Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony RFE 146249

Readme file for: IBM Spectrum Symphony

Product release: 7.3.1

Fix ID: sym-7.3.1-build600109-cs

Publication date: January 21, 2021

With this IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster feature enhancement, a workload placement enabled client will be able to connect to both an SSL-enabled silo cluster and an SSL-disabled silo cluster, at the same time.


1. Scope 

Before you install this enhancement to your cluster, note the following requirements:

Operating systems

·        Windows Server 2012 to 2016 

·        Windows 8 to 10

·        RHEL 6.4 to 7.4 64-bit

·        SUSE Linux 11 SP4

·        SUSE Linux 12 to 12.3

·        Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Product version

IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.1


2. Installation

Follow these instructions to download and install this enhancement on hosts in your cluster.


Enable SSL for IBM Spectrum Symphony as required. Refer to the following IBM Knowledge Center topics to enable the SSL connection between VEMKD and the VEMKD client, SD or SSM and SDK, and SSM and SIM:

a.    To enable SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client, see

b.    To enable SSL between SD and SDK, or SSM and SDK, see step 9 in

c.    To enable SSL between SSM and SIM, see

Note: If SDK_TRANSPORT_ARG and SSM_SDK_TRANSPORT_ARG are defined in both the sd.xml file and the application profile, the values from the application profile override the values defined in the sd.xml file for the SSM to SIM connection. See

As a best practice, do not use the $EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS setting. In this enhancement, the client can connect to both an SSL enabled IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster and an SSL disabled cluster. Using $EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS in the sd.xml file will lead to client connections failures to the SD and SSM if the client’s ego.conf file doesn’t define this variable.

Installing on the IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster primary cluster on Windows

a.        Log on to the multicluster primary cluster as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

b.        Shut down the cluster:

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all  

c.        On the primary host (and on each primary candidate hosts), copy the symmccore- package to a temporary location on the host and install the package:

o   For an interactive installation, double-click the symmccore- package and follow the prompts.

o   For a silent installation, enter the following command from the command prompt:

C:\>msiexec /update C:\symmccore- /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus 

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\>msiexec /update sym_package_name_path /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus


o   sym_package_name_path is the fully qualified path to the .msp package; in this case, C:\symmccore-

o   install.log is the log file for the upgrade. 

d.        Use the pversions command to verify the installation:

> pversions

IBM Spectrum Symphony (MultiCluster Server)

Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build"600109")

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony management hosts on Windows

a.      Log on to a management host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

b.        Stop the SMCP service:

> egosh service stop SMCP

c.        Back up the smcp.xml file.

d.        On each management host, download the sym- package to a temporary location on the host and install the package:

o   For an interactive installation, double-click the .msp package and follow the prompts.

o   For a silent installation, enter the following command from the command prompt:

C:\>msiexec /update C:\sym- /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus 

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\>msiexec /update sym_package_name_path /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus


o   sym_package_name_path is the fully qualified path to the .msp package; in this case, C:\sym-

o   install.log is the log file for the upgrade.

e.        Use the pversions command to verify the installation:

> pversions

IBM Spectrum Computing family: SOAM core 7.3.1 for IBM Spectrum Symphony

Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build"600109")

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition hosts on Windows

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, and stop all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.        Stop Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition:

> soamshutdown 

c.        On each Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, download the symde- package to a temporary location on the host and install the package:

o   For an interactive installation, double-click the .msp package and follow the prompts.

o   For a silent installation, enter the following command from the command prompt:

C:\>msiexec /update C:\symde- /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\>msiexec /update sym_package_name_path /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus


o   sym_package_name_path is the fully qualified path to the .msp package; in this case, C:\symde-

o   install.log is the log file for the upgrade.

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony client hosts on Windows

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, and stop the running client.

b.      On each IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, download the symclnt- package to a temporary location on the host and install the package:

o   For an interactive installation, double-click the .msp package and follow the prompts.

o   For a silent installation, enter the following command from the command prompt:

C:\>msiexec /update C:\symclnt- /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus 

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\>msiexec /update sym_package_name_path /l*v install.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus


o   sym_package_name_path is the fully qualified path to the .msp package; in this case, C:\symclnt-

o   install.log is the log file for the upgrade.

