IBM Content Navigator Container, Version Interim Fix 7 Readme

This readme document contains information about installation and removal of the interim fix and about known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM Content Navigator Container Version

Readme file for:
IBM Content Navigator Container.
Product or component release:
Update name:
Interim Fix 7
IBM Content Navigator build number:
IBM Content Navigator Fix ID:
Publication date:
November 6, 2020
Last modified date:
November 6, 2020
Additional documentation for IBM Content Navigator Container can be found at :

Included Components

New Features

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions

Java and Google Chrome
Some features of IBM Content Navigator Container use Java applets. If you access IBM Content Navigator from Google Chrome, Version 42 or later, Chrome displays a message that the plug-in is blocked if you use an applet-based feature. Starting with Google Chrome, Version 42, the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is disabled by default. Web applications that use Java applets do not function properly unless NPAPI is re-enabled. For more information on configuring NPAPI-based Java plug-ins under Google Chrome, Version 42, see:

Oracle Java Runtime Environment security warnings

You might see security warnings and update requests when using certain versions of Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
For information about issues with Oracle JRE, see

Additional Known problems and restrictions are documented in the topic

Download location

You can access the container images in the IBM Docker registry with your IBMid (Option 1), or you can download images from Fix Central (Option 2).

  1. If you will be accessing the IBM entitled registry, follow instructions given later in this readme.
    The image name:tag value is navigator:ga-307-icn-if007 and & navigator-sso:ga-307-icn-if007.
  2. Fix Central
    • Download Interim Fix You need an IBM login and password to access this download location, as well as entitlement to this interim fix in order to access it. Please contact IBM Support if you need assistance.
    • The interim fix image name is

Preparing Navigator Image for deployment

If you downloaded the container package from Fix Central it must be expanded and then uploaded into the target Docker registry.
  1. Move to download location
  2. Log in to your Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Run a kubectl command to make sure that you have access to Kubernetes.
  4. Change to the namespace/project where the existing services are deployed.
  5. Login to a Docker registry with your credentials
  6. Obtain loadimages script from ecm-container service:
  7. Run the scripts/ script to load the images into your Docker registry.
      • -p PPA archive files location or archive filename
      • -r Target Docker registry and namespace/project
      • -l Optional: Target a local registry
  8. The following example shows the input values in the command line on OCP v3.11. On OCP v4.x the default docker registry is based on the host name, for example "".

Prerequisites for Version Container Interim Fix 7

Deploying under Kubernetes managed environment

If you are using this interim fix as part of a new installation of the Content Platform Engine container, see
To use this Interim Fix to update a deployment of the Content Platform Engine container, follow the procedures in the Interim Fix Update Readme file appropriate to your cloud platform:
  1. Follow the procedures below as directed in the Readme appropriate to your cloud platform:
  2. Open the IBM Content Navigator URL on a browser to verify that it is accessible. For example: https://[navigator route or service name]/navigator.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 7

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO28011 Contents of a document's version opened from version history, differ from that displayed by previewing the same version.

(IBM Content Manager users) When users open a version of a document from the version history, the content of the document differs from the content displayed in Preview action on the same version. with this fix, this issue is fixed.

IO28031 Highlight annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager repository display with gray color in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Highlight annotations migrated from an IBM Content Manager repository do not display correctly in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer. The color of highlight annotations is gray instead of yellow. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the annotations display correctly.

IO28051 Pick list goes back down to the bottom when scrolling up by clicking on the up arrow.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see the pick list in an entry template go down to the bottom instead of up, when scrolling up by clicking on the up arrow. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO28072 Edit service client downloads a zero byte file.

(IBM Content Navigator Container users) Edit Service client downloads a zero byte file on the attempt to open a document using Edit Service. With this fix, the document is opened correctly.

IO28074 Custom permissions categorized as Others in Search Roles are removed when saving a P8 repository configuration.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When saving the repository configuration, any custom permissions categorized as Others in the Search Roles are removed even when they were not updated by the user. With this fix, permissions that were not explicitly removed by the user are preserved.

IO28075 Editing a document creates a new version for CM8 repositories and does not carry on the favorites property.

