NOTE: This file is in sequence by most recent point release and date. If you prefer to find a certain object, use the 'Search and Retrieve' menu selection (F16). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM® Sterling Gentran:Server® for iSeries® 3.6 Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2021/01/11 APAR IT33064 Q/C GT-2643 Compile Date: 2020/02/14 EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN Program would not bring up the correct element detail from panels EDI Group Inquiry (EDIX452) and EDI Transaction Inquiry (EDIX453). APAR IT33065 Q/C GT-2648 Compile Date: 2020/06/03 EBDI070FTP Program - FTP CLIENT frontend processor When running STRCOMSSN, extra QPRINT spooled file members were being produced with the content of opendir(): No such path or directory. APAR IT34150 Q/C GT-2662 Compile Date: 2020/09/08 EDIX405 File - EDIX405 Program - Outbound Queue Inquiry EDIX408 File - EDIX408 Program - Inbound Queue Inquiry GENSETPSQ Program - Reset comm profile sequence number FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) Removed the INBDTAU, INBCTLU, INBCTLL1U, OUTDTAU, OUTCTLL1U, and OUTCTLL9U during the fix install, because they were changed for the batch sequence increase issue and could potentially be attached to the incorrect physical file. These logicals are no longer being used, so they are being removed to avoid future complications. NBDTAU, INBCTLU, INBCTLL1U, OUTDTAU, OUTDTAL1U, and OUTDTAL9U. These caused issues in the GENSETPSQ was also modified to use the OUTCTLL1 instead of OUTCTLL1U. r display from 6 to 7 on the Inbound Queue Inquiry Panel(EDIX408) and the Outbound Queue The Inbound Queue Inquiry (EDIX408) and the Outbound Queue Inquiry (EDIX405) panels now correctly display the 7 digit profile sequence number. Internal Issue GT-2665 Compile Date: 2020/09/11 STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record EBDI003 Program - PGM - Table Pointer Generation (EXTSTD) Created new standards for version D 17B, D 18A, D 18B, D 19A, D 19B, 00705, 007050, 007050RAIL, 00706, 007060, 007060RAIL, 00801, 008010, 008010RAIL. The EXTSTD program also had to be modified to accommodate the increase size in segments and elements. APAR IT34784 Q/C #gt-2669 Compile Date: 2020/11/04 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor Secure FTP was not always marking the batches with a SN status when sending data from the outbound queue. It would send the data, but would mark the batches with an 'SA' status. APAR IT35122 Q/C #gt-2661 Compile Date: 2020/12/01 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor Corrected an erroneous error that was stating the partner ID as NOT FOUND. Also generated addition information messages to assist with trouble shooting when the partner is not set up correctly. APAR Internal Q/C #gt-2674 Compile Date: 2021/01/11 CHKHEX15 Command - Report listing partners with hex 15 as delimeter CHKHEX15 Program - Check partner files for hex 15 Created a new report to list any partner id's that have a hex '15' as a delimiter. This causes issues when trying to send data via FTP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2020/01/28 APAR IT18272 RTC #569795 Compile Date: 2018/06/04 GIFSIN Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Inbound Process GIFSOUT Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Outbound Process JVATRNCL2 Program - Translate files from IFS file system for JVAT JVATRNCL3 Program - Translate data from comm queues for JVATRN In JVATRNCL4 Program - Translate data from comm queues for JVATRN Ou JVATRNCL5 Program - Translate data QSYS.LIB or ODBC for JVATRN STCL063 Program - EXTRACT from INBque; call EBDI063F/63L STCL068 Program - EXTRACT From OUTque; call EBDI068F/68L Modified the CRTPF command to include the number of increments on the SIZE parameter. APAR IT25372 Q/C #570701 Compile Date: 2018/06/18 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor Secure FTP was not always marking the batches with a SN status when sending data from the outbound queue. It would send the data, but leave it at a Q status. This was due to a new 200 messages being issued in the FTP log. APAR Internal Q/C #570772 Compile Date: 2018/06/18 EDCL007 Program - Process Outbound Job Stream An incorrect member was being checked in the PRCTRNOUT causing a CPF9815 message to be produced. APAR Internal Q/C #574852 Compile Date: 2018/09/12 EDIX008 File - Partner Cross Reference GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File Added a restriction so that you can no longer add a Partner X-Reference that is the same as an existing Partner ID. APAR IT26951 Q/C #576672 Compile Date: 2018/11/13 STRJTX Program - Start Java Translation Service - CPP STRJTX2 Program - Start Java Translation Service Part 2 Modified the XML Translator to use JDK 1.7 instead of JDK 1.6. This will allow the product to work on the newer operating systems. APAR IT27011 Q/C #576843 Compile Date: 2018/11/16 EDIX008 File - Partner Cross Reference When doing multiple changes at the same time, sometimes message 'Duplicate record key in member GENAUD.' occurs. APAR Internal Q/C #577164 Compile Date: 2018/11/28 EDIX552 File - Application Definition When selecting a value using the F4 prompt key for parameters File Type, EDI Split File, and EDI Sub-Split File the value was not being returned to the main panel. APAR Enhancement Q/C #571099 Compile Date: 2018/12/07 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EDIX508 File - Extended Mapping for Outbound EDIX511 File - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX525 File - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENHANCEMENT REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! The outbound envelope values are now available to map to outbound elements. You can enter the envelope value such as ISA01, GS01, etc. For Edifact values for syntax 3, simply enter UNB0101 etc. For Edifact values for syntax 4, enter UNB4xx (UNB40101). APAR IT28187 Q/C #580372 Compile Date: 2019/02/22 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper An erroneous 617 error was being produced when mapping an L date type field with an IF condition on a numeric packed field was present. APAR IT28379 Q/C #580858 Compile Date: 2019/03/12 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EDIX558 Program - Appdef - Retrieve DDS for rcd/fld LP fields that were between 18 and 22 bytes in length were not being mapped correctly. APAR IT29253 Q/C #582093 Compile Date: 2019/05/29 EBDI588 Program - Mapping Version Comparision and Conversion During a map conversion, if a segment contains element(s) that are not present in the old version, the element sequence numbers of the new elements were not getting set properly. APAR IT29404 Q/C #584369 Compile Date: 2019/06/18 SAPIN4 Program - Process Inbound SAP IDOC file to CALL STARTRFC STSEOJO2 Program - End of Job Status Processing Outbound Part 2 Modified the way we copy the incoming idoc file to better handle authority issues. APAR Enhancement Q/C #585952 Compile Date: 2019/11/22 CHGBATSTS Program - Change Status Flag of Batches I/O using bat seq# CHGBATSTSH UIM Help Panel Group CHGBATSTSV Program - Change Status Flag of Batches I/O bat seq validity EBDIAUDIT Program - Parse the extracted data to be requeued EBDIINS Program - Update Acknowledged EERP records in AUDREC EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI007 Program - Audit File Link Program EBDI008 Program - Audit File Report (PRTAUD - *std) EBDI060 Program - ADD data to Outbound queue EBDI060A Program - ADD data to Outbound queue no $$ADD EBDI061 Program - BSC Communicator EBDI061SNA Program - SNA Communicator EBDI06162E Program - APPC/LU6.2/X.25 Communicator EBDI063F Program - FIFO Dequeue inbound to any reclen EBDI063L Program - LIFO Dequeue inbound to any reclen EBDI067 Program - ADD data to Inbound Queue EBDI067FTP Program - fTP SERVER add file to inbound queue EBDI068F Program - FIFO Dequeue outbound to any reclen EBDI068L Program - LIFO Dequeue outbound to any reclen EBDI069 Program - INbound queuing from communications EBDI069CMP Program - ADD data to Inbound Queue from COMM-PRESS EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor EBDI069RCS Program - Reset outque Comm Log Stamp for Comm-Press EBDI069RF Program - Reset inque/outque stat flags on comm fail EBDI069RSF Program - Reset final outque status for Comm-Press EBDI069SNA Program - PGM - INbound queuing from commu2ications EBDI06962 Program - PGM - INbound queuing from communications EBDI070 Program - PGM - dequeue outbound data FIFO/LIFO EBDI070CMP Program - PGM - dequeue outbound data for COMM-PRESS EBDI070FTP Program - FTP CLIENT frontend processor EBDI070NC Program - PGM - Test for no data condition, supress connect EBDI070OL Program - PGM - dequeue outbound data online FIFO/LIFO EBDI078 Program - EDI Data Print *SEG Level;REQUEUE;FNDSTR EBDI079A Program - Extract envelopes for the Requeue option EBDI258 Program - Overdue Acknowledgment Report (PRTOVRACK) EBDI259 Program - Print Selected Audit Records using PRTEDIDTA EBDI259A Program - Select Audit File Printed Report EBDI259E Program - PRTEDIDTA with Selected Audit Records EBDI463 Program - Pulls data from an MQ queue EDCLAUDIT Program - Parse the outbound requeued data EDCLINS Program - Update acknowledgments from EERP's from INSNET EDCL009 Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009A Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009AT Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream +Traces EDCL009T Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream +Traces EDCL011 Program - Retrieve next inbound batch sequence number EDCL074 Program - Find Data in Comm Queue CL EDCL075 Program - Find Wrapped Data in Comm Queue CL EDCL078 Program - Print Inbound or Outbound Queue (EBDI078) EDIA001 Data Area - Last Batch Sequence Number Inbound EDIA002 Data Area - Last Batch Sequence Number Outbound CHGBATSTS Command - Change Status of Batches IN/OUT using batch seq# EDIX250 File - Work with Selected Requeue Records EDIX250 Program - Work with Selected Requeue Records EDIX251 File - Work with Audit Interchange Status EDIX251 Program - Work with Audit Interchange EDIX252 File - Work with Audit Group Status EDIX252 Program - Work with Audit Group Status EDIX253 File - Work