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition hosts on Linux

a.     Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, and stop all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.        Stop IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition:

> soamshutdown 

c.        Back up the following files:



d.        On each IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, download the symde- package and extract its content to the $SOAM_HOME installation directory:

> tar zxfo symde- -C $SOAM_HOME

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony client hosts on Linux

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, and stop the running client.

b.      Back up the following files:



c.      On each IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, copy the symclnt- package and extract its content to the $SOAM_HOME installation directory:

> tar zxfo symclnt- -C $SOAM_HOME

3.   Configuration and usage

Scenario 1

This section uses a scenario with one multicluster primary cluster and two silo clusters: silo 1 and silo 2, with these SSL connections:

·       Silo 1 has enabled SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client, SD and SDK, SSM and SDK, and SSM and SIM.

·       The multicluster primary cluster and silo 2 both have disabled all SSL connections.

·       Silo 1 will use outbound connections from the SMCM to the SMCP, silo 2 will use inbound connections from the SMCP to the SMCM.

Configuration for outbound clusters

a.      For the smcp.xml file on silo1, configure the SMC_PROXY_INBOUND_CONNECTION setting to Y to enable multicluster outbound connections:

<ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SMC_PROXY_INBOUND_CONNECTION">Y</ego:EnvironmentVariable>

b.      On the multicluster primary cluster, use the smcadmin cluster add command to specify information regarding both silo cluster’s VEMKD:

> smcadmin cluster add -c silo1 -m silo1_host -p 42345 -s "SSL[CIPHER=AES256-GCM-SHA384,CAFILE=/path/to/cacert.pem,CAFILE_WIN=C:\path\to\cacert.pem]"

c.      Restart silo 1.

Configuration for inbound clusters

No changes are required for inbound cluster silo 2.

Configuration for the client

a.      If the client is connecting to SSL disabled silo 2, there is no need to add EGO_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, EGO_KD_TS_PORT, and EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS to the client’s local ego.conf file. If the client is connecting to SSL enabled silo 1, add the EGO_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, EGO_KD_TS_PORT, and EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS settings to the client’s ego.conf file.

b.      Optional: If the SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL environment is used, set it on the client side:

·       On Windows:
set SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL=master_list://primary_host:42345

·       On Linux:
export SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL=master_list://primary_host:42345

c.       Verify your configuration: enable the SMC_GLOBAL_PLACEMENT setting, and run the client to submit workload. If the task level redirection is enabled, you can see that the client is submitting tasks to both silo clusters at the same time.


Scenario 2

This section uses a scenario with one multicluster primary cluster and two silo clusters: silo 1 and silo 2, with these SSL connections:

·       Silo 1 has enabled SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client, SD and SDK, SSM and SDK, and SSM and SIM.

·       The multicluster primary cluster has enabled SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client. Note that in this case, if the multicluster primary cluster enables SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client, the multicluster service package synchronize feature will not work.

·       Silo 2 has disabled all SSL connections.

·       Silo 1 will use outbound connections from the SMCM to the SMCP, silo 2 will use inbound connections from the SMCP to the SMCM.

Configuration for outbound clusters

a.      For the smcp.xml file on silo 1, configure the SMC_PROXY_INBOUND_CONNECTION setting to Y to enable multicluster outbound connections:

<ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SMC_PROXY_INBOUND_CONNECTION">Y</ego:EnvironmentVariable>

b.      On the multicluster primary cluster, use the smcadmin cluster add command to specify information regarding silo 1 cluster’s VEMKD:

> smcadmin cluster add -c silo1 -m silo1_host -p 42345 -s "SSL[CIPHER=AES256-GCM-SHA384,CAFILE=/path/to/cacert.pem,CAFILE_WIN=C:\path\to\cacert.pem]"

c.      Restart silo 1.

Configuration for inbound clusters

a.      For the smcp.xml file on silo 2, configure the SMC_KD_SSL_PARAMS setting: 

<ego:EnvironmentVariable name="SMC_KD_SSL_PARAMS">SSL[CIPHER=AES256-GCM-SHA384,CAFILE=/path/to/cacert.pem,CAFILE_WIN=C:\path\to\cacert.pem]</ego:EnvironmentVariable>

Note: SMC_KD_SSL_PARAMS is used by SMCP within inbound clusters to connect to multicluster primary cluster’s vemkd, there is no need to configure it for SMCP within outbound clusters, it is also not needed if the multicluster primary cluster has disabled SSL between VEMKD and the VEMKD client.

b.      Restart silo 2.

