Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7.3.0 and IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.4.1 Interim Fix 539927

Readme File for: IBM Spectrum Symphony and IBM Spectrum Conductor

Product Release: 7.3.0 and 2.4.1

Update Name: Interim Fix 539927

Fix ID: sym-7.3.0-cws-2.4.1-build539927-jpmc

Publication Date: March 3, 2020

This interim fix is a cumulative fix that provides the following enhancements for an environment with both IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.0 and IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.4.1:

·         Upgrades the Jackson databind package to version 2.10.1 in order to fix security vulnerabilities CVE-2019-16942, CVE-2019-16943, CVE-2019-17267, and CVE-2019-17531.

·         Adds support for log4cxx_autoindex.

·         Resolves the issue when the SIM failing when SSL communication between the SSM and SIM is enabled, and the CA certificate file configured by the CAFILE parameter contains more than one CA certificate.

·         Resolves the issue when the client application core dumps when libraries export standard C++ library symbols.

·         When your cluster is enabled to use the custom security plug-in (RFE 97838), which calls OpenLDAP APIs for authentication, this fix resolves the issue of some OpenLDAP APIs failing and causing SD user logons to fail.

·         Applies RFE 137370, which removes the limitation in the serviceToSlotRatio N:1 configuration of an application, where N cannot exceed a maximum value of 10, by introducing a new UNBOUNDED_SERVICES_ONE_SLOT environment variable in the sd.xml file. When the UNBOUNDED_SERVICES_ONE_SLOT variable is enabled, the value is passed from the SD to the SSM, taking effect for all applications.

·         Applies RFE 123167, which introduces two callbacks for an environment:

1)       One callback sets the preferred host list of an allocation before the VEMKD assigns slots to the allocation. It is controlled by a new EGO_ENABLE_PREFERRED_HOST_LIST_CALLBACK parameter in the $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf file. When enabled, the VEMKD uses this callback to try and assign the hosts preferred for this allocation.

2)       A second callback to prepare the environment before an activity starts, and also cleans up the environment after an activity stop. It is controlled by a new EGO_ENABLE_ACTIVITY_CALLBACK parameter in the $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf file. When enabled, the callback gets a notification before an activity starts, or after an activity stops; you can add logic to prepare or clean up the environment.


1. List of fixes

2. Download location

3. Product and components affected

4. Installation and configuration

5. Uninstallation

6. List of files

7. Product notifications

8. Copyright and trademark information

1.     List of fixes

APAR: P103401

2.     Download location

Download interim fix 536337 and 539927 from the following location:

3.     Product and components affected

Component name, Platform, Fix ID:

EGO/SOAM/HostFactory/MapReduce/GUI/OpenID, Linux x86_64, sym-7.3.0-cws-2.4.1-build539927-jpmc

4.     Installation and configuration

Follow the instructions in this section to download and install this interim fix in your cluster.

System requirements

Linux x86_64


·         Your Linux host must include the “ed” Linux line-oriented text editor.

·         You must apply fix 536337 for IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.0 Explorer reports to work appropriately with your IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.0 and IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.4.1 environment.

Building the callback samples for RFE 123167 (EGO allocation callbacks)
This cumulative fix includes RFE 123167, which introduces two callbacks for an environment. Before installing this fix, you must build the callback samples:

a.       Copy the egocore- package to your build host and extract its contents to a directory. You should see the following folders in the extract directory:

·         activity: Sample files for the callback to handle activity start and stop events.

·         preferhost: Sample files for the callback to set a preferred host list.

b.       Build the sample files that are used to handle activity start and stop events:

1)   Go to the activity folder and edit the activitycb.c file to add your logic to prepare and clean the environment. Locate the lines to edit by searching for the keywords “prepare the environment here” and clean the environment here” in the file.

The current sample shows how to prepare and clean the environment at the host level; you can change the level by modifying the lock file name in the file. Check the activitycb.c file for details.

2)   Run the make command to compile files to create the library file:


3)    Ensure that file ownership for the file is set to the cluster administrator account and file permissions are set to 644.

c.        Build the sample files that are used to set the preferred host list:

1)   Go to the preferhost folder and edit the preferhostcb.c file to add your logic to set the preferred host list. Locate the lines to edit by searching for the keywords “Specify the preferred host list” in the file.

