Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony RFE 145296

Readme file for: IBM Spectrum Symphony

Product release: 7.3

Fix ID: symmc-7.3-build600073-ms

Publication date: January 12, 2021

Enhancement to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster
feature so that IBM Spectrum Symphony and the IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster client remember the original creation time of a session, and use it as the time for sorting all subsequent new sessions in a new cluster. This allows the session to execute before other new sessions with the same session priority.

1.    Scope

Before you install this enhancement to your cluster, note the following requirements:

Operating system

RHEL 6.4 to 8, 64-bit

Windows 2012 to 2019, 64-bit

Product version

IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster 7.3

IBM Spectrum Symphony

IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition

IBM Spectrum Symphony client

2.    Installation

Follow these instructions to download and install this enhancement to hosts in your cluster.


ž   Fix sym- must be installed on the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster.

ž   Fix sym-7.3-build565921-ms must be installed on the IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster 7.3 cluster.

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster Linux primary host

a.       Source the host environment:

(BASH) >. $EGO_TOP/profile.platform

(CSH) >source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform

b.       Log on to the Multicluster primary host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

c.       Shut down the SMCM service:

> egosh service stop SMCM

d.       Back up the following files:



e.       Download the symmc- package and install the fix:

> tar zxof symmc- -C $EGO_TOP

f.        Start the SMCM service:

> egosh service start SMCM

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Linux Management hosts

a.       Source the host environment:

(BASH) >. $EGO_TOP/profile.platform

(CSH) >source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform

b.       Log on to the cluster’s primary host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

c.       Disable all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

d.       Back up the following file:




e.       Download the sym- package and install the fix:

> tar zxof sym- -C $EGO_TOP

f.        Enable your application:

> soamcontrol app enable app_name

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Windows hosts

a.       Disable all workload in the cluster:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

> soamcontrol app disable all

b.       Log on to each host in your cluster as the cluster administrator. Ensure that no client processes are running, and backup the following files for recovery purposes:







c.       Download the package and extract its contents to the top-level installation directory.

d.       Check the modified time of the following files to verify that the fix was installed correctly:







e.       Enable the application in the cluster

> soamcontrol app enable app_name

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Linux hosts

a.       Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition host and back up following files:



b.       Download the symde- package and install the fix:

> tar zxof symde- -C $SOAM_HOME

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Windows hosts

         Install this interim fix on all IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Windows hosts in the cluster:

a.       Log on to each host in your cluster as the cluster administrator. Ensure that no client processes are running, and backup the following files for recovery purposes:







b.       Download the package and extract its contents to the top-level installation directory.

c.       Check the modified time of the following files to verify that the fix was installed correctly:







Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony client Linux hosts

a.       Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host and back up following file:



b.       Download the symclnt- package and install the fix:

> tar zxof symclnt- -C $SOAM_HOME

Installing on IBM Spectrum Symphony client Windows hosts

       Install this interim fix on all IBM Spectrum Symphony client Windows hosts in the cluster:

a.       Log on to each client host in your cluster as the cluster administrator. Ensure that no client processes are running, and backup the following files for recovery purposes:







b.       Download the package and extract its contents to the top-level installation directory.

c.       Check the modified time of the following files to verify that the fix was installed correctly:







3.    Configuration and usage

After applying this enhancement, configure your Multicluster workload placement policy on the IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster primary cluster to enable this feature.

a.       Source the environment: 

(BASH) >. $EGO_TOP/profile.platform 

(CSH) > source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform

b.       Log on to the Multicluster primary host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

c.       Show the workload placement policy XML that you want to update for this enhancement (in this example, the policy XML is called test.xml):

> smcadmin policy get -i policyID >test.xml

d.       Edit the workload placement policy XML file and add the useInitialSessionCreationTime="enabled" setting to the Application section. For example:

<Application workloadRedirection="session" workloadRedirectionFailover="enabled"

topNClusterForTaskRedirection="3" topNClusterShareValues="5,3,2"

resubmitOnZeroResourcesTimeoutMinutes="3" rerankIntervalMinutes="0"

useClusterMigrationRanks="disabled" migrateToHigherRankClusterIntervalMinutes="0"


e.       Update the workload placement policy using the test.xml file:

> smcadmin policy update -i policyID -r test.xml              

f.        Assign applications to the policy using the policy ID from the previous step if necessary:

> smcadmin app addplacement –a appName –i policyID

Tip: Alternatively, you can enable this feature by setting the SMC_USE_INITIAL_SESSION_CREATION_TIME client-side environment, before submitting workload. For example:


When the session failover happens for resource starvation, the session will fail over from the original cluster to a new cluster, but the session creation time is the original session creation time. This allows the session to execute first, compared with other sessions with the same priority.