(IBM Content Manager users) When editing a CM8 document with version policy 'Always Create' the favorites property does not carry over. The behaviour of the favourite is seen to be by version instead of by document. When a document is added to Favourites and then edited from the Favourites view, the same document is added to the Favourites view twice. With this fix the favorite behavior will now be by document and not by version.

IO28077 Arrow and circle annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager are not visible in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Arrow and circle annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager are not displayed in correct location in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer, until an annotation is added using IBM Content Manager Client for Windows.

IO28078 Unable to checkin or add a document using merge and split action in a clustered environment using IBM HTTP Server.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When adding or checking in a document using the Merge and Split action, an error occurs in an environment where IBM HTTP Server is used. With this fix, the document is added and checked in without an error.

IO28084 AFP mimetype documents cannot be opened.

(IBM Content Manager Ondemand users) AFP mimetype documents cannot be opened using AFP2PDF viewer, after applying IBM Content Navigator v3.0.7 IF 006. The following exception is seen in the server logs: CIWEB ERROR: ecm.widget.viewer.IframeDocViewer.SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame. With this fix, users can successfully open AFP type documents using the AFP2PDF viewer.

IO28092 Context menu print action is disabled for macro-enabled Microsoft Word and Excel documents.

Context menu print action is disabled for macro-enabled Microsoft Word and Excel documents. With this fix, the context menu print action is enabled.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in Apache HttpClient component fixed.

Security Issue: Cross-site (XSS) vulnerability with multi-valued properties in an entry template fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 6

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO27960 Unable to do 'Download as PDF' action on an AFP file using the AFP2PDF viewer.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand Users ) Download as PDF action fails using the AFP2PDF viewer. With this fix, AFP files will be downloaded as PDF correctly.

IO27963 Intermittent error when loading a dependent plugin in the browser.

(IBM Case Manager users) When loading IBM Case Manager, custom plugins that depend on the IBM Case Manager plugin are not loaded intermittently. With this fix, custom plugins that depend on the IBM Case Manager plugin are loaded continuously.

IO27987 Cannot sort results from an all-classes CM8 search that returns more than 200 items.

(IBM Content Manager users) When searching for All classes in CM8, columns cannot be sorted if the search returns more than 200 items and paging is required. With this fix, users can sort a column after they page through to the end of the search results.

IO27991 When using Internet Explorer, shaking occurs when clicking on a folder having a long name.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Using Internet Explorer, in the Browse pane/feature, if a folder having a long name that extends beyond the right boundary of folder tree pane, is clicked, this causes repeated back and forth horizontal scrolling (shaking) to occur. With this fix, this issue does not occur and clicking on the folder will cause scrolling to the right to occur and the full name of the folder is displayed without any shaking.

IO27995 OnDemand HTML Viewer launches from only one load balancer URL, when multiple load balancers are used.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) If there are multiple load balancers used, the OnDemand HTML Viewer (for line data documents) can be launched from only one load balancer URL. With this fix, the viewer launches on all load balancer URLs.

IO28007 Read-only users get an error message when viewing a document.

(IBM Content Manager users) Read-only users get an error message when viewing a document with 'When using the Open and Preview actions, display documents in the current window' option. With this fix, the document can open without error.

IO28009 All the columns are jumbled together when exporting an Microsoft Excel file as PDF.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When exporting a Microsoft Excel file (.xls) as PDF, all the columns are jumbled together without any spaces. With this fix the columns will be displayed correctly.

IO28013 Edit service asks for credentials and also crashes when opening a document.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When trying to open a document from desktop, Edit Service client asks for credentials again. Randomly, during opening a document, the plugin also crashes and stops working in the background. With this fix, the problem will no longer happen.

IO28019 Text annotations migrated from IBM Content Manager (CM8) do not display accurately in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Text annotations migrated from a IBM Content Manager repository are not displaying accurately in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer. Some are not visible, while others are positioned incorrectly. They display correctly when the document is opened in CM Client for Windows application. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the annotations display correctly.