2)   Run the make command to compile the files to create the library file:


3)   Ensure that file ownership for the file is set to the cluster administrator account and file permissions are set to 644. 

Installing this interim fix on management hosts

a.       Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, disable all applications, stop all services, and shut down your cluster:

> soamcontrol app disable all

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

b.       On each management host, copy the and library files that you built previously, to the $EGO_LIBDIR/ directory.

c.       On each management host, move the following files to a backup directory for recovery purposes:

> mkdir -p /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mkdir -p /tmp/wlplib/

> mkdir -p /tmp/hflib/

> mkdir -p /tmp/guilib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/wlplib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/wlplib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/wlplib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/guilib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/guilib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/guilib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

Note: To avoid compatibility issues, move all old files to another directory altogether.

d.       On each management host, download the sym- package and extract its contents to the $EGO_TOP directory:

> tar zxof sym- -C $EGO_TOP

e.       On each management host, create a directory (for example, /symfixes) and download the soamcore-, egocore- and soammgmt- files to the directory.

f.        Run the egoinstallfixes command to install the downloaded files on all management hosts:

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/egocore-

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/soamcore-

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/soammgmt-

Note: The egoinstallfixes command automatically backs up the current binary files to a fix backup directory for recovery purposes. Do not delete this backup directory; you will need it if you want to recover the original files. For more information on using this command, see the egoinstallfixes command reference.

g.       On each management host, delete all subdirectories and files in the GUI work directories:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/work/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/kernel/rest/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/openid/workarea/*

Note: If you changed the default configuration for the WLP_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable and the APPEND_HOSTNAME_TO_WLP_OUTPUT_DIR parameter is set to true in the $EGO_CONFDIR/wlp.conf file, you must clean up the $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/webgui_hostname/gui/workarea/ directory.

h.       Launch your browser and clear the browser cache.

i.         Verify the installation with the pversions command on management hosts:

> pversions -b 539927

IBM Spectrum soamcore


  binary type: linux-x86_64, Mar 02 2020, Build 539927

  installed: Mar 03 2020


  fixes: P103401

  files: /soam/7.3/linux-x86_64/etc/sim
































IBM Spectrum soammgmt


  binary type: noarch, Mar 02 2020, Build 539927

  installed: Mar 03 2020


  fixes: P103401

  files: /wlp/usr/servers/openid/SymOpenIdClient-

IBM Spectrum egocore


  binary type: linux-x86_64, Mar 02 2020, Build 539927

  installed: Mar 03 2020


  fixes: P103401

  files: /3.8/linux-x86_64/etc/vemkd






Installing this interim fix on compute hosts

a.       On each compute host, copy the library that you built previously to the $EGO_LIBDIR/ directory.

b.       On each compute host, move the following files to a backup directory for recovery purposes:

> mkdir -p /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mkdir -p /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/hflib/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-databind-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-annotations-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-core-2.*.jar /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/

NOTE: To avoid compatibility issues, move all old files to another directory altogether.

c.        On each compute host, create a directory (for example, /jackson2.10.1) and download the sym- file to the directory, then copy upgrade files to the path:

> cd /jackson2.10.1

> tar zxf sym-

> cp 3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/* $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/

> cp soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/* $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/

d.       On each compute host, create a directory (for example, /symfixes) and download the soamcore- and egocore- files to the directory.

e.       Run the egoinstallfixes command to install the downloaded files on all compute hosts:

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/egocore-

> egoinstallfixes /symfixes/soamcore-

Note: The egoinstallfixes command automatically backs up the current binary files to a fix backup directory for recovery purposes. Do not delete this backup directory; you will need it if you want to recover the original files. For more information on using this command, see the egoinstallfixes command reference.

f.         Verify the installation with the pversions command on compute hosts:

> pversions -b 539927

IBM Spectrum soamcore


  binary type: linux-x86_64, Mar 02 2020, Build 539927

  installed: Mar 03 2020


  fixes: P103401

  files: /soam/7.3/linux-x86_64/etc/sim
































IBM Spectrum egocore


  binary type: linux-x86_64, Mar 02 2020, Build 539927

  installed: Mar 03 2020


  fixes: P103401

  files: /3.8/linux-x86_64/etc/vemkd






Configuration on management hosts

a.       Add the following new parameters to the $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf file:

·         EGO_ENABLE_PREFERRED_HOST_LIST_CALLBACK: Enables or disables the callback to set the preferred host list. Valid values are Y or N (N is the default).