with Audit Transaction Status EDIX253 Program - Work with Audit Transaction Status EDIX259 File - Work with Audit/Comm Records EDIX259 Program - Work with Selected Audit Records EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX405 Program - Outbound Queue Inquiry EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX408 Program - Inbound Queue Inquiry EDIX451 File - Inbound & Outbound Data Queue for Interchange EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 File - Inbound & Outbound Data Queue for Group EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 File - Inbound & Outbound Data Queue for Transaction EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN EDIX454 Program - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry EDIX455 Program - Inbound and Outbound Element Definition Inquiry ENVDATA Program - Envelope the extracted Audit data EXTRACT Command - Extract Data from Inbound/Outbound Comm Queues EXTRACTCL Program - Extract data/call STCL063/STCL068 EXTRACTCLV Program - Extract data/call STCL063/STCL068 validity EXTRACTCL2 Program - Extract batch data command for programs EXTRACTH UIM Help Panel Group FIXAUDIT Program - move afdcbm to afdbnb for 7 digit batch sequence# FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) FNDSTRCOM Command - Comm Queue Search for String of Data FNDSTRCOM Program - Find Data in Comm Queue CL submitter FNDSTRCOMV Program - Print EDI Data Validity Checker FNDSTRCOMW Program - Find string in wrapped data via SQL FNDSTRCOM2 Program - Prompt FNDSTRCOM command from work with pgm GENIBQIFS Program - Sterling Gentran IBQ to IFS Gateway - CPP GENIBQIFSH UIM Help Panel Group GENIBQIFSV Program - Sterling Gentran IBQ to IFS Gateway - Validity GENIBQIFS2 Program - Sterling Gentran IBQ to IFS Gateway - Main Loop GENIBQIFS3 Program - Prompt GENIBQIFS command from w/w EDIX407 GENIBQIN Program - Sterling Gentran IBQ to IFS Gateway - Main PRC GENGIFSDTA Program - IFS Gateway comm log and batchseq update GENIBQIFS Command - Move data from inbound comm queue to IFS GENOGUE2 Program - out que clp CLP GENOQUER Program - Retrieve next Outque batch seq number GENOQUE2 Program - out que clp CLP GENSETOUT Program - Set new OUTCTL Outque batch seq number GENSETPSQ Program - Reset comm profile sequence number GIFSGATE Command - Gentran IFS Gateway GIFSGATE Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - CPP GIFSGATEH UIM Help Panel Group GIFSGATEV Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Validity Checker GIFSGATE2 Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Main Loop GIFSGATE3 Program - Prompt GIFSGATE command from work with pgm GIFSOUT Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Outbound Process pgm INBCTLL1U Logical File - INBCTL logical unpacked INBCTLU Logical File - INBCTL logical unpacked INBDTAU Logidal File - INBDTA logical unpacked OUTCTLL1U Logical File - UNPACKED VERSION OF OUTCTLL1 OUTCTLL9U Logical File - UNPACKED VERSION OF OUTCTLL9 OUTDTAU Logidal File - OUTDTA logical unpacked PRTEDIDTA Command - Print EDI Data from the Comm Queues PRTEDIDTA Program - Print EDI Data Command Cl PRTEDIDTAV Program - Print EDI Data Validity Checker PRTEDIDTA2 Program - Print EDI Data Command for programs RPLCHARSH UIM Help Panel Group REQUEUE Program - Re-queue EDI Data from Audit CPP REQUEUECL Program - Re-queue EDI Data from Audit REQUEUEV Program - Re-queue EDI Data Validity Checker REQUEUE2 Program - Re-queue CL called from the audit program STATBATIN Program - Change Status of INBOUND Batches using bat seq STATBATOUT Program - Change Status of OUTBOUND Batches using bat seq STATFLG Command - Change Status of Batches IN/OUT STATFLGCL Program - Change Status Flag of Batches IN/OUT STATFLGCLV Program - Change Status Flag of Batches IN/OUT STATFLGH UIM Help Panel Group STATFLGIN Program - Change Status of INBOUND Batches STATFLGOUT Program - Change Status of OUTBOUND Batches UNWRAPDTA Command - Unwrap data to the max segment length UNWRAPDTA Program - unwrap data command cl UNWRAPDTAV Program - unwrap data Validity Checker UNWRAPDTA2 Program - Prompt UNWRAPDTA command from work with pgm ############## ENHANCEMENT REQEUST ################# The batch sequence number and profile sequence number in the communications subsystem have been increased from 999,999 to 9,999,999. In the Audit file AUDREC, the batch sequence number was previously stored in field AFDCBM. It will now be stored in field AFDBNB. A conversion program at the time of the fix install will move the values accordingly. APAR Enhancement Q/C #583235 Compile Date: 2019/11/22 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI004 Program - processing options report program EBDI021 Program - Functional Acknowledgement $$ADD EDCL008 Program - Process Inbound Job Stream PRCINCL Program - CPP PRCTRNIN Process EDI Transactions Inbound PRCINCLV Program - Process EDI Transactions Inbound Validity PRCTRNIN Command - Process EDI Transactions Inbound Command PRCTRNINH UIM Help Panel Group SAPIN Command - Start of the SAP inbound processing SAPIN Program - Process Inbound SAP IDOC file SAPINH UIM Help Panel Group SAPINV Program - Process Inbound SAP IDOC file Validity ############## ENHANCEMENT REQEUST ################# Added a new parameter to the PRCTRNIN and SAPIN commands. The new parameter is labeled: Send OB Ack to orig. Comm Prf? The valid values are: *YES, *NO, Comm Prof. The default to this new parameter will be *NO, which is no change to processing (outbound acknowledgements are placed in the resolved Partner Id's specified comm profile.) When entering a *YES, it will place the outbound acknowledment on the same communications profile that the original inbound document came in on. You can also specify a specific communications profile and this will place all of the outbound acknowledgements on that communications profile that was entered for that run. APAR Enhancement Q/C #575204 Compile Date: 2019/12/06 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor EBDI070FTP Program - FTP CLIENT frontend processor EDCL009 Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009A Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009AT Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream +Traces EDCL009T Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream +Traces EDIX403 File - Communication Session Control EDIX403 Program - Communication Session Control EDIX403H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX406 File - Work with Communication History EDIX406 File - Work with Communication History GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File GENRMVIFSF Program - Remove files from the IFS after DM/DF comm UTPMTB00 File - UT- Nam(Table Master ############## ENHANCEMENT REQEUST ################# Added 2 new methods of transferring files using FTP. You can now transfer all files that reside in an IFS directory, or you can transfer one specific file that resides in an IFS directory. To transfer all files that reside in an IFS you will use value DM in the "FILE" field in your communications script. This value works just like the "OM" (Outbound Multiple) value with the exception that it will send your data from an IFS diretory instead of your communications queue. Prior to the "DM" entry, you must have a command ) entry that identifies what directory you will be sending the files from. This is accomplished by entering lcd /your/directory on a command script line where you replace /your/directory with the actual directory you are using. Once the files have been sent, they will be removed from the IFS. To transfer just one file, your entries are the same as DM, with the exception of the filename listed in the FILENAME field vs. the * and you use keyword DF instead of DM. The only restriction with this method is the filename must be 10 bytes or less. Internal Issue GT-2641 Compile Date: 2019/12/06 STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for version D 16B, D 17A, 00605, 00701, 00703, 00704, 007040, and 007040RAIL. Internal Issue GT-2642 Compile Date: 2020/01/28 FIX36 Command - Fix Install Fixes/Upgrade Release 3.6 FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) FIX36CLV Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Validity Checker) Removed the ability to update the Sample library during a fix install. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2018/05/16 APAR IT18272 Q/C #522700 Compile Date: 2016/12/16 EBDI021 Program - Functional Acknowledgement $$ADD The outbound FA/997 was going to an incorrect Communications profile when a TA1 and group comm profile was specified. APAR IT18551 Q/C #524408 Compile Date: 2017/01/29 FIX36 Command - Fix Install Fixes/Upgrade Release 3.6 CHKISAREP Program - Check ISA partner records for invalid rep When a tutorial library is specified on the FIX36 command and the sample partner file is empty, the fix was hanging and needed to be ended manually. APAR IT19234 Q/C #529309 Compile Date: 2017/02/14 EBDI071 Program - Job Schedule Purge Program The program did not end gracefully if there were no records to purge. APAR IT20615 Q/C #538666 Compile Date: 2017/05/16 EDIX012 Program - Partner Control Allow spaces (hex 40) to be input for the UNA05 (repetition separator). This is not required for really old EDIFACT versions. APAR IT20719 Q/C #539317 Compile Date: 2017/05/25 UTPMTB00 File - UT- Nam(Table Master This issue was not added to the readme back in 02/2012. The fixes to the program were made, however the entry to the UTPMTB00 file was not made. It now has been added. This is the text from the original defect 81106: Added a new data type of VG (Variable Graphic). Also when doing a re-retrieve on an application, the G type field values were being removed. APAR IT20737 Q/C #539465 Compile Date: 2017/05/26 EDIX556 Program - Application Definition Fields Key Structure Modified the program to force at least 1 key field to be added for each file listed in an application. APAR IT21080 Q/C #542079 Compile Date: 2017/06/22 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper The conversion of graphical characters was taking place prior to a user exit being called causing unreadable characters being sent to the user exit. APAR IT21278 Q/C #543611 Compile Date: 2017/07/05 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper Receiving a 624 error - INVALID "DATE" DATA IN INPUT FIELD - MOVED SPACE TO TARGET on 1Y date type fields. APAR Internal Q/C #544116 Compile Date: 2017/07/07 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor The ANSI Subelement flag should always be on in the Global Parameters. When this is set to N, it will cause problems when ansi subelements are encountered. The inbound and outbound editors have been changed to ignore this Global Parameter and always run with a value of Y. APAR IT21855 Q/C #546784 Compile Date: 2017/08/09 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper Removed the 703 error for graphic type fields when the application field size was larger than the element that it was being mapped to. APAR IT22139 Q/C #548897 Compile Date: 2017/08/28 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor Secure FTP was not always marking the batches with a SN status when sending data from the outbound queue. It would send the data, but leave it at a Q status. This was due to a new 200 messages being issued in the FTP log. APAR IT22269 Q/C #549818 Compile Date: 2017/09/13 EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor Was not reporting 86 error on CTT01 and 02 elements (activity records) APAR IT22222 RTC #549377 Compile Date: 2017/09/14 GENASCII Table - Sterling Gentran EBCDIC->ASCII translation GENEBCDIC Table - Sterling Gentran ASCII->EBCDIC translation EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN EDIX454 Program - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry Changed the ebcdic to ascii ftp translation table and the audit display programs to display any character that can be displayed. APAR IT23102 RTC #554869 Compile Date: 2017/11/09 EDCL009 Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009A Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009AT Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream+Traces EDCL009T Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream+Traces EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI067FTP Program - FTP SERVER add file to inbound queue EBDI588 Program - Mapping Version Comparision and Conversion Removing the RGZPFM (reorganization of the communication files) in the auto purge during a communication session. If the files need reorganized, the RGZPFM can be run manually or the purge of the communication files can be run outside of the STRCOMSSN. A RGZPFM was manually ended and caused the OUTDTAU index to be invalid. This prevented the PRCTRNOUT process from writing to the OUTDTA file, but did not abort the process. Programs that did not check the correct file status have been updated to prevent this. APAR IT23175 RTC #555998 Compile Date: 2017/11/28 EBDI589 Program - Batch Mapping Transaction Re-synch MAPSYNC is not synching one of the conditions on the map when the # of fields in the file requires resequencing by less than 5 (default), the 4th IF condition on a map is not being synched. APAR IT23642 RTC #558892 Compile Date: 2018/01/12 EDIX140 Program - Standards Element Duplicate record in TRNELES when copying an element from the standards into a map. This is a result of updating the standard online, such as an audit indicator field. There is a sequence number used internally that was not getting updated correctly when online changes were made to the standards while performing an edit. If this occurs, this program must be updated and the standard will need to be downloaded again. APAR IT23666 RTC #559505 Compile Date: 2018/01/12 GENASCII Table - Sterling Gentran EBCDIC->ASCII translation GENEBCDIC Table - Sterling Gentran ASCII->EBCDIC translation Some non-printable characters were not getting translated correctly: Changes to the GENEBCDIC table: LF ascii => x'0A' old value => x'15' new value => x'25' Ctrl-\ ascii => x'1C' old value => x'1C' new value => x'22' DEL ascii => x'7F' old value => x'22' new value => x'07' Changes to the GENASCII table NL ebcdic => x'15' old value => x'15' new value => x'FF' FS ebcdic => x'22' old value => x'FF' new value => x'1C' APAR Internal RTC #558470 Compile Date: 2018/02/15 SLTREQ Command - SELECT Audit Records to Requeue SLTREQCLV Program - Validate SLTREQ command Changed the command to issue *ADD for the file parameter if *OUTFILE was chosen. It was defaulting to *REPLACE and if you had more than one items to requeue, it would replace the file each time it requeued a document leaving you with just the last one. APAR IT24209 RTC #563047 Compile Date: 2018/02/26 UTXSSC02 Program - UT- Sub(Security Checker for Viewpoint-TMM) The inbound and outbound processes were not updated r with the correct viewpoint program to determine if it was turned on. EBDI001, EBDI002, EBDI041, and EBDI042 were all updated to use the Global Parameters flag instead of the old data area. APAR IT24209 RTC #565864 Compile Date: 2018/04/19 EBDI007 Program - Audit File Link Program On occasions, a lock on file TRKPHSL5 would occur r while processing data. APAR IT24801 Q/C #567420 Compile Date: 2018/04/27 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper When a logical file has a different record format than what is listed in the application file definition, the inbound process completes successfully even though no records get written to the application file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2016/11/14 APAR IT11429 Q/C #478033 Compile Date: 2015/09/29 EDCL007 Program - Process Outbound Job Stream EDCL008 Program - Process Inbound Job Stream When a CPF error message is received during the inbound or outbound process, the message center is not recording the appropriate return code for these types of errors. APAR IT10186 Q/C #472138 Compile Date: 2015/10/15 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper Date types 1P, 1Y, and 1J were not converting correctly when the year was greater than 2099. APAR IT11795 Q/C #480001 Compile Date: 2015/10/15 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper When a delimiter is found in the data, it is reporting on the incorrect segment and value. APAR IT12634 Q/C #485071 Compile Date: 2015/12/11 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper EDIFACT Expansion of large subelements not mapping properly. Internal RTC #473515 Compile Date: 2016/01/08 EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN The *DEFAULT value was not being populated for the Batch id parameter during a requeue if the current batch id was blanks. APAR IT12999 Q/C #488085 Compile Date: 2016/01/08 EBDI084 Program - Count the max length of a segment from prtedi EBDI085 Program - Unwrap edi data to max seg length UNWRAPDTA command is missing the Interchange Header record for all of the interchanges except for the first interchange in the batch of data. APAR IT13087 Q/C #488566 Compile Date: 2016/01/11 EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor Random batches of data missing BID (Batch id) during outbound processing. APAR IT13577 RTC #490747 Compile Date: 2016/02/04 EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN Receiving MCH0603 when paging down through data. h APAR IT13668 RTC #491181 Compile Date: 2016/02/09 EBDI015 Program - Inbound Data Split Initialize all fields in the MSGDTL correctly to prevent bad data. APAR IT14014 Q/C #492584 Compile Date: 2016/02/26 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor When a dual signon is required during an FTP session, the incoming data was being received, but not being placed on the inbound queue. APAR IT14085 Q/C #493683 Compile Date: 2016/03/07 MRGBATERRS Program - Merge FIX file GT00EMP into customer GT00EMP The AK3 was not being generated in the functional acknowledgment. APAR IT14955 Q/C #500416 Compile Date: 2016/04/28 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper An MCH1202 was being issued when mapping numeric data to an alphanumeric field. APAR IT15072 Q/C #501158 Compile Date: 2016/05/03 GIFSOUT Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Outbound Process GIFSGATEH UIM Help Panel Group Added the ability to include the full year in the timestamp field for the outbound file name. The new keyword is %YYYYMMDDTIME%. APAR Internal Q/C #502837 Compile Date: 2016/05/24 GT00EMP File - Batch Processing Error Message File Modified the GT00EMP file to include more errors that will produce AK4's segments. The errors were 32 - 39 and 83. Internal RTC #503801 Compile Date: 2016/06/07 STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for version D 16A for message VERMAS. APAR IT16286 RTC #506965 Compile Date: 2016/07/25 STRCOMAPP Command - Start Communications Session APP id Command STRCOMAPPT Command - Start Communications Session APP id Command STRCOMACL Program - Start Comm Session for specific FTP server CL STRCOMACLT Program - Start Comm Session for specific FTP server CL STRCOMACLV Program - Start Comm Session for specific FTP server Valid EDCL009A Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009AT Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream+Trace STRCOMAPPV Program - Start Comm Session (Validity Check) STRCOMAPPH UIM Help Panel Group !!!! New Command for FTP Communications !!!! A new command was added to allow a communication session to be run for a specific Application ID. This parameter was added to the i5 native FTP command in V7R1 and can be used to test multiple FTP protocols, and can be specifically used when upgrading to the TLS1.2 protocol with the Sterling Collaboration Network. APAR IT16383 Q/C #509262 Compile Date: 2016/08/01 EDIX513 Program - Extended Mapping for Inbound A MCH1202 was being issued when mapping a literal to a G type field when the element was a numeric element. APAR IT16754 Q/C #511468 Compile Date: 2016/09/09 EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper MCH0603 in procedure EBDI049 occurred when mapping right justified alphanumeric data to a numeric field. Internal RTC #513807 Compile Date: 2016/09/15 EBDI259E Program - PRTEDIDTA with Selected Audit Records SLTAUD fails with CPF0001 in PRTEDIDTA2 when *EDIDTA ish selected and the data has been purged from the comm queue. APAR IT17484 Q/C #516911 Compile Date: 2016/10/13 GIFSIN Program - Gentran IFS Gateway - Inbound Process IFSBUSY Program - Determine if IFS file is busy Process Added better error monitoring to IFSBUSY to indicate if