Security Issue: Penetration(pentest) vulnerability (reverse tabbing) in Add Document action fixed

Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ajaxViewerPrint.jsp fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 5

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO27833 Document title field if made required in an entry template, is grayed out when multiple files are selected to be added.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) If Document Title is made a required field in an entry template and if multiple files are selected for upload when using it, Document Title is displayed as a required filed but is disabled and the user is unable to complete the add action. The text 'The file name will be used' is displayed in the grayed out field. If a single file is selected for upload, then Document Title is displayed as a required field with the file name as the value, but is enabled for editing. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is able to complete the add action even when selecting multiple files.

IO27931 Creating a link to an external document improperly encodes the URL.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Creating a link to an external document improperly encodes the URL causing the link to fail to be opened. With this fix, creating a link to an external document is properly encoded and the document can be opened successfully.

IO27940 Roles defined in the Default Instance security at the Class level are not being added to documents.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Roles defined in the Default Instance security at the Class level are not being added to documents created using entry templates. With this fix, these roles are added.

IO27941 Folders are not always sorted when sorting using sortable system properties though documents can always be sorted using them.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Folders are not always sorted when sorting using sortable system properties though documents can always be sorted using them. With this fix, folders will be sorted when using sortable system properties.

IO27943 When using Chrome browser, help icon of properties list in an entry template is not displayed in correct position.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using Chrome browser, the help icon of properties list in an entry template layout is not displayed in correct position. With this fix, the help icon is displayed in the same line as the properties list.

IO27946 Permanent redaction mode is not available when the mime type contains parameters.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document of a mime type that contains a parameter, i.e., application/pdf;charset=UTF-8, in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer, the permanent redaction mode is not available. With this fix, the permanent redaction mode is available regardless of whether the mime type contains a parameter.

IO27957 Checkin action on a DocSign-signed document fails to be completed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The checkin action on a DocSign-signed document fails to be completed using DocuSign plugin provided by IBM. With this fix, this issue is resolved and the checkin process completes successfully.

IO27958 Navigating between documents using the left and right arrow keys does not work in filmstrip view.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Trying to navigate from one document to the next with the right or left arrow keys does not work in filmstrip view because the focus is not on the current document icon. After randomly clicking the document icons in the filmstrip with the mouse, the arrows start to work correctly. With this fix, the arrow keys will work as expected.

IO27959 Integer and float property values in an entry template are not correctly alligned.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When an entry template is created with a modified properties layout, integer and float property values become right-aligned. With this fix, the integer and float values will display correctly with left alignment.

IO27964 IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays a blank document when the locale is set to Arabic or Hebrew.

(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays a blank document when the locale is set to Arabic or Hebrew. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO27969 Work item remains locked after closing step processor.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Work item remains locked (is not unlocked) when closing step processor window in Chrome browser. With this fix, users should see that the work item is unlocked after refreshing the in-basket.

IO27978 Selecting an item type in the class filter drop down of work feature displays document attributes from item type subset.

(IBM Content Manager users) Selecting an item type in the class filter drop down of Work feature displays document attributes from the item type subset view instead of from the item type. With this fix, the attributes from the item type are displayed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in login.jsp regarding password field fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in Apache codec fixed by upgrading Apache Commons codec.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability, Elliptic Curve Key Disclosure, fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in IBM Daeja ViewONE viewer that allows viewing inaccessible documents fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in validation of configuration request parameters fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 4

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

Security Issue: Prototype Pollution vulnerability in Dojo toolkit fixed.

IO27289 When exporting properties containing Chinese or Japanese characters in the value, garbled characters are exported.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When exporting properties having Chinese or Japanese characters in the value, garbled characters are seen to be exported.. With this fix, the properties' values are exported correctly

IO27690 Users with different language setting in the UI can add same default teamspace template role multiple times.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When selecting Roles for a teamspace template, users with different language settings can add same default role multiple times. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27736 Property table text area field does not display multiline values correctly.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users cannot see text in new line when "Wrap" option is used on property table. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO27787 OnDemand HTML viewer fails to launch from a desktop URL that has a load balancer hostname.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML viewer fails to launch from a desktop URL that has a load balancer hostname. With this fix, the viewer launches successfully.

