IBM Content Navigator Container, Version Interim Fix 1 Readme

This readme document contains information about installation and removal of the interim fix and about known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM Content Navigator Container Version

Readme file for:
IBM Content Navigator Container.
Product or component release:
Update name:
Interim Fix 1
IBM Content Navigator build number:
IBM Content Navigator Fix ID:
Publication date:
August 6, 2019
Last modified date:
August 6, 2019
Additional documentation for IBM Content Navigator Container can be found at :

New Features

  • There are no new features introduced in this interim fix.

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions

Java and Google Chrome
Some features of IBM Content Navigator Container use Java applets. If you access IBM Content Navigator from Google Chrome, Version 42 or later, Chrome displays a message that the plug-in is blocked if you use an applet-based feature.
Starting with Google Chrome, Version 42, the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is disabled by default. Web applications that use Java applets do not function properly unless NPAPI is re-enabled. For more information on configuring NPAPI-based Java plug-ins under Google Chrome, Version 42, see:

Oracle Java Runtime Environment security warnings

You might see security warnings and update requests when using certain versions of Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
For information about issues with Oracle JRE, see

Additional Known problems and restrictions are documented in the topic

Prerequisites for Version Interim Fix 1

Important: If you are using this interim fix as a part of a new deployment of the IBM Content Navigator container into IBM Cloud Private, you must first deploy the container as described in the Knowledge Center topic Deploying a new P8 domain by using containers. Then return to this readme and follow the instructions below to update the deployed IBM Content Navigator instances with the interim fix version of the container.

Important: If you will update a Kubernetes managed environment as described in the GitHub site ibm-ecm/container-samples, prepare by becoming familiar with the Kubernetes concepts for updating a deployment which are described at the following location:

Upgrading to IBM Content Navigator Container, Version Interim Fix 1

  1. Download and expand the interim fix package in a location accessible to the IBM Cloud Private server master node or where the Kubernetes private registry is visible. You will see the following files in the subdirectory called icn:
  2. Change your working directory to the icn subdirectory, in the location where the interim fix package was expanded.
  3. Load the container image by using the following command: docker load < navigator.tgz
  4. Tag the local image by using the following command:
    • docker tag navigator:ga-306-icn-if001 mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/icn:<tag>
    For navigator-sso containers, the command is: 
    • docker tag navigator-sso:ga-306-icn-if001 mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/icn:<tag>
  5. Log onto the IBM Cloud Private platform. For example:
    • cloudctl login -a https://<icp_ip_address>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
  6. Log onto your cluster. For example: docker login mycluster.icp:8500
  7. Push the image to the IBM Cloud Private cluster by using the following command:
    • docker push mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/icn:<tag>
  8. Content: change your working directory to icn/CONTENT and run the helm upgrade command to upgrade the IBM Content Navigator container
    • helm upgrade dbamc-icn ibm-dba-navigator-3.1.0.tgz --tls --reuse-values --set image.repository=mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/icn,image.tag=<tag>,resources.requests.cpu=250m,resources.requests.memory=256Mi,resources.limits.cpu=1,resources.limits.memory=1024Mi
    DBAMC: change your working directory to icn/DBAMC and run the helm upgrade command to upgrade the IBM Content Navigator container
    • helm upgrade dbamc-icn ibm-dba-navigator-3.1.0.tgz --tls --reuse-values --set image.repository=mycluster.icp:8500/<namespace>/icn,image.tag=<tag>,resources.requests.cpu=250m,resources.requests.memory=256Mi,resources.limits.cpu=1,resources.limits.memory=1024Mi
  9. Using the Workloads > Deployments page in the IBM Cloud Private dashboard, monitor the status of the ibm-dba-navigator ReplicaSets.
  10. Open the IBM Content Navigator URL on a browser to verify that it is accessible. For example:

Deploying under Kubernetes

  1. Change your working directory to be the location where the interim fix package was previously expanded.
  2. Upload and tag the container image, navigator.tgz, into the Kubernetes private registry.
  3. Using a deployment YAML file, such as icn-deploy.yml, modify the rolling update parameters as desired and point the image to the newly uploaded interim fix image URL.
  4. Execute the deployment file to deploy the IBM Content Navigator service. For example: kubectl apply –f icn-deploy.yml
  5. Monitor the status of the deployment. For example: kubectl rollout status deployments/<ICN deployment name>
  6. Execute following command to get the Public IP and port to access the IBM Content Navigator service:  kubectl get svc | grep ecm-icn-svc
  7. Open the IBM Content Navigator URL on a browser to verify that it is accessible. For example:

Updating the Edit Service client

To update the Edit Service client, on Windows operating systems, uninstall the old version and install the new version and on Mac operating systems, remove the old version and unpack the new version.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator Container, Version Interim Fix 1

The fixes that were provided in previous IBM Content Navigator Interim Fixes are combined in this fix.

Daeja ViewONE Virtual 5.0.6 iFix 2 and Daeja ViewONE Professional 4.1.5 Fix Pack 2 iFix 34 are included in this IBM Content Navigator Interim Fix.
Please note that the readme for Daeja ViewONE Professional is the same as the readme for Daeja ViewONE Professional 4.1.5 Fix Pack 2 iFix 1.

IO27055 The original filename is not used when saving a redacted document to a local file.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When saving a redacted document to a local file, the default filename is getDocument instead of the original filename. With this fix, the default filename is the original filename.

IO27077 When viewing multi-part documents, annotations on parts with differing DPI than the first part are displaced.

(IBM Content Manager users) When viewing multi-part documents in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer, annotations on parts with differing resolutions than the first part are displaced. With this fix, annotations are placed correctly.

