Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony Interim Fix 531422
Readme File for: IBM Spectrum Symphony
Product Release:
Update Name: Interim Fix 531422
Fix ID: sym-
Publication Date: October 16, 2019
Client API calls may hang on an SSM disconnect when workload is submitted from an IBM Spectrum Symphony client when IBM Spectrum Symphony Multicluster is enabled. This fix resolves the issue of the API call hanging by either completing the action on the newly re-connected SSM, failing over to a new cluster based on Multicluster policy settings or failing the action if it cannot be completed.
1. List of fixes
2. Download location
3. Product and components affected
4. Installation and configuration
5. Uninstallation
6. List of files
7. Product notifications
8. Copyright and trademark information
1. List of fixes
APAR: P103238
2. Download location
Download interim fix 531422 from the following location:
3. Product and components affected
Component name, Platform, Fix ID:
SOAM, Windows x86_64, sym-
4. Installation and configuration
Follow the instructions in this section to download and install this interim fix in your cluster.
System requirements
Windows x86_64
Installing on Developer Edition hosts
a. Log on to each Developer Edition host and stop all running clients.
b. On each Developer Edition host, copy the symde- package and complete one of the following steps:
o To perform an interactive installation, double-click the .msp package and follow the prompts.
o To perform a silent installation, enter the following command from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt:
C:\>msiexec /update C:\symde- /l*v updateSym.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus
The command syntax is as follows:
C:\>msiexec /update <sym_package_name_path> /l*v <sym_install_log> /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus
o <sym_package_name_path> is the fully qualified file name to the .msp package, in this case, C:\symde-
o <sym_install_log> is the log file for the upgrade, in this case, updateSym.log.
Installing on client hosts
a. Log on to each IBM Spectrum Symphony client host and stop all running clients.
b. On each client host, copy the symclnt- package and complete one of the following steps:
o To perform an interactive installation, double-click the .msp package and follow the prompts.
o To perform a silent installation, enter the following command from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt:
C:\>msiexec /update C:\symclnt- /l*v updateSymclnt.log /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus
The command syntax is as follows:
C:\>msiexec /update <sym_package_name_path> /l*v <sym_install_log> /norestart /quiet REINSTALLMODE=omus
o <sym_package_name_path> is the fully qualified file name to the .msp package, in this case, C:\symclnt-
o <sym_install_log> is the log file for the upgrade, in this case, updateSymclnt.log.
5. Uninstallation
If required, follow the instructions in this section to uninstall this interim fix in your cluster.
Uninstalling on Developer Edition hosts
a. On each Developer Edition host, stop all running clients.
b. Roll back to the previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony either from the Windows Control Panel or from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt:
· To roll back from the Windows Control Panel, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, click Update for Symphony (build “531422”) and click Uninstall.
· To roll back from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:
C:\>msiexec /uninstall {7CC21D6E-82AB-478C-A3FC-21F614A194EB} /package {DCBCD155-A493-405E-A1E0-D20579603860} /norestart /quiet /l*v sym_rollback.log
The command syntax is as follows:
C:\>msiexec /uninstall <interim_fix_code> /package <product_code> /norestart /quiet /l*v <rollback_log>
o <interim_fix_code> is the identifier of the .msp package for the interim fix, in this case, {7CC21D6E-82AB-478C-A3FC-21F614A194EB}.
o <product_code> is the identifier of the .msi file in the product installation package, in this case, {DCBCD155-A493-405E-A1E0-D20579603860}.
o <rollback_log> is the name of the log file to capture details of the interim fix rollback, in this case, sym_rollback.log.
Uninstalling on client hosts
To roll back this fix on client hosts from the IBM Spectrum Symphony command prompt, enter the following command:
C:\>msiexec /uninstall {A526290F-B946-40B1-B30A-AAD740804D7B} /package {85D2044F-9BC1-4EAE-AED3-5575270DC18F} /norestart /quiet /l*v symclnt_rollback.log
The command syntax is as follows:
C:\>msiexec /uninstall <interim_fix_code> /package <product_code> /norestart /quiet /l*v <rollback_log>
o <interim_fix_code> is the identifier of the .msp package for the interim fix, in this case, {A526290F-B946-40B1-B30A-AAD740804D7B}.
o <product_code> is the identifier of the .msi file in the product installation package, in this case, {85D2044F-9BC1-4EAE-AED3-5575270DC18F}.
o <rollback_log> is the name of the log file to capture details of the interim fix rollback, in this case, symclnt_rollback.log.
6. List of files
7. Product notification
To receive information about product solution and patch updates automatically, subscribe to product notifications on the My Notifications page on the IBM Support website ( You can edit your subscription settings to choose the types of information you want to get notification about, for example, security bulletins, fixes, troubleshooting, and product enhancements or documentation changes.
8. Copyright and trademark information
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