a file couldn't be opened or the file name is invalid. If either of these cases were met previously, the program just assumed it was in use and went into a delay loop 60 times waiting for the file to free. APAR Enhancement RTC #507174 Compile Date: 2016/10/27 GT00PRL File - Partner File (logical over 9 physicals) PGRREC File - Partner Group Information PGRRECL1 File - Partner Group Information EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI006A Program - Set Partner File Printed Report EBDI006B Program - Partner File Printed Report EBDI007 Program - Audit File Link Program EBDI008 Program - Audit File Report (PRTAUD - *std) EBDI008A Program - Audit file Report (PRTAUD - *net) EBDI008B Program - Print Network Reconciliation Status EBDI011A Program - Outbound Acknowledgment envelope generater EBDI018 Program - Sterling Gentran Acknowledgement Report EBDI021 Program - Functional Acknowledgement $$ADD EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper - Main Module EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EBDI056 Program - Outbound Mapping - Enveloping Subroutine EBDI058 Program - Network Generate network scipt EBDI079 Program - Write CNTL records for the Audit Requeue EBDI258 Program - Overdue Acknowledgment Report (PRTOVRACK) EDIX011 Program - Delete All Partner Records EDIX012A Program - Update PGRSGA and PTRSTA flags EDIX013 Program - Sub Pgm for EDIX012 - Creates default records EDIX015 Program - Partner Copy All EDIX030 Program - Work with Partner Group EDIX031 Program - Partner Group EDIX031 File - Partner Group Information EDIX041 Program - Partner Transaction EDIX049 Program - Group ID's Search for Partner Transaction EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN FLGNIN Program - User Exit: TRADACOMS FLGN Number - Inbound FLGNOUT Program - User Exit: TRADACOMS FLGN Number - Outbound JVATRNINV Program - Process Inbound Command JAVA(Validity Check) EDIX031H UIM Help Panel Group GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENHANCEMENT REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! Added the ability to override the ISA12 (Interchange Version) from the group level. A new field was added to the Partner Group panel (EDIX031) - Override Interchg Version (ISA12). When a value is identified in this field, the version on the ISA12 will be replaced with this version. If the field remains blank, the ISA version will be used from the Partner Interchange field. Internal Q/C #520827 Compile Date: 2016/11/11 EBDI056 Program - Outbound Mapping - Enveloping Subroutine Application enveloping was not being properly mapped for syntax 4 Edifact documents. Internal RTC #520823 Compile Date: 2016/11/11 STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for versions: D 15A, D 15B, D 16A, 007030, and 007030RAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2015/09/01 APAR ENHANCEMENT RTC #450659 Compile Date: 2015/01/15 STRCOMSSN Command - Start Communications Session Command STRCOMSSNT Command - Start Communications Session Command STRCOMCL Program - Start Communications Session CL STRCOMCLT Program - Start Communications Session CL STRCOMCLV Program - Start Communications Session CL Validity EDCL009 Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream EDCL009T Program - Start Communications Session Job Stream+Trace EBDI070FTP Program - FTP CLIENT frontend processor STRCOMSSNH UIM Help Panel Group !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENHANCEMENT REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! A new parameter was added to the STRCOMSSN and STRCOMSSNT commands. You now have the ability to NOT send 'SA' batches of data during your outbound communication sessions. Parameter SENDSA was added to the additional parameters for these two commands. The default is set to *YES allowing your current product to work as it has in the past, however if you wish to NOT send the 'SA' batches of data, change this parameter to *NO. APAR IT07637 Q/C #458542 Compile Date: 2015/03/11 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor The secure FTP session was failing when a 500 message was being issued in the FTP log. APAR IT07367 RTC #450659 Compile Date: 2015/03/17 EDIX559 Program - Application Partner Reference EDIX559S Program - Select Application Data G 'graphic type' fields were not open for selection in the Application Partner Reference panel. APAR IT07986 RTC #460742 Compile Date: 2015/03/27 GENASCII Table - Sterling Gentran EBCDIC->ASCII translation The ASCII => EBCDIC translation table was not properly converting characters ^ £ ÷ APAR ENHANCEMENT RTC #458094 Compile Date: 2015/04/02 SLTAUD Command - SELECT Audit and Comm records SLTAUDCL Program - Use SQL & OPNQRYF to Select Audit or Audit/Comm SLTAUDCLV Program - Validate SLTAUD command PRTEDIDTA2 Program - Print EDI Data Command for programs EBDI259E Program - PRTEDIDTA with Selected Audit Records SLTAUDH UIM Help Panel Group !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENHANCEMENT REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! An additional value was added to the OUTPUT parameter of the SLTAUD command. You can now select *EDIDTA. When this option is selected, it will execute the PRTEDIDTA program against all of the output that has been selected from your input parameters and place the outcome in the file that you have specified. The EDI data will contain the level at which you specified on the audit level parameter. EX. If you selected *TRAN, only the segments for the specific transaction will be present - no interchange and group envelopes will be included. There is one exception - If you select *TRAN or *GROUP and you also select *YES for Print Envelope Info, the entire Interchange that contains that transaction will be included. APAR IT08306 Q/C #462521 Compile Date: 2015/04/14 EDCL032 Program - Outbound Mapping Sequence When the multi-format logical file cannot be created during a PRCTRNOUT, additional information is produced in the joblog and message center to assist the user in finding the error. APAR IT08775 Q/C #465024 Compile Date: 2015/05/07 EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor When the outbound process has utilized all 999,999 batches of data, it would write out a batch sequence of 1,000,000. A new error message 572 has been added to end the PRCTRNOUT and notify the user that they must run a PRGOBQ in order to continue processing. APAR IT08415 Q/C #463021 Compile Date: 2015/05/22 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper EDIX513 Program - Extended Mapping for Inbound Reserved words UNB01-UNB22 did not always map correctly when syntax 4 was in use. Internal Q/C #469141 Compile Date: 2015/06/17 EBDI06162E Program - APPC/LU6.2/X.25 Communicator GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File Changed the error messages to point the user to the Systems Admin>Global Parameters screen when an add-on was not activated. APAR IT09717 Q/C #470068 Compile Date: 2015/06/26 EDIX451 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for INT EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN EDIX454 Program - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry The audit display program was not properly displaying characters ü and ä. Internal RTC #473515 Compile Date: 2015/08/04 STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for versions: D 13A, D 13B, 007010, 007010RAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2014/12/05 APAR IT04020 RTC #439025 Compile Date: 2014/08/26 EBDI015 Program - Inbound Data Split The TIMSTM field in file MSGDTL (Message Center Detail file) was not being populated correctly causing invalid data to be stored in this field during mapper and editor runs. APAR IT04696 RTC #443793 Compile Date: 2014/10/06 STRJTX Program - Start Java Translation Service - CPP STRJTX2 Program - Start Java Translation Service Part 2 STRJTX was getting a MSGW when attempting to start on a V6R1 operating system that had jdk 1.5 installed. APAR IT04977 RTC #445654 Compile Date: 2014/10/20 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper Error 114 (INVALID REPETITION SEPARATOR) was still being produced when the Repeating Elements flag was turned off in the System Configuration file. APAR IT05122 RTC #446322 Compile Date: 2014/10/30 EBDI017 Program - Inbound Editor I/O operation failed in program EBDI017 during an inbound process. APAR IT05540 RTC #448334 Compile Date: 2014/11/17 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper During outbound mapping of a G (Graphic) type field, the content was being converted to alphanumeric after the IF condition comparison, causing the IF condition to never be true. APAR IT05682 RTC #449036 Compile Date: 2014/11/19 STCL060 Program - ADD user file to OUTBOUND que/call EBDI060 STCL063 Program - EXTRACT from INBque; call EBDI063F/63L STCL067 Program - ADD user file to INBOUND que/call EBDI067 STCL068 Program - EXTRACT From OUTque; call EBDI068F/68L When performing multiple ADD commands within the same job stream (CL) while in a communications panel, the job would receive an MCH1202 in EBDI067. APAR IT05930 RTC #446782 Compile Date: 2014/11/19 REPTRNTMP File - Temp. Standard Transaction update file FIX36 File - Cumulative Fix Install Progress Messages 3.6 FIX36CL Program - EXTRACT from INBque; call EBDI063F/63L FIXSYSCFG Program - Update System Configuration File EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EDIX511 Program - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX514 Program - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX524 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound Multiple data libraries could not be updated properly due to file modifications throughout the fix cycle in 3.6. Updated the fix process to allow this to occur. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2014/08/11 APAR IT00559 Q/C #417615 Compile Date: 2014/04/08 PRCINCL Program - CPP PRCTRNIN Process EDI Transactions Inbound When selecting Schedule on PRCTRNIN command, the communication profile id parameter was displaying many " causing an error. Modified the scheduled entry to only bring forth the first communications profile entered. If more are needed, prompt the PRCTRNIN command on the SCHJOB. APAR IT00597 Q/C #417619 Compile Date: 2014/04/08 CNVTSPLTCL Program - Convert Split & Sub-split files to 3.6 When running the INSTALL36 program and *SPLIT was selected for the Convert Work Files parameter, it created the new members in the data library, but did not copy the data. APAR IT00751 Q/C #418745 Compile Date: 2014/04/10 EDCL007 Program - Process Outbound Job Stream When attempting to add a new member to a work file and that member was not available, the program would end but not identify the error. Program will now clear all members that it can not add so processing will not halt, with the exception of file GT42REJ. If a member cannot be added to this file, it will issue a message to the message queue and also the joblog and end the program. APAR IC81534 RTC #421082 Compile Date: 2014/05/29 GENASCII Table - Sterling Gentran EBCDIC->ASCII translation GENEBCDIC Table - Sterling Gentran ASCII->EBCDIC translation Changed the ebcdic to ascii ftp translation table to properly convert characters ¢, ¬, µ, [, and ] Changed the ascii to ebcdic ftp translation table to properly convert characters !, ¬, |, and ^. APAR IT02006 RTC #426520 Compile Date: 2014/05/29 GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) When selecting option 4 (Work with Outbound Queue) or option 5 (Work with Inbound Queue) from the Communications menu and then option 34 (Copy Queue Data) was selected, the communications profile was not populated and it was input prohibited, preventing the command from running. The communications profile will now be populated. APAR IT02133 RTC #427328 Compile Date: 2014/06/11 EBDI053 Program - Mapping Report in Application Sequence When all segments were pulled into a map, the program was abending with a MCH1202. RTC #422978 Compile Date: 2014/06/20 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for versions: D 12A, D 12B, 006050, 006050RAIL ****NOTE: It is crucial to apply this cum fix if you plan on using any of the new standards listed above. The inbound and outbound editors required internal table size increases to accommodate the increase in segments and elements. APAR Enhancement RTC #406761 Compile Date: 2014/07/01 SETREPELE Command - Set Repeating Elements flag SETREPELE1 Command - Set Repeating Elements flag SETREPELE Program - CL Program For Set Repeating Elements (SETREPELE) SETREPELEV Program - CL Program For Set Repeating Elements - validity SETREPELE1 Program - CL Program For Set Repeating Elements (SETREPELE1) FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper - Main Module EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EDIX511 Program - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX514 Program - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX524 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound UPDSYSCFG Program - Update System Configuration File SETREPELEH UIM Help Panel Group UTPHFN00 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header) UTPHFN10 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header - FIX FILE) GENSYSCFG Menu - Sterling Gentran:Server System Configuration Menu GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File Added a flag to the System Configuration file to control repeating elements. When this fix is applied, it will evaluate your system to determine if you have any repeating elements currently active. If so, the flag will be set to 'Y' (process repeats). If not, the flag will be set to 'N' (do not process repeats). Option 44 (Set Repeating Elements) was added to the GENSYSCFG menu to control this new flag. The command SETREPELE was also added for this feature. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2013/11/15 APAR IC92637 Q/C #387053 Compile Date: 2013/09/13 EBDI051 Program - Called by EBDI042 for Field Validation Changed the way the rounding/decimal position field works on the extended mapping screen. If Round parm = Y, for a 'R'eal type data element, it will always populate the number of decimals listed on the extended mapping screen, even if they are zeros. APAR IC96583 Q/C #399103 Compile Date: 2013/10/08 EBDI070FTP Program - FTP CLIENT frontend processor When ONESEGPERREC was being used during an FTP session and there was a space in the 80th position on the outbound communications queue, the spaces was not being transmitted. APAR IC97097 Q/C #401197 Compile Date: 2012/10/22 GENEBCDIC Table - Sterling Gentran ASCII->EBCDIC translation The ASCII to EBCDIC translation table for FTP was translating an ascii hex B5 to an ebcdic hex F5 (5) It will now convert it to an ebcdic hex A0. APAR IC97374 Q/C #402180 Compile Date: 2012/11/01 tx400m.class Program - Java Translator Component The XMLVERIFY was not successful after the Java Translator was installed. APAR IC97494 Q/C #402605 Compile Date: 2012/11/14 EDCL032B Program - Handle the add LF mbr When running a PRCTRNOUT interactively using a specific member, it was forcing you to hit enter when the program was creating a logical file. Modified the program to write the entry to the joblog instead. APAR IC97373 Q/C #402178 Compile Date: 2012/11/15 GT00EMP File - Batch Processing Error Message File GT00EML1 File - Error Message File L1 GT00EML2 File - Error Message File L2 (Severity, Error Number) GT00EML3 File - Error Message File L3 (Description) GENSETPSQ Program - Handle the add LF mbr EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor MCH1202 error occured during PRCTRNOUT. This was due to the next available communications profile sequence number aleady in use. The program was changed so that if this occurs, it will search the OUTCTL file for the next available sequence number and adjust the communications profile record accordingly. Error Message 570 - NO AVAILABLE PROFILE SEQUENCE NUMBERS. YOU MUST RUN A PRGOBQ. was added to the GT00EMP file for use when there are no available profile sequence number remaining. If this situation occurs, processing will halt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2013/08/07 APAR IC92561 Q/C #378162 Compile Date: 2013/05/30 SAPINV Program - Process Inbound SAP IDOC file Validity EDIX064H UIM Help Panel Group Opened up the SAPIN command to allow *NONE as an option for the Application ID parameter. Also corrected help text on the SAP System Default Parameters panel (EDIX064) for the SAP IDOC Structure version parameter. APAR IC92348 Q/C #377347 Compile Date: 2013/06/13 EDIX454 Program - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry Added ISA16 to the Segment Inquiry screen. APAR IC92788 Q/C #380102 Compile Date: 2013/06/18 PRGALL Command - Purge All Comm Files PRGCHF Command - Purge Communication History File PRGFILETRK Command - Purge Gentran File Tracking Command PRGIBQ Command - Purge Inbound Queue Command PRGMSGCTR Command - Purge Message Center Command PRGNET Command - Purge Network Reconciliation File PRGOBQ Command - Purge Outbound Queue Command PRGSCH Command - Purge Job Schedule PRGVAT Command - Purge VAT Database PRGVPT Command - Purge Viewpoint History File The DATE parameter would allow any value potentially causing the entire file to be purged depending on the other values entered on the command. Restriced the DATE parameter to only allow *DATE, *DAYS or *ALL. APAR IC94112 Q/C #387663 Compile Date: 2013/07/31 EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper When the outbound version used was less than 00403, and the point release was, the value in the ISA11 was sometimes being removed from the outbound data. Q/C #70395 Compile Date: 2013/08/07 UNWRAPDTA Command - Unwrap data to the max segment length UNWRAPDTA Program - unwrap data command cl UNWRAPDTAV Program - unwrap data Validity Checker UNWRAPDTA2 Program - Prompt UNWRAPDTA command from work with pgm EBDI084 Program - Count the max length of a segment from prtedi EBDI085 Program - Unwrap edi data to max seg length EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) UNWRAPDTAH UIM Help Panel Group EDIX404H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX407H UIM Help Panel Group UTPHFN00 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header) UTPHFN10 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header - FIX FILE) Added a command UNWRAPDTA (Unwrap EDI Data) that will unwrap EDI data from your communications queue and place it in a physical file or in a file on the IFS file system. When placed in a physical file, the file length will be the size of the longest segment found in the batch of data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2013/04/05 APAR IC90277 Q/C #367199 Compile Date: 2013/02/18 EDIX452 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for GRP EDIX453 Program - Inbound/Outbound Data Queue Inquiry for TRN When a segment spanned 2 lines and there was only one line remaining on the audit display screen, it would display a blank line on the bottom and was suppose to display the entire segment on the next page, however blank lines were displayed instead. Q/C #83110 Compile Date: 2013/03/05 UTPHFN00 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header) UTPHFN10 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header - FIX FILE) GT00EMP File - Batch Processing Error Message File GENLBLENU File - GENTRAN:Server Label Message File GENERRENU File - GENTRAN:Server Error Message File EBDI055 File - Print File for Reserved Word Summary report GT06OAP File - Partner Print Work GT55WRK File - EBDI055 work file for Map Summary Report TRNELE File - Translation Segment Element Def STDTRNTMP File - Standard Transaction STDELETMP File - Element Table Record EDIX012 File - Partner Control Information EDIX120 File - Standards Transaction EDIX140 File - Standards Element Maintenance EDIX191 File - Batch Standards Transaction EDIX193 File - Batch Standards Element View EDIX506 File - Work with Element Mapping EDIX508 File - Extended Mapping for Outbound EDIX511 File - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX513 File - Extended Mapping for Inbound EDIX514 File - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX517 File - Work with Repeating Element EDIX524 File - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 File - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound EDIX526 File - Select Application for Split Screen Mapping FIX36 File - Cumulative Fix Install Progress Messages 3.6 CHKISAREP Program - Check ISA