IO27803 When using entry template with multi-valued field, tabbing from the multi-valued field does not work.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using entry template with multi-valued field, tabbing from the multi-valued field does not work. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27804 Hijri and Umm al-Qura default calendar dates are not set correctly.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Incorrect default date values are displayed for Hijri language (- 1 day) and Umm al-Qura language (+1 day) calendar types but the default date for Umm al-Qura calendar type is intermittently incorrect. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27805 Number of file types that can be specified for the webBrowserViewerOpenInlineFileTypes parameter is limited.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The number of file types that can be specified for the webBrowserViewerOpenInlineFileTypes parameter in Additional Properties of the Settings section of the administration desktop is limited. With this fix, this limit has been suitably modified to allow specifying of more file types for this parameter.

IO27806 Retrieving worklist contents takes much longer than in IBM Content Manager Client for Windows.

IBM Content Manager users) Retrieving worklist contents takes much longer than in IBM Content Manager Client for Windows. With this fix, this performance is significantly improved.

IO27808 Users added to CM8 repository search roles are not saved.

(IBM Content Manager users) CM8 users are not saved to search roles in the ICN admin repository configuration. With this fix, users should see an error message if they do not have sufficient privileges to save the changes.

IO27817 Users cannot switch features when using the sideChrome=1 parameter to hide the banner.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users are unable to switch features when running IBM Content Navigator with the sideChrome=1 paramater. With this fix, users can switch features.

IO27818 Changing the JPA level from the default JPA v2.1 back to JPA v2.0, causes problem for other applications.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When the deployment script changes the WebSphere JPA level from the default JPA 2.1 back to JPA 2.0 , it causes unexpected behavior for other applications. Wit this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27820 An error occurs when closing a page on touchscreen machines.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When closing a page, an error: "An error occurred when the system attempted to close a page when you switched to a new solution or role." occurs. This error only occurs when using a device with touchscreen enabled, even though you're not using the touchscreen functionalities. With this fix, users should no longer see the error when closing the page.

IO27824 Reopening a document causes the viewer window position to change.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After the viewer window is closed and re-opened, the position of the new viewer window is changed. With this fix, the issue does not occur.

IO27826 Child properties are not displayed properly in inline viewer.

(IBM Content Manager users) Child properties are not displayed properly in Inline Viewer. The problem is due to a CSS issue with the "child" properties pane. The height of the pane is miscalculated so it does not show the property values. It is specific to the Inline Viewer because it uses a specific CSS to (re)style the overall viewer. With this fix, the properties are displayed correctly.

IO27829 Custom Access window is closed when selecting any permission from the permissions drop down.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) In the Security tab of Properties dialog of a folder, if an Owner category user ID is selected or clicked, a 'Customize Access for' popup is displayed with a Permissions dropdown containing the values Owner, Author, Reader, No Access and Customize. After selecting Customize, if some permissions are removed for any of Owner, Author or Reader (which will prefix the modifed role with a diamond indicating partial permissions) and the popup is closed after saving the changes, if the same user ID is again cliked to display the 'Customize Access for' popup and then the user clicks on Owner or another value in the Permissions dropdown, the 'Customize Access for' popup is observed to be closed abruptly without allowing the user to select other values. The popup can be displayed by only clicking on the arrow within the dropdown. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is allowed to click on Owner (or another value) button text or partial permission icon to show dropdown.

IO27830 Comments are not visible from the magazine view if "Selected Item Color" under Application-wide elements of theme is changed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Comments are not visible from the Magazine View if "Selected Item Color" under Application Wide Elements of Theme is changed. With this fix, users should see the comments from the Magazine view when using a colour theme.

IO27687 Property values are wiped out when multiple files are selected during adding using an entry template.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Property values are wiped out when multiple files are selected during adding using an entry template. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO27843 Wiewer window position is not consistent when using external monitor.

(IBM Content Navigator users) After the viewer window is closed and re-opened in an external monitor, the position of the new viewer window is changed. With this fix, the issue does not occur.

IO27845 ORA-01400 Error occurs when adding documents.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager) An ORA-01400 error can occur when adding documents on IBM FileNet Content Manager using an Oracle database if the document has a list-valued property set to an empty list. With this fix, the empty list value will be set to null so that the error does not occur and documents can be added successfully.