Configuration for the client

a.      If the client is connecting to SSL disabled silo 2, there is no need to add EGO_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, EGO_KD_TS_PORT, and EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS to the local client’s ego.conf file. If the client is connecting to SSL-enabled silo 1, then add the EGO_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, EGO_KD_TS_PORT, and EGO_CLIENT_TS_PARAMS settings to the client’s ego.conf file.

b.      Optional: If the SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL environment is used, set it on the client side:

·       On Windows:
set SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL=platcomm:TCPIPv4SSL+SSL[CIPHER=AES256-GCM-SHA384,CAFILE=/path/to/cacert.pem,CAFILE_WIN=C:\path\to\cacert.pem]^|^|master_list://primary_host:42345

·       On Linux:
export SMC_MASTER_CLUSTER_URL=platcomm:TCPIPv4SSL+SSL[CIPHER=AES256-GCM-SHA384,CAFILE=/path/to/cacert.pem,CAFILE_WIN=C:\\path\\to\\cacert.pem]\|\|master_list://primary_host:42345

c.       Verify your configuration: enable the SMC_GLOBAL_PLACEMENT setting, and run the client to submit workload. If the task level redirection is enabled, you can see that the client is submitting tasks to both silo clusters at the same time.


4.   Uninstallation

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster primary cluster on Windows

a.        Log on to the multicluster primary cluster as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

b.        Shut down the cluster:

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

c.        On the primary host (and on each primary candidate host), uninstall the enhancement:

o   To roll back from the Windows Control Panel, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, click Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build “600109”) and click Uninstall.

o   To roll back from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall {76B0DD65-7514-4524-B2F4-97CC49DD79B0} /package {2D475A91-0059-4295-A44E-DCFC3DBA43B4} /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall interim_fix_code /package product_code /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log


o   interim_fix_code is the identifier of the .msp package for this interim fix, in this case, {76B0DD65-7514-4524-B2F4-97CC49DD79B0}.

o    product_code is the identifier of the .msi file for the original product installation package, in this case, {2D475A91-0059-4295-A44E-DCFC3DBA43B4}.

o   rollback.log is the name of the log file to capture details of the rollback.

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony management hosts on Windows

a.        Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony management as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

b.        Stop the SMCP service:

> egosh service stop SMCP  

c.        On each management host, uninstall the enhancement:

o   To roll back from the Windows Control Panel, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, click Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build “600109”) and click Uninstall.

o   To roll back from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall {4DAAE70D-C38C-47B1-99DE-6BAD5AC6749E} /package {91FF0A77-C792-4BCD-B657-5B1D1762836E} /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall interim_fix_code /package product_code /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log


o   interim_fix_code is the identifier of the .msp package for this interim fix, in this case, {4DAAE70D-C38C-47B1-99DE-6BAD5AC6749E}.

o    product_code is the identifier of the .msi file for the original product installation package, in this case, {91FF0A77-C792-4BCD-B657-5B1D1762836E}.

o   rollback.log is the name of the log file to capture details of the rollback.

d.        Restore the backed up smcp.xml file.

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition hosts on Windows

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, and stop all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.        Stop IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition:

> soamshutdown 

c.        On each IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, uninstall the enhancement:

o   To roll back from the Windows Control Panel, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, click Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build “600109”) and click Uninstall.

o   To roll back from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall {AE3B18EB-4566-4E5B-B7E9-F16FB792668A} /package {B0C862C5-0439-4E94-8B25-E6E97254B79F} /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall interim_fix_code /package product_code /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log


o   interim_fix_code is the identifier of the .msp package for this interim fix, in this case, {AE3B18EB-4566-4E5B-B7E9-F16FB792668A}.

o    product_code is the identifier of the .msi file for the original product installation package, in this case, {B0C862C5-0439-4E94-8B25-E6E97254B79F}.

o   rollback.log is the name of the log file to capture details of the rollback. 

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony client hosts on Windows

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, and stop the running client.

b.      On each IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, uninstall the enhancement:

o   To roll back from the Windows Control Panel, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, click Update for Symphony 7.3.1 (build “600109”) and click Uninstall.

o   To roll back from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall {2C866986-1179-4D1F-99EB-9970CB942765} /package {D0374E2E-2D3C-4240-9642-D99621AD5463} /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log

The command syntax is as follows:

C:\> msiexec /uninstall interim_fix_code /package product_code /norestart /quiet /l*v rollback.log


o   interim_fix_code is the identifier of the .msp package for this interim fix, in this case, {2C866986-1179-4D1F-99EB-9970CB942765}.

o    product_code is the identifier of the .msi file for the original product installation package, in this case, {D0374E2E-2D3C-4240-9642-D99621AD5463}.

o   rollback.log is the name of the log file to capture details of the rollback.

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition hosts on Linux

a.     Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host, stop all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.        Stop IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition:

> soamshutdown 

c.        Restore the backed up files:



Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony client hosts on Linux

a.      Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host, and stop the running client.

b.      Restore the backed up files:



5.   List of files






























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