Readme for IBM® Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1 Interim Fix 498785

Readme file for: IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark
Product/Component Release: 2.2.1
Update Name: Interim Fix 498785
Fix ID: cws-2.2.1-build498785
Publication date: Aug 13, 2018


Security vulnerability exists in IBM Java SDK.


This interim fix enables you to upgrade the IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1 to fix the following security vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK: CVE-2018-2814, CVE-2018-2794, CVE-2018-2783, CVE-2018-2799, CVE-2018-2798, CVE-2018-2797, CVE-2018-2796, CVE-2018-2795, CVE-2018-2800, and CVE-2018-2790.


1.       List of fixes

2.       Download location

3.       System requirements

4.       Packages

5.       Installation and configuration

6.       Uninstallation

7.       List of files

8.       Copyright and trademark information

1.            List of fixes

APAR: P102673

2.            Download location

Download interim fix 498785 from the following location:

3.            System requirements

Linux x86_64 or Linux ppc64le

4.            Packages


Package to download




JRE 8 SR5 FP17 package for IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1



JRE 8 SR5 FP17 package for IBM Spectrum Conductor with Spark 2.2.1

5.            Installation and configuration

a.       Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator and stop all Spark instance groups.

b.       Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

c.        Stop all services and shut down the cluster:

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

d.       Log on to each host in your cluster (root or sudo-to-root permission).

e.       Define the CLUSTERADMIN environment variable and set it to any valid operating user account, which then owns all installation files, for example:

> export CLUSTERADMIN=egoadmin

f.         Upgrade the JRE by using the RPM in this interim fix.

Note: RPM version 4.2.1 or later must be installed on the host.

For example, on Linux x86_64 hosts, enter:

> mkdir -p /tmp/cws221build498785

> tar zxof cws- -C /tmp/cws221build498785

> rpm -ivh --replacefiles --prefix $EGO_TOP --dbpath dbpath_location /tmp/cws221build498785/egojre-

where dbpath_location specifies the path to your database.

g.       Source the cluster profile again and start the cluster:

> egosh ego start all

The cshrc.jre and profile.jre files are updated to the current JRE version. If you made copies of these files, ensure that you update the copied files with the new JRE version.

h.       Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator and start the required Spark instance groups.

i.         Run the rpm –qa command to verify the installation. For example, on Linux x86_64 hosts, enter:

> rpm -qa --dbpath dbpath_location |grep egojre


6.            Uninstallation

a.     Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator and stop all Spark instance groups.

b.     Log on to the master host as the cluster administrator:

> egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin

c.     Stop services and shut down the cluster:

> egosh service stop all

> egosh ego shutdown all

d.     Log on to each host in your cluster (root or sudo-to-root permission).

e.      Define the CLUSTERADMIN environment variable and set it to any valid operating user account, which then owns all installation files, for example:

> export CLUSTERADMIN=egoadmin

f.      Uninstall the existing JRE and install the old JRE.

Note: RPM version 4.2.1 or later must be installed on the host. 

For example, on Linux x86_64 hosts, enter:

> rpm -e egojre- --dbpath dbpath_location --nodeps

where dbpath_location specifies the path to your database.

> rpm -qa --dbpath dbpath_location |grep egojre

For each previous egojre rpm, run:

> rpm -e egojre_name --dbpath dbpath_location --nodeps

Then, install the old JRE:

> mkdir -p /tmp/extract221

> cws- --extract /tmp/extract221

> rpm -ivh --prefix $EGO_TOP --dbpath dbpath_location /tmp/extract221/egojre-*.rpm

g.    Source the cluster profile again and start the cluster:

> egosh ego start all

h.     Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator and start the required Spark instance groups.

7.            List of files



8.            Copyright and trademark information

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2018

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