IO27848 Error occurs after displaying first page of document stored in an ibm FileNet Image Services repository.

(IBM FileNet Image Services users) When viewing documents stored in a FileNet Image Services CMIS repository using the Image Services plugin, an error occurs after displaying the first page. With this fix, all pages are displayed without an error.

IO27854 Add document does not work correctly when using file type filters with entry templates.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When trying to add a document with extension which is not allowed, the Add button is disabled. When the file type is changed to an allowed extension, the add button still remains disabled. Closing the Add document page and reopening allows to add the document. With this fix, the problem will no longer happen.

IO27857 Non-English (i.e. extended) characters in Document Title are garbled after saving a document using Microsoft Office Online.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Non-English (i.e. extended) characters in Document Title are garbled after saving a document using Microsoft Office Online. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27861 After opening a document using Edit Services, a new version may be created even without making any changes.

(IBM Content Manager users) After opening a document using Edit Services, a new version may be created if the document is closed even without making any changes and a refresh action is done in the browser. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27866 Plugin request filter may not be invoked if getRequestFilters() method returns null.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Plugin request filter may not be invoked if getRequestFilters() method returns null. With this fix, plugin request filter is executed as expected.

IO27881 Chrome displays visible horizontal scrollbar on the "Add Document" function.

The issue occurs in Google Chrome Broswer when user tries to add document, this issue doesn't occur in IE or Firefox. User navigates to an ICN folder and selects to add document, when the window shows at the bottom of the browser you can see that there is a horizontal scroll that doesn't add much benefit. With this fix the horizontal scroll should no longer be visible in Chrome browser.

IO27923 Download of TIFF files in IBM Content Navigator Container fails with CIWEB1059 error.

(IBM Content Navigator Container users) Download of TIFF files in IBM Content Navigator Container fails with CIWEB1059 error due to a timeout that occurs during conversion. With this fix, the timeout for conversion can be configured so that  the download will be successful. The timeout can be set in under /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides/

IO27924 When opening multi-part (multipart) documents, a blank page may be displayed.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening multi-part (multipart) documents, a blank page may be displayed. With this fix, the multi-part documents display correctly.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 3

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO27592 Viewer and properties/notelog panes become disabled when adding text annotations to documents.

(IBM Content Manager users) Adding a text annotation to a document in the viewer, then editing a property value in the properties pane causes both the viewer and properties panes to become disabled. With this fix, the properties pane is disabled when the user begins adding a text annotation and becomes enabled when the user saves the annotation change.

IO27594 PDF files may render with a pink background with Preview action and in thumbnails.

(IBM Content Navigator users) PDF files may render with a pink background with Preview action and in thumbnails in the Document Info Pane. With this fix, PDF files will display correctly.

IO27619 The Download and Checkout action labels are translated to the same word in the Polish language.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The Download and Checkout action labels are translated to the same word in the Polish language. With this fix, these actions are translated correctly.

IO27682 When opening multiple documents in the Daeja Virtual Viewer, performance degrades due to JavaScript heap utilization.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening documents in the Daeja Virtual Viewer, the JavaScript heap utilization in the browser tends to steadily grow and performance degrades. With this fix, the JavaScript heap consumption usage is reduced and performance is improved.

IO27687 Property values are wiped out when multiple files are selected during adding using an entry template.

IBM Content Navigaor users) Property values are wiped out when multiple files are selected during adding using an entry template. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO27690 Users with different language setting in the UI can add same default teamspace template role multiple times.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When selecting Roles for a teamspace template, users with different language settings can add same default role multiple times. With this fix, this issue does not occur. NOTE: This interim fix delivers the fix only for IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories. The next interim fix will deliver this fix for IBM Content Manager repositories.

IO27695 Documents can be downloaded although user is lacking the clientExport privilege in Content Manager.

(IBM Content Manager users) Documents are allowed to be opened or saved through the web browser prompt despite lacking the clientExport privilege. This occurs when a viewer map includes a mapping for all the file types to be opened by the web browser and the user attempts to open an unsupported file type. With this fix, an unsupported file type cannot be opened or saved through the web browser prompt if the user does not have the clientExport privilege.

