.    Installation

Follow these instructions to download and install this enhancement on hosts in your cluster.

a.       Log on to the primary host as the cluster administrator and stop the following services:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

> egosh service stop REST WEBGUI

b.       On each management host, download package egorest-3.8.0_noarch_build600157.tar.gz to a directory (for example, to a /symfixes directory).

c.       On each management host, run the egoinstallfixes command to install the packages.

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/egorest-3.8.0_noarch_build600157.tar.gz

d.       Delete all subdirectories and files in the following directories:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/kernel/rest/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/work/*

e.       Launch your browser and clear the browser cache.

f.        Use the pversions command to verify the installation:

> pversions -b 600157


IBM Spectrum egorest


  binary type: noarch, Feb 04 2021, Build 600157

  installed: 2 04 2021



  files: /integration/elk/1.4.3/elasticsearch-7.2.1/plugins/search-guard-7/commons-ego.jar









g.       Start the following services:

> egosh service start REST WEBGUI

3.    Configuration and usage

After applying this enhancement, use the REST API to create users. Detailed explanation of the REST API are as follows:

POST /ego/users



Create a new user account in the EGO user database with the specified name.

Request headers

Request body

user RBACUserRequest (required)

Body Parameter — The details for the user to add.


String The user’s name.

password (required):

String The user’s password.

description (required):

String The description of the user.

groups (optional):

String The user groups.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json

{"username":"symUser","password":"symUser","description":" ","groups":" "}



Successfully added the user.


Bad request. The request contains invalid values.


Authentication error. The request was denied.


An unexpected error occurred while adding the user.

4.    Uninstallation

a.       Log on to the primary host as the cluster administrator and stop the following services:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

> egosh service stop REST WEBGUI

b.       Log on to each management host and roll back this enhancement:

> egoinstallfixes -r 600157

c.       Delete all subdirectories and files in the following directories:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/kernel/rest/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/work/*

d.       Launch your browser and clear the browser cache.

e.       Restart the following services:

> egosh service start REST WEBGUI

5.    List of files

d3d06c8cc3f2ac6924e9bd2c2096a18b egorest-3.8.0_noarch_build600157.tar.gz

90850bd2d21f24899fe8322be30e26dd integration/elk/1.4.3/elasticsearch-7.2.1/plugins/search-guard-7/commons-ego.jar

90850bd2d21f24899fe8322be30e26dd perf/ego/3.8/lib/commons-ego.jar

90850bd2d21f24899fe8322be30e26dd ascd/2.4.1/lib/commons-ego.jar

d07769eb5ee41934bc867b9d9fb4b624 ascd/2.4.1/lib/rest-ego-3.8.0.jar

90850bd2d21f24899fe8322be30e26dd gui/3.8/lib/commons-ego.jar

d07769eb5ee41934bc867b9d9fb4b624 gui/3.8/lib/rest-ego-3.8.0.jar

90850bd2d21f24899fe8322be30e26dd wlp/usr/shared/resources/rest/3.8/commons-ego.jar

d07769eb5ee41934bc867b9d9fb4b624 wlp/usr/shared/resources/rest/3.8/rest-ego-3.8.0.jar

d07769eb5ee41934bc867b9d9fb4b624 wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/perf/3.8/perfguiv5/WEB-INF/lib/rest-ego-3.8.0.jar

6.    Product notifications

To receive information about product solution and patch updates automatically, subscribe to product notifications on the My Notifications page on the IBM Support website ( You can edit your subscription settings to choose the types of information you want to get notification about, for example, security bulletins, fixes, troubleshooting, and product enhancements or documentation changes.

7.    Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2021

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