4.    Uninstallation

If required, follow these instructions to uninstall this enhancement from hosts in your cluster.

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster Linux primary host

a.      Log on to the Multicluster primary host as the cluster administrator and shut down the SMCM service:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

> egosh service stop SMCM

b.      Restore following files on the host:



c.       Disable this feature by removing the useInitialSessionCreationTime parameter from the workload placement policy configuration files, and update placement policy with smcadmin command.

d.      Start the SMCM service:

> egosh service start SMCM

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Linux Management hosts

a.       Log on to each host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

b.       Disable all applications:

> soamcontrol app disable all

c.       Restore following files on all management hosts:




d.       Enable all applications:

> soamcontrol app enable app_name

Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Windows hosts

Log on to each host as the cluster administrator and restore the following files from your backup:







Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Linux hosts

Log on to IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Linux host and restore following files from your backup:



Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Windows hosts

Log on to IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition Windows host and restore following files from your backup:







Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony client Linux hosts

Log on to IBM Spectrum Symphony client Linux host and restore the following files from your backup:



Uninstalling from IBM Spectrum Symphony client Windows hosts

Log on to IBM Spectrum Symphony client Windows host and restore the following files from your backup:







5.    List of files

symmc- 3fa33cda12113331b23c25c337258f7c

smc/7.3/linux-x86_64/etc/smcmaster 9e2f9c0416c204e1b16c94086a11d148

smc/7.3/schema/SmcPlacementPolicy.xsd ed57e20913d11a4602d2b1cecf76e0bf


sym- e4689656e2022d8fd192ae54bb46b8f6

soam/7.2/linux-x86_64/etc/ssm 23fd6ea6e4ff6062b27354e8b27043f9

soam/7.2/linux-x86_64/lib64/ ed28ff27dee7580220d3fc9cdfc1aef4

soam/7.2/linux-x86_64/lib/ cbbdafd6bc64058da2c35a67845958f4 695fe6e6dce6f3cc7e436159e16802e2 

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.dll 45c97b7d4fc8bc95b800a35c1e84299c

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.lib e3dd926c6113bc0c48ef6a167b9cf816

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.pdb cb9941b5128372b8a41f0a499c3c73b8

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.dll 66c31ec526f3e463160447e805368319

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.lib e9f19fc6b99243a6dd574970b33454f2

soam/7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.pdb cb11c21a07d8ac6ae4f2a72ea301daa8


symclnt- 68ea1028191c2cc55694a943f5e06fa1

lib/ cbbdafd6bc64058da2c35a67845958f4

lib64/ ed28ff27dee7580220d3fc9cdfc1aef4 5b57233c49d3c0afc493fce3c479ed50

lib/soambase.dll 45c97b7d4fc8bc95b800a35c1e84299c

lib/soambase.lib e3dd926c6113bc0c48ef6a167b9cf816

lib/soambase.pdb cb9941b5128372b8a41f0a499c3c73b8

lib64/soambase.dll 66c31ec526f3e463160447e805368319

lib64/soambase.lib e9f19fc6b99243a6dd574970b33454f2

lib64/soambase.pdb cb11c21a07d8ac6ae4f2a72ea301daa8


symde- 79871df1831cc1559403d3f535127ff4

7.2/linux-x86_64/lib/ cbbdafd6bc64058da2c35a67845958f4

7.2/linux-x86_64/lib64/ ed28ff27dee7580220d3fc9cdfc1aef4 de3ef9b749dd7b9566e930c018da3387

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.dll 45c97b7d4fc8bc95b800a35c1e84299c

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.lib e3dd926c6113bc0c48ef6a167b9cf816

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib/soambase.pdb cb9941b5128372b8a41f0a499c3c73b8

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.dll 66c31ec526f3e463160447e805368319

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.lib e9f19fc6b99243a6dd574970b33454f2

7.2/w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk/lib64/soambase.pdb cb11c21a07d8ac6ae4f2a72ea301daa8


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To receive information about product solution and patch updates automatically, subscribe to product notifications on the My Notifications page on the IBM Support website ( You can edit your subscription settings to choose the types of information you want to get notification about, for example, security bulletins, fixes, troubleshooting, and product enhancements or documentation changes.

7.    Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2021

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