partner records for invalid rep CHKMAP Program - seps ll Maps for Internal Errors CNVTMAP3_5 Program - Convert maps in 3.6 to have larger element CNVTTRNELE Program - Convert TRNELE file to 3.4 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor EBDI003 Program - PGM - Table Pointer Generation (EXTSTD) EBDI006A Program - Set Partner File Printed Report EBDI006B Program - Partner File Printed Report EBDI007 Program - Audit File Link Program EBDI008 Program - Audit File Report (PRTAUD - *std) EBDI008A Program - Audit file Report (PRTAUD - *net) EBDI009 Program - Audit File Purge Program (PRGAUD) EBDI009N Program - Automatic Audit Purge by Partner(AUDITPURGE) EBDI011A Program - Outbound Acknowledgment envelope generater EBDI018 Program - Sterling Gentran Acknowledgement Report EBDI021 Program - Functional Acknowledgement $$ADD EBDI030 Program - Online Standards Extract EBDI036 Program - Online Standards File Report (132 column) EBDI036B Program - Online Standards File Report (80 column) EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper - Main Module EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EBDI044 Program - Inbound Mapping - Load Transaction Subroutine EBDI045 Program - Outbound Mapping - Load Transaction Subroutne EBDI052 Program - Mapping Report in Standard Sequence EBDI053 Program - Mapping Report in Application Sequence EBDI055 Program - files mapping summary report (Print Report) EBDI055B Program - Print mapping summary report (Print Report) EBDI056 Program - Outbound Mapping - Enveloping Subroutine EBDI058 Program - Network Generate network scipt EBDI079 Program - Write CNTL records for the Audit Requeue EBDI080 Program - Copy Transaction Id EBDI082 Program - Mapping Validation Report (for outbound) EBDI083 Program - Mapping Report in Extended Mapping Notes EBDI191 Program - Batch Standards file print EBDI192 Program - Selected transactions in use print EBDI588 Program - Mapping Version Comparision and Conversion EBDI589 Program - Batch Mapping Transaction Re-synch EDIX012 Program - Partner Control EDIX112 Program - Standards Copy All EDIX120 Program - Standards Transaction EDIX125 Program - Group/Transaction Directory EDIX140 Program - Standards Element EDIX180 Program - Standards Transaction in Use EDIX190 Program - Work with Batch Standards EDIX191 Program - Batch Standards Transaction View EDIX193 Program - Batch Standards Element View EDIX198 Program - Group/Transaction Directory EDIX501 Program - Transaction Mapping Copy All EDIX502 Program - Transaction Segment Copy from Standards EDIX503 Program - Transaction Mapping EDIX504 Program - Transaction Segment Maintenance EDIX506 Program - Work with Element Mapping EDIX506A Program - Sub-program for EDIX506 - Copy to alt map EDIX507 Program - Subfield Maintenance EDIX508 Program - Extended Mapping for Outbound EDIX510 Program - Select Application Data EDIX511 Program - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX513 Program - Extended Mapping for Inbound EDIX514 Program - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX514A Program - Sub-program for EDIX514 - Applies global cond EDIX514B Program - Sub-program for EDIX514 - Check alternate lgl EDIX515 Program - Element Information EDIX516 Program - Transaction Mapping Delete All EDIX517 Program - Work With Repeating Elements EDIX524 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound EDIX533 Program - Extended Mapping Inbound Notes EDIX538 Program - Extended Mapping Outbound Notes EDIX651 Program - Audit Trail Control FIXREPSEP Program - Fix Repetition Separators for ISA Partners FIXREPSEPV Program - Fix Repetition Separators for ISA Partners va FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) MRGBATERRS Program - Merge FIX file GT00EMP into customer GT00EMP PRTMAPNOTE Program - Print Extended Mapping Notes PRTNOMAP Program - Prt elements with ext map but nothing mapped UPD81130 Program - Update STDTRN, STDELE, and TRNELE for r-81130 UPDREPSEP Program - Change all ISA partners with invalid rep seps UPDSTD36 Program - Update Standards Library with Repeat values UPDSTD36V Program - Update Standards Library with Repeat values v UPDSTD36 Command - Update Standards Library with Repeat values EDIX012H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX120H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX140H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX191H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX193H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX506H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX508H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX511H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX513H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX514H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX517H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX524H UIM Help Panel Group EDIX525H UIM Help Panel Group FIXREPSEPH UIM Help Panel Group UPDSTD36H UIM Help Panel Group ##### Enhancement ##### Repeating elements has been added to the product. During this fix, program CHKISAREP will run. This program will list any ISA partners that you have defined with an invalid repetition separator. This list of partners will only include those ISA partners with an interchange version of 00403 or higher. This is the version that repeating elements was first introduced. You can find this listing in your spooled file at the completion of your fix install. You can use this list to update your partners individually, or we have provided you with a command that will update those listed partners globally. The FIXREPSEP command will replace all invalid repetition separators with the hex value entered on the command. It is highly recommended using a hex value that will NOT be present in your data. As a part of this fix, your standards files will be updated with the new repeat elements. If you wish to use repeating elements, you are required to perform an extract standard (EXTSTD) to update your batch standards file with the new repeating elements. Also, new maps will need to be created to properly work with the repeating elements. If the element repeats, you will see a gap in the element sequence number to allow for the maximum number of repeats to properly be inserted. If you have multiple data libraries and/or multiple standards libraries, you will want to run the UPDSTD36 command against those libraries. APAR IC90819 Q/C #370331 Compile Date: 2013/03/13 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor A previous fix (APAR IC81374) caused the FTP session to not add the data to the inbound communications queue when a lower case binary keyword was included in the script. Only upper case would work. Changed program to allow both upper case or lower case binary. Q/C #371285 Compile Date: 2013/03/22 EBDI052 Program - Mapping Report in Standard Sequence EBDI053 Program - Mapping Report in Application Sequence EBDI054 Program - Application Definition Report Added the file name to the print application and print map reports when the application file type is internally defined or a logical file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2013/02/07 APAR IC89213 Q/C #361085 Compile Date: 2012/12/19 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor The secure FTP session was failing when a 534 message was being issued in the FTP log. APAR IC89519 Q/C #363359 Compile Date: 2013/01/16 EDIX008 File - Partner Cross Reference EDIX008 Program - Partner Cross Reference EDIX012 File - Partner Control Information EDIX012 Program - Partner Control Lower case entries can now be added on the Partner Cross Reference panel and for the Sender/Receiver ID and Qualifier on the outbound envelope panels. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2012/11/28 RTC #355240 Compile Date: 2012/11/05 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Created new standards for versions: D 10B, D 11A, D 11B, 005010X214, 00603, 006030, 006031, 006032, 00604, 006040, 006040RAIL, 006041, 006042. Also added the following standards that were missing from the standards: 004000IR, 004000S, 004001UN, and 005000IR. ****NOTE: It is crucial to apply this cum fix if you plan on using any of the new standards listed above. The inbound and outbound editors required internal table size increases to accommodate the increase in segments and elements. APAR IC88548 Q/C #358470 Compile Date: 2012/11/28 EXTRACTCL Program - Extract data/call STCL063/STCL068 EXTRACTCL2 Program - Extract batch data command for programs STATFLGCL Program - Change Status Flag of Batches IN/OUT STATFLGIN Program - Change Status of INBOUND Batches STATFLGOUT Program - Change Status of OUTBOUND Batches EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) GCRTDTAARA Program - CRTDTAARA to be called from a COBOL The batch status for the online extract was being modified prior to executing the EXTRACT command. