Readme File for IBM® Spectrum Symphony Interim Fix 506409 

Readme File for: IBM Spectrum Symphony

Product Release:

Update Name: Interim Fix 506409

Fix ID: sym-7.2-build506409

Publication Date: November 16, 2018

When the loader controller (plc) loads soamdb history files and backup folder in IBM Spectrum Symphony, you might encounter an error “String or binary data would be truncated”, preventing the plc from loading all data to the database. This interim fix provides a temporary resolution for this issue.


1. List of fixes

2. Download location

3. Product and components affected

4. Installation and configuration

5. Uninstallation

6. List of files

7. Product notifications

8. Copyright and trademark information

1.    List of fixes

APAR: P102792

2.    Download location

Download interim fix 506409 from the following location

3.    Products and components affected

Component name, Platform, Fix ID:

PERF, Linux x86_64, sym-7.2-build506409

4.    Installation and configuration

Follow these instructions to download and install this interim fix in your cluster:

System requirements

Linux x86_64


a.     Stop the loader controller service (plc) and purger service:

> egosh service stop plc purger

b.    For recovery purposes, log on to each management host in your cluster as the cluster administrator and back up the following file:



NOTE: To avoid compatibility issues, ensure that you move the old file to another directory altogether.

c.     Download the sym- file.

d.    Log on to each management host as the cluster administrator and extract the sym- file contents to the top-level installation directory. For example, enter:

$ tar zxfo sym- -C $EGO_TOP/

e.     Copy $EGO_TOP/perf/conf/dataloader/symtaskhistloader.xml to the directory $EGO_CONFDIR/../../perf/conf/dataloader/.

f.     Start the plc and purger services:

> egosh service start plc purger

5.    Uninstallation

If required, follow these steps to uninstall this interim fix in your cluster:

a.     Stop the loader controller service (plc) and purger service:

> egosh service stop plc purger

b.    Log on to each management host in the cluster as the cluster administrator and restore your backup for the following file:



c.     Start the plc and purger services:

> egosh service start plc purger

6.    List of fixes



7.    Product notifications

To receive information about product solution and patch updates automatically, subscribe to product notifications on the My Notifications page on the IBM Support website ( You can edit your subscription settings to choose the types of information you want to get notification about, for example, security bulletins, fixes, troubleshooting, and product enhancements or documentation changes.

8.    Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2018

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