IO27706 Unexpected Recycle Bin behavior with user who has read permissions on a Recovery Bin.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see Delete and Restore actions enabled when the user only has read-only permission on the Recycle Bin. With this fix, these buttons are disabled if the user does not have the appropriate permission.

IO27717 When both IBM Case Builder and IBM Content Navigator are used, Case Builder users cannot save changes to solution objects.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When two or more users use both IBM Case Builder and IBM Content Navigator, the Case Builder user may not be able to save changes to the solution objects as they are locked by another user. With this fix, Case Builder users will be able to save changes to their solutions objects.

IO27719 The highlight strings in search results with content summaries are displayed with HTML source code around the search keywords.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The highlight strings in search results with content summaries are displayed with HTML source code around the search keywords. With this fix, the HTML source code is not displayed.

IO27720 Error occurs when opening worklist.

(IBM Content Manager users) Exception 'java.lang.Exception: process.error.exception.retrieveworklist' occurs when opening a worklist. With this fix, the worklist opens successfully.

IO27729 Download All parts As PDF action fails to delete temporary files.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Download All parts As PDF action fails to delete temporary files. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27735 Password visible as plain text upon inspecting password field on login page.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Password visible as plain text upon inspecting password field element on the login page. With this fix, the password will not be visible upon inspecting the password field.

IO27739 Save operation never completes when adding document from Merge and Split if item type has date as its first attribute.

(IBM Content Manager users) The save operation never completes when adding a document from Merge and Split if the Content Manager item type settings specifies a date field as its first attribute. With this fix, the save operation will complete normally and the document will be added.

IO27752 Cross-site scripting (xss) vulnerability allowed when naming a saved search.

(IBM Content Navigator users) A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists where the application allows JavaScript to be injected into the web page when naming a Saved Search. With this fix, this vulnerability does not exist.

IO27756 When doing 'Remove from folder' action with non-default desktop theme, folder name is missing.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The 'Remove from folder' action's dialog does not show the list of folders when the Classic theme is enabled. With this fix, the folder list will show when the Classic theme is enabled.

IO27763 Read-only users get an error message every time viewing a document.

(IBM Content Manager users) Read-only users get an error message every time when viewing a document if AutoCheckedoutWithView set to true. With this fix, read-only users can open documents successfully.

IO27772 IBM FileNet Image Services connector fails to connect to the repository.

(IBM FileNet Image Services users) Attempt to login to an IBM FileNet Image Services repository configured with a CMIS Repository ID with the format of (CMIS Repository ID):(Domain) fails with an error stating the repository could not be found. With this fix, the authentication succeeds.

IO27779 User security mapping is wrong when creating folder entry template.

(IBM Content Manager users) The user security mapping is wrong when creating a folder entry template. With this fix, the user security mapping will be displayed correctly.

IO27784 Previewing a minor version of a document results in an E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND error.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Previewing a minor version of a document in IBM Content Navigator throws an E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND error. When the document is promoted to a major version, the error goes away. With this fix the minor version will open correctly.

IO27785 Edit Service client installed on Mac OS fails to connect to the server.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service client installed on Mac OS fails to connect to the server. With this fix, the documents can be opened without any errors.

IO27790 HTML-based print service fails when a custom LTPA token name is used.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When printing using the HTML-based print service (HTML-based), an error occurs if a custom LTPA token name is used. With this fix, the print service works even if a custom LTPA token name is used.

Security Issue: HTTP TRACE method can be disabled for all types of resources.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 2

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

IO27526 Print button is enabled in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer even when the users do not have print privilege.

(IBM Content Manager users) The print functionality is available in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer for users without the print privilege. With this fix, the print functionality is not available for users without the print privilege.

IO27597 IBM Plex fonts do not load after upgrading from version 3.0.6 IF002 or above to version 3.0.7.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The IBM Plex fonts aren't loaded after upgrading from IBM Content Navigator version 3.0.6 IF002 or above to version 3.0.7. With this fix, the fonts are loaded.

IO27598 When updating documents the Edit Service client, an error DGL3688A (ICM7215) is seen in the application server log.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When updating documents in Edit Service client, an error DGL3688A (ICM7215) is seen in the application server log. With this fix, these errors are not seen in the log.

