IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center V10.2.0.6 Fix 506599 Readme


This fix contains enhancements and fixes between 1st November 2018 to 13 November 2018.


Readme documentation for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center V10.2.0 Fix including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes.
This fix adds the following enhancements:
1. Enable the 'Data' tab for VNC jobs.
2. Enable the $USER environment variable to be passed into the ActionWrapper script.
3. Enable the last selected folder to be kept.

This fix also addresses the following issues:
1. The table sorting limitation in iFix #505210.
2. After assigning all permissions to the share directory for a normal user, but the normal user only gets the "View only" permission.
3. If a directory contains a link file where the original file is deleted, the share directory cannot display the folder or file.

Limitation: When configuring ActionWrapper to access remote hosts via a script file, the “Edit”, “Upload”, and “Download” operations in the “Data” page do not work as expected.

Note: Clear the browser cache after applying this patch.

Readme file for: IBM® Spectrum LSF Application Center
Product/Component Release: 10.2
Update Name: Fix 506599
Fix ID: pac-10.2-build506599
Publication date: 28 Nov. 2018
Last modified date: 28 Nov. 2018
