=============================================================================== Maintenance for IBM Secure External Authentication Server FixPack 1 (SEAS6001) August 2019 =============================================================================== This cumulative maintenance archive includes fixes for the issues listed below. Contents: I. HIPER (High Impact PERvasive) Fixes / Fixes Requiring Action II. Summary of Fixes by Patch/APAR (Latest iFix / FixPack first) III. Detailed Description of Fixes =============================================================================== I. HIPER (High Impact PERvasive) Fixes / Fixes Requiring Action =============================================================================== ACTION - iFix images for HP, Solaris, and zLinux(s390) will no longer be placed on Fix Central. Contact Support if you need an iFix loaded to EcuRep. In SEAS6000 FixPack 1 (SEAS6001) General Availability (August 2019): ACTION - For a detailed list of the new features in the 6001 FixPack, please see https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS4T7T_6.0.0/com.ibm.help.seas.overview.doc/seas_whats_new.html In SEAS6000 iFix 2 Plus Build 141 (July 2019): ACTION - SEAS Sample exit changes provided for moving global variables to local - See SEAS-665 for details. In SEAS6000 iFix 2 (June 2019): ACTION - JRE 1.8 SR5 FP35 ( disables anon and null cipher suites and includes a new parm for distrusting CAs. For more information, see the writeup below for PSIRT15330. In SEAS60000 iFix 1 (March 2019): NONE - In SEAS60000 GA (February 2019): ACTION - JRE 1.8 SR5 FP27 ( introduced changes to disable SHA1 certificates. See PSIRT12959 and PSIRT13809 for more details. =============================================================================== II. Summary of Fixes by iFix / FixPack /APAR (Latest iFix / FixPack first) =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes for SEAS FixPack 1 (SEAS6001) GA Build 117 (Aug 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features in SEAS FixPack 1 (SEAS6001) See https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS4T7T_6.0.0/com.ibm.help.seas.overview.doc/seas_whats_new.html o Re-Branding: IBM Sterling External Authentication Server is now re-branded to IBM® Secure External Authentication Server o Support for new RESTful APIs o Support to export encrypted configuration with user supplied password via RESTful APIs o Allow user to supply admin password at installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes for SEAS iFix 03 Build 143 (Aug 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - No updates since iFix 02 Plus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes for SEAS iFix 02 Plus Build 141 (July 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEAS-665 - SEAS Sample exit changes provided for moving global variables to local MFT-10352/IT29527 - Exit displays LDAP password in readable format in SEAS MFT-10385/IT29587 - Token Synchronization failed from alternate SEAS MFT-10409/IT29481 - Passwords with & ampersands not authenticating through XAPI exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes for SEAS iFix 02 Build 135 (June 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFT-10204/IT28758 - Ldap bind failure after upgrade to 6.0 or 2432 iFix 4 MFT-10269/IT29043 - SEAS Custom Exit alternate URLs not attempted SEAS-321/ - Ability to set various fields in the GUI SEAS-434/ - Make TLSv1.2 the default protocol for secure connections SEAS-686 - Log authentication failures in the audit log for command line utilities SEAS-711/ - SAML token assertions without a signature in the response allowed to be validated SEAS-714/ - Provide a GUI option to specify whether SAML assertion responses must be signed MFT-10243/PSIRT15330 - Update JRE 1.8 to SR5 FP35 ( for security patches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes for SEAS iFix 01 Build 110 (March 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEAS-452 - InstallAnywhere 2018 upgrade for Windows 2016 support SEAS-468/SEAS-465 - GUI description box for new SSO Token Group member does no data screening SEAS-696/No APAR - SEAS GUI Log level setting is not getting honored =============================================================================== III. Detailed Description of Fixes (in Defect ascending order) =============================================================================== PSIRT12959, - Update JRE 1.8 to SR5 FP27 ( for security PSIRT13809 patches. Resolution: Update the JRE 1.8 to bring it up to the Oracle October 2018 level to satisfy the CVEs in PSIRT advisories 12959 and 13809. See http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ibm10872778 for the Security Bulletin. ACTION - JRE 1.8 SR5 FP27 ( introduced a change to disable SHA1 certificates via the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms parameter in the /jre/lib/security/java.security file. For more information, read the comments in the java.security file which relate to the added parm: jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms= * * *, SHA1 jdkCA & usage TLSServer, SEAS-452 - InstallAnywhere 2018 upgrade for Windows 2016 support Resolution: Upgraded to InstallAnywhere 2018, which provides support for Windows 2016 Server. SEAS-468/SEAS-465 - GUI description box for new SSO Token Group member does no data screening SSO Token Synchronization was introduced in SEAS The SSO Token Group tab contains a description field which allows any sort of unprintable data to be pasted in. Resolution: Now filter the data allowed in the SSO Token Group description field. MFT-10204/IT28758 - Ldap bind failure after upgrade to 6.0 or 2432 iFix 4 After upgrading to SEAS, the Customer's SEAS instance could not connect successfully to the LDAP server. The LDAP server was using a keycert with a Subject Alternate Name (SAN) extension which did not include the load balancer hostname in front of the LDAP server that SEAS was connecting to. Oracle Java level 1.8.0_181 introduced changes to improve LDAP support by enabling endpoint identification algorithms by default for LDAPS connections; this also results in stricter hostname validation. Resolution: Updated the startSeas.sh script (and equivalent Windows scripts and LAX files) to include a commented -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true parameter