************************************************************************ * PH33186 * Connect:Enterprise 1.5.0 fixes after Cumulative Maintenance CUM1905. * These fixes require FI61905 as a prerequisite. * * USE THE JCL AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS README TO UNLOAD THE FIXES TO THE * CORRECT LIBRARIES. * ************************************************************************ * Fix Identifier: FH33186 APAR: PH33186 JIRA: MFT-11720 Description of Issue: S0C4 in STCEMA06. Storage obtain failed for 16K from c-code using the "new" operator and no check to see if successful. S0C4 is from memset attempting to clear the storage. Description of Fix: Add check for NULL condition and issue RC=-1017. MODULES UPDATED: STCEMA06 STFTPC05 LOAD MODULES AFFECTED: STCEMA06 Fix Availablity Date: January 2021 High Impact (Y/N): N Reported Severity: 3 Defect is security related(Y/N): N Pre-requisites: P? *********************************************************************** * * Installing a C:E z/OS fix package from IBM ECuRep server. * * The fix consists of one file that must be untersed/unpacked using * the IBM program TRSMAIN. The file created from this will be a PDS. * There will usually only be three members in this PDS: * OBJECT, LOAD and SOURCE. * These PDS members are in TSO TRANSMIT format and must be converted * into PDS libraries using the TSO RECEIVE command. * The following steps will assist you in doing these procedures. * * * 1) Allocate 'fix.file' to receive the fix file with the following * DCB attributes. * * DSORG=PS RECFM=FB LRECL=1024 BLKSIZE=6144 * * * 2) Download the BINARY FIX file from the IBM ECuRep server and * save it in the dataset allocated in step 1. * Download BINARY file: POSTFI61905.PH33186.BIN * * * 3) Execute JCL like the following to UNPACK the file into a PDS. * //UNPACK JOB ... //****************************************************************** //* //* This step will create a PDS with the following members: //* OBJECT //* LOAD //* SOURCE //* Each member is a PDS that is in TSO TRANSMIT format. //* //****************************************************************** //UNPACK EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM=UNPACK //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=X //INFILE DD DSN=fix.file, ** downloaded fix file ** // DISP=SHR //OUTFILE DD DSN=fix.unpacked.file, // DISP=(,CATLG), // SPACE=(TRK,(100,5,10),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDA //* * * 4) TSO RECEIVE the UNPACKED members to PDS libraries. * //****************************************************************** //* RECEIVE FIX file INTO PDS FORMAT. //* Note: May require dataset such as tsoid.NAMES.TEXT with content: //* :NICK. tsoid //* :USERID. tsoid //* :NAME. C:E FIX //****************************************************************** //RECVPDS EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=55,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=X //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=X //SYSTSIN DD * RECEIVE USERID(tsoid) - INDATASET('fix.unpacked.file(SOURCE)') DSNAME('fix.source') UNIT(SYSDA) RECEIVE USERID(tsoid) - INDATASET('fix.unpacked.file(OBJECT)') DSNAME('fix.object') UNIT(SYSDA) RECEIVE USERID(tsoid) - INDATASET('fix.unpacked.file(LOAD)') DSNAME('fix.load') UNIT(SYSDA) //* * * After executing the TSO RECEIVE your fix will be in the PDS 'fix.load' *