IO27128 IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer tries to display content parts of a multi-content document, whose file types are not mapped to the viewer.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a multi-content document with multiple file types, IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer tries to display all content parts including those with file types that are not mapped to the viewer. With this fix, the viewer will display only those content parts with file types that are mapped to the viewer.

IO27107 Content Manager OnDemand documents federated to FileNet P8 repositories cannot be opened using the CFS viewer plugin.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When Content Navigator is deployed to Websphere v9.x using JAX-RS 2.0, Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) documents federated to Filenet P8 repositories cannot be opened using the CFS viewer plugin. With this fix, CMOD documents can be opened successfully.

IO27223 Ping page hangs after entering login credentials, if the IBM Case Manager Client plugin is enabled.

(IBM Content Navigator users) The Ping page hangs after entering login credentials, if the IBM Case Manager client plugin is enabled. With this fix, the Ping page displays correctly.

IO27081 When scheduling an hourly asynchronous task, the days of the week buttons don't toggle on and off when selected.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When scheduling an hourly asynchronous task, the days of the week buttons don't toggle on and off when selected. With this fix, the buttons toggle on and off.

IO27103 Custom viewer displays blank image when opening and switching between multiple documents.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Custom viewer displays blank image when opening and switching between multiple documents. The browser console shows the error 'Maximum call stack size exceeded'. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27059 Download As PDF action on an AFP produces a larger than expected file.

(IBM Content Navigator users) When using the Download as PDF action for AFP documents, the AFP resources are being appended to the PDF file, resulting in a larger than expected file. With this fix, only the document content that is converted to PDF is returned, when using the Download as PDF action.

IO27072 User values specified in Action Filter of saved search are reset to null.

After creating a saved search that has the Action Filter enabled in Search Options and the filter 'Added by' is used to specify one or more Specific Users, if the search is reopened and Search Options examined, the specified users are seen to be replaced with null values. With this fix, the users specified in the Action Filter are retained.

IO27125 Deleting an item from a folder using a bookmark link results in an unexpected message.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Deleting an item from a folder using a bookmark link results in an unexpected message that there are no Favorites. With this fix, deleting an item works successfully.

IO27155 Red exclamation mark is cut off in required multi-valued properties in a document entry template

(IBM Content Navigator users) Red exclamation mark is cut off in required multi-valued properties in a document entry template. With this fix, the red exclamation mark will be displayed next to the multi-valued property.

IO27078 Multi-valued String property containing emptry string as value is displayed with half height row.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When a multi-valued String property containing an empty string as value is edited in the step processor, a single half height row is displayed. With this fix, users will no longer see the single half height row in the editor.

IO27079. Changing the item type of a document in a workflow results in an error.

(IBM Content Manager users) When the item type of a document in a workflow is changed, an error message is sometimes displayed stating 'Checking in an item requires that the item be checked out'. With this change, the error message is no longer displayed.

IO27058 IO27058 Users cannot select a radio button value in Property Table widget with a mouse click.

(IBM Content Navigator users) Using Property Table Widget in IBM Case Manager Desktop using Chrome, users cannot select a radio button value with a mouse click.

IO27106; After changing password, password field on login screen is prefilled with old password which causes an error on attempt to login.

(IBM Content Navigator users) If a user account is configured to change password on the next login and the password changed due to this setting, the subsequent login screen is seen to prefilled with the old password, which is confusing to the user and results in an error if a login is attempted. With this fix, the password field on the subsequent login screen is cleared, prompting the user to enter the new password and the login is successful.

IO27109 Entry template's workflow is not launched when checking in a document to create a new version.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Workflow configured for an entry template is not launched when a new verion of a document associated with the entry template, is created by checkin action. With this fix, the entry template's workflow is launched when a new version is created.

IO27200 When selecting dates in the recycle bin date picker, ie11 will truncate the dates selected..

When selecting dates in the Recycle Bin date picker, IE11 will truncate the dates selected.

IO27192 An error occurs on attempt to delete a document in the work list view.

(IBM Content Manager users) An error occurs on attempt to delete a document while in the work list view. With this fix, documents in the work list view can be deleted successfully.

IO27193 A hang occurs when launching workflow.

(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A hang occurs when launching workflow, if the user performing this action does not have access to one or workflow definitions. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is able to launch workflows successfully.

IO27191 An error occurs when selecting an action from the list of available actions in the work item context menu.

(IBM Content Manager users) When selecting an action from the list of available actions in the work item context menu, an error message occurs sporadically - 'You must select a response to continue the work item. Open the work item and select a response to continue on the workflow'. The same action however works for the same worklist within the Step Processor. With this fix, this issue does not occur.

IO27209 Document remains checked out even after completing work item actions in the worklist context menu.

(IBM Content Manager users)  Document is not unlocked after it is routed to another work node by selecting one of the the available work item actions. With this fix, the document will be unlocked after it is routed to another work node if the document was locked by the user that performed the action.

IO27222 Worklist document that has been automatically checked out, remains checked out when browser is closed or user navigates away from the worklist view to other tasks.

(IBM Content Manager users) When a document in a worklist that has been configured to return one item at a time, is automatically checked out by this setting, it is seen to remain checked out even though the user closes the browser window or navigates away from the worklist view, to another application or area within the desktop. With this fix, this issue is resolved by introducing a new setting, ‘systemAssignedWorklistsAutoOpenStepProcessor’, which when set to ‘true’, causes the step processor window to be automatically displayed, as a popup, when the system-defined worklist is viewed by a user.  When the user closes the step processor popup window (that has been opened automatically) the work list is refreshed and the current item is unlocked.

IO27054 System properties are displayed out of order in the document info pane

(IBM Content Navigator users) When editing properties in the document info pane, the system properties are not always displayed in the order configured on the repository. With this fix, the system properties are displayed in the right order.

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