which the Customer can uncomment to correct the behavior. Another way to resolve the problem is to update the LDAP server certificate to include all possible hostnames that clients will try to connect to. MFT-10269/IT29043 - SEAS Custom Exit alternate URLs not attempted The Customer is using the custom exit for authentication through the SI XAPI "com.sterlingcommerce.component.authentication.impl.SIUserAuthExit". Within the profile they have coded the the properties specific to the SI connection: (http.auth.user=*; http.auth.password=*; url=*; alt.url.1=*) When the primary URL is active the authentication is successful, but when the URL is down, the SEAS does not try the alternate url and the authentication fails. Resolution: Improved the retry logic when the alternate SI URL fails to make sure the alternate is tried. SEAS-321/ - Ability to set various fields in the GUI Customers have been unable to change the default values for minimum password length, login lockout delay time and max login attempt in the GUI. Resolution: Include these new fields in Manage -> System Settings -> Globals. SEAS-434/ - Make TLSv1.2 the default protocol for secure connections SEAS formerly installed with TLSv1 as the default TLS protocol. Resolution: For new installs, make TLSv1.2 the default protocol everywhere a TLS secure connection is made. SEAS-686 - Log authentication failures in the audit log for command line utilities EAS was not logging the auth failures encountered by command line utilities in the audit log. Resolution: Now explicitly call the audit logger for auth failures in the command line utilities in the bin directory. SEAS-696/No APAR - SEAS GUI Log level setting is not getting honored After upgrading to log4j2 in SEAS 6.0, setting the log level in the GUI is not changing the log level used in the log being generated. Resolution: Updated the GUI to correctly change the logging level. SEAS-711/ - SAML token assertions without a signature in the response allowed to be validated When SEAS validates a token, it sends an assertion to the External Identity Provided and gets a response. It validates any digital signature in the response. However, internal testing revealed that it silently skips validation of the signature if the signature has been removed. Resolution: Now reject a token validation request when the token assertion response does not have a digital signature. See SEAS-714 for further updates. SEAS-714/ - Provide a GUI option to specify whether SAML assertion responses must be signed After SEAS-711, needed the ability to specify whether the SAML assertion responses require a digital signature. Resolution: Now provide a checkbox "Signed AuthnResponse" in the SSO Token screen to allow Customers to require that token assertions have a valid digital signature. MFT-10243/PSIRT15330 - Update JRE 1.8 to SR5 FP35 ( for security patches Resolution: Update the JRE 1.8 to bring it up to the Oracle April 2019 level to satisfy the CVEs in PSIRT advisory 15330. See http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ibm10885939 for the Security Bulletin. ACTION - JRE 1.8 SR5 FP35 ( introduced a change to disable anon and null cipher suites via the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms parameter in the /jre/lib/security/java.security file. If your site uses these suites for testing, update your java.security file to remove the last 2 parms: jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, DESede, \ EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL ACTION - The java.security file includes a new parm for distrusting CAs: jdk.security.caDistrustPolicies=SYMANTEC_TLS For more information, see the writeup in the java.security file. MFT-10352/IT29527 - Exit displays LDAP password in readable format in SEAS log During execution, the SEAS custom exit was dumping some password values coded in the SEAS profile to the SEAS log. Resolution: Commented out the line in the exit which displayed the incoming values from the SEAS profile. Also added code to mask printing the values of properties which contain the strings "password", "pwd" or "passphrase" in them while adding or updating profiles. MFT-10385/IT29587 - Token Synchronization failed from secondary SEAS Customer was testing the new Token Group feature but found that when he brought down the SEAS which generated the token, and the other SEAS in the token group had not received the token yet, it failed to check with the original SEAS to validate the token. Resolution: When SEAS is a member of a token group, now correctly process a token validation request by determining if we have the token, and if not, send the request to the SEAS that generated the token and pass back its response. Also updated the process of refreshing a token that is about to expire by another token group member. MFT-10409/IT29481 - Passwords with & ampersands not authenticating through XAPI exit Passwords which contained ampersands (&) were not authenticating correctly when going through the XAPI exit which authenticates to SI/B2Bi. The value was being encoded twice when building the xml to send to SI. Resolution: Corrected the double encoding so that passwords with ampersands can authenticate correctly through the XAPI exit. SEAS-665 - SEAS Sample exit changes provided for moving global variables to local The IBM Sterling External Authentication Server (SEAS) provides sample custom exits which Customers can update and implement to customize the authentication process in their environment. Previously, the sample code in these exits used some global variables instead of local variables, which could cause problems during high concurrency processing. The problems do not occur when using dynamic routing and/or mapped credentials without the custom exits. Resolution: The sample exits, /samples/SampleAuthenticationExit.java and /samples/SampleCertValidationExit.java have been updated to move the necessary global variables into the methods that use them so that they are local and unique per thread. The source is marked with "SEAS-665" in the comments with notes describing the changes that were made to make the code thread-safe. ACTION: Customers who use these exits should either update their own custom source with the changes highlighted in the new sample source, or copy in the new sample source and reapply their custom changes to them.