Fixes in this APAR PH02599 for Financial Crimes Insight 1.0.2 1. TS001006625: In baskets search appears hang after hiding some properties with prominence as -1 2. TS001006625: Clarification needed about in basket sort by priority 3. Search/Filter in In-baskets not working as expected when using ID beyond 32767 Download and installation instructions 1) Log on as root the Kubernetes master node 2) Run the following commands as root make a copy of /fci-exports/fci-solution/servers/solutionServer/apps/fci_solution_ear.ear and fci_ui_ear.ear files i) cd /fci-exports/fci-solution/servers/solutionServer ii) tar czvf /fci-exports/fci-solution/apps-$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar.gz apps iii) the two commands above creates a directory /fci-exports/fci-solution/servers/solutionServer/apps with a copy of the original ear files 3) Download the apar fix from iBM Fix Central this contains 3 files i) readme.txt (this file) ii) fci_solution_ear.ear iii) fci_ui_ear.ear 4) Push the two ear files (fci_solution_ear.ear and fci_ui_ear.ear) up to the Kubernetes master node, you can use sftp to move the file up to the Kubernetes Master Node 5) As the root copy fci_solution_ear.ear and fci_ui_ear.ear to the /fci-exports/fci-solution/servers/solutionServer/apps/ directory and overwrite the existing files there 6) As root run this command to get exact name of the fci-solution pod kubectl get pods The output would look like: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE fci-analytics-3356795634-sqs4s 1/1 Running 2 270d fci-messaging-1002961710-2f71n 1/1 Running 2 270d fci-primaryds-1305747323-m3qtl 1/1 Running 2 270d fci-solution-1387885655-jgl89 1/1 Running 2 270d 7) restart the fci solution pod by running this command (this actually deletes the pods running fci-solution and Kubernetes automatically re-creates the pod and will start with the two new ear files) kubectl delete pod fci-solution-1387885655-jgl89 but replace "fci-solution-1387885655-jgl89" with the exact values from your environment as "1387885655-jgl89" will be different in your environment 8) Wait 3 to 5 minutes login and verify that things are still working https://:9443/console/login.jsp where you replace with fully qualified hostname of your Kubernetes master server, for example 9) You are finished, below is superfluous information that may help the administrator applying the apar. Extraneous information permissions and size of files before the apar files are applied -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 22026856 Dec 13 2017 fci_ui_library_ear.ear -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 60336130 Dec 13 2017 fci_ui_ear.ear -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 30580474 Dec 13 2017 fci_solution_ear.ear -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16525 Dec 14 2017 CF-TEST-STYLING-EAR.ear permissions and size of the files after the apar are copied cd /fci-exports/fci-solution/servers/solutionServer/apps [root@jimrh74a1 apps]# ls -ltr total 110360 -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 22026856 Dec 13 2017 fci_ui_library_ear.ear -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16525 Dec 14 2017 CF-TEST-STYLING-EAR.ear -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 30608400 Sep 11 09:54 fci_solution_ear.ear -rw-r--r-- 1 1602 1600 60347403 Sep 11 09:56 fci_ui_ear.ear Status immediately after deleting the fci-solution pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE fci-analytics-3356795634-sqs4s 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-messaging-1002961710-2f71n 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-primaryds-1305747323-m3qtl 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-solution-1387885655-62rj9 0/1 Running 0 8s fci-solution-1387885655-jgl89 0/1 Terminating 2 271d Status command after 1 minute of deleting the fci-solution pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE fci-analytics-3356795634-sqs4s 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-messaging-1002961710-2f71n 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-primaryds-1305747323-m3qtl 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-solution-1387885655-62rj9 0/1 Running 0 1m Status command after 2 minutes of deleting the fci-solution pod [root@jimrh74a1 apps]# kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE fci-analytics-3356795634-sqs4s 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-messaging-1002961710-2f71n 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-primaryds-1305747323-m3qtl 1/1 Running 2 271d fci-solution-1387885655-62rj9 1/1 Running 0 2m