Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7.3 Fix sym-7.3-build600055 

Readme File for: IBM Spectrum Symphony

Product Release: 7.3

Fix ID: sym-7.3-build600055

Publication Date: January 15, 2021

Virtual Processor Core (VPC) is a unit by which IBM® Spectrum Symphony can be licensed.  VPC is also referred to as Variable Use Licensing (VUL). Usage of each VPC is measured in Virtual Processor Core-Instance-Hours.

This fix configures cloud hosts that join your cluster to track the core-hours used by each host's cores. You can query the total core-hours that are used in your cluster between two dates.

1.     Scope

Before you install this enhancement to your cluster, note the following requirements:

Operating system

Linux RHEL 6.x or 7.x

Product version

IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3


2.     Installation

a.      Log on to the primary host as the cluster administrator:
> egosh user logon -u Admin

b.      Disable all applications:
> soamcontrol app disable all -f

c.       Stop all services:
> egosh service stop all

d.      Shut down the cluster:
> egosh ego shutdown all

e.      On the primary host and each candidate host, create a directory (for example, /symfixes), and download the egocore- file to the directory.

f.        Run the egoinstallfixes command to install the egocore- file:
> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/egocore-

g.      Use the pversions command to verify the installation:
> pversions

h.      Start the cluster:
> egosh ego start all

3.     Configuration and usage

Configuring your cloud hosts for core-hour usage involves tagging your cloud hosts with the corehoursaudit resource attribute. The corehoursaudit attribute marks cloud hosts as temporary and tracks the time that each host's cores are used. The corresponding metrics are then logged to the ego.cluster_name.entitlement.acct file.


If the cluster has spare perpetual license capacity, it is possible to allow hosts to use a mix of perpetual and variable use licenses. The EGO_LICENSE_CORE_ENTITLEMENT causes hosts that are tagged with the corehoursaudit resource attribute to count against the perpetual core entitlement until the entitlement limit defined by EGO_LICENSE_CORE_ENTITLEMENT is reached. If the EGO_LICENSE_CORE_ENTITLEMENT value is not configured, hosts configured with the corehoursaudit  attribute do not add cores to the perpetual core entitlement. These hosts will log core-hours only.

a.         Add the corehoursaudit resource attribute with the egoconfig addresourceattr command.
> egoconfig addresourceattr "[resource corehoursaudit]"

Ensure that you use the 
egoconfig addresourceattr command to tag cloud hosts before the cloud host joins the cluster for the first time, either during image creation or during post-provisioning (recommended).

Fast path: The 
egoconfig addresourceattr configuration is included in the sample host factory post-provisioning scripts that are bundled with IBM Spectrum Symphony. If you use the sample scripts, you don't need to use this command separately.

Note: If a cloud host joined the cluster before without this attribute assigned or to update this attribute, you must remove it from the cluster and then start ego to allow it to re-join the cluster:
> egosh resource close -reclaim host_name
egosh resource remove host_name
egosh ego start

Tip: After you enable the corehoursaudit resource attribute, you can run the following commands:

                         i.         To find all hosts currently enabled to log core hours, you can run the following example command:
> egosh resource list -l -R corehoursaudit

Sample output:

NAME                 status        mem    swp    tmp   ut    it    pg   r1m  r15s  r15m  ls
host1                ok            45G     0M   889G   4%   258   0.0   0.9   1.2   0.9   2

                        ii.         To query the core usage information between two dates, you can run the following example command:
> egosh entitlement corehours -s "1/1/20" -e "1/5/20"

Sample output:
Core hours: 20
GPU hours:   1

To view more usage data, use the ego.cluster_name.entitlement.acct file to view a summary of core-hour usage. Use the cluster.hostusage file to view detailed core-hour usage.

In addition, if you removed the tagged hosts from the cluster, you can seethe core usage information for these hosts in the lim.log<hostname> file. This lim log file by default is available in the $EGO_LOCAL_CONFDIR/../log directory.

Sample output:
removeVULHost: Removed the variable use licensing host: host1. This host was active for 3.36 hours and logged 64 core hours.

b.       Optional: Change the defaults for core-hour usage parameters.

i.          Log in to the primary host.

ii.         Edit the ego.conf file at $EGO_CONFDIR and update the following parameters:

Interval at which core-hour usage is monitored and logged to the cluster.hostusage file at $EGO_CONFDIR/../work/data/; default is 5 minutes. The cluster.hostusage file logs detailed core-hour metrics at a more frequent interval than that logged to the ego.cluster_name.entitlement.acct file and is also used for recovery purposes.

Maximum number of cores that can be entitled in your cluster. Default is 0, which indicates that all cloud hosts with the corehoursaudit resource attribute are counted only for core-hour usage. Define this parameter if you want to use a combination of perpetual licenses and variable use licenses for your cloud hosts. When defined, cloud hosts that join the cluster are licensed by cores, up to the specified entitlement. After all perpetual licenses are used, cloud hosts that join the cluster are licensed by core hours.

Maximum number of GPU cores that can be entitled when your cluster is licensed for IBM Spectrum Symphony GPU Harvesting. Default is 0, which indicates that all cloud hosts with the corehoursaudit resource attribute are counted only for GPU core-hour usage. Define this parameter if you want to use a combination of GPU perpetual licenses and GPU variable use licenses for your cloud hosts. When defined, cloud hosts that join the cluster are licensed by GPU cores, up to the specified entitlement. After all GPU perpetual licenses are used, cloud hosts that join the cluster are licensed by GPU core hours.

Maximum number of days to retain core-hour usage records in the cluster.hostusage file; default is 2 days. Update this parameter when you want to retain the records for more than 2 days.

iii.         Save your changes.

iv.         Restart EGO:
>egosh ego restart

4.     Uninstallation

a.       Log on to the primary host as the cluster administrator:
> egosh user logon -u Admin

b.       Disable all applications:
> soamcontrol app disable all -f

c.       Stop all services:
> egosh service stop all

d.       Shut down the cluster:
> egosh ego shutdown all

e.       On each management host, roll back this enhancement:

> egoinstallfixes -r 600055

f.        From the primary host, start the cluster:
 > egosh ego start all

g.       Enable your applications:
> soamcontrol app enable appName

5.     List of files

egocore- 60f74d2d5a77dd66d29a6da3b067fba6

3.8/linux-x86_64/etc/vemkd a4d2109e6f12dd76ca2ab7acc6773cf4

3.8/linux-x86_64/etc/lim 94cda3a4e7bc5546dbf89ad9deceeff3

3.8/linux-x86_64/bin/egosh 4548fbf0d673e36cd515a1c9ff9d01e2

3.8/linux-x86_64/lib/ 10e4de851cf4822a11183ae9f028f926

filelist.txt d8c49d94eb1bcf8528de63a9d3e91091

fixlist.txt 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940

packagedef.txt 609182d12e54f1f3cd6707b85b2e6391

6.     Product notifications

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7.     Copyright and trademark information

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