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2012/10/08 APAR IC86639 RTC #349819 Compile Date: 2012/09/19 GIFSGATE Command - Gentran IFS Gateway EDIX415 Program - Global Parameters CNVTCOMCL Program - Convert Comm Files to 3.6 CNVCOMPRFN Program - Convert/Merge COMPRF frm Comm 3.5 => 3.6 A few conversion issues were resolved. The secure FTP fields were not being brought over on a conversion from 3.5 to 3.6, the default value for the Java Translation Activation flag was space instead of 'N', and the default for the Stream file code page parameter on the GIFSGATE command was set to *STMF instead of *STDA. RTC #350044 Compile Date: 2012/09/20 EBDI588 Program - Mapping Version Comparision and Conversion During certain instances, some of the fields were not being brought forward into the new map correctly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2012/08/22 RTC #69915 Compile Date: 2012/06/13 JVALNK File - GENTRAN JAVA Translator Link File JVALNKL1 File - Gentran JAVA Translator Link File (Link Descript JVALNK Command - call JAVA link work with JVATRN Command - Process Transactions using JAVA translator XMLINST36 Command - Install XML Translation Option XMLVERIFY Command - Installation verification test REQJTX Command - Request Java Translation EDIX415 File - Global Parameters EDIX463 File - JAVA Translation Links EDIX610 File - Message Center Configuration JTXREPORT File - Gentran JAVA Translator Printer File JTXSAVE File - Save file to hold Java Translator Components XMLINST36 File - XML translation installation XMLINST36 Program - Install XML Translation Option - CPP XMLINST36V Program - Install XML Translation Option - VCP JVALNK Program - Call EDIX462 - Work with JAVA Link JVATRNCL Program - CPP JVATRN Process JAVA Translations JVATRNCLV Program - Process JAVA Transactions Inbound Validity JVATRNCL2 Program - Translate files from IFS file system for JVAT JVATRNCL3 Program - Translate data from comm queues for JVATRN In JVATRNCL4 Program - Translate data from comm queues for JVATRN Ou JVATRNCL5 Program - Translate data QSYS.LIB or ODBC for JVATRN EDCL605 Program - Main CL to update Message Center EDCL605C Program - Main CL to update Message Center for comm STCL060 Program - ADD user file to OUTBOUND que/call EBDI060 STCL063 Program - EXTRACT from INBque; call EBDI063F/63L STCL067 Program - ADD user file to INBOUND que/call EBDI067 STCL068 Program - EXTRACT From OUTque; call EBDI068F/68L REQJTX Program - Request Java Translation - CPP XMLVERIFY Program - Installation verification test JVATRNCNT Program - Cnt number of segments in a doc JVATRNINV Program - Process Inbound Command JAVA(Validity Check) EDIX415 Program - Global Parameters EDIX463 Program - JAVA Translation Link Configuration EDIX610 Program - Message Center Configuration EDIX462 Program - Work with JAVA Translation STRJTX2 Program - Start Java Translation Service Part 2 JTXRPT Program - Read the output from the reqjtx to report sts JVASEQ Data area to hold sequential JVA member GENLBLENU File - GENTRAN:Server Label Message File EDIX415H UIM Help Panel Group JVATRNH UIM Help Panel Group Added XML translation support. This will use the SI mapper and translator and will be a separate process than the normal PRCTRNIN/PRCTRNOUT. There is a white paper to help with the installation and execution of this process. APAR IC81534 RTC #314618 Compile Date: 2012/03/29 GENASCII Table - Sterling Gentran EBCDIC->ASCII translation Changed the ebcdic to ascii ftp conversion characters to convert correctly for characters |, !, and ¦ Case 179041 RTC #69821 Compile Date: 2012/04/19 UTPHFN00 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header) UTPHFN10 File - UT- Nam(Function Profile Header - FIX FILE) CPYQUEDTA Command - Copy Comm data from 1 queue to another CPYQUEDTA Program - Copy Comm data from 1 queue to another CPYQUEDTAV Program - Copy data from 1 queue to another validity CPYQUEDTA2 Program - Prompt CPYQUEDTA command from work with pgm CPYQUEDTAH UIM Help Panel Group EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) EBDI068 Program - Pull comm data from one queue to another Added a function to copy one batch or multiple batches of data from one communications queue to another. Option 34 was also added to the Work with Inbound Queue Control (EDIX407) and the Work with Outbound Queue Control (EDIX404) panels. APAR IC82893 Q/C #325592 Compile Date: 2012/04/26 PRCINCL Program - PRCTRNIN Process EDI Transactions Inbound Added entries to the message center when PRCTRNIN has issues adding members to the work files and the process aborts. Q/C #70345 Compile Date: 2012/04/26 PRTCOM Program - Print Comm Scripts Rewrote the Print Comm Session Control program so that it better matches the online screen. This will make it easier to read. APAR IC831228 RTC 328187 Compile Date: 2012/05/04 EBDI067FTP Program - FTP SERVER add file to inbound queue Increased the file size for the GENFTPADD command from 4096 to 32000. APAR IC848468 RTC 336785 Compile Date: 2012/06/22 ADD Command - Add Data to Inbound/Outbound Queue CPYCOM Command - Copy comm profiles/scripts DLTSTD Command - Copy Comm data from 1 queue to another DWNSTD Command - Standards Selective Delete DWNTOOL Command - Standards Selective Download EDIVERSION Command - Display Sterling Gentran current version/date EXCPGM Command - UT- Cmd(Execute Program EXTRACT Command - Extract Data from Inbound/Outbound Comm Queue FIXMAPS Command - modify maps to have element lengths match std FIXWRKFIL Command - Extract Data from Inbound/O FNDSTRCOM Command - Comm Queue Search for String of Data GENIBQIFS Command - Move data from inbound comm queue to IFS GENINSCMD Command - INS Network Cmd Interface GENERATE Cmd Scpt GENLINP Command - Sterling Gentran Line Pools GENMQRCV Command - Sterling Gentran Receive file from MQ queue GENMQSND Command - Sterling Gentran Send file to MQ queue GENPAGE Command - Sterling Gentran pager - send message JUMP Command - 'J' Jump Code for quick access to pgms NOTIFYCPY Command - Sterling Gentran - Copy Automatic Notificate PRCTRNIN Command - Process EDI Transactions Inbound Command PRCTRNOUT Command - Process EDI Transactions Outbound Command PRGALL Command - Purge All Comm Files PRGAUD Command - Purge Audit File PRGCHF Command - Purge Communication History PRGFILETRK Command - Purge File Tracking Command PRGIBQ Command - Purge Inbound Queue Command PRGMSGCTR Command - Purge Message Center Command PRGNET Command - Purge Network Reconciliation PRGOBQ Command - Purge Outbound Queue Command PRGSAP Command - Purge SAPACK File PRGSCH Command - Purge Job Schedule PRTVAT Command - Purge VAT Database PRGVPT Command - Purge Viewpoint History File PRTAUTO Command - Print Automatic Notification PRTCOM Command - Print Comm Session Control PRTCOMHST Command - Print Communications History PRTFILETRK Command - Print File Tracking Command PRTMSGCTR Command - Print Message Center Entries PRTNETSTS Command - Print Network Reconciliation PRTPARQRY Command - Print Partner Query w/ Selection Criteria PRTPXR Command - Print Partner Cross Reference PRTSLTAUD Command - SELECT Audit and Comm records PRTEDIDTA PRTVAT Command - Print Sterling Gentran VAT PRTVPTQRY Command - Print Viewpoint Query Results REQUEUE Command - Re-queue EDI Data from the Audit RMVGENMBR Command - Remove Sterling Gentran Work Members RTVFILETRK Command - Retrieve File Tracking Purge SAPIN Command - Start of the SAP inbound processing SCHJOB Command - Schedule Job SETAPPSRT Command - Set w/w Application Definition SETAUDGSRT Command - Set Audit Group Sort SETAUDISRT Command - Set Audit Interchange Sort SETBINLIB Command - Set BINARY Library SETDDSTYP Command - Set DDS Type for Application SETFTRKSRT Command - Set w/w File Tracking Sort SETGENYR Command - Set Sterling Gentran SYSCFG SETPARSRT Command - Set Partner Sort SETTRNSRT Command - Set Work With Transaction Mapping Sort SLTAUD Command - SELECT Audit and Comm records SLTMSG Command - Display Specific Messages Center Entries SLTREQ Command - SELECT Audit Records to Requeue STATFLG Command - Change Status of Batches IN/OUT STRCOMSSN Command - Start Communications Session STRRPSR Command - Start Remote Pgm Start Requests VPTCPY Command - Copy Viewpoint Document Definition Some commands had G3X6PGM hard coded for the help text library instead of having *LIBL. When the program library was created as something other than G3X6PGM, the help text would not work for those commands. RTC #338225 Compile Date: 2012/06/29 FIX36CL Program - Install Cumulative Fixes 3.6 (Main Routine) The old point release on the fix36 panel was not being displayed properly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: 2012/02/13 Case 294480 Q/C #1492 Compile Date: 2011/04/21 GENLBLENU File - GENTRAN:Server Label Message File EDIX061 Program - SAP Default Outbound Processing Parm Control EDIX063 Program - SAP Partner Parameter Control EDIX064 Program - SAP System Parameters Control EDIX066 Program - Doc/Application Control EDIX068 File - Inbound/Outbound RFC Parameter Control EDIX068 Program - Inbound/Outbound RFC Parameter Control EDIX651 Program - Audit Trail Control EDIX660 File - Audit Trail Configuration EDIX660 Program - Audit Trail Configuration EDIX660H UIM Help Panel Group Added File Tracking to the SAP Extension subsystem. Case Internal Q/C #1503 Compile Date: 2011/04/21 EDIX100 Program - Work with Standards Removed Option 31 - Print Tape STD from the list of available options. Case 295701 Q/C #1574 Compile Date: 2011/04/21 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor When 2 inbound batches of data ran simultaneously and the outbound acknowledgments were created at the very same time, duplicate control numbers were produced on the outbound envelopes for those acknowledgments. Case 300185 Q/C #1619 Compile Date: 2011/05/12 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor Secure FTP was not always marking the batches with a SN status when sending data from the outbound queue. It would send it, but leave it at a Q status. Case 304389 Q/C # 1624 Compile Date: 2011/05/24 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor STDVER File - Standard Version STDTRN File - Standard Transactions STDSEG File - Segment Data STDELE File - Element Table Record STDDIC File - Dictionary Table Record STDACT File - Activity Record STDCDE File - Code Table Record Implemented the 005010 hipaa standards to include the 999 transaction set for versions 00500, 00501, 005010X212, 005010X217, 005010X218, 005010X220, 005010X220A1, 005010X221, 005010X221A1, 005010X222, 005010X222A1, 005010X223, 005010X223A1, 005010X223A2, 005010X224, 005010X224A1, 005010X224A2, 005010X231, 005010X231A1, 005010X279, 005010X279A1. Case 330083 Q/C # 1640 Compile Date: 2011/05/24 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor The inbound editor was producing 62 and 706 errors on composite elements that are defined larger than 80 bytes. Case 318018 Q/C # 1633 Compile Date: 2011/06/27 EDCL008 Program - Process Inbound Job Stream A member will no longer be added to the GTVATIN file when you are not processing VAT data. Case 351484 Q/C # 1658 Compile Date: 2011/10/04 GTVATIN File - VAT inbound flat file GTVATOUT File - VAT outbound flat file Received an MCH3601 in EBDI001 because there were no members in the GTVATIN file. Case 330083 Q/C # 1640 Compile Date: 2011/05/24 EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor The inbound editor was producing 62 and 706 errors on composite elements that are defined larger than 80 bytes. Case 251921 Q/C # 1183 Compile Date: 2011/11/04 EBDI055 File - Print File for Reserved Word Summary report EDIX454 File - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry EDIX506 File - Work with Element Mapping EDIX507 File - Subfield Maintenance EDIX508 File - Extended Mapping for Outbound EDIX511 File - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX513 File - Extended Mapping for Inbound EDIX514 File - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX515 File - Element Info EDIX524 File - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 File - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound EDIX533 File - Extended Inbound Mapping Notes EDIX538 File - Extended Outbound Mapping Notes EDIX601 File - Message Center Job Inquiry GENLBLENU File - GENTRAN:Server Label Message File GT55WRK File - EBDI055 work file for Map Summary Report MSGDTL File - Detail file for Message Center TRNELE File - Translation Segment Element Def TRNOTE File - Translation Extended Map Notes TRKPER File - Tracking Program Error File CHKMAP Program - Check All Maps for Internal Errors CNVTMAP3_5 Program - Convert maps in 3.6 to have larger element sz CNVTTRNELE Program - Convert TRNELE file to 3.6 CRTPRTNOTE Program - CL to generate parms to PRTNOTECL DLTORPHAN Program - Delete Orphaned rcds for Sterling Gentran EBDI001 Program - Inbound Editor (w/decompress) EBDI002 Program - Outbound Editor (w/compress) EBDI003 Program - PGM - Table Pointer Generation (EXTSTD) EBDI011A Program - Outbound Acknowledgment envelope generater EBDI015 Program - Inbound Data Split EBDI030 Program - Online Standards Extract EBDI040 Program - Post-Outb Mapper to replace ###BIN/###OBJ rec EBDI041 Program - Inbound Mapper - Main Module EBDI042 Program - Outbound Mapper EBDI044 Program - Inbound Mapping - Load Transaction Subroutine EBDI045 Program - Outbound Mapping - Load Transaction Subroutne EBDI052 Program - Mapping Report in Standard Sequence EBDI053 Program - Mapping Report in Application Sequence EBDI055 Program - files mapping summary report (Print Report) EBDI055B Program - Print mapping summary report (Print Report) EBDI061 Program - BSC Communicator EBDI061SNA Program - SNA Communicator EBDI06162E Program - APPC/LU6.2/X.25 Communicator EBDI068F Program - FIFO Dequeue outbound to any reclen EBDI068L Program - LIFO Dequeue outbound to any reclen EBDI072 Program - Message Center Purge (PRGMSG) program EBDI080 Program - Copy Transaction Id EBDI082 Program - Mapping Validation Report (for outbound) EBDI083 Program - Mapping Report in Extended Mapping Notes EBDI588 Program - Mapping Version Comparision and Conversion EBDI589 Program - Batch Mapping Transaction Re-synch EBDI607 Program - Update the detail msgs and final header rcd EBDI610 Program - Update the detail msgs and final header rcd EBDI615 Program - Print Job Detail Report from Msg Ctr EBDI616 Program - Print Message Center Entries Report EBDI641 Program - Build work file of MSGDTL msgs for email/page EBDI801 Program - Communications interface to Tracking system EBDI834A Program - Print VPT Query Results Report (ad-hoc qry) EBDI834P Program - Print VPT Query Results Report (perm qry) EBDI852 Program - Viewpoint Purge (PRGVPT) program EDIX190 Program - Work with Batch Standards EDIX191 Program - Batch Standards Transaction View EDIX192 Program - Batch Standards Segment View EDIX193 Program - Batch Standards Element View EDIX194 Program - Batch Standards Element Conditional Code View EDIX195 Program - Batch Standards Activity View EDIX196 Program - Batch Standards Dictionary View EDIX197 Program - Batch Standards Codes EDIX454 Program - Inbound and Outbound Segment Inquiry EDIX500 Program - Work with Transactions EDIX501 Program - Transaction Mapping Copy All EDIX502 Program - Transaction Segment Copy from Standards EDIX503 Program - Transaction Mapping EDIX504 Program - Transaction Segment Maintenance EDIX506 Program - Work with Element Mapping (Secondary) EDIX506A Program - Sub-program for EDIX506 - Copies to alt map EDIX507 Program - Subfield Maintenance EDIX508 Program - Extended Mapping for Outbound EDIX510 Program - Select Application Data EDIX511 Program - Element Mapping Outbound EDIX512 Program - Transaction Mapping Search EDIX513 Program - Extended Mapping for Inbound EDIX514 Program - Element Mapping Inbound EDIX514A Program - Sub-program for EDIX514 - Applies global cond EDIX514B Program - Sub-program for EDIX514 - Check alternate lgl EDIX515 Program - Element Information EDIX516 Program - Transaction Mapping Delete All EDIX524 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Inbound EDIX525 Program - Split Screen Element Mapping Outbound EDIX533 Program - Extended Mapping Inbound Notes EDIX538 Program - Extended Mapping Outbound Notes EDIX600 Program - Work with Message Center EDIX601 Program - Message Center Job Inquiry EDIX602 Program - Message Center Deletes EDIX801 Program - Document Selection EDIX805 Program - Error Message History EDIX808 Program - Document Control Maintenance PRGMSGCTR2 Program - Purge Message Center File PRTMAPNOTE Program - Print Extended Mapping Notes PRTNOMAP Program - Prt elements with ext map but nothing mapped PRTNOTECL Program - Print Extended Mapping Notes RTVMSG1 Program - PGM - Retrieve Message Center Files RTVMSGCL2 Program - Retrieve Message Center RTVVPT1 Program - Retrieve Document History Files UTCCEF00 Program - Format Commands UTCCSV00 Program - UT- Ctl(External Services) UTCITB00 Program - UT- Inq(Table) UTCSCP00 Program - UT -Sub(Cursor Position) UTCSFN00 Program - UT -Sub(Retrieve Function Profile) UTCSLI00 Program - UT -Sub(Retrieve Current Language ID) UTCSLP00 Program - UT- Sub(Local Data Position) UTCSLX00 Program - UT- Sub(Recompute LOCAL-DATA starting pos.) UTCSML00 Program - UT- Sub(LDA Mapping) UTCSPM00 Program - UT- Sub(F4 Prompting) UTCSRD00 Program - UT- Sub(Retrieve Data from User Space) UTCSSC00 Program - UT- Sub(Security Checker) UTCSUD00 Program - UT- Sub(Update User Space from Local Data) UTCSUD01 Program - UT- Sub(Update User Space from Local Data) UTXITB02 Program - UT- Inq(Overlay LDA Fields) Increased the number of elements that you can have for a segment. The old limit was 99 elements. The new limit is 9999. Case Internal Defect #312540 Compile Date: 2012/02/06 PTRCL Program - Display Sterling Gentran's current point rls EDIX005 File - Work with Partners EDIX005 Program - Work with Partners EDIX030 File - Work with Partner Group Information EDIX030 Program - Work with Partner Group EDIX040 File - Work With Partner Transaction Information EDIX040 Program - Work With Partner Transaction EDIX046 File - Work with Partner User Defined EDIX046 Program - Work with Partner User Defined EDIX051 File - Work with Partner Data Separation EDIX051 Program - Work with Partner Data Separation EDIX056 File - Work with Partner Error Rejection EDIX056 Program - Work with Partner Error Rejection (Secondary) EDIX065 File - Work with Doc/Application Cross-Reference EDIX065 Program - Work with Doc/Application Cross-Reference EDIX067 File - with Inbound/Outbound RFC Parm Definitions EDIX067 Program - Work with Inbound/Outbound RFC Parm Def. EDIX100 File - Work with Standards EDIX100 Program - Work with Standards EDIX200 File - Work With Environment Control EDIX200 Program - Work With Environment Control EDIX250 File - Work with Selected Requeue Records EDIX250 Program - Work with Selected Requeue Records EDIX251 File - Work with Audit Interchange Status EDIX251 Program - Work with Audit Interchange Status EDIX252 File - Work with Audit Group Status EDIX252 Program - Work with Audit Group Status EDIX253 File - Work with Audit Transaction Status EDIX253 Program - Work with Audit Transaction Status EDIX259 File - Work with Audit/Comm Records EDIX259 Program - Work with Selected Audit Records EDIX310 File - Work with EDI Monitor EDIX310 Program - Work with EDI Monitor EDIX350 File - Work with Sub-Splits EDIX350 Program - Work with Sub-Splits EDIX400 File - Work with Communications EDIX400 Program - Work with Communications EDIX402 File - Work with Communications Session EDIX402 Program - Work with Communications Session EDIX404 File - Work with Outbound Queue EDIX404 Program - Work with Outbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX406 File - Work with Communication History EDIX406 Program - Work with Communication History EDIX407 File - with Inbound Queue EDIX407 Program - Work with Inbound Queue (Secondary) EDIX409 File - Work with Scheduled Entries EDIX409 Program - Work with Scheduled Entries EDIX412 File - Work with Job Scheduler EDIX412 Program - Work with Job Scheduler EDIX460 File - Work with MQ Links EDIX460 Program - Work with MQ Links EDIX500 File - Work with Transaction Mapping EDIX500 Program - Work with Transaction EDIX506 File - Work with Element Mapping EDIX506 Program - Work with Element Mapping (Secondary) EDIX550 File - Work with Application Definition EDIX550 Program - Work with Applications EDIX580 File - Work with Code and Data EDIX580 Program - Work with Translation Tables(code, data, val) EDIX600 File - Work with Message Center EDIX600 Program - Work with Message Center EDIX620 File - Work with Batch Error Message File EDIX620 Program - Work with Batch Error Message File EDIX630 File - Work with Automatic Notification EDIX630 Program - Work with Automatic Notification EDIX632 File - Work with Auto Notification E-mail EDIX632 Program - Work with Auto Notification E-mail EDIX634 File - Work with Auto Notification Paging EDIX634 Program - Work with Auto Notification Paging EDIX636 File - Work with Auto Notification User Exit EDIX636 Program - Work with Auto Notification User Exit EDIX800 File - Work with Documents EDIX800 Program - Work with Documents EDIX810 File - Work with Extended Queries EDIX810 Program - Work with Extended Queries EDIX817 File - Work with Communications Jobs EDIX817 Program - Work with Communications Jobs EDIX820 File - Work with Network Profile EDIX820 Program - Work with Network Profile EDIX851 File - Work with Network Command Interface EDIX851 Program - Work with Network Command Interface Reformated the point release to conform to IBM's standard. APAR IC81374 Q/C #313596 Compile Date: 2012/02/13 EBDI069FTP Program - FTP CLIENT backend processor Secure FTP was sending the outbound data, but was leaving the status as SA instead of marking it as SN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Release Production Date: May 2011