·         EGO_ENABLE_ACTIVITY_CALLBACK: Enables or disables the callback for activity starts or stops. Valid values are Y or N (N is the default).

For example, add the following settings to the $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf file:



b.       Add the following environment variable to the $EGO_ESRVDIR/esc/conf/services/sd.xml file. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.

<ego:EnvironmentVariable name="UNBOUNDED_SERVICES_ONE_SLOT">TRUE</ego:EnvironmentVariable>     

c.        Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, start your cluster and enable applications:

> egosh ego start all

> soamcontrol app enable appName

5.     Uninstallation

If required, follow the instructions in this section to uninstall this interim fix from your cluster.

Uninstalling from management hosts

a.       Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, disable all applications, stop all services, and shut down your cluster:

> soamcontrol app disable all

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

b.       On each management host, remove the following files which were introduced by this interim fix:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

c.        On each management host, restore the following files from your backup:

> mv /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/*.jar $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv /tmp/wlplib/*.jar $EGO_TOP/wlp/usr/servers/gui/apps/ego/3.8/platformv5/WEB-INF/lib/

> mv /tmp/hflib/*.jar $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/

> mv /tmp/guilib/*.jar $EGO_TOP/gui/3.8/lib/

d.       On each management host, run the egoinstallfixes command to roll back this interim fix. For example, to uninstall with the build number, enter:

> egoinstallfixes -r 539927

e.       Remove the following new parameters from the $EGO_CONFDIR/ego.conf file:



f.         Remove the UNBOUNDED_SERVICES_ONE_SLOT environment variable from the $EGO_ESRVDIR/esc/conf/services/sd.xml file.

g.       Remove the and files from the $EGO_LIBDIR/ directory.

h.       On each management host, delete all subdirectories and files in the GUI work directories:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/work/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/gui/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/kernel/rest/workarea/*

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/openid/workarea/*

Note: If you changed the default configuration for the WLP_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable and the APPEND_HOSTNAME_TO_WLP_OUTPUT_DIR parameter is set to true in the $EGO_CONFDIR/wlp.conf file, you must clean up the $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/webgui_hostname/gui/workarea/ directory.

i.         Launch your browser and clear the browser cache.

j.         Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, start your cluster, and enable applications:

> egosh ego start all

> soamcontrol app enable appName

Uninstalling from compute hosts

a.       Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, disable all applications, stop all services, and shut down your cluster:

> soamcontrol app disable all

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

b.       On each compute host, remove the following files which were introduced by this interim fix:

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-databind-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-core-2.10.1.jar

> rm -rf $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/jackson-annotations-2.10.1.jar

c.        On each compute host, restore the following files from your backup:

> mv /tmp/hadoop-2.7.x/*.jar $EGO_TOP/soam/mapreduce/7.3/linux-x86_64/lib/hadoop-2.7.x/

> mv /tmp/hflib/*.jar $EGO_TOP/3.8/hostfactory/providers/common/lib/

d.       On each compute host, run the egoinstallfixes command to roll back this interim fix. For example, to uninstall with the build number, enter:

> egoinstallfixes -r 539927

e.       Remove the file from the $EGO_LIBDIR/ directory.

f.         Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator, start your cluster, and enable applications:

> egosh ego start all

> soamcontrol app enable appName

6.     List of files































































7.     Product notifications

To receive information about product solution and patch updates automatically, subscribe to product notifications on the My Notifications page on the IBM Support website ( You can edit your subscription settings to choose the types of information you want to get notification about, for example, security bulletins, fixes, troubleshooting, and product enhancements or documentation changes.

8.     Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM®, the IBM logo, and® are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at