IO27619 Download, Checkout action labels are translated to the same word, when using Polish language.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Download, Checkout action labels are translated into the same word, when using Polish language, causing confusing to the user. With this fix, they are translated correctly.

IO27625 Intermittent error when loading a dependent plugin in the browser.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When loading a plug-in that depends on another plug-in in the browser, an error occurs intermittently. With this fix, the plug-in is always loaded successfully.

IO27630 Adding a new document to browse view after sorting the contents,causes the contents to loose the sort order.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If in the Browse feature or view, the contents are sorted by a column (property) and a new document is then added, the view is refreshed and contents loose their sort order. With this fix, the sort order is retained even after adding a document to the Browse view.

IO27636 When using Internet Explorer, Property Table becomes very slow if containing more than 50 rows.

(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator users will see Property Table become very slow on Internet Explorer when the property table contains more than 50 rows. With this fix, the issue is resolved

IO27637 IBM Daeja ViewONE Print Service cannot print .eml and .msg files.

(IBM Content Navigator Users) In IBM Content Navigator, eml and msg files cannot be printed using the IBM Daeja ViewONE Print service. Those file types can be printed from the viewer. With this fix, these files can be printed using IBM Daeja ViewONE print service via the context menu print action.

IO27647 Edit Service client crashes when the document title is greater than 160 characters.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The Edit Service client crashes when attempting to open a document with a title greater than 160 characters. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO27648 Share cannot be enabled on a repository when the IBM Content Navigator's JVM locale is "iw" (Hebrew).

(IBM Content Navigator users) Share cannot be enabled on a repository when the IBM Content Navigator's JVM locale is "iw" (Hebrew). With this fix, Share can be enabled on a repository regardless of the locale.

IO27651 Additional permissions are displayed for certain users in the Teamspace user interface.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Additional permissions are displayed for certain users in the Teamspace user interface. With this fix, users will see the correct Teamspace permissions.

IO27652 Users receive an error when opening the Security tab of the properties dialog for documents that have role-based security.

(IBM Content Navigator Users) Users receive an error in IBM Content Navigator when opening the Security tab of the properties dialog for documents that have role-based security, and a role has a nested role assigned to it. With this fix, users can open the Security tab for documents with nested role-based security.

IO27656 When viewing document through a custom viewer page, continuous getAction requests are seen to be made.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When viewing a document through a custom viewer page, continuous getAction requests are seen in the network tab of the browser console as well as in the application server log.. With this fix, these multiple getAction requests do not occur.

IO27670 Image disappears in AJAX viewer when image properties are edited.

(IBM Content Manager users) Image disappears in AJAX viewer when image properties are edited. With this fix, the image will no longer disappear.

IO27673 Error CIWEB1058 occurs when selecting a "Content Reference" type document.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Error CIWEB1058 occurs when selecting a "Content Reference" type document. With this fix, users will not see the error message.

IO27676 The message 'No results found' is displayed when performing a search, even though status bar shows that results were returned.

(IBM Content Manager users) The message 'No results found' is displayed intermittently when performing a search, even though browser's bottom status bar shows that results were returned. Refreshing the content area may cause the search results to be displayed. With this fix, this symptom does not occur and results are displayed when the search is executed the first time.

IO27685 Edit Services updates document version incorrectly.

(IBM Content Manager users) When the version policy of item type is set to 'Prompt to create' , the document version is updated incorrectly after editing the document in Edit Service. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in logout behaviour with SSO Logout plugin fixed.

Security Issue: Security vulnerability in the response of IBM Navigator Sync component's request fixed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.7 Interim Fix 1

IO27569 Unable to open document with multiple content elements using Daeja ViewONE Professional Viewer.

(IBM Content Navigator users) An error is displayed when documents with multiple content elements are opened using the Daeja ViewOne Professional viewer. With this fix, documents with multiple content elements can be opened using the Daeja ViewONE Professional viewer.

IO27005 Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays old content of a document updated with new content.

(IBM Content Manager users) The Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays the old content of a document after updating it with new content, say by Merge and Split action or by a Checkin action, when the document's item type has 'Never Create' version policy. With this updated fix, the viewer always displays the updated content, without the need for additional Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer parameters, modifiedDocumentCheckMethod and modifiedDocumentMinimumCheckTime.

IO26822 Heap memory consumption is unstable intermittently.

(IBM Content Manager users) The heap memory consumption grows continuously, requiring the server to be restarted. With this fix, the memory consumption is stabilized.

IO23858 HTML Viewer displays corrupted text and blank pages.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Corrupted text is displayed when user previews a PDF. With this fix, the issue does not occur.

IO27577 When using Classic theme, the focus outline or search criteria text are not displayed correctly.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using Classic theme, the focus outline or search criteria text are not displayed correctly. The text in the Search Criteria bar at the top of the search results screen is squeezed together. With this fix, this issue is fixed.

IO27516 Editing the properties of multiple CM documents allows modifying previous versions.

(IBM Content Manager users) When bulk editing properties in All Versions search results, it is possible to edit the properties of prior versions. With this fix, bulk editing properties of prior versions is not allowed.

IO27522 Cipher initialization errors when executing Task Manager tasks.

(IBM Content Navigator Task Manager users) When multiple tasks are scheduled to run at the same time, the tasks are failing to start and the 'CipherException' error caused by 'OverlappingFileLockException' is logged in the Task Manager log file. With this fix, tasks are started successfully.

Security Issue: SSRF vulnerability in viewoneAction fixed.

IO27586 IBM Content manager users cannot authenticate to task manager.

(IBM Content Manager users) Content Manager users cannot access task manager if they are not IBM Content Navigator administrators. With this fix, Content Manager users will be able to access task manager.

IO27322 HTML conversion viewer aligns document to the left.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document with the HTML Conversion viewer, the document is seen to be aligned to the left side of the viewer instead of in the center. With this fix, the document is aligned to the center.

IO27584 Create a New Notelog Version' checkbox is not hidden.

(IBM Content Manager users) When the Notelogs pane is opened in the viewer, the 'Create a New Notelog Version' checkbox is shown and editable even when the version policy of the notelog part is set to be either always or never create a new version. With this fix, the checkbox is hidden when the version policy of the notelog part is set to be either always or never create a new version.

IO27587 MP4 file fails to be uploaded to the repository.

(IBM Content Navigator users) A CIWEB1042 error with text, 'The document cannot be added to the repository error' occurs sometimes, when uploading MP4 documents. With this fix, this issue does not occur and users can successfully upload MP4 files.

IO27600 Button labels are left-aligned for hebrew, arabic languages instead of being right-aligned.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Button label text is left-aligned (left-to-right) instead of right-aligned (right-to-left) for Hebrew,Arabic and other right-to-left languages. With this fix, this issue is resolved.

IO27523 Not able to open Content Manager OnDemand document if folder name contains special words.

(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) After upgrading to 3.0.6, when opening document in the OnDemand search results list, if the folder name has special words, the document is not able to be opened. With this fix, the document can open successfully.

IO27532 Custom viewer provided by a plugin fails to launch when there is another custom viewer plugin not enabled for the desktop.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If two custom viewer plugins are registered and only only one of them is enabled on a desktop that has a viewer map with the corresponding custom viewer from the enabled plugin, an attempt to launch the viewer fails with the error, 'Viewer classes have not been loaded' n the browser console, referencing the plugin that is not enabled on the desktop. With this fix, no error occurs and the document can be opened successfully.

IO27574 Extra getworkitems requests are made when a work item's properties are edited.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Extra getWorkItems requests are made when a work item's properties are edited. With this fix, users will no longer see the extra getWorkItems requests.

IO27595 Unable to view contents of an in-basket if there is no default sort column defined and the first column has null values.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) User will be unable to view contents of an in-basket if there is no default sort column defined on the in-basket and the first column defined on the in-basket has null values. With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO27607 Filtering worklist by a subset, displays many other attributes as columns instead of only the subset's attributes.

(IBM Content Manager users) When filtering a worklist by a subset, using the class filter on the top right of the content area, many other attributes defined in the repository are displayed, instead of just the subset's attributes. With this fix, only the attributes defined